Course: Advertising and Promotion Assignment: 1 & 2

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Course: Advertising and promotion

Assignment: 1 & 2

Submitted By:

Anum Samson 004

Hadia Shahid 012

Business Administration BBA 8

Submitted To:
Mr. Tanveer Abbas

Advantages of Advertising:...................................................................................................................3
Disadvantages of Advertising...............................................................................................................3
Sources of advertising...........................................................................................................................4
Candi biscuit ad.....................................................................................................................................4
Ufone ad.................................................................................................................................................5
Review of article........................................................................................................................................7
Impact of Advertising Beliefs and Personalization on Attitude towards Advertising; Mediating
Role of Advertising Value.....................................................................................................................7

Advertising is a marketing action to promote a product, service, or cause. The authentic
promotional messages are called advertisements and ads in a short form. The main goal of
advertising is to reach people most likely to be willing to pay for a company’s products or
services and persuade them to buy. The advertising can be done through different forms i.e. print
advertising, broadcast advertising, outdoor advertising and digital advertising etc. There are 3
main objectives of advertising that are as follows:

⮚ To inform
⮚ To persuade an
⮚ To remind

These three are the major objectives but other objectives include brand building, increasing sales,
creating demand for products, expanding customer base and changing customer attitudes etc. The
advertisements are not only beneficial for the businesses, but it is also beneficial for the
customers in making them more convenient in making decisions about what suits their budget
and requirements. It aware the customer about different features of product and availability of
products in market. Awareness through advertisements helps customers to have a comparison of
different products and they become able to choose best for themselves.

Advantages of Advertising:
⮚ Helps in Brand Building
⮚ Reduces Per-Unit Cost
⮚ Helps in Launching New Product
⮚ Attracts New Customers
⮚ Helps in Reducing Customer Turnover
⮚ Educates the Customers

Disadvantages of Advertising
⮚ Increases the Costs
⮚ Confuses the Buyer
⮚ Is Sometimes Misleading
⮚ Only for Big Businesses

⮚ Encourages the Sale of Inferior Products

Sources of advertising



There are different impacts of advertisements on the viewers that may be positive or negative.
some of the most important are deception and manipulation in advertising, the effect of
advertising on our value system, commercial clutter, stereotypes, and offensiveness. The
advertisements also promote emotional, moral, societal etc. messages to viewers.

Candi biscuit ad
The first advertisement that I chose for critical analysis is of Candy biscuit which I saw on

This ad has been endorsed by Sana Javed and Mohsin Abbas. Firstly, the ad starts with a
wedding ceremony and after it the series in the ad begins to continue which shows that it is
socially appealing to the viewers. All the series portrays the character Abdullah as a scarifying,
helping friend.

Ethics and social responsibility come into our minds when seeing this advertisement. Social
responsibility means doing what society views as best for the welfare of people in general or for
a specific community of people as in this ad character is helping others. This kind of human
society creates peaceful and respectful relationships among its members. This ad is targeting
emotions especially emphasizing friendships and the importance of having caring friends. It also
portrays social responsibility of helping others. Thus, this ad creates powerful memories in our
mind linking to our emotions of friendship and sacrifice.

The video showcasing the two with their friends. This ad is all about celebrating friendship. We
saw and felt performer Mohsin Abbas Haider and the actress Sana Javed doing the series of TV
set in a short story video. As the ad is about celebrating friendship that makes every moment
with friends a special one with its incomparable sweetness and will to explore and get on
adventures with your friends. The ad also showed that without the existence of friends your life
is incomplete. They are the real ‘most valuable persons’ who make your life a little sweeter with
their pranks and daily jokes. The advertisement was by Candi and it shows us all the incidents
that one could instantly relate to a memory accompanied with each sequence of the video as the
ad revolves around that one friend who stands with you through all ups and downs in life and
brings that extra flavor in your life in the form of Candi. This is that one friend who you always
have countless memories with that stays with you and the actors deliver that with grace and
spirit. The slogan of the ad is “WO MEETHAS JO KISI OR MAI KAHAN” to appeal to the
viewers who are lovers of sweets. The ad also indicates that the character Abdullah is spreading
sweetness through facilitating and helping his friends that’s why in last of ad they said
“Abdullah khas meethas ka naam hai jisy aap hamesha yaad rakhiya gyn” they relates him
with sweetness of Candi. If we critically analyze this ad it is more showing friendship rather than
prompting Candi. The ingredients and importance of Candi is only shown at the end of this ad.

