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(120 minutes)

Resource: LN and PPT Week 5 Session 6, 7

ANNASTASYA C.R – 2201849705

RAHMANIA SEKAR – 2201847435



A. Listening Skill 5 (9 Points)

Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to the

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)

Listen to a lecture in a biology class.

1. How is the information in the passage organized?

A. Various types of plants are explained.
B. Various ways that plants respond to stimuli are classified.
C. Various plants that survive in different environments are described.
D. Various areas where plants grow best are outlined.
The answer : D
2. Is each of these kinds of tropism described in the passage?
For each item, choose YES or NO column.
The way plants respond to water V
The way plants respond to cold V
The way plants respond to geography V
The way plants respond to gravity V
The way plants respond to height V
The way plants respond to light V

3. What is each of these types of tropism?

For each item, choose the correct column.
Phototropism Geotropis Hydrotropism
A response to light V
A response to water V
A response to gravity V

B. Listening Skill 6 (4 Points)

Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to the

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

Listen as a student asks her advisor about a placement test.

1. What is implied about the math placement test?

A. It is really difficult.
B. It is required for all students.
C. The advisor does not recommend it.
D. Not all students take it.
The answer : B

2. What is the student most likely going to do?

A. Try to score well on the test
B. Take the beginning math class
C. Speak to a different advisor
D. Skip the placement test
The answer : A

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4)

Listen as a student meets with his professor to discuss a term paper he is writing.

3. How was this meeting most likely initiated?

A. The student requested the meeting.
B. The student stopped by the office for an unscheduled meeting.
C. The meeting happened by chance.
D. The professor asked the student to come.
The answer : C

4. What is the professor’s overall assessment of the outline?

A. There is no room for improvement.
B. It is not as good as it could be.
C. Nothing about it is right.
D. It is too organized.
The answer : B

C. Listening Skill 5-6 (16 Points)

Listen to the passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to the

Questions 1-7

Listen a discussion about a history course.

1. What does the discussion focus on?

A. Historical events at three locations
B. A century-by-century history of an area
C. Various ways the Wright brothers proved influential
D. Three different study questions
The answer : A
2. How are the locations presented?
A. In spatial order from south to north

B. In order of importance
C. In the order suggested by the professor
D. In chronological order
The answer : C
3. When did these people live?
For each person of people, choose the correct column.
16th century 18th century 20th century
Blackbeard V
Wright brothers V
Lost colonists V

4. With what people are these locations asociated?

For each person of people, choose the correct column.
Blackbeard Wright brothers Lost colonists
Roanoke Island V
Ocracoke Island V
Kitty Hawk V

5. Do the students discuss these places?

For each place, choose YES or NO column.
A place where a ship was lost V
A place where a colony was established V
A place used as a pirate’s hideout V
A place that was attacked by pirates V
A place where there is an airport V
A place where an event in aviation history took place V

6. What can be inferred from the passage about the events selected by the students?
A. They all involved famous people.
B. They were not all positive events.
C. They all took place within the last century.
D. They all occurred in different states.

The answer : D

7. What will the students most likely do next?

A. Visit the Outer Banks
B. Take the history exam
C. Finish the last question
D. Discuss the Outer Banks further

The answer : C
D. Speaking and Writing: business meeting and minute of meeting (71 Points)

In your group, chairing a business meeting in order to create a new business or company.
Inside of the meeting, discuss everything you need to open the business such as the name of the
company, name of product and service, strength, price, location, promotion, competitors etc.
During the discussion create a minute of meeting (MoM), attach your first draft of your MoM
and also the edited MoM to be reported to the director.
Organic Is Better
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
April 8 , 9 at Fave Hotel Jakarta
Participants will ..                
  ■ To Improve knowledge about Organic plants  
  ■ To invite more people to consume organic  
  ■ Cultivate organic plants  
Time Minute Activity
9:00 - 9:20 20 INTRODUCTION
      Less pesticides ,we have more than 200 items  
        Present by Annastasya  
9:20 - 10:00 40 Session 01  
      ♦ Knowledge about Organic  
      ♦ Tpes of organic vegetables and fruits that will be developed
        Present by Ria Arsad  
10:00 - 10:10 10 Coffee Break  
10:10 - 11:00 50 Session 02  
      ♦ Planting Process  
      ♦ Harvest  
        Present by Rahmania  
11:00 - 11:30 30 Session 03  
    ♦ Who are our competitors ?  
    ♦ What about prices ?  
    Clossing Present by Nadira Putra  

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