G.R. No. 163654 October 8, 2014 Bpi Express Card CORPORATION, Petitioner, MA. ANTONIA R. ARMOVIT, Respondent

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FIRST DIVISION effective March 31, 1992.

6 It further claimed that

she had been notified of the suspension and
G.R. No. 163654               October 8, 2014 cautioned to refrain from using the credit card to
avoid inconvenience or embarrassment;7 and that
BPI EXPRESS CARD while the obligation was settled by April, 1992, she
CORPORATION,* Petitioner,  failed to submit the required application form in
vs. order to reactivate her credit card privileges. Thus,
MA. ANTONIA R. ARMOVIT, Respondent. BPI Express Credit countered that her demand for
monetary compensation had no basis in fact and in

BERSAMIN, J.: On March 12, 1993, Armovit received a telegraphic

message from BPI Express Credit apologizing for its
error of inadvertently including her credit card in
This case involves a credit card holder's claim for
Caution List No. 225 dated March 11, 1993 sent to
damages arising from the suspension of her credit
its affiliated merchants.8
privileges due to her supposed failure to reapply for
their reactivation. She has insisted that she was not
informed of the condition for reactivation. As a result, Armovit sued BPI Express Credit for
damages in the RTC, insisting that she had been a
credit card holder in good standing, and that she
The Case
did not have any unpaid bills at the time of the
Petitioner BPI Express Credit Card Corporation
(BPI Express Credit) seeks the reversal of and
In its answer with counterclaim,9 BPI Express
assails the adverse decision promulgated on
Credit raised the defense of lack of cause of
February 26, 2004,1 whereby the Court of Appeals
action,and maintained that Armovit had defaulted
(CA) affirmed the judgment rendered on April 22,
in her obligations for three consecutive months,
1996 by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 216, in
thereby causing the temporary suspension of her
Quezon City, (RTC) adjudging it liable to pay moral
credit card in accordance with the terms and
and exemplary damages, attorney’s fees and costs
conditions of the credit card.10 It pointed out that
of suit to its credit card holder Ma. Antonia R.
Armovit had been duly notified of the suspension;
Armovit, the respondent herein.2
that for her failure to comply with the requirement
for the submission of the application form and
Antecedents other documents as directed in its letter dated April
8, 1992,11 her credit card had not been reactivated
Armovit, then a depositor of the Bank of the and had remained in the list of suspended cards at
Philippine Islands at its Cubao Branch, was issued the time she used it on November 21, 1992; and
by BPI Express Credit a pre-approved BPI Express thatthe telegraphic message of March 11, 1993,
Credit Card (credit card) in 1989with a credit limit which was intended for another client whose credit
of ₱20,000.00 that was to expire atthe end of card had been erroneously included in the caution
March 1993.3 On November 21, 1992, she treated list, was mistakenly sent to her.12
her British friends from Hong Kongto lunch at
Mario’s Restaurant in the Ortigas Center in Pasig. Judgment of the RTC
As the host, she handed to the waiter her credit
card to settle the bill, but the waiter soon returned
In the judgment rendered April 22, 1996,13 the RTC,
to inform her that her credit card had been
ruling in favor of Armovit, observed that the terms
cancelled upon verification with BPI Express Credit
and conditions governing the issuance and use of
and would not be honored. Inasmuch asshe was
the credit card embodied in the application
relying on her credit card because she did not then
formhad been furnished to her for the first time
carry enough cash that day, her guests were made
only on April 8, 1992, or after her credit card
to share the bill to her extreme embarrassment.
privileges had already been suspended; that,
accordingly, she could not be blamed for not
Outraged, Armovit called BPI Express Credit to complying with the same; that even if she had been
verify the status of her credit card. She learned that notified of the temporary suspension of her credit
her credit card had been summarily cancelled for card, her payment on April 1, 1992 had rendered
failure to pay her outstanding obligations. She the continued suspension of her credit card
vehemently denied having defaulted onher unjustified; and that there was no clear showing
payments. Thus, by letter dated February 3, that the submission of the application form had
1993,4 she demanded compensation for the shame, been a condition precedent to the lifting of its
embarrassment and humiliation she had suffered in suspension.
the amount of ₱2,000,000.00.
Finding BPI Express Credit guilty ofnegligence and
In its reply letter dated February 5, 1993,5 BPI bad faith, the RTC ordered it to pay Armovit moral
Express Credit claimed that it had sent Armovit a damages of ₱100,000.00; exemplary damages and
telegraphic message on March 19, 1992 requesting attorney’s fees each in the amount of ₱10,000.00;
her to pay her arrears for three consecutive months, and the costs of suit.
and that she did not comply with the request,
causing it totemporarily suspend her credit card
Decision of the CA
Both parties appealed to the CA. gross as to amount to malice or bad faith following
the ruling in Far East Bank and Trust Company v.
On February 26, 2004, the CA promulgated its Court of Appeals.21
assailed decision,14 concurring with the RTC, and
declaredthat because Armovit had not signed any The Court disagrees with the contentions of BPI
application form in the issuance and renewals of Express Credit.1âwphi1 The Terms and Conditions
her credit card from 1989 up to 1992, she could not Governing the Issuance and Use of the BPI Express
have known the terms and conditions embodied in Credit Card22 printed on the credit card application
the application form even ifthe credit card had form spelled out the terms and conditions of the
specified that its use bound the holder to its terms contract between BPI Express Credit and its card
and conditions. It did not see merit in BPI Express holders, including Armovit. Such terms and
Credit’s contention that the submission of a new conditions determined the rights and obligations of
application form was a pre-requisite for the lifting the parties.23 Yet, a review of such terms and
ofthe suspension of her credit card, inasmuch as conditions did not reveal that Armovit needed to
such condition was not stated in a clear and submit her new application as the antecedent
unequivocal manner in its letter dated April 8, condition for her credit card to be taken out of the
1992. It noted that the letter of apology mentioning list of suspended cards.
another inadvertence committed, even if it claimed
the letter of apology as intended for another card Considering that the terms and conditions nowhere
holder, still highlighted BPI Express Credit’s stated that the card holder must submit the new
negligence in its dealings with her account. Anent application form in order to reactivate her credit
Armovit’s appeal, the CA did not increase the card, to allow BPI Express Credit toimpose the duty
amounts of damages for lack of basis, observing to submit the new application form in order to
that moral and exemplary damages were awarded enableArmovit to reactivate the credit card would
not to enrich her at the expense of BPI Express contravene the Parol Evidence Rule.24 Indeed, there
Credit but to alleviate the anxiety and was no agreement between the parties to add the
embarrassment suffered. submission of the new application form as the
means to reactivate the credit card. When she did
BPI Express Credit’s motion for reconsideration not promptly settle her outstanding balance, BPI
was denied through the resolution promulgated on Express Credit sent a message on March 19, 1992
May 14, 2004.15 demanding payment with the warning that her
failure to pay would force it to temporarily suspend
Hence, this appeal by petition for review on her credit card effective March 31, 1992. It then
certiorari. sent another demand letter dated March 31, 1992
requesting her to settle her obligation in order to
Issue lift the suspension of her credit card and prevent its
cancellation. In April 1992, she paid her obligation.
The sole issue is whether or not the CA erred in In the context of the contemporaneous and
sustaining the award of moral and exemplary subsequent acts of the parties, the only condition
damages in favor of Armovit. for the reinstatement of her credit card was the
payment of her outstanding obligation.25 Had it
intended otherwise, BPI Express Credit would have
Ruling of the Court
surelyu informed her of the additional requirement
in its letters of March 19, 1992 and March 31, 1992.
The petition for review lacks merit. That it did not do so confirmed that they did not
agree on having her submit the new application
The relationship between the credit card issuer and form as the condition to reactivate her credit card.
the credit card holder is a contractual one that is
governed by the terms and conditions found in the The letter of BPI Express Credit dated April 8, 1992
card membership agreement.16 Such terms and did not clearly and categorically inform Armovit
conditions constitute the law between the parties. that the submission of the new application form
In case of their breach, moral damages may be was the pre-condition for the reactivation of her
recovered where the defendant is shown to have credit card. The statement in the letter (i.e., "…
acted fraudulently or in bad faith.17 Malice or bad accomplish the enclosed application form and
faith implies a conscious and intentional design to provide us with informations/documents that can
do a wrongful actfor a dishonest purpose or moral help our Credit Committee in reevaluating your
obliquity.18 However, a conscious or intentional existingfacility with us.") merely raised doubt as to
design need not always be present because whether the requirement had really been a pre-
negligence may occasionally be so gross as to condition or not. With BPI Express Credit being the
amount to malice or bad faith.19 Hence, bad faith in party causing the confusion, the interpretation of
the context of Article 2220 of the Civil Code the contract could not be donein its
includes gross negligence.20 favor.26 Moreover, it cannot be denied that a credit
card contract is considered as a contract of
BPI Express Credit contends thatit was not grossly adhesion because its terms and conditions are
negligent in refusing to lift the suspension of solely prepared by the credit card issuer.
