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Qliphothic Sphereworking Rites

This article will be finished incrementally, and it will include self-initiation rites
for all ten spheres of the Qliphoth. Go to my website’s new “Qliphothic Self-
Initiation” category every once in a while for updates on this and the previous
article. Non-Qliphothic Sphereworkings and Pathworkings (i.e. Initiations
through the Tunnels of Set) will be coming out soon, all free and publicly
available forever (someone had to do this).

These rites use some chants that I did not write: this includes Book of Belial by
John Putigano, Tree of Shadows from Black Tower Publishing, The Book of
Sitra Achra by the 218 Current, Lilith: Goddess of Sitra Ahra from Black Tower
Publishing, the corpus of Dragon Rouge, The Book of Mephisto by Asenath
Mason, the writings of Baron and Baronessa Araignee, The True Red Book of
Appin, the manuscripts of the Temple of the Black Light, and The Bible of the
Adversary by Michael W. Ford.

Self-Initiation through a planetary sphere has the same basic effects regardless
of whether said planetary sphere is accessed through the Sephiroth, Qliphoth,
Tree of Wyrd, or even without the use of any schema (tree). There are only two
differences when using the Qliphoth: (i) you are using black magick, so it’s both
more powerful and more dangerous, and (ii) the Sphere of the Black Earth is not
the same as the Sphere of the Earth. The next article will provide sphereworking
rites for the Planetary Spheres of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun which make
no use of any tree and still invoke the auspices of demons for the working. The
Non-Qliphothic Sphereworkings may be pursued at any time or not at all, so for
now, we focus on the Qliphoth.

Each sphereworking elevates consciousness and orchestrates a trial in the

mundane life of the celebrant, which trial completes the transformutation
engendered by the sphereworking. Niners and practitioners of demon magick
alike provide the guideline of performing one sphereworking per month, and
while this is a good guideline, I don’t give a fuck about guidelines and neither
should you. You perform the next sphereworking when your spirit guides decide
you do: if your gut says you need to perform two different sphereworkings in
one night, you fucking do it.

These rites integrate the Qlipha-opening formulae provided in Liber Sitra Achra
from the 218 Current and compliment said formula with a thoroughly excessive
dose of name-vibration and recitation of magickal formula. Each rite starts with
the vibration of the names of the demons and deities attributed to the Qlipha and
continues with a series of magickal chants which serve to presence the energies
& entities of the Qlipha. Chants to Saksaksalim and Gaap are used in every
Qliphothic sphereworking because they are capable of engendering initiation
through all the Qliphothic spheres and tunnels– a very unique ability. Most
demons have multiple planetary and Qliphothic attributions, so don’t be
surprised to see the central devil of a given Qlipha invoked in Sphereworkings
to other Qliphothic realms.

My sphereworkings are probably more than ten times as powerful than the
average Qlipha-opening formula for a reason: you won’t be needing incense,
specifically colored candles, sigils, etc. to achieve insanely powerful results with
these rites (but if such accompaniments are available to you, use them). I am
open to having these articles appear in print in some anthology, book, or other
publication, but it is the prerogative of interested parties to approach me if they
would like that.

If you feel led to self-initiate through a given Qlipha when you have not
performed the sphereworkings preceding it, do so. You will still experience an
elevation of consciousness, but you will not be able to access the full alchemical
potency of the Qlipha until you’ve been initiated through its predecessors. The
second-to-last chant in every sphereworking strengthens the internal nexion
(Black Flame) with the Black Light of the Qliphoth, with light is a half-and-half
mixture of darkness and light (rather than some dualistic antithesis of normal
azoth). The final chant strengthens the internal nexion with non-infernal azoth.
Each chant is recited eight times because eight is the number of the
Philosopher’s Stone. The goal of these workings is to develop the Adamas Ater
[Black Diamond] or Lapis Exilis [Stone of Exile]– the variant of the
Philosopher’s Stone attainable through the alchemy of demon magick.

If you have yet to perform a single sphereworking, you will find instantly that
planetary self-initiations, regardless of whether performed with or without the
Qliphoth, is precisely the avenue of self-empowerment you’ve been dreaming
of. You may alter these rites in any way you desire. If you would rather use
another writer’s sphereworkings instead of mine, no one is going to tell you
that’s a bad idea. If you want to go back and forth between my sphereworkings
and those written by someone else, you may do so. You can access the
Qliphothic spheres any way you like. I have not read Asenath Mason’s recent
Qliphothic grimoire, but after having read The Book of Mephisto and Mason’s
article in Qliphoth Opus III, I have no doubt that her recent book is far better
than anything I have written about the Qliphoth. In fact, I will tacitly say that it
will probably be at least 30 years before anyone else writes as good of a treatise
on the Qliphoth as she published with BALG.

