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Syllabus Supplement HIST207: World Geography

NeoshoCountyCommunity College
Fall Semester, 2011 Section 41, Thursdays, 4:00-6:44 pm Kevin Blackwell Office: NCCC-Ottawa, Office 314 (785) 242-2067 ext. 303 Office Monday and Fridays, 9:00 (816) 824-0309 Hours: AM-12:00 PM Tuesday and Thursdays, 1:00-4:00 PM Friday, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Instructor: Phone: E-mail:

ACADEMIC HONESTY Plagiarism of any type will not be tolerated in this class. Your reflections, exam essays and research project must be your own work. I do not care if you use outside materials as long as you use proper citations and quotation marks around words that you didnt write. Copying and pasting material from the Internet as your own work will earn you an AUTOMATIC F IN THIS COURSE. Dont take the risk. EMAIL POLICY 1. All class-related communication must be through your NCCC email account (P-mail). Instructions for setting up your P-mail account can be found on the NCCC Webpage under Current Students Student Email Setup. Emails from any other account will not be answered. 2. When writing an email put the following in the subject line HIST 207-41. All students must send a certification email to me within the first week of class. 3. I will endeavor to answer all emails within 24 hours of the time you send the email. I generally check email three times per day. If you have not heard back from me within 24 hours, please dont hesitate to call me at the above numbers. 4. All e-mails and written communications to me (including written assignments and forum posts) must utilize reasonably proper grammar, capitalization and spelling. Communications in this course will not be treated as posts on Facebook or Twitter or any other social network/chat program protocol.

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Syllabus Supplement
EVALUATION AND GRADING: Students will be evaluated by their performance on class participation/group work, examinations and a research project. The student will be able to access their progress and current standing in the class via an online Grade Book. I will endeavor to grade and post evaluations of exams, and research projects and within 48 hours of their submission. Each component of the grade is described in detail below: 1. Class Participation/Group Work Students will be required to participate in various in class research projects and group projects. 2. Map Quizzes There will be twelve Map Quizzes in the course covering physical geography and political geography. 3. Examinations There will be FOUR examinations during the semester. The exams will include both objective questions (multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank) and subjective essays.Essays will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. Knowledge of the material. Analysis of ideas. Synthesis of major themes. Clarity of written expression.

4. Research Project Students will be required to complete a major research project by the end of the semester exploring the history, politics, economy and culture of a country or region. Topics must be preapproved by me. Details on the requirements for the research project and its grading will be found on the Course Webpage.

The course grade will be calculated as follows: Class Participation/Group Work 15% Map Quizzes 20% Examination One 10% Examination Two 10% Examination Three 10% Final Examination 15% Research Project 20%

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Syllabus Supplement
Course Schedule
DATE August 25, 2011 TOPIC Introduction ASSIGNMENT DeBlij, Introduction

September 1, 2011 September 8, 2011 September 15, 2011


DeBlij, Chapter 1


DeBlij, Chapter 2 Europe Map Quiz EXAMINATION ONE Russia Map Quiz RESEARCH PROJECT TOPIC DUE

September 22, 2011 September 29, 2011 October 6, 2011

North America

DeBlij, Chapter 3

Middle America

DeBlij, Chapter 4 North America Map Quiz DeBlij, Chapter 5 Middle America Map Quiz DeBlij, Chapter 6 South America Map Quiz RESEARCH PROJECT OUTLINE DUE EXAMINATION TWO DeBlij, Chapter 7 Subsaharan Africa Map Quiz DeBlij, Chapter 8 North Africa/Southwest Asia Map Quiz DeBlij, Chapter 9 South Asia Map Quiz EXAMINATION THREE DeBlij, Chapter 10 East Asia Map Quiz RESEARCH PROJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY DUE

South America

October 13, 2011

Subsaharan Africa

October 20, 2011 October 27, 2011 November 3, 2011

North Africa/ Southwest Asia South Asia

East Asia

November 10, 2011

Southeast Asia

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Syllabus Supplement
November 17, 2011 November 24, 2011 December 1, 2011 Austral Realm DeBlij, Chapter 11 Southeast Asia Map Quiz THANKSGIVING BREAK


Pacific Realm and the Poles

December 8, 2011

DeBlij, Chapter 12 Austral Realm Map Quiz RESEARCH PROJECT DUE STUDENT REPORTS FINAL EXAMINATION Pacific Realm Map Quiz

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