Armovit’s credit card privileges inasmuch as she Consequently, the terms and conditions have to be
had not complied with the requisite submission of a construed against BPI Express Credit as the party
new application form; and that under the who drafted the contract.27
circumstances its negligence, if any, was not so
Bereft of the clear basis to continuewith the A bank officer violates the DOSRI[2] law when he
suspension of the credit card privileges of Armovit,
acquires bank funds for his personal benefit, even if
BPI Express Credit acted in wanton disregard of its
contractual obligations with her. We concur with such acquisition was facilitated by a fraudulent loan
the apt observation by the CA that BPI Express application. Directors, officers, stockholders, and their
Credit’s negligence was even confirmed by the related interests cannot be allowed to interpose the
telegraphic message it had addressed and sent to
fraudulent nature of the loan as a defense to escape
Armovit apologizing for the inconvenience caused
in inadvertently including her credit card in the culpability for their circumvention of Section 83 of
caution list. It was of no consequence that the Republic Act (RA) No. 337.[3]
telegraphic message could have been intended for Before us is a Petition for Review
another client, as BPI Express Credit apparently on Certiorari[4] under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
sought to convey subsequently, because the tenor
ofthe apology included its admission of negligence assailing the September 26, 2003 Decision[5] and
in dealing with its clients, Armovit included. the February 5, 2004 Resolution[6] of the Court of
Indeed, BPI Express Credit did not observe the Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 67657. The challenged
prudence expected of banks whose business was Decision disposed as follows:
imbued with public interest. WHEREFORE, premises
considered, the instant petition for
We hold that the CA rightly sustained the award of certiorari is hereby DENIED.[7]
₱100,000.00 as moral damages. To us, too, that
amount was fair and reasonable under the
circumstances. Similarly, the grant of exemplary Factual Antecedents
damages was warranted under Article 2232 of the  
New Civil Code because BPI Express Credit acted in Sometime in 2000, the Office of Special Investigation
a reckless and oppressive manner. Finally, with (OSI) of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP),
Armovit having been forced to litigate in order to
through its officers,[8] transmitted a
protect her rights and interests, she was entitled to
recover attorney's fees and expenses oflitigation. 28 letter  dated March 27, 2000 to Jovencito Zuo, Chief

State Prosecutor of the Department of Justice

WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision (DOJ). The letter attached as annexes five affidavits,
promulgated on February 26, 2004; and ORDERS [10]
 which would allegedly serve as bases for filing
the petitioner to pay the costs of suit.
criminal charges for Estafa thru Falsification of
SO ORDERED. Commercial Documents, in relation to Presidential
Decree (PD) No. 1689,[11] and for Violation of Section 83
HILARIO P.   G.R. No. 162336 of RA 337, as amended by PD 1795, [12] against, inter
SORIANO, alia, petitioner herein Hilario P. Soriano. These five
      affidavits, along with other documents, stated that
- versus -   Present: spouses Enrico and Amalia Carlos appeared to have an
      outstanding loan of P8 million with the Rural Bank of
PEOPLE OF   CARPIO, J., Chairperson San Miguel (Bulacan), Inc. (RBSM), but had never
applied for nor received such loan; that it was petitioner,
NG who was then president of RBSM, who had ordered,
PILIPINAS (BSP),   BRION, facilitated, and received the proceeds of the loan; and
PHILIPPINE that the P8 million loan had never been authorized by
RBSM's Board of Directors and no report thereof had
CORPORATION   PEREZ, JJ. ever been submitted to the Department of Rural Banks,
(PDIC), PUBLIC Supervision and Examination Sector of the BSP. The
PROSECUTOR     letter of the OSI, which was not subscribed under oath,
ended with a request that a preliminary investigation be
BUAN, and STATE    
PROSECUTOR   Promulgated: conducted and the corresponding criminal charges be
ALBERTO R. filed against petitioner at his last known address.
Respondents.  [1]   February 1, 2010
Acting on the letter-request and its annexes, State
--------------------------x Prosecutor Albert R. Fonacier proceeded with the
  preliminary investigation. He issued a subpoena with
  the witnesses affidavits and supporting documents
attached, and required petitioner to file his counter-
DEL CASTILLO, J.: affidavit. In due course, the investigating officer issued a
  Resolution finding probable cause and correspondingly
filed two separate informations against petitioner before Philippine Deposit Insurance
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Malolos, Bulacan.[13]
The first Information,[14] dated November 14, 2000 and The other Information[17] dated November 10,
docketed as Criminal Case No. 237-M-2001, was for 2000 and docketed as Criminal Case No. 238-M-2001,
estafa through falsification of commercial documents, was for violation of Section 83 of RA 337, as amended
under Article 315, paragraph 1(b), of the Revised Penal by PD 1795. The said provision refers to the prohibition
Code (RPC), in relation to Article 172 of the RPC and PD against the so-called DOSRI loans. The information
1689. It basically alleged that petitioner and his co- alleged that, in his capacity as President of RBSM,
accused, in abuse of the confidence reposed in them as petitioner indirectly secured an P8 million loan with
RBSM officers, caused the falsification of a number of RBSM, for his personal use and benefit, without the
loan documents, making it appear that one Enrico written consent and approval of the bank's Board of
Carlos filled up the same, and thereby succeeded in Directors, without entering the said transaction in the
securing a loan and converting the loan proceeds for bank's records, and without transmitting a copy of the
their personal gain and benefit.[15] The information transaction to the supervising department of the bank.
reads: His ruse was facilitated by placing the loan in the name
of an unsuspecting RBSM depositor, one Enrico Carlos.
That in or about the month of
April, 1997, and thereafter, in San
 The information reads:
Miguel, Bulacan, and within the  
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the That in or about the month of
said accused HILARIO P. April, 1997, and thereafter, and within
SORIANO and ROSALINDA the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court,
ILAGAN, as principals by direct the said accused, in his capacity as
participation, with unfaithfulness or President of the Rural Bank of San
abuse of confidence and taking Miguel (Bulacan), Inc., did then and
advantage of their position as President there, willfully and feloniously indirectly
of the Rural Bank of San Miguel borrow or secure a loan with the Rural
(Bulacan), Inc. and Branch Manager of Bank of San Miguel San Ildefonso
the Rural Bank of San Miguel San branch, a domestic rural banking
Miguel Branch [sic], a duly organized institution created, organized and
banking institution under Philippine existing under Philippine laws,
Laws, conspiring, confederating and amounting to eight million pesos
mutually helping one another, did then (PhP8,000,000.00), knowing fully well
and there, willfully and feloniously that the same has been done by him
falsify loan documents consisting of without the written consent and
undated loan application/information approval of the majority of the board of
sheet, credit proposal dated April 14, directors of the said bank, and which
1997, credit proposal dated April 22, consent and approval the said accused
1997, credit investigation report dated deliberately failed to obtain and enter
April 15, 1997, promissory note dated the same upon the records of said
April 23, 1997, disclosure statement on banking institution and to transmit a
loan/credit transaction dated April 23, copy thereof to the supervising
1997, and other related documents, by department of the said bank, as
making it appear that one Enrico Carlos required by the General Banking Act, by
filled up the application/information using the name of one depositor Enrico
sheet and filed the aforementioned loan Carlos of San Miguel, Bulacan, the latter
documents when in truth and in fact having no knowledge of the said loan,
Enrico Carlos did not participate in the and one in possession of the said
execution of said loan documents and amount of eight million pesos
that by virtue of said falsification and (PhP8,000,000.00), accused converted
with deceit and intent to cause damage, the same to his own personal use and
the accused succeeded in securing a benefit, in flagrant violation of the said
loan in the amount of eight million law.
pesos (PhP8,000,000.00) from the  
Rural Bank of San Miguel San Ildefonso CONTRARY TO LAW.[19]
branch in the name of Enrico Carlos  
which amount of PhP8 million
representing the loan proceeds the Both cases were raffled to Branch 79 of the RTC
accused thereafter converted the same of Malolos, Bulacan.[20]
amount to their own personal gain and
benefit, to the damage and prejudice of  
the Rural Bank of San Miguel San
On June 8, 2001, petitioner moved to quash [21] these
Ildefonso branch, its creditors, the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, and the informations on two grounds: that the court had no
jurisdiction over the offense charged, and that the facts  
charged do not constitute an offense. In an Order[26] dated August 8, 2001, the trial court
  denied petitioner's Motion to Quash for lack of
On the first ground, petitioner argued that the letter merit. The lower court agreed with the prosecution that
transmitted by the BSP to the DOJ constituted the the assailed OSI letter was not the complaint-affidavit
complaint and hence was defective for failure to comply itself; thus, it need not comply with the requirements
with the mandatory requirements of Section 3(a), Rule under the Rules of Court. The trial court held that the
112 of the Rules of Court, such as the statement of affidavits, which were attached to the OSI letter,
address of petitioner and oath and subscription. comprised the complaint-affidavit in the case. Since
 Moreover, petitioner argued that the officers of these affidavits were duly subscribed and sworn to
OSI, who were the signatories to the letter- before a notary public, there was adequate compliance
complaint, were not authorized by the BSP Governor, with the Rules. The trial court further held that the two
much less by the Monetary Board, to file the offenses were separate and distinct violations, hence the
complaint. According to petitioner, this alleged fatal prosecution of one did not pose a bar to the other.[27]
oversight violated Section 18, pars. (c) and (d) of the  
New Central Bank Act (RA 7653). Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration was
  likewise denied in an Order dated September 5, 2001.[28]
On the second ground, petitioner contended that the  
commission of estafa under paragraph 1(b) of Article Aggrieved, petitioner filed a Petition
315 of the RPC is inherently incompatible with the for Certiorari[29] with the CA, reiterating his arguments
violation of DOSRI law (as set out in Section 83[23] of RA before the trial court.