It is worth specifying that the intention of these rites is to call the power of the
spheres into one’s person and into one’s life. There is no need here to enter the
sphere via astral projection, dream work, or vision-journey: do such only if you
desire. You are not obliged to.
Based on the feedback I’ve gotten from my other rituals, I am completely
confident that these are some of the best Qliphothic sphereworkings ever
written, just as I am confident that absolutely anyone can write rituals as
powerful as mine. The magickal chants section of my site serves to make it as
easy as possible for you to do so. I have no contention whatsoever with anyone,
on any website, or in any publication using any of my original chants in their
own work without notifying me. I would like to be given credit if this happens,
but I currently have no intention of starting beef with anyone who replicates
these chants without giving me credit.

Sphere One: the Rite of Nahemoth

Shax + Behemoth + Azael + Laylah + Phenex + Qalilitu + Nobrexial +

Heteriel + Molidiel + A’ainiel + Thauhedriel + Negamahel + Hamahel +
Mirshaathel + Atadel + Thazazel
Liftoach Shaari Ha-Nahemoth B’Shem Ha-Na-Ama-Hema (x11)
[Open the Gate to Nahemoth in the Name of Na-Ama-Hema]

Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria!

Veni, Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh!
Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras!
Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach Nehemoth, Sitra Ahra Gloria!
[Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Current of the Adversary/ Come,
Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black Light/ And Return All to Darkness/ Hail
unto Hell, the Sphere of the Black Earth is Opened by the Current of the
Adversary, Glory to the Other Side]

Baruch Ha-Kelippa Ha-Reschaim– Liftoach Nahemoth– Phenex Va-Azael

Liftoach Nahemo  (x9) [Blessed is Reschaim, the Qlipha of the Black Earth–
Open the Qliphothic Dwelling of the Black Earth– Phenex and Azael, Open the
Womb-Sphere of the Black Earth]

Goap Liftoach Kelippot! Agios Ischyros Nahemo! Qodesh La-Nahemoth! Ari

Refu Mata Dragon! Agios o Azael Rex Grigori Et Nephilim! Invoco Phenex In
Nomine Qliphoth! Vocamus Te Laylah-Noctiferi! Azielis Proveni Ether Subtilis
Totis Orbis! Naamah Nahema Ha-Nahemoth, Liftoach Shaari Ha-Sitra Ahra!
[Goap, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous and Mighty is Nahemo! Holy to
Nahemoth! (Chant to Behemoth)! Numinous is Azael the King of the Watchers
and Giants! I Call to Phenex in the Name of the Qliphoth! We Call to Laylah the
Bringer of Night! Azielis, Provide the Fine Ether of the Entire Universe!
Naamah/Nahema/Ha-Nahemoth, Open the Gate to the Infernal Plane]
Anoki Adamas Ater (X8) [I am the Black Diamond]
Sum Lapis Philosophorum (X8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Two: the Rite of Gamaliel

Vinea + Tzuflifu + Avnas + Verrain + Satanchia + Ornias + Murmur +

Tanin’iver + Mammon + Euronymous + Qalilitu + Gedebriel + Materiel +
Lapreziel + Idexriel + Alephriel + Labraeziel + Gadaphel + Maarabel +
Lachashel + Iathsathel + Avvahel + Layilel

Liftoach Shaari ha-Gamaliel B’Shem ha-Lilith (x11)

[Open the Gate to Gamaliel in the Name of Lilith]

Goap Liftoach Kelippot! Invoco Verrine In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios Ischyros

Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra! Lilit Reginam
Aeternum Noctis! Interveni Vinea– Aethereus Dominator! Liftoach
Pandemonium, Et Germinet Avnas! Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae!
[Goap, Open the Qliphoth! I Call to Verrine in the Name of the Qliphoth!
Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon! Eurynomos,
Open the Other Side! Lilith, Eternal Queen of the Night! Open the Infernal
Plane, and Bring Forth Avnas! Numinous (is) Murmux the King of Ghouls]