This ad overall gives positive and celebratory vibes to the audience since positive and happy ads
are easy to remember and recall.

Ufone ad

The second advertisement is about Ufone. It is an advertisement that emotionally associates a

son with his mother. This advertisement has an emotional appeal. The slogan of this ad is
“khaloos-e-dil sy ap k sath”, “ufone sab kuch tum he to ho'', “hamari dua tum khairiyat sy
raho”. This ad is casted by Sajida Syed and Jahanzeb khan. In this ad ufone is giving a message
to its viewers that whether they are abroad or not they can connect to their loved ones and can
share their emotions. This ad has also targeted the emotions of the audience. Studies show
emotional ads are far more efficient in convincing customers to but the product or service. Here
in this ad customers are emotionally persuaded to use their service when they are missing their
loved ones. It also portrays a mother son relationship and how Ufone takes care of its customer
like a mother takes care of her child.

This also shows the hope and courage that we get from our family, especially our mothers. This
ad is trying to bring the essence of family and how family is with us even in our difficult times.
The starting of ad is very emotional because the character Hassan is in America for employment,
but 2 corer American residents were fired from their employment but Hassan connection with his
mother gives him hope. The cup was given to him from the company on which it was written
“Employee of the month” which was shown closely in the ad that he was a brilliant employee. It
was also emotionally related in a sense that he was one to support his family, but unemployment
made him feel helpless and through ufone we can connect to our loved ones for hours and hours.

Ufone initiative is good in this ad but if it showed different ufone call packages to its viewers the
ad would become more convincing to customers. Because the target audience needs the ad
according to their requirements and demand. From this ad ufone only taken into a partial
disclosure because they omitted other material information. However, in these difficult times of
pandemic, Ufone wants its customers to know they are not alone, and they can still connect to
their loved ones.

Review of article
Impact of Advertising Beliefs and Personalization on Attitude towards
Advertising; Mediating Role of Advertising Value
Summary of Article:

In the marketing context introduction of mobile technology is major point of concern. The
innovation through mobile marketing, also known as M. marketing, is creating relationship with
consumers in a new way. Through mobile marketing and short messages services the advertising
has become easy and handy. The exchange of communication between consumers and
marketers/ advertisers has become more convenient and interactive way to communicate.
knowing consumers perception has become very important which has been examined by
previous researchers (Nasco and Burner, 2008). Mobile marketing is complex phenomena
therefore, perceived value and entertainment are important for mobile marketing assessment
(Pihlstrom and Brush, 2008). Research conducted by many past researchers to check the
complex phenomena of mobile marketing in which consumers response towards mobile
marketing was positive as compare to other mediums (Rettie, Grandcolas & Deakins, 2005). The
mobile marketing has its importance because personalization which connects consumers to
mobile marketing (Jingjun XU, 2006). Consumers attitude is also affected by advertising value.

Therefore, advertising beliefs and values influence attitude towards advertising. However, both
advertising belief and advertising values impact each other. The aim of this study is to develop
mediation of advertising value among advertising beliefs and attitudes. In this study it is essential
to analyze people attitude towards personalized advertising message because previously
mentioned it is very important to know consumers attitude. According to Ajzen and Fishbein
(1980) “theory of reasoned action”, consumers beliefs and evaluation about certain things impact
their attitudes. Consumers attitudes are assessed by certain dimensions i.e. they have negative
attitude for trust and worthiness of advertisement and positive attitude towards informativeness
and entertaining (Shavitt, Lowrey & Haefner, 1998). The theory of “Uses and gratification “has
been used in this study to define the relationship of advertising value and beliefs (Ling et al,
2012). There are three dimensions as predictors of value in this theory i.e information,
entertainment and irritation.