337, as amended by PD 1795),[24] hence a person cannot  
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
be charged for both offenses. He argued that a violation
of DOSRI law requires the offender to obtain a The CA denied the petition on both issues presented by
loan from his bank, without complying with petitioner.
procedural, reportorial, or ceiling requirements. On the  
On the first issue, the CA determined that the BSP letter,
other hand, estafa under par. 1(b), Article 315 of the RPC
which petitioner characterized to be a fatally infirm
requires the offender to misappropriate or convert complaint, was not actually a complaint, but a
something that he holds in trust, or on transmittal or cover letter only. This transmittal letter
commission, or for administration, or under any merely contained a summary of the affidavits which
were attached to it. It did not contain any averment of
other obligation involving the duty to return the same.
personal knowledge of the events and transactions that
constitute the elements of the offenses charged. Being a
  mere transmittal letter, it need not comply with the
Essentially, the petitioner theorized that the requirements of Section 3(a) of Rule 112 of the Rules of
characterization of possession is different in the two
offenses. If petitioner acquired the loan as DOSRI, he The CA further determined that the five affidavits
owned the loaned money and therefore, cannot attached to the transmittal letter should be considered
misappropriate or convert it as contemplated in the as the complaint-affidavits that charged petitioner with
violation of Section 83 of RA 337 and for Estafa thru
offense of estafa. Conversely, if petitioner committed
Falsification of Commercial Documents. These
estafa, then he merely held the money in trust for complaint-affidavits complied with the mandatory
someone else and therefore, did not acquire a loan in requirements set out in the Rules of Court they were
violation of DOSRI rules. subscribed and sworn to before a notary public and
subsequently certified by State Prosecutor Fonacier,
who personally examined the affiants and was
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
convinced that the affiants fully understood their sworn Section 18, paragraphs (c) and (d)
Republic Act No. 7653
Anent the second ground, the CA found no merit in  Petitioner moved to withdraw the first issue from the
petitioner's argument that the violation of the DOSRI instant petition
law and the commission of estafa thru falsification of
commercial documents are inherently inconsistent with
On March 5, 2007, the Court noted[35] petitioner's
each other. It explained that the test in considering a
Manifestation and Motion for Partial Withdrawal of the
motion to quash on the ground that the facts charged do
Petition[36] dated February 7, 2007. In the said motion,
not constitute an offense, is whether the facts alleged,
petitioner informed the Court of the promulgation of a
when hypothetically admitted, constitute the elements
Decision entitled Soriano v. Hon. Casanova,[37] which
of the offense charged. The appellate court held that this
also involved petitioner and similar BSP letters to the
test was sufficiently met because the allegations in the
DOJ. According to petitioner, the said Decision
assailed informations, when hypothetically admitted,
allegedly ruled squarely on the nature of the BSP letters
clearly constitute the elements of Estafa thru
and the validity of the sworn affidavits attached
Falsification of Commercial Documents and Violation of
thereto. For this reason, petitioner moved for the partial
DOSRI law.[32]
withdrawal of the instant petition insofar as it involved
the issue of whether or not a court can legally acquire
Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration[33] was likewise
jurisdiction over a complaint which failed to comply
denied for lack of merit.
with the mandatory requirements provided under
Section 3(a), Rule 112 of the Rules of Court and Section
Hence, this petition.
18, paragraphs (c) and (d) of RA 7653.[38]
Given that the case had already been submitted for
Restated, petitioner raises the following issues[34] for our
resolution of the Court when petitioner filed his latest
motion, and that all respondents had presented their
I positions and arguments on the first issue, the Court
Whether the complaint complied with deems it proper to rule on the same.
the mandatory requirements provided  In Soriano v. Hon. Casanova, the Court held that
under Section 3(a), Rule 112 of the
the affidavits attached to the BSP transmittal letter
Rules of Court and Section 18,
paragraphs (c) and (d) of RA 7653. complied with the mandatory requirements under the
  Rules of Court.
Whether a loan transaction within the  
ambit of the DOSRI law (violation of To be sure, the BSP letters involved in Soriano v. Hon.
Section 83 of RA 337, as amended)
Casanova[39] are not the same as the BSP letter
could also be the subject of Estafa under
Article 315 (1) (b) of the Revised Penal involved in the instant case. However, the BSP letters
Code. in Soriano v. Hon. Casanova and the BSP letter subject
  of this case are similar in the sense that they are all
signed by the OSI officers of the BSP, they were not
Is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
the proper remedy against an Order sworn to by the said officers, they all contained
denying a Motion to Quash? summaries of their attached affidavits, and they all
  requested the conduct of a preliminary investigation
IV and the filing of corresponding criminal charges against
Whether petitioner is entitled to a writ
of injunction. petitioner Soriano. Thus, the principle of stare
  decisis dictates that the ruling in Soriano v. Hon.
  Casanova be applied in the instant case once a question
Our Ruling of law has been examined and decided, it should be
The petition lacks merit. deemed settled and closed to further argument.[40]
First Issue: We held in Soriano v. Hon. Casanova, after a
Whether the complaint complied close scrutiny of the letters transmitted by the BSP to
with the mandatory requirements the DOJ, that these were not intended to be the
provided under Section 3(a), Rule complaint, as envisioned under the Rules. They did not
112 of the Rules of Court and contain averments of personal knowledge of the events
and transactions constitutive of any offense. The letters averment on the part of the BSP and PDIC
officers of personal knowledge of the events and
merely transmitted for preliminary investigation the
transactions constitutive of the criminal
affidavits of people who had personal knowledge of the violations alleged to have been made by the
acts of petitioner. We ruled that these affidavits, not the accused. In fact, the letters clearly stated that
letters transmitting them, initiated the preliminary what the OSI of the BSP and the LIS of the
PDIC did was to respectfully transmit to the
investigation. Since these affidavits were subscribed
DOJ for preliminary investigation the affidavits
under oath by the witnesses who executed them before a and personal knowledge of the acts of the
notary public, then there was substantial compliance petitioner. These affidavits were subscribed
with Section 3(a), Rule 112 of the Rules of Court. under oath by the witnesses who executed them
before a notary public.  Since the  affidavits,
not  the  letters  transmitting them, were
Anent the contention that there was no authority from intended to initiate the preliminary
the BSP Governor or the Monetary Board to file a investigation, we hold that Section 3(a), Rule
criminal case against Soriano, we held that the 112 of the Rules of Court was substantially
requirements of Section 18, paragraphs (c) and (d) of complied with.
RA 7653 did not apply because the BSP did not institute   Citing the ruling of this Court
the complaint but merely transmitted the affidavits of in Ebarle v. Sucaldito, the Court of
the complainants to the DOJ. Appeals correctly held that a complaint
  for purposes of preliminary
investigation by the fiscal need not be
We further held that since the offenses for which filed by the offended party.  The rule
Soriano was charged were public crimes, authority has been that, unless the offense
holds that it can be initiated by any competent person subject thereof is one that cannot
with personal knowledge of the acts committed by the be prosecuted de oficio, the same
may be filed, for preliminary
offender. Thus, the witnesses who executed the investigation purposes, by any
affidavits clearly fell within the purview of any competent person.  The crime of
competent person who may institute the complaint for a estafa is a public crime which can be
public crime. initiated by any competent person.  The
witnesses who executed the affidavits
The ruling in Soriano v. Hon. Casanova has based on their personal knowledge of
been adopted and elaborated upon in the recent case the acts committed by the petitioner fall
of Santos-Concio v. Department of Justice.[41] Instead within the purview of any competent
of a transmittal letter from the BSP, the Court person who may institute the complaint
for a public crime. x x x (Emphasis and
in Santos-Concio was faced with an NBI-NCR Report, italics supplied)   
likewise with affidavits of witnesses as  
attachments. Ruling on the validity of the witnesses              A preliminary investigation can
sworn affidavits as bases for a preliminary investigation, thus validly proceed on the basis of an
affidavit of any competent person,
we held:
without the referral document, like the
NBI-NCR Report, having been sworn to
The Court is not unaware of the practice of
by the law enforcer as the nominal
incorporating all allegations in one document
complainant.  To require otherwise is a
denominated as complaint-affidavit. It does not
needless exercise.  The cited case
pronounce strict adherence to only one
of Oporto, Jr. v. Judge Monserate does
approach, however, for there are cases where
not appear to dent this proposition. 
the extent of ones personal knowledge may not
After all, what is required is to reduce
cover the entire gamut of details material to the
the evidence into affidavits, for
alleged offense.  The private offended party or
while reports and even raw information
relative of the deceased may not even have
may justify the initiation of an
witnessed the fatality, in which case the peace
investigation, the preliminary
officer or law enforcer has to rely chiefly on
investigation stage can be held only
affidavits of witnesses.  The Rules do not in fact
after sufficient evidence has been
preclude the attachment of a referral or
gathered and evaluated which may
transmittal letter similar to that of the NBI-
warrant the eventual prosecution of the
NCR.  Thus, in Soriano v. Casanova, the Court
case in court.[42]
    A close scrutiny of the letters transmitted by  
the BSP and PDIC to the DOJ shows that Following the foregoing rulings in Soriano v. Hon.
these were not intended to be the complaint Casanova and Santos-Concio v. Department of
envisioned under the Rules.  It may be clearly Justice, we hold that the BSP letter, taken together with
inferred from the tenor of the letters that the
officers merely intended to transmit the the affidavits attached thereto, comply with the
affidavits of the bank employees to the DOJ.  requirements provided under Section 3(a), Rule 112 of
Nowhere in the transmittal letters is there any
the Rules of Court and Section 18, paragraphs (c) and DOSRI violation and estafa thru falsification of
(d) of RA 7653. commercial documents, which were almost
Second Issue: identical, mutatis mutandis, with the subject
informations herein. We held in Soriano v. People that
Whether a loan transaction
within the ambit of the DOSRI there is no basis for the quashal of the informations as
law (violation of Section 83 of RA they contain material allegations charging Soriano with
337, as amended) could be the violation of DOSRI rules and estafa thru falsification of
subject of Estafa under Article 315
commercial documents.
