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Lesson 1 – Greetings

A - Hi!  My name's Carmen.  What's your name?

B - I'm Paulo.

A - Are you a new student?

B - Yes, I am.  I'm from Brazil.  Where are you from?

A - I'm from Spain.

B - Nice to meet you.

A - Nice to meet you too.

Lesson 2 - School

A - How's your new schedule?

B - Great!

A - What's your first class in the morning?

B -  I have math with Mr. Anderson at 8:00.

A - What time do you have lunch?

B - At 12:00 noon.

A - Really?  Me too.  Do you have history class in the morning or the afternoon? 

B - In the afternoon, at 2:15.

A - Oh.  What about science?

B - I have science at 9:00.

A - What's your last class?

B - Art.  

A - Me too!  Great!  

B - Oh no.  That's the bell.  We're late!

Lesson 3 - People

A - My brother and I are totally different.

B -  Really?  How are you different?

A - My brother is tall, and I am short.  He has blonde hair, and I have black hair.  Our
personalities are different too.  He is funny, and I am serious.

B - Wow!  That is different!  My sister and I are different too.

A - How?

B - My sister is an aerobics teacher.  She is thin and strong, and I am weak and a little
overweight.  Also, her hair is curly, and my hair is straight.  My sister and I are different, but
we're good friends.

Lesson 4 – Work

A - Guess what? I have a new job.

B - Really?  Where do you work?

A - I work for International Hotels.

B - The 5-star hotel chain!  Wow!  What do you do?

A - I stay in their hotels as a guest to make sure that they are OK. 

B - So you're like a hotel inspector for International Hotels.

A - Exactly.  I stay in a room, eat the food in the restaurant, go to the spa, and use all of the
hotel amenities.  After my stay I write a report on the quality of all the services in the hotel for
the International Hotels main office.

B - Wow!  That's a great job!

Lesson 5 – Family

B - Oh. Hi Martha. Yeah, of course!  Oh.  Who is the baby?

A - That's my daughter.  Her name is Ericka.  This picture is from her first birthday.

B - Oh.  She's cute.  Who are the other people in the picture?

A - Of course, that's me in the green dress.  The other people are my parents.  My mother's
name is Wilma and my father's name is Ed.

A - Here's another picture.

B - I recognize you but who's the man.

A - That's my husband Carl.  He's a great cook.

B - My husband's a terrible cook.

A - Here's another picture.

B - Who's that?

A - That's my sister Wanda and my nephew Tommy.

B - Those are nice pictures.  Do you want to see my pictures?

A - Sure!

Lesson 6 – House

A - Hi Rebecca.

B - Oh hi Vicky.  

A - How's your new house?

B - It's great.  

A - Is it big?

B - Yeah.  There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms.  There's also a big yard and a
swimming pool.

A - Wow!  Do you have enough furniture?

B - We bought some new furniture.  There's a new sofa in the living room.  We bought a new
table and chairs for the dining room and a new dresser for the bedroom.

A - When can I see your new house?

B - Come over tomorrow for lunch and you can see the new house.

Lesson 7 – Food

A - May I take your order?

B - Yes.  I'd like the chicken and a side order of corn.

A - And what would you like to drink?

B - I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

A - And what would you like to order?    

C - I'll take the spaghetti and a salad.

A - What would you like to drink?

C - Just water, please.

(after the meal)

A - Would you like something for dessert?

B - Yes, I'll have the cake, please.  Would you like something?

C - No thanks.  I'm full.

(after dessert)

B - Could we have the check, please?

A - Yes, here it is.

B - Hmmm.  $23.55.  Here you are.

A - Thank you.  Come again.

B - Thank you. Goodbye.

Lesson 10 – Shopping

A - May I help you?

B - Yes.  Do you have this dress in blue?

A - Yes.  Here you go.

B - Can I try it on?

A - Of course.  The fitting rooms are over there.

B - Thank you.

(The customer goes in the fitting room.)

A - How does it fit?

B - It's too small.  Do you have a large?

A - Hmmm.  Let me see.  Yes, here's a large.

(The customer goes in the fitting room again.)

A - How is it?

B - It's perfect.  I'll take it.

A - OK.  The total is $25.00

B - Do you take credit cards?

A - Yes, of course.  Here's your dress and your credit card.  Thank you very much.

B - Thank you. Bye.

Lesson 11 - Transportation

A - Hello.

B - Hi.  What time is the next flight to Los Angeles? 

A - At 3:00 this afternoon.

B - I'd like to buy a ticket.

A - Ok. What's your name?

B – George Hansen.

A - Can you spell that?

B - Sure. George is G-E-O-R-G-E and Hansen is spelled H-A-N-S-E-N.

A – And your address?

B – 3462 First Avenue  Miami, Florida  33056

A – What's your phone number?

B – Area code (305) 452-2459

A - Ok.  Would you like a window or aisle seat?

B - Window, please.

A - How would you like to pay for your ticket?

B - With my credit card.

A - Ok.  Here's your ticket. 

Lesson 12 - Health

A – Hi doctor.

B – Hi Nancy. What's the matter?

A  – I have a sore throat and a bad cough.

B  – Hmmm. You should drink lots of tea and take cough medicine.

A  – I have to go to work tomorrow.

B  – You shouldn't go to work. You should rest.

A  – I have a big project to finish at work.

B  – You should rest and you shouldn't talk too much.

A  – Ok.

Lesson 13 - The City

Dialog 1

A – Excuse me?
B – Yes?
A – How do I get to the post office?
B – Go past the hotel and turn left onto Main Street.  Go one block and turn right.  It's across
from the train station.
A – Thank you.

Dialog 2

A – How do I get to the supermarket?

B – It's easy.  Turn left at the corner onto Apple Street.  Go one block.  The supermarket is on
the corner of First Avenue and Apple Street, next to the police station.
A – Thanks.

Dialog 3

A - Excuse me.  How do I get to the restaurant?

B – Go straight past the bookstore and the hotel.  Turn left onto Main Street.  It's the second
building on the left, between the hotel and the bank.
A – Thank you.
GIRL #1 – My daddy's going to buy me a puppy for Christmas.

GIRL #2 – Really?  Well, my daddy's going to buy me a horse.  I'm going to ride it around in
my yard.

GIRL #1 – Uh uh.  That's not true.

GIRL #2 – Yeah, and he's going to buy me a pet monkey too.  He's going to eat bananas in
my room all day while I'm at school and when I come home he's going to play with me.
GIRL #1 –Well, my daddy's going to buy me a pet tiger. 

GIRL #2 – That's impossible.  The tiger's going to eat you.

GIRL #1 – I'm going to keep him in cage and feed him hamburgers.

FATHER – Are you kids making up stories again?  If you don't stop lying, you're not going to
get anything for Christmas.

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