Mobile marketing is a platform of sending advertising messages, products information, new sale,
new product offers through mobile phones to consumers (Okozoki, 2007). Today, consumers
purchasing behavior has been changed through introduction of mobile marketing. It is easy way
for advertisers/ marketers to convey persuasive advertising messages to consumers.
Personalization of messages can be done according to consumers preferences. Such type of
messages is sent through SMS to mobile phones (Jinjgun XU,2006). One advantage is that if
message is not according to consumers interest there are chances it can be removed (Elden)

Mobile advertising can be done through 3 mobile messages i.e MMS, SMS and Bluetooth. The
people attitude towards conventional mediums like Radios, TV can be assessed by gratification
theory. There are 10 hypotheses in this study. In which independent variables are
informativeness, entertainment, credibility, irritation and personalization. And attitude towards
mobile advertisements is dependent variable. The advertising value is mediating the relationship
of both variables. All hypothesis in this study has been accepted and proven. Advertising value is
created when advertisements message is true and trustworthy. The positive result has been shown
by mediating role of advertising value. The data collected in this study through primary
resources in which questionnaire survey approach was adopt. The data was gathered from both
genders’ males and females of various age groups. The non-contrived setting, individual unit of
analysis and cross structured time horizon was selected for this research. It is quantitative study.
The data was analyzed using SPSS. The result showed that all independent variables relates
positively with attitude except irritation which has been accepted by hypothesis. [ CITATION Abb16
\l 1033 ]

The study showed consumer positive attitude towards mobile advertisements. The study was
conducted to reveal consumer response towards such advertisement. The theoretical framework
incorporated the advertising value as mediator. The personal messages in advertisements is more
appealing and positively connected with consumers. impact of entertainment, information and
credibility in the presence of advertising value affects attitude for advertisement. But irritation
negatively affect the consumer attitude for advertisements. The mediating analysis run to check
impact of mediation on mediator which shows that all relations have partial mediation which

reveals that impact of mediation is not affected by mediator. Therefore, we can say that
advertisements with many characteristics can change that attitude of consumers towards
advertisements. The role of personal messages is more affective in developing interest of
consumers for advertisements. Therefore, marketers should develop such mobile advertisements
which create long lasting and value adverting in minds of consumers.

This is related to Chapter 1st of contemporary advertisement book i.e Advertising and IMC
Today, in which relationship marketing (page no.9) has been discussed it is very important to
create trustworthy relationship with consumers. Maintaining good relationship with consumers
will help markers to promote their products or services. To succeed, companies must focus on
managing loyalty among carefully chosen customers. The Four Sources of Brand Messages
(page no. 13) the brand messages are important for customer perception. The product or service
message should be well planned that customers are fully aware of their features and benefits. The
unplanned messages are not influential to the consumers. [ CITATION Are17 \l 1033 ]

Chapter 3rd The Big Picture: Economic and Regulatory Aspects, also relates to this article in
topic “social impact of advertising’’ (page no. 68) For advertising to be effective, consumers
must have confidence in it. When consumers find that advertising message is trustworthy, and
they find it to be true they would perceive advertisement more favorably in terms of advertising.
The ads which are deceptive will not create trust among customers. value. Therefore, ads should
be informative and true so that it has a social importance in society. Effect on Consumer Choice
(page no. 67) introducing new product helps the marketer to beat their competitors. freedom of
advertisement through mobile marketing helps marketers to develop new products and improve
old ones. The Social Impact of Advertising in Perspective (page no.73) the advertising through
mobile marketing will have social impacts too. The consumer will get aware of product through
mobile phones SMS. It also encourages the development and speeds the acceptance of new
products through technology. In mobile advertisements ethics and values should be kept in mind
of advertisers. [ CITATION Are17 \l 1033 ]

Chapter 5 i.e Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of Advertising, also closely
related to this article. Exchanges, Perception, and Satisfaction (page no.145) the exchange is
important factor as in advertising there is exchange of communication between marketers and
consumers. Also, perception of consumers is everything which should assured by the marketers

that it should be positive. knowing your consumers is very important for developing any
advertisement. It has also mentioned in Chapter 5 (page no. 151). whether your customers’ need
is personal, emotional and informative etc. an advertiser should develop his advertisements
accordingly to satisfying consumers. Therefore , the point where marketers develop a deep
understanding of their customers, they can be more effective in adjusting or changing their
customers’ perception of the product and their customers’ belief in the product’s value to satisfy
their perceived wants or needs. It is important for marketers to check consumer perception.
Marketers spend a lot of money to keep individuals and groups of individuals interest in their
products. Therefore, to increase consumers interest through personal message advertisements is

10 | P a g e
Abbas, T. &. (2016). “Impact of Advertising Beliefs and Personalization on Attitude towards Advertising;
Mediating. International Journal of Business Management and Commerce, 1(2), 10-19.

Arens, W. F. (2017). Contemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications. New York:
McGraw-Hill Education.

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