(1) (b) of the
Revised Penal Code  
  Petitioner raises the theory that he could not
The second issue was raised by petitioner in the possibly be held liable for estafa in concurrence with the
context of his Motion to Quash Information on the charge for DOSRI violation. According to him, the
ground that the facts charged do not constitute an DOSRI charge presupposes that he acquired a loan,
offense.[43] It is settled that in considering a motion to which would make the loan proceeds his own money
quash on such ground, the test is whether the facts and which he could neither possibly misappropriate nor
alleged, if hypothetically admitted, would establish the convert to the prejudice of another, as required by the
essential elements of the offense charged as defined by statutory definition of estafa.[46] On the other hand, if
law.The trial court may not consider a situation contrary petitioner did not acquire any loan, there can be no
to that set forth in the criminal complaint or DOSRI violation to speak of. Thus, petitioner posits that
information. Facts that constitute the defense of the the two offenses cannot co-exist. This theory does not
petitioner[s] against the charge under the information persuade us.
must be proved by [him] during trial. Such facts or  
circumstances do not constitute proper grounds for a Petitioners theory is based on the false premises
motion to quash the information on the ground that the that the loan was extended to him by the bank in his
material averments do not constitute the offense. [44] own name, and that he became the owner of the loan
We have examined the two informations against proceeds. Both premises are wrong.
petitioner and we find that they contain allegations  
which, if hypothetically admitted, would establish the The bank money (amounting to P8 million)
essential elements of the crime of DOSRI violation and which came to the possession of petitioner was money
estafa thru falsification of commercial documents. held in trust or administration by him for the bank, in
In Criminal Case No. 238-M-2001 for violation of  
DOSRI rules, the information alleged that petitioner fiduciary capacity as the President of said bank. [47] It is
Soriano was the president of RBSM; that he was able to not accurate to say that petitioner became the owner of
indirectly obtain a loan from RBSM by putting the loan the P8 million because it was the proceeds of a
in the name of depositor Enrico Carlos; and that he did loan. That would have been correct if the
this without complying with the requisite board bank knowingly extended the loan to petitioner
approval, reportorial, and ceiling requirements. himself. But that is not the case here. According to the
  information for estafa, the loan was supposed to be for
In Criminal Case No. 237-M-2001 for estafa thru another person, a certain Enrico Carlos; petitioner,
falsification of commercial documents, the information through falsification, made it appear that said Enrico
alleged that petitioner, by taking advantage of his Carlos applied for the loan when in fact he (Enrico
position as president of RBSM, falsified various loan Carlos) did not. Through such fraudulent device,
documents to make it appear that an Enrico Carlos petitioner obtained the loan proceeds and converted the
secured a loan of P8 million from RBSM; that petitioner same. Under these circumstances, it cannot be said that
succeeded in obtaining the loan proceeds; that he later petitioner became the legal owner of the P8
converted the loan proceeds to his own personal gain million. Thus, petitioner remained the banks fiduciary
and benefit; and that his action caused damage and with respect to that money, which makes it capable of
prejudice to RBSM, its creditors, the BSP, and the PDIC. misappropriation or conversion in his hands.
Significantly, this is not the first occasion that we The next question is whether there can also be,
adjudge the sufficiency of similarly worded at the same time, a charge for DOSRI violation in such a
informations. In Soriano v. People,[45] involving the situation wherein the accused bank officer
same petitioner in this case (but different transactions), did not secure a loan in his own name, but was alleged
we also reviewed the sufficiency of informations for to have used the name of another person in order to
indirectly secure a loan from the bank. We answer this secure[d] a loan with [RBSM] x x x knowing fully well
in the affirmative. Section 83 of RA 337 reads: that the same has been done by him without the written
  consent and approval of the majority of the board of
Section 83. No director or
directors x x x, and which consent and approval the said
officer of any banking institution shall,
either directly or indirectly, for himself accused deliberately failed to obtain and enter the same
or as the representative or agent of upon the records of said banking institution and to
others, borrow any of the deposits of transmit a copy thereof to the supervising department of
funds of such bank, nor shall he
the said bank x x x by using the name of one depositor
become a guarantor, indorser, or
surety for loans from such bank to Enrico Carlos x x x, the latter having no knowledge of
others, or in any manner be an obligor the said loan, and once in possession of the said amount
for moneys borrowed from the bank or of eight million pesos (P8 million), [petitioner]
loaned by it, except with the written converted the same to his own personal use and
approval of the majority of the directors
of the bank, excluding the director benefit.[53]
concerned. Any such approval shall be  
entered upon the records of the The foregoing information describes the
corporation and a copy of such entry manner of securing the loan as indirect; names
shall be transmitted forthwith to the
Superintendent of Banks. The office of petitioner as the benefactor of the indirect loan; and
any director or officer of a bank who states that the requirements of the law were not
violates the provisions of this section complied with. It contains all the required
shall immediately become vacant and elements[54] for a violation of Section 83, even if
the director or officer shall be punished
by imprisonment of not less than one petitioner did not secure the loan in his own name.
year nor more than ten years and by a  
fine of not less than one thousand nor The broad interpretation of the prohibition in
more than ten thousand pesos. x x x Section 83 is justified by the fact that it
  even expressly covers loans to third parties where the
The prohibition in Section 83 is broad enough to cover
third parties are aware of the transaction (such as
various modes of borrowing.[48] It covers loans by a bank
director or officer (like herein petitioner) which are principals represented by the DOSRI), and where the
made either: (1) directly, (2) indirectly, (3) for himself, DOSRIs interest does not appear to be beneficial but
(4) or as the representative or agent of others. It applies even burdensome (such as in cases when the DOSRI
even if the director or officer is a mere guarantor, acts as a mere guarantor or surety). If the law finds it
indorser or surety for someone else's loan or is in any
necessary to protect the bank and the banking system in
manner an obligor for money borrowed from the bank
or loaned by it. The covered transactions are prohibited such situations, it will surely be illogical for it to exclude
unless the approval, reportorial and ceiling a case like this where the DOSRI acted for his own
requirements under Section 83 are complied with. The benefit, using the name of an unsuspecting person. A
prohibition is intended to protect the public, especially contrary interpretation will effectively allow a DOSRI to
the depositors,[49] from the overborrowing of bank funds
use dummies to circumvent the requirements of the law.
by bank officers, directors, stockholders and related
interests, as such overborrowing may lead to bank In sum, the informations filed against petitioner
failures.[50] It has been said that banking institutions are do not negate each other.
not created for the benefit of the directors [or officers].  
While directors have great powers as directors, they Third Issue:
have no special privileges as individuals. They cannot  
use the assets of the bank for their own benefit except as Is a Rule 65 petition for certiorari the proper
permitted by law. Stringent restrictions are placed about remedy against
them so that when acting both for the bank and for one an Order denying a Motion to Quash?
of themselves at the same time, they must keep within
certain prescribed lines regarded by the legislature as
essential to safety in the banking business.[51] This issue may be speedily resolved by adopting our
  ruling in Soriano v. People,[55] where we held:
A direct borrowing is obviously one that is In fine, the Court has
made in the name of the DOSRI himself or where the consistently held that a special civil
DOSRI is a named party, while an indirect borrowing action for certiorari is not the proper
includes one that is made by a third party, but the remedy to assail the denial of a motion
to quash an information. The proper
DOSRI has a stake in the transaction.[52] The latter type procedure in such a case is for the
indirect borrowing applies here. The information in accused to enter a plea, go to trial
Criminal Case 238-M-2001 alleges that petitioner in his without prejudice on his part to present
capacity as President of Rural Bank of San Miguel San the special defenses he had invoked in
his motion to quash and if after trial on
Ildefonso branch x x x indirectly borrow[ed] or
the merits, an adverse decision is
rendered, to appeal therefrom in the WHEREFORE, the petition
manner authorized by law. Thus, is DENIED. The assailed September 26,
petitioners should not have forthwith
filed a special civil action 2003 Decision as well as the February 5, 2004
for certiorari with the CA and instead,
they should have gone to trial and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
reiterated the special defenses 67657 are AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
contained in their motion to quash.
There are no special or exceptional  
circumstances in the present case that SO ORDERED.
would justify immediate resort to a SECOND
filing of a petition for certiorari. DIVISION
Clearly, the CA did not commit any  
reversible error, much less, grave abuse
of discretion in dismissing the petition. JOSE C. GO, G.R. No. 178
Fourth Issue:    
Whether petitioner is entitled to a -         versus - *
writ of injunction   CARPIO MOR
  BRION, and
The requisites to justify an injunctive relief are: (1) the
right of the complainant is clear and unmistakable; (2)    
the invasion of the right sought to be protected is BANGKO SENTRAL NG  
material and substantial; and (3) there is an urgent and PILIPINAS, Promulgated:
paramount necessity for the writ to prevent serious
October 23, 20
damage. A clear legal right means one clearly founded x --------------------------------------------------------------------
in or granted by law or is enforceable as a matter of law.    