Ornias Va-Layilel Liftoach Shaari Gamaliel (x7)

[Ornias and Layilel, Open the Gate to Gamaliel]

Io Mammon– Drakon Anabaino Gamalielim! Venire Tanin’iver Et Germinet

Anados! Invoco Layilel In Nomine Qliphoth!  Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul!
Ama Lilith, Liftoach Kliffoth! Venire Mater Qalilitu! Veni, Saksaksalim, Et
Germinet Aur Chashakh! Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel!
[Hail Mammon– Dragon From Gamalielim! Come, Tanin’iver and Engender
Magickal Ascent! I Call to Layilel in the Name of the Qliphoth! Qalilitu, Come
and Generate Black Light! Mother Lilith, Open the Qliphoth! Come Mother
Qalilitu! Come, Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black Light! Numinous is Queen
Lilith of Gamaliel]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Three: the Rite of Samael

Glasya-Labolas + Buer + Amon + Saksaksalim + Pruslas + Mephistophiles
+ Sheoliel + Molebriel + Afluxriel + Libridiel + Samael + Salaphel +
Maradel + Ayabel + Lachatsel

Liftoach Shaari ha-Samael B’Shem ha-Adramelek (x11)

[Open the Gate to Samael in the Name of Adramelech]

Baruch ha-Adrammelech Melek ha-Qlipha ha-Kokab! Liftoach Qliphoth

B’Shem ha-Mephistophilis! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Pruslas! Veni,
Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh! Goap Liftoach Kelippot!
[Blessed is Adrammelech King of the Qlipha of Mercury! Open the Qliphoth in
the Name of Mephistophilis! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Pruslas!
Come, Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black Light! Goap, Open the Qliphoth]

Glassia-Labolis Va-Mesphito Liftoach Shaari Ha-Samael (x7)

[Glasyalabolas and Mephistophiles, Open the Gate to Samael]

Salve Dynastes Pruflas! Salve Ammon Aethereus Divinus Necromantia! Agios

Ischyros Buer Praesul Initiationis! Agios Adramelech Rex Venenum! Veni,
Veni Mephistophile! Baruch Ha-Mephist Mephir Ha-Gadhol! Agios o Ratio
Glasyabolis– Principi Reshut Ha-Acharayim! Liftoach Qliphoth B’Shem Ha-
Mephistophilis! Baruch-ha Adrammelech, Melech ha-Qlipha ha-Kokab!
[Hail Prince Pruflas! Hail Ammon, Immortal Spirit of Necromancy! Numinous
and Mighty is Buer, the Initiatory Instructor! Numinous (is) Adramelech the
King of Poison! Come, Come Mephistophile! Blessed is Mephist, the Great
Destroyer! Numinous is Count Glasyabolis– Open the Kingdom of the
Backwards tree! Open the Qliphoth in the Name of Mephistophilis! Blessed is
Adrammelech, the King of the Qlipha of Mercury]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Four: the Rite of Oreb Zaraq

Barbatos + Vapula + Ayporus + Laylah + Qayin + Luluwa + Gaap +

Basmijael + Sitri + Helebriel + Reteriel + Baruchiel + Satoriel + Refreziel +
Reptoriel + Astoriel + Labreziel + Ongirtael + Ratsachel + Bazarel +
Zabachel + Rabel + Qeberel

Liftoach Shaari ha-Oreb Zaraq B’Shem ha-Baaltzelmoth (x11)

[Open the Gate to Oreb Zaraq in the Name of the Lord of Death]
Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel! Veni, Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh!
Invoco Sitri In Nomine Qliphoth! Jezebel! Qalmana Meleketh ha-Gulgatha va-
Nogah! Veni, Veni, O Comitis Barbatos! Agios o Bael! Agios o Divinus Dux
Naphula! Venire– Ambrosius Archidux Basmijael! Agios Ischyros Bael
[Hail Bael Father of Herab Serapel! Come, Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black
Light! I Call to Sitri in the Name of the Qliphoth! (Traditional Praise to Ba’al)!
Qalmana, Queen of Gulgatha and Venus! Come, Come, o Count Barbatos!
Numinous is Bael! Numinous is the Eternal Duke Naphula! Come– Immortal
Archduke Basmijael! Numinous and Mighty is Bael the Unconquered]

Basmijael Va-Luluwa Liftoach Herab Serapel (x7)