Absent any clear and unquestioned legal right, the  
issuance of an injunctive writ would constitute grave   DECISION
abuse of discretion.[57] Caution and prudence must, at all    
times, attend the issuance of an injunctive writ because
  BRION, J.:
it effectively disposes of the main case without trial
and/or due process.[58] In Olalia v. Hizon,[59] the Court Through the present petition for review
held as follows: on certiorari,[1] petitioner Jose C. Go (Go) assails
  the October 26, 2006 decision[2] of the Court of
It has been consistently held Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 79149, as well as
that there is no power the exercise of its June 4, 2007 resolution.[3] The CA decision and
which is more delicate, which requires
greater caution, deliberation and sound resolution annulled and set aside the May 20,
discretion, or more dangerous in a 2003[4] and June 30, 2003[5] orders of the Regional
doubtful case, than the issuance of an Trial Court (RTC), Branch 26, Manila which
injunction. It is the strong arm of equity granted Gos motion to quash the Information filed
that should never be extended unless to against him.
cases of great injury, where courts of  
law cannot afford an adequate or  
commensurate remedy in damages. THE FACTS
Every court should remember  
that an injunction is a limitation upon  
the freedom of action of the On August 20, 1999, an Information [6] for violation
[complainant] and should not be of Section 83 of Republic Act No. 337 (RA 337) or
granted lightly or precipitately. It
the General Banking Act, as amended by
should be granted only when the court
is fully satisfied that the law permits it Presidential Decree No. 1795, was filed against Go
and the emergency demands it. before the RTC. The charge reads:
  That on or about and during
the period comprised between June
Given this Court's findings in the earlier issues of the
27, 1996 and September 15, 1997,
instant case, we find no compelling reason to grant the inclusive, in the City of Manila,
Philippines, the said accused,
injunctive relief sought by petitioner. being then the Director and the
President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Orient
Commercial Banking do not constitute an offense under Section
Corporation (Orient Bank), a 83 of RA 337 which states:
commercial banking institution  
created, organized and existing No director or officer of any banking
under Philippines laws, with its institution shall either directly or
main branch located at C.M. Recto indirectly, for himself or as the
Avenue, this City, and taking representative or agent of
advantage of his position as such another, borrow any of the deposits
officer/director of the said bank, did of funds of such banks, nor shall
then and there wilfully, he become a guarantor, indorser, or
unlawfully and knowingly surety for loans from such bank, to
borrow, either directly or others, or in any manner be an
indirectly, for himself or as the obligor for money borrowed from
representative of his other the bank or loaned by it, except with
related companies, the deposits the written approval of the majority
or funds of the said banking of the directors of the bank,
institution and/or become a excluding the director
guarantor, indorser or obligor concerned. Any such approval shall
for loans from the said bank to be entered upon the records of the
others, by then and there using corporation and a copy of such entry
said borrowed deposits/funds shall be transmitted forthwith to the
of the said bank in facilitating appropriate supervising
and granting and/or caused the department. The office of any
facilitating and granting of director or officer of a bank who
credit lines/loans and, among violates the provisions of this section
others, to the New Zealand shall immediately become vacant
Accounts loans in the total and the director or officer shall be
amount of TWO BILLION AND punished by imprisonment of not
SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR less than one year nor more than ten
MILLION NINE HUNDRED years and by a fine of not less than
FIVE THOUSAND AND EIGHT one thousand nor more than ten
0/100 PESOS, Philippine  
Currency, said accused knowing The Monetary Board may regulate
fully well that the same has the amount of credit
been done by him without the accommodations that may be
written approval of the extended, directly or indirectly, by
majority of the Board of banking institutions to their
Directors of said Orient directors, officers, or
Bank and which approval the said stockholders.However, the
accused deliberately failed to obtain outstanding credit accommodations
and enter the same upon the records which a bank may extend to each of
of said banking institution and to its stockholders owning two percent
transmit a copy of which to the (2%) or more of the subscribed
supervising department of the said capital stock, its directors, or its
bank, as required by the General officers, shall be limited to an
Banking Act. amount equivalent to the respective
  outstanding deposits and book value
CONTRARY TO LAW. of the paid-in capital contribution in
[Emphasis supplied.] the bank. Provided, however, that
  loans and advances to officers in the
On May 28, 2001, Go pleaded not guilty to the form of fringe benefits granted in
offense charged. accordance with rules and
  regulations as may be prescribed by
After the arraignment, both the prosecution Monetary Board shall not be subject
to the preceding limitation. (As
and accused Go took part in the pre-trial amended by PD 1795)
conference where the marking of the voluminous  
evidence for the parties was accomplished. After the In addition to the conditions
completion of the marking, the trial court ordered established in the preceding
the parties to proceed to trial on the merits. paragraph, no director or a building
  and loan association shall engage in
Before the trial could commence, however, Go filed any of the operations mentioned in
said paragraphs, except upon the
on February 26, 2003[7] a motion to quash the
pledge of shares of the association
Information, which motion Go amended on March having a total withdrawal value
1, 2003.[8] Go claimed that the Information greater than the amount
was defective, as the facts charged therein borrowed. (As amended by PD 1795)
  On October 26, 2006, the CA rendered the
In support of his motion to quash, Go assailed decision granting the prosecutions petition
averred that based on the facts alleged in the for certiorari.[9] The CA declared that the RTC
Information, he was being prosecuted for misread the law when it decided to quash the
borrowing the deposits or funds of the Orient Information against Go. It explained that the
Bank and/or acting as a guarantor, indorser or allegation that Go acted either as a borrower or a
obligor for the banks loans to other persons. The guarantor or as both borrower and guarantor
use of the word and/or meant that he was charged merely set forth the different modes by which the
for being either a borrower or a guarantor, or for offense was committed. It did not necessarily mean
being both a borrower and guarantor. Go claimed that Go acted both as borrower and guarantor for
that the charge was not only vague, but also did not the same loan at the same time. It agreed with the
constitute an offense. He posited that Section 83 of prosecutions stand that the second paragraph of
RA 337 penalized only directors and officers of Section 83 of RA 337 is not an exception to the first
banking institutions who acted either as borrower paragraph. Thus, the failure of the Information to
or as guarantor, but not as both. state that the amount of the loan Go borrowed or
  guaranteed exceeded the legal limits was, to the CA,
Go further pointed out that the Information an irrelevant issue. For these reasons, the CA
failed to state that his alleged act of borrowing annulled and set aside the RTCs orders and ordered
and/or guarantying was not among the exceptions the reinstatement of the criminal charge against
provided for in the law.According to Go, the second Go. After the CAs denial of his motion for
paragraph of Section 83 allowed banks to extend reconsideration,[10] Go filed the present appeal
credit accommodations to their directors, officers, by certiorari.
and stockholders, provided it is limited to an  
amount equivalent to the respective outstanding THE PETITION
deposits and book value of the paid-in capital  
contribution in the bank. Extending credit In his petition, Go alleges that the appellate
accommodations to bank directors, officers, and court legally erred in overturning the trial courts
stockholders is not per se prohibited, unless the orders. He insists that the Information failed to
amount exceeds the legal limit. Since the allege the acts or omissions complained of with
Information failed to state that the amount he sufficient particularity to enable him to know the
purportedly borrowed and/or guarantied was offense being charged; to allow him to properly
beyond the limit set by law, Go insisted that the acts prepare his defense; and likewise to allow the court
so charged did not constitute an offense. to render proper judgment.
Finding Gos contentions persuasive, the Repeating his arguments in his motion to
RTC granted Gos motion to quash the Information quash, Go reads Section 83 of RA 337 as penalizing
on May 20, 2003. It denied on June 30, 2003 the a director or officer of a banking institution for
motion for reconsideration filed by the prosecution. either borrowing the deposits or funds of the bank,
  or guaranteeing or indorsing loans to others, but
The prosecution did not accept the RTC not for assuming both capacities. He claimed that
ruling and filed a petition for certiorari to question the prosecutions shotgun approach in alleging that
it before the CA. The Information, the prosecution he acted as borrower and/or guarantor rendered
claimed, was sufficient. The word and/or did not the Information highly defective for failure to
materially affect the validity of the Information, as specify with certainty the specific act or omission
it merely stated a mode of committing the crime complained of. To petitioner Go, the prosecutions
penalized under Section 83 of RA 337. Moreover, approach was a clear violation of his constitutional
the prosecution asserted that the second paragraph right to be informed of the nature and cause of the
of Section 83 (referring to the credit accusation against him.
accommodation limit) cannot be interpreted as an  
exception to what the first paragraph provided. The Additionally, Go reiterates his claim that
second paragraph only sets borrowing limits that, if credit accommodations by banks to their directors
violated, render the bank, not the director- and officers are legal and valid, provided that these
borrower, liable. A violation of the second are limited to their outstanding deposits and book
paragraph of Section 83 under which Go is being value of the paid-in capital contribution in the
prosecuted is therefore separate and distinct from a bank. The failure to state that he borrowed deposits
violation of the first paragraph. Thus, the and/or guaranteed loans beyond this limit rendered
prosecution prayed that the orders of the RTC the Information defective. He thus asks the Court to
quashing the Information be set aside and the reverse the CA decision to reinstate the criminal
criminal case against Go be reinstated. charge.
In its Comment,[11] the prosecution raises The facts and circumstances necessary to be
the same defenses against Gos contentions. It included in the Information are determined by
insists on the sufficiency of the allegations in the reference to the definition and elements of the
Information and prays for the denial of Gos specific crimes. The Information must allege
clearly and accurately the elements of the
THE COURTS RULING crime charged.[16]
   Elements of Violation of
The Court does not find the petition n 83
meritorious and accordingly denies it. of RA
 The Accuseds Right to be Informed
Under the Constitution, a person who Under Section 83, RA 337, the following elements
stands charged of a criminal offense has the right to must be present to constitute a violation of its first
be informed of the nature and cause of the paragraph:
accusation against him.[12] The Rules of Court, in 1.     the offender is a director or officer of any
implementing the right, specifically require that the banking institution;
acts or omissions complained of as constituting the 2.     the offender, either directly or indirectly,
offense, including the qualifying and aggravating for himself or as representative or agent of
circumstances, must be stated in ordinary and another, performs any of the following acts:
concise language, not necessarily in the language
a.     he borrows any of the deposits or
used in the statute, but in terms sufficient to enable
funds of such bank; or
a person of common understanding to know what
b.     he becomes a guarantor, indorser,
offense is being charged and the attendant
qualifying and aggravating circumstances present, or surety for loans from such bank to
so that the accused can properly defend himself and others, or
the court can pronounce judgment.[13] To broaden c.      he becomes in any manner an
the scope of the right, the Rules authorize the obligor for money borrowed
quashal, upon motion of the accused, of an from bank or loaned by it;
Information that fails to allege the acts constituting 3.     the offender has performed any of such
the offense.[14] Jurisprudence has laid down the acts without the written approval of the
fundamental test in appreciating a motion to quash majority of the directors of the bank,
an Information grounded on the insufficiency of the
excluding the offender, as the director
facts alleged therein. We stated in People v.
Romualdez[15] that:
The determinative test in A simple reading of the above elements
appreciating a motion to quash xxx easily rejects Gos contention that the law penalizes
is the sufficiency of the averments in a bank director or officer only either for borrowing
the information, that is, whether the
facts alleged, if hypothetically the banks deposits or funds or for guarantying
admitted, would establish the loans by the bank, but not for acting in both
essential elements of the offense as capacities. The essence of the crime is
defined by law without considering becoming an obligor of the bank without
matters aliunde. As Section 6, Rule
110 of the Rules of Criminal securing the necessary written approval of
Procedure requires, the the majority of the banks directors.
information only needs to state  
the ultimate facts; the The second element merely lists down the
evidentiary and other details
can be provided during the various modes of committing the offense. The third
trial. mode, by declaring that [no director or officer of
  any banking institution shall xxx] in any
To restate the rule, an manner be an obligor for money borrowed
Information only needs to state
the ultimate facts constituting from the bank or loaned by it, in fact serves a
the offense, not the finer details catch-all phrase that covers any situation when a
of why and how the illegal acts director or officer of the bank becomes its
alleged amounted to undue obligor. The prohibition is directed against a
injury or damage matters that are
appropriate for the trial. [Emphasis bank director or officer who becomes in any
supplied] manner an obligor for money borrowed
  from or loaned by the bank without the
written approval of the majority of the bank director or officer concerned liable for
banks board of directors. To make a distinction prosecution and, upon conviction, subjects him to
between the act of borrowing and guarantying is the penalty provided in the third sentence of first
therefore unnecessary because in either situation, paragraph of Section 83.
the director or officer concerned becomes an  
obligor of the bank against whom the obligation is The reportorial requirement, on the
juridically demandable. other hand, mandates that any such approval
  should be entered upon the records of the
The language of the law is broad enough to corporation, and a copy of the entry be transmitted
encompass either act of borrowing or guaranteeing, to the appropriate supervising department. The
or both. While the first paragraph of Section 83 is reportorial requirement is addressed to the bank
penal in nature, and by principle should be strictly itself, which, upon its failure to do so, subjects it
construed in favor of the accused, the Court is to quo warrantoproceedings under Section 87 of
unwilling to adopt a liberal construction that would RA 337.[20]
defeat the legislatures intent in enacting the  
statute.The objective of the law should allow for a The ceiling requirement under the
reasonable flexibility in its construction. Section 83 second paragraph of Section 83 regulates the
of RA 337, as well as other banking laws adopting amount of credit accommodations that banks may
the same prohibition, [17] was enacted to ensure that extend to their directors or officers by limiting
loans by banks and similar financial institutions to these to an amount equivalent to the respective
their own directors, officers, and stockholders are outstanding deposits and book value of the paid-in
above board.[18] Banks were not created for the capital contribution in the bank. Again, this is a
benefit of their directors and officers; they cannot requirement directed at the bank. In this light, a
use the assets of the bank for their own benefit, prosecution for violation of the first paragraph of
except as may be permitted by law. Congress has Section 83, such as the one involved here, does not
thus deemed it essential to impose restrictions on require an allegation that the loan exceeded the
borrowings by bank directors and officers in order legal limit. Even if the loan involved is below the
to protect the public, especially the depositors. legal limit, a written approval by the majority of the
 Hence, when the law prohibits directors and banks directors is still required; otherwise, the bank
officers of banking institutions from becoming in director or officer who becomes an obligor of the
any manner an obligor of the bank (unless with the bank is liable. Compliance with the ceiling
approval of the board), the terms of the prohibition requirement does not dispense with the approval
shall be the standards to be applied to directors requirement.
transactions such as those involved in the present  
case. Evidently, the failure to observe the three
 Credit accommodation limit is not an requirements under Section 83 paves the way for
exception nor is it an element of the the prosecution of three different offenses, each
offen with its own set of elements. A successful
indictment for failing to comply with the approval
requirement will not necessitate proof that the
other two were likewise not observed.
Contrary to Gos claims, the second
 Rules of Court allow amendment of
paragraph of Section 83, RA 337 does not provide
insufficient Information
for an exception to a violation of the first paragraph
Assuming that the facts charged in the Information
thereof, nor does it constitute as an element of the
do not constitute an offense, we find it erroneous
offense charged. Section 83 of RA 337 actually
for the RTC to immediately order the dismissal of
imposes three restrictions: approval, reportorial,
the Information, without giving the prosecution a
and ceiling requirements.
chance to amend it. Section 4 of Rule 117 states:
The approval requirement (found in the SEC. 4. Amendment of complaint
first sentence of the first paragraph of the law) or information.If the motion to quash
refers to the written approval of the majority of the is based on an alleged defect of the
complaint or information which can be
banks board of directors required before bank
cured by amendment, the court shall
directors and officers can in any manner be an order that an amendment be made.
obligor for money borrowed from or loaned by the  
bank. Failure to secure the approval renders the
If it is based on the ground the subject foreclosed property, the Court must first
that the facts charged do not determine what law to apply. Is it Section 30, Rule
constitute an offense, the 39 of the Revised Rules of Court in relation to Act
prosecution shall be given by the No. 3135 as amended, or Section 78 of Rep. Act No.
court an opportunity to correct 337 (General Banking Act) as amended by P.D. No.
the defect by amendment. The 1828?
motion shall be granted if the
prosecution fails to make the The facts of the case are as follows:
amendment, or the complaint or
information still suffers from the On March 2, 1979, Carlos Coquinco executed in
same defect despite the favor of private respondent State Investment
amendment. [Emphasis supplied] House, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as SIHI) a real
  estate mortgage over a 952 square-meter parcel of
Although an Information may be defective because land in San Juan, Metro-Manila, together with all
the improvements thereon, covered by TCT No.
the facts charged do not constitute an offense, the
2782 issued in his name, as security for the
dismissal of the case will not necessarily follow. The payment of a loan in the amount of P1,000,000.00.
Rules specifically require that the prosecution For failure of Carlos Coquinco to pay his
should be given a chance to correct the defect; the outstanding balance of P1,126,220.56 computed as
of October 19, 1982 [Record, p. 217-E] the
court can order the dismissal only upon the
mortgaged property was extrajudicially foreclosed
prosecutions failure to do so. The RTCs failure to by SIHI and was sold at public auction on February
provide the prosecution this 10, 1983 for P760,000.00 to SIHI as the only
opportunity twice  constitutes
an arbitrary bidder. The certificate of sale in favor of SIHI was
registered with the Registry of Deeds of Pasig on
exercise of power that was correctly addressed by
February 28, 1983.
the CA through the certiorari petition. This defect
in the RTCs action on the case, while not central to On May 22, 1983, SIHI filed before the Regional
the issue before us, strengthens our conclusion that Trial Court (RTC) of Manila an action against
this criminal case should be resolved through full- Carlos Coquinco for the collection of the sum of
P612,031.84, representing the deficiency of his
blown trial on the merits.
indebtedness as of February 10, 1983.
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petitioners petition In the meantime, petitioner acquired by virtue of a
for review on certiorari and AFFIRM the decision deed of assignment Carlos Coquinco's right of
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 79149, redemption for and in consideration of
promulgated on October 26, 2006, as well as its P500,000.00. Before the expiration of the one-year
resolution of June 4, 2007. The Regional Trial redemption period, petitioner offered to redeem the
foreclosed property from SIHI by tendering to the
Court, Branch 26, Manila is directed
latter two (2) manager's checks issued by
to PROCEED with the hearing of Criminal Case SOLIDBANK, one for P760,000.00 representing
No. 99-178551. Costs against the petitioner. the purchase price, and another for P91,200.00
  representing interest at the rate of 1% per month
SO ORDERED. for 12 months, totalling P851,200.00. SIHI rejected
this offer.
G.R. No. 83139 April 12, 1989
Thus, on February 20, 1984, petitioner filed an
ARNEL SY, petitioner,  action for consignation of the aforesaid amount
vs. with the RTC, docketed as Civil Case No. 84-22839,
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, STATE to compel SIHI to accept the P851,200.00 as
INVESTMENT HOUSE, INC. and THE payment of the redemption price for the foreclosed
REGISTER OF DEEDS OF property, to order SIHI to surrender the title over
RIZAL, respondents. the property and to issue a certificate of redemption
in favor of petitioner.