[Basmijael and Luluwa, Open the Venusian Qlipha]

Goap Liftoach Kelippot! Agios Ischyros Ka-In Arotrios! Io Ipes-Aypeos-

Ipos! Luluwa-Agrah-Va-Koh-Hen-Hah-Sehmol! Vocamus Te Laylah-
Noctiferi! Io Tap Rex Pandemonium!
[Goap, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow! Hail
(Three Names of Ayporus)! Luluwa, High Priestess of the Left Side! We Call to
Laylah, the Bearer of Night! Hail Tap, King of the Infernal Plane]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Five: the Rite of Thagirion

Lucifugus Rofocalus + Verrier + Zaebos + Camio + Meririm + Amy +

Paimon + Euronymous + Claunech + Eisheth Zenunim + Taumeshriel +
Gobraziel + Raqueziel + Rebrequel + Mephistophiel + Towebahel +
Gaownel + Ramamel + Iqedael + Rahabel + Oriensel + Natahsel

Liftoach Shaari ha-Thagirion B’Shem ha-Belfegor (x11)

[Open the Gate to Thagirion in the Name of Belfegor]

Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra! Liftoach Qliphoth B’Shem ha-Mephistophilis!

Io Chaunta Clauneck Elantiel! Io Eisheth Zenanim Regina Sol Niger! Salve
Beth-Baal-Peor! Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra! Baruch ha-Paymon ha-
Parashiym! Tasa Fubin Amy Secore! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet
Merihim! Salve Paymon Rex Occidentalium!
[Eurynomos Open the Other Side! Open the Qliphoth in the Name of
Mephistophilis! Hail (Names of Claunech)! Hail Eisheth Zenanim Queen of the
Black Sun! Hail (Name of Belphagore)! Eurynomos, Open the Qliphoth!
Blessed is Paimon the Horseman! (Amy’s Enn)! Open the Infernal Plane, in the
Name of Merihim! Hail Paymon King of the West]

Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach Thagiriron, Sitra Ahra Gloria!

[Hail to the Sinister Left Side, Drakosophia Open Thagiriron, Glory to the Other

Sol Nigro Sol Nox Sol Nax! Pursan, Purson, Curson! Meris, Merasin, Metiris,
Mererim! Lucerifuge, Lucifage, Lucifugus Rofocalus! Tasa On Ca Caim
Renich! Don-Graph, Avnas, Drun-Graph, Amy! Sol Nigro Sol Nox Sol
Nax!  Lyan Ramec Catya Ganen Belphegore!
[(Chant Calling Thagirion)! (Three Names of Purson)! (Four Names of
Merihim)! (Three Names of Lucifuge Rofocale)! (Camio’s Demonic Enn)! 87,
Avnas, 57, Amy]

Eisheth Koheneth ha-Arsiel! Baruch Ha-Mephist Mephir Ha-Gadhol! Qodesha

Yesod Ha-Zamiel! Liftoach Qliphoth B’Shem Ha-Mephistophilis! Agios
Ischyros Lucifuge! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Zaleos! Agios Ischyros
Verrier! Baruch Ha-Paymon Ha-Parashiym! Voco te Meris, Venire o Merihim!
[Eisheth, High Priestess of the Black Sun! Blessed is Mephist the Great
Destroyer! Qodesha, Foundation of Thagirion’s Outer Cortex! Open the
Qliphoth in the Name of Mephistophilis! Numinous and Mighty is Lucifuge!
Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Zaleos! Numinous and Mighty is
Verrier! Blessed is Paymon the Horseman! I Call to Merihim, Come oh

Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach Thagiriron, Sitra Ahra Gloria!

[Hail to the Sinister Left Side, Drakosophia Open Thagiriron, Glory to the Other

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Six: the Rite of Golochab

Leraje + Lepaca + Agares + Abigor + Goap + Tzuflifu + Nergal + Alfpunias

+ Raym + Ronove + Gameliel + Lebrexiel + Ebaikiel + Barashiel +
Gophriythel + Ophiseshel + Lahatel + Charchurel + Balael

Liftoach Shaari ha-Golachab B’Shem ha-Asmoday (x11)

[Open the Gate to Golachab in the Name of Asmoday]
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Tzuflifu! Invoco Loray In Nomine
Qliphoth! Goap Liftoach Kelippot! Agios o Asmoday! Nirig Nirgali E-Meslah!
Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Asmodeus! Liftoach Pandemonium, et
germinet Alfpunias!
[Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Tzuflifu! I Call Loray in the Name of
the Qliphoth! Goap, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous is Asmoday! (Three Names
of Nergal)! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Asmodeus! Open the
Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Alfpunias]

O, Salve Ashmadia
Agios o Asmoday
Eko, Eko Asmodee
Agios Asmodeus
[Oh, Hail unto Ashmadia/ Numinous is Asmoday/ Welcome, Welcome
Asmodee/ Numinous (is) Asmodeus]

Eligos Va-Gurigur Liftoach Shaari Golab (x9)

[Eligos and Gurigur, Open the Gate to the Qlipha of Mars]

Io Tap Rex Pandemonium! Nirig Nirgali E-Meslah! Keyman Vefa Ronwe!

Deyan Anay Tasa Gaap! Nirig Nirgali E-Meslah! Alfpunias, Gurigur,
[Hail Tap King of the Infernal Plane! (Three Names of Nergal)! (Ronwe’s Enn)!
(Gaap’s Enn)! (Three Names of Nergal)! (Three Names of Alfpunias)]

Yaw-TWO-KEY-SAW-LAW! Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt!

Aperiatur Qlipha Ha-Golachab, et germinet Dynastes Alfpunias!
Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach Goleb, Sitra Ahra Gloria!
[By Sorcerous Belief, Intentions Manifest/ Victory Lies with the Infernal/ Open
the Qlipha of the Sphere of Mars, and Bring Forth Prince Alfpnunias/ Hail the
Sinister Left Side, Drakosophia Open Goleb, Glory to Sitra Ahra]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Seven: the Rite of Gashkalah

Abbaton + Lepaca + Bitru + Verrier + Gaap + Mammon + Pruflas +

Qalilitu + Amy + Paimon + Euronymous + Gadebriel + Amdebriel +
Malexiel + Edom Belial + Chedebriel + A’othiel + Theriel + Gadael +
Akalei + Shararel + Kaphahel + Lachamel + Haragel
Liftoach Shaari ha-Gash Kalah B’Shem ha-Astaroth (x11)
[Open the Gate to Gash Kalah in the Name of Astaroth]

Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Astaroth! Salve Dynastes Pruflas! Venire

Mater Qalilitu! Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth! Serena Alora Astartot Aken!
Baruch ha-Paymon ha-Parashiym! Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra! Goap
Liftoach Kelippot! Veni, Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh! Io Maguth!
[Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Astaroth! Hail Prince Pruflas!
Come, Mother Qalilitu! Mammon, Open the Qliphoth! (Demonic Enn for
Astaroth)! Blessed is Paymon the Horseman! Eurynomos, Open the Other Side!
Goap, Open the Qliphoth! Come, Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black Light!
Hail Maguth]


[(Magickal Conjuration Formula of Astaroth)]

Serena Alora Astartot Aken!

Artri, Bitru, Sitri, Andareth!
Don-Graph, Avnas, Drun-Graph, Amy!
[(Demonic Enn for Astaroth)/ Four Names for Sitri/ 87, Amy, 57, Amy]

Paimon Va-Edom Belial Liftoach Gashkalah (x11)

[Paimon and Edom/Adam Belial, Open the Jupiterian Qlipha]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Eight: the Rite of Satariel

Behemoth + Agares + Gusion + Sitri + Seere + Stolas + Abigor + Raflifu +

Adam Belial + Lepacha + Ereshkigala + Ama Lilith + Eisheth Zenunim +
Saturniel + Abnexiel + Tagariel + Asteriel + Reqraziel + Abholziel +
Lareziel + Sathamel + Ayomel + Taalummahel + Aphelahel + Radahel +
Irahtzel + Ashmanel + Laatel
Liftoach Shaari ha-Satariel B’Shem ha-Lucifuge Rofocale (x11)
[Open the Gate to Satariel in the Name of Lucifuge Rofocale]

Venire– Rofocale Rex Noctifer! Io Edom Belial! Veni, Veni, Ereshkigal—

Regina Irkalla-Kurnugi! Eisheth Koheneth Ha-Arsiel! Baruch Ha-Raflifu! Ama
Lilith, Liftoach Kliffoth! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Lucerifuge!
[Come– Rofocale the Night-Bringing Monarch! Hail Edom Belial! Come,
Come, Ereshkigal—Queen of the Underworld! Eisheth, High Priestess of the
Black Sun! Blessed is Raflifu! Mother Lilith, Open the Qliphoth! Open the
Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Lucerifuge]