Manuel T. Ubarra for petitioner.
On February 27, 1984, a day before the expiration
Vicente D. Minora co-counsel for petitioner. of the redemption period, petitioner decided to
redeem the foreclosed property directly from the
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for Ex-Officio Regional Sheriff of Rizal, who accepted
respondent State Investment House, Inc. from him the amount of P851,200.00 as
redemption price and P4,269.00 as percentage fee
of collection, and issued to him the corresponding
certificate of redemption.
On March 30,1984, SIHI filed a motion to dismiss
Civil Case No. 84-22839 on the ground of lack of
For a resolution of the issues raised in the instant
cause of action, alleging that the amount sought to
petition involving the amount required to redeem
be consigned was insufficient for purposes of
redemption pursuant to Section 78 of Rep. Act No. raising basically the same errors he had raised in
337, otherwise known as the General Banking Act. the appellate court.

In an order dated April 24, 1984, the RTC The issues raised in this petition may be reduced
dismissed petitioner's action on the ground, among into four, to wit:
others, that there being no valid tender of payment,
there was no valid consignation. No appeal was I. Whether Act No. 3135, as
interposed by petitioner from this order. amended, in relation to Section 30,
Rule 39 of the Revised Rules of
After the dismissal of the aforementioned action, Court, or Section 78 of Rep. Act No.
SIHI consolidated its ownership over the foreclosed 337 (General Banking Act), as
property, and caused the cancellation of TCT No. amended by P.D. No. 1828, is the
2782 and the issuance of TCT No. 44775 covering applicable law in determining the
the same property in its name. redemption price;

After learning of this development, petitioner II. Whether or not the dismissal of
instituted another action in the Regional Trial Civil Case No. 84-22839
Court on June 11, 1984, this time a complaint for (consignation case) had the effect
annulment and cancellation of title, with damages, of res judicata with respect to Civil
against SIHI and the Register of Deeds for the Case No. 51169;
Province of Rizal, docketed as Civil Case No. 51169.
III. Whether or not the Register of
During the pendency of the action, SIHI sold the Deeds for the province of Rizal may
subject property to spouses Domingo Lim and Lim be held liable for damages for
Siu Keng. Defendant Register of Deeds, thereafter, cancelling TCT No. 2782 and issuing
cancelled TCT No. 44775 and issued TCT No. TCT No. 44775 in favor of SIHI; and,
46409 in the name of the spouses.
IV. Whether or not the award of
On July 7, 1986, the court a quo dismissed attorney's fees and expenses of
petitioner's complaint holding that it stated no litigation assessed against petitioner
cause of action because petitioner failed to effect a is proper.
valid redemption as required under Section 78 of
the General Banking Act, as amended by P.D. No. As regards the first issue, petitioner insists that the
1828. The court accordingly ordered petitioner to present case is governed by Act No. 3135, as
pay SIHI the following sums of money: P10,000.00 amended, in relation to Section 30, Rule 39 of the
as temperate damages; P20,000.00 as exemplary Revised Rules of Court which provides in part:
damages on the finding that petitioner had
instituted the case in violation of the res SEC. 30. Time and manner of, and
judicata rule; and P20,000.00 as attorney's fees amounts payable on, successive
[CA Decision, p. 4; Rollo, p. 32]. Petitioner's motion redemptions. Notice to be given and
for reconsideration was subsequently denied. filed. — The judgment debtor, or
redemptioner,, may redeem the
Petitioner then appealed to respondent appellate property from the purchaser, at any
court, raising as errors: (1) the application of time within twelve months after the
Section 78 of the General Banking Act, as amended, sale on paying the purchaser the
instead of Act No. 3135, in relation to Section 30, amount of his purchase, with one
Rule 39 of the Revised Rules of Court; (2) the percentum per month interest
holding that the dismissal of Civil Case No. 84- thereon in addition, up to the time
22839 (consignation case) from which petitioner of redemption, together with the
failed to appeal and wherein the court made a amount of any assessments or taxes
finding that petitioner made no valid tender of which the purchaser may have paid
payment of the redemption price, had the effect thereon after purchase, and interest
of res judicata on the case at hand; (3) the finding on such last-named amount at the
that SIHI committed no actionable wrong in same rate... [Emphasis supplied.]
conveying the subject property to spouses Domingo
Lim and Lim Siu Keng; and, (4) the award of Thus, petitioner contends that a valid redemption
damages assessed against petitioner [CA Decision, was made by him as assignee of the mortgagor's
p. 5; Rollo, p. 33]. right of redemption when he tendered and paid to
the Sheriff of Rizal the amount of P851,000.00
In its decision promulgated on April 28, 1988, representing the purchase price plus interest
respondent appellate court affirmed the trial court's computed at the rate of 1% per month for a period
judgment with the modification that the award for of twelve months. This was the same amount
temperate and exemplary damages assessed against allegedly tendered to, and refused acceptance by,
petitioner was set aside for lack of legal basis [CA SIHI. In support of his contention, petitioner
Decision, p. 11; Rollo, p. 39]. invokes the case of Philippine National Bank v. The
Honorable Court of Appeals and Divina Alim [G.R.
Not satisfied with the above decision, petitioner No. 60208, December 5, 1985,140 SCRA 360].
filed the instant petition for review on certiorari,
On the other hand, respondent appellate court, Had Carlos Coquinco attempted to redeem the
citing the case of Ponce de Leon v. Rehabilitation subject foreclosed property, he would have had to
Finance Corporation [G.R. No. L-24571, December pay "the amount due under the mortgage deed ...
18, 1970, 36 SCRA 289], applied Section 78 of the with interest thereon at the rate specified in the
General Banking Act, as amended by P. D. No. mortgage and all costs ... and other expenses
1828, and consequently held that no valid incurred . . . by reason of the execution (or
redemption was effected by petitioner because the foreclosure] and sale and as a result of the custody
amount tendered to SIHI and thereafter paid to the of said property less the income received from the
sheriff was insufficient, it being less than the property . . ." pursuant to Section 78 of the General
amount due under the real estate mortgage contract Banking Act in order to effect a valid redemption.
of Carlos Coquinco or the latter's outstanding Since petitioner merely stepped into the shoes of
balance, with interest as specified in the mortgage Carlos Coquinco his assignor, petitioner should
contract plus expenses incurred by SIHI by reason have tendered and paid the same amount in order
of the foreclosure and sale of the subject property. to redeem the property.

The Court finds that respondent appellate court Contrary to petitioner's claim, the Court's decision
committed no reversible error, having acted in in Ponce de Leon v. Rehabilitation Finance
accordance with the law and jurisprudence. Corporation, supra, is applicable. In that case, the
Court had occasion to state that the General
Section 78 of the General Banking Act, as amended Banking Act partakes of the nature of an
by P.D. No. 1828, states that: amendment to Act No. 3135 insofar as the
redemption price is concerned, when the mortgagee
... In the event of foreclosure, whether judicially or is a bank or banking or credit institution, Section 6
extra-judicially, of any mortgage on real estate of Act No. 3135 being, in this respect, inconsistent
which is security for any loan granted before the with Section 78 of the General Banking Act.
passage of this Act or under the provisions of this Although the foreclosure and sale of the subject
Act, the mortgagor or debtor whose real property property was done by SIHI pursuant to Act No.
has been sold at public auction, judicially or extra- 3135, as amended (whereby entities like SIHI are
judicially, for the full or partial payment of an authorized to extrajudicially foreclose and sell
obligation to any bank, banking or credit mortgaged properties only under a special power
institution, within the purview of this Act shall have inserted in or annexed to the real estate mortgage
the right, within one year after the sale of the real contract, and interested parties, like petitioner
estate as a result of the foreclosure of the respective herein, are given one year from the date of sale
mortgage, to redeem the property by paying the within which to redeem the foreclosed properties),
amount fixed by the court in the order of execution, Section 78 of the General Banking Act, as amended,
or the amount due under the mortgage deed, as the provides the amount at which the subject property
case may be, with interest thereon at the rate is redeemable from SIHI, which is, in this case, the
specified in the mortgage and all the costs, and amount due under the mortgage deed, or the
judicial and other expenses incurred by the bank outstanding obligation of Carlos Coquinco plus
or institution concerned by reason of the execution interest and expenses.
and sale and as a result of the custody of said
property less the income received from the The decision in the 1985 case of Philippine
property. [Emphasis supplied]. National Bank v. The Honorable Court of Appeals,
supra, invoked by petitioner is not determinative of
It must be emphasized that the above section is the issues in the instant petition because that case
applicable not only to "banks and banking is applicable only to extrajudicial foreclosures by
institutions," but also to "credit institutions." And, the PNB effected pursuant to a mortgage contract
as certified by the Central Bank,* SIHI is a credit entered into prior to the enactment in 1975 of the
institution, i.e. financial intermediary engaged in Revised Charter of the PNB, P.D. No. 694 (which
quasi-banking functions within the purview of contained provisions on redemption), and deals
Section 78, it being an entity authorized to engage specifically with the amount of interest to be
in the lending of funds or purchasing of receivables included in the computation of the redemption
or other obligations with funds obtained from the price.
public as provided in the General Banking Act
under Section 2-A (a); ** and, to lend, invest or Thus, inasmuch as petitioner failed to tender and
place funds deposited with them, acquired by them pay the required amount for the redemption of the
or otherwise coursed through them, either for their subject property pursuant to Section 78 of the
own account or for the account of others under General Banking Act, as amended, no valid
Section 2-D(c) *** [Record, p. 246]. redemption was effected by him. Consequently,
there was no legal obstacle to the consolidation of
Moreover, petitioner by virtue of the deed of title by SIHI.
assignment of Carlos Coquinco's right of
redemption must be deemed subrogated to the Considering that the Court has made the foregoing
rights and obligations of his assignor, and bound by categorical finding that petitioner failed to effect a
exactly the same conditions, relative to the valid redemption of the subject property, it is
redemption of the subject property that bound the deemed unnecessary to pass upon the merits of the
latter as debtor and mortgagor [Gorospe v. Santos, second issue presented in the instant petition.