Liftoach Harasiel, B’Shem Ha-Isheth Zenanim (x11)

[Open the Saturnian Qlipha, in the Name of Isheth Zenanim]

Bitru-Guision-Edom Belial, Liftoach Satorial (x11)

[Sitri, Guision, and Adam Belial, Open the Saturnian Qlipha]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Nine: the Rite of Aogiel

Shax + Abaddon + Barbatos + Purson + Leraje + Naphula + Barbuel +

Belial + Adam Belial + Chedeziel + Itqueziel + Golebriel + Dubriel +
Alhaziel + Lufexiel + Abedahel + Okuroel + Gebel + Iashamel + Acharel +

Liftoach Shaari ha-Aogiel B’Shem ha-Beelzebub (x11)

[Open the Gate to Aogiel in the Name of Beelzebub]

Es Na Ayer Abaddon Avage! Agios Belias Rex Bohu! Liftoach Pandemonium,

Et Germinet Adam Belial! Adey Vocar Avage Beelzebuth! Lirach Tasa Vefa
Wehlic Belial! Belsabub Goity, Belsabub Beyty! Io Edom Belial! Pursan,
Purson, Curson! Abbaton, Apolhun, Abaddon Shadai!
[(Demonic Enn for Abaddon)! Numinous (is) Belial the King of Emptiness!
Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Adam Belial! (Demonic Enn for
Beelzebuth)! (Demonic Enn for Belial)! Belsabub Above, Belsabub Below! Hail
Edom Belial! (Three Names of Purson)! (Three Names of Abaddon)]

Venire, Omnipotens Pater Beelzeboul

Et Germinet Nihilis
Et Germinet Anados
[Come, Omnipotent Father Beelzeboul/ And Engender Nothingness/ And
Engender Transcendence]

Shax-Amon-Ayperos Liftoach Reshut Ha-Aogiel (x11)

[Shax, Amon, and Ayperos, Open the Kingdom of the Uranian Qlipha]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Sphere Ten: the Rite of Thaumiel

Gaap + Vassago + Euronymous + Magot + Poseidon + Abigor + Paimon +

Qematriel + Dagon + Nergal + Thadekiel + Abraxsiel + Mahaziel + Azazel
+ Lufugiel + Thaninel + Akzarel + Uazarel + Mibdalahel + Ianahel +
Abadael + Labbehel

Liftoach Shaari ha-Thaumiel B’Shem ha-Satan Va-Moloch (x11)

[Open the Gate to Thaumiel in the Name of Satan and Moloch]

Goap Liftoach Kelippot! Eya On Ca Azazel Aken! Ave Paymon Rex

Pandemonium! Moloch Liftoach Kliffot! Baruch Ha-Amdusias Geber Ha-
Thaumiel! Veni, Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh! Necas! Torgive,
Micalzo Eligor-Abigor Zorge, Niis, Taviv! Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra!
[Goap, Open the Qliphoth! (Azazel’s Demonic Enn)! Hail Paymon the King of
Pandemonium! Moloch, Open the Qliphoth! Blessed is Amdusias, the Warrior
of Thaumiel! Come, Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black Light! (Name of
Thaumiel)! (Abigor/Eligor’s Enochian Enn)! Eurynomos, Open the Qliphoth]

Curiel Liftoach Qlipha Ha-Thaumiel (x11)

[Curiel, Open the Qlipha of Thaumiel]

Tasa Reme Laris Satan– Ave Satanis! Pursan, Purson, Curson! Nirig Nirgali E-
Meslah! Io Tap Rex Pandemonium! Salve Magoth; Agios o Magoa! Aperiatur
Dudael, Et Germinet Azazel! Qodesh La-Molock Sar Thamiel! Aperiatur
Acharayim, Et Germinet Satanas!
[(Satan’s Demonic Enn)– Hail Satanis! (Three Names of Purson)! (Three Names
of Nergal)! Hail Tap, the King of Pandemonium! Hail Magoth; Numinous is
Magoa! Open the Desert, and Bring Forth Azazel! Holy to Molock the Prince of
Thamiel! Open the Qliphoth, and Bring Forth Satanas]

Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond]

Sum Lapis Philosophorum (X8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

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