G.R. No. L-30079, January 30, 1976, 69 SCRA 191].
As regards the third issue, suffice it to say that the April 28, 1988, is hereby AFFIRMED with the
respondent Register of Deeds incurred no liability modification that the award of attorney's fees and
when he cancelled TCT No. 2782 and issued in lieu expenses of litigation is set aside.
thereof TCT No. 44775 in the name of SIHI, the
former having acted in fulfillment of his official SO ORDERED.
functions and in accordance with law.
With regard to the fourth issue, petitioner contends PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. COURT
that since respondent appellate court had set aside OF APPEALS, APOLONIA DE JESUS
the award of temperate and exemplary damages on GREGORIO, LUCIANA DE JESUS
the finding that petitioner had acted in good faith in GREGORIO, GONZALO VINCOY,
filing the present action, it should have also deleted married to TRINIDAD GREGORIO
the award of attorney's fees and expenses of VINCOY, respondents.
litigation assessed against him for lack of legal

This contention is meritorious. DE LEON, JR., J.:

A perusal of Article 2208 of the New Civil Code will This is a motion for reconsideration of the
reveal that the award of attorney's fees as a form of resolution of this Court dated July 12, 1999
damages is the exception rather than the general dismissing the petition for review
rule for it is predicated upon the existence of on certiorari filed by petitioner Union Bank of the
exceptional circumstances, such as a "clearly Philippines which assailed the decision of the Court
unfounded civil action or proceeding" or evident of Appeals (a) upholding the validity of the real
bad faith on the plaintiffs part in instituting his estate mortgage executed by respondents Gonzalo
action [Tan Ti v. Alvear, 26 Phil. 566 (1914); Buan and Trinidad Vincoy in favor of petitioner as
v. Camaganacan, G.R. No. L-21569, February 28, security for a loan in the principal amount of Two
1966,16 SCRA 321; Philippine National Bank v. Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00), and (b) fixing the
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-45770, March 20, redemption price of the property mortgaged at
1988, 159 SCRA 433]. Three Million Two Hundred Ninety Thousand
Pesos (P3,290,000.00) representing the purchase
It cannot be said that the present action instituted price of the said property at the foreclosure sale
by petitioner was clearly unfounded. Although the plus one percent (1%) monthly interest from April
theory upon which petitioner's complaint was 19, 1991, the date of the foreclosure sale, until its
based is untenable, he had raised legitimate issues redemption pursuant to Section 30, Rule 39 of the
on the application of Section 78 of the General Rules of Court.
Banking Act to credit institutions like SIHI, and the The following are the factual antecedents.
import of the decisions in the cases of Ponce de
Leon v. Rehabilitation Finance Corporation and On March 2, 1990, respondents-spouses
Philippine National Bank v. The honorable Court Gonzalo and Trinidad Vincoy mortgaged their
of Appeals. Neither was it established that residence in favor of petitioner to secure the
petitioner had acted in bad faith in the filing of his payment of a loan to Delco Industries (Phils.),
action against SIHI notwithstanding the dismissal Incorporated[1] in the amount of Two Million Pesos
of his complaint in Civil Case No. 84-22839 (P2,000,000.00). For failure of the respondents to
(consignation case). The Court agrees with the pay the loan at its date of maturity, petitioner
holding of the respondent appellate court that the extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgage and
filing of the present action by petitioner was merely scheduled the foreclosure sale on April 10,
1991. The petitioner submitted the highest bid of
... a misapprehension of a legal Three Million Two Hundred Ninety Thousand
remedy as would normally be taken Pesos (P3,290,000.00) at the foreclosure
within the ambit of permissible legal sale. Accordingly, a certificate of sale was issued to
procedure. This, is a scene petitioner and duly annotated at the back of the
happening daily in our courts where Transfer Certificate of Title covering the property
the opposing parties would avail of on May 8, 1991.[2]
every conceivable rule in the statute Prior to the expiration of the redemption
books to ventilate their claim or period on May 8, 1992, the respondents filed a
defenses. [Petitioner's] persistence complaint for annulment of mortgage with the
to pay the redemption petition price lower court. In their complaint, respondents alleged
is an act which the court does not that the subject property mortgaged to petitioner
consider condemnable as to make had in fact been constituted as a family home as
[him] liable for temperate and early as October 27, 1989. Among the beneficiaries
exemplary damages. We are inclined of the said family home are the sisters of
to presume that [he] acted in good respondent Trinidad Vincoy, namely Apolonia and
faith [CA Decision, p. 10; Rollo, P. Luciana De Jesus Gregorio whose consent to the
38.] mortgage was not obtained.[3] Respondents thus
assailed the validity of the mortgage on the ground
WHEREFORE, the decision of respondent Court of that Article 158 of the Family Code [4] prohibits the
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 13387 promulgated on execution, forced sale, attachment or any other
encumbrance of a family home without the written 2. Assuming without admitting that respondents
consent of majority of the beneficiaries thereof of are entitled to redemption, the price set by the
legal age.[5] On the other hand, petitioner Court of Appeals is not based on law.[13]
maintained that the mortgaged property of
respondents could not be legally constituted as a Petitioner contends, first of all, that in allowing
family home because its actual value exceeded the respondents to redeem the subject foreclosed
Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00), property, the Court of Appeals completely ignored
the maximum value for a family home in urban the fact that neither respondents complaint before
areas as stipulated in Article 157 of the Family the lower court nor their brief filed before the Court
Code.[6] of Appeals prayed for the redemption of the said
property. On the contrary, respondents had
The lower court rendered judgment declaring
consistently insisted on the nullity of the
the constitution of the family home void and the
mortgage. Thus, to allow them to redeem the
mortgage executed in favor of the petitioner
property would contradict the very theory of their
valid. It held, among others, that Article 158 of the
Family Code was not applicable to respondents
family home as the value of the latter at the time of Petitioner also contends that the respondents
its alleged constitution exceeded Three Hundred had already lost their right to redeem the foreclosed
Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00).[7] It also ordered property when they failed to exercise their right of
respondent Gonzalo Vincoy and/or Delco redemption by paying the redemption price within
Industries (Phils.), Inc. to pay petitioner his and/or the period provided for by law.[15] In the event,
its outstanding obligation as of February 15, 1993 in however, that the Court upholds the right of the
the amount of Four Million Eight Hundred Sixteen respondents to redeem the said property, the
Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Four Pesos and petitioner claims that it is not Section 30, Rule 39
Forty-Four Centavos (P4,816,194.44) including of the Rules of Court that applies in determining
such sums that may accrue by way of interests and the amount sufficient for redemption but Section
penalties.[8] 78 of the General Banking Act as amended by
Presidential Decree No. 1828[16] which provides:
Aggrieved, respondents appealed to the Court
of Appeals contending that the lower court erred in
finding that their family home was not duly xxx. In the event of foreclosure, whether judicially
constituted, and that the mortgage in favor of or extrajudicially, of any mortgage on real estate
petitioner is valid. Respondents also claimed that which is security for any loan granted before the
the correct amount sufficient for the redemption of passage of this Act or under the provisions of this
their property as of February 15, 1993 is Two Act, the mortgagor or debtor whose real property
Million Seven Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand has been sold at public auction, judicially or
Seven Hundred Twelve Pesos and Eighty-Seven extrajudicially, for the full or partial payment of
Centavos (P2,773,712.87)[9] and not Four Million an obligation to any bank, banking or credit
Eight Hundred Sixteen Thousand One Hundred institution, within the purview of this Act shall have
Ninety-Four Pesos and Forty-Four Centavos the right, within one year after the sale of the real
(P4,816,194.44) as found by the lower court. estate as a result of the foreclosure of the
respective mortgage, to redeem the property by
In a decision promulgated on June 4, 1997, the paying the amount fixed by the court in the order
Court of Appeals sustained the finding of the lower of execution, or the amount due under the
court that the alleged family home of the mortgage deed, as the case may be, with interest
respondents did not fall within the purview of thereon at the rate specified in the mortgage, and
Article 157 of the Family Code as its value at the all the costs, and judicial and other expenses
time of its constitution was more than the incurred by the bank or institution concerned by
maximum value of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos reason of the execution and sale and as a result of
(P300,000.00). Hence, the Court of Appeals the custody of the said property less the income
upheld the validity of the mortgage executed over received from the property. [Italics supplied].
the said property in favor of the petitioner.
 However, it found that the amount sufficient for This Court dismissed the petition in a
the redemption of the foreclosed property is Three Resolution promulgated on July 12, 1999 on the
Million Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Pesos ground that the Court of Appeals did not commit
(P3,290,000.00) equivalent to the purchase price any reversible error and that the petition raises
at the foreclosure sale plus one percent (1%) mere questions of fact already amply passed upon
monthly interest from April 19, 1991 up to the date by the appellate court.[17] Hence, the instant motion
of redemption[11] pursuant to Section 30, Rule 39 of for reconsideration.
the Rules of Court.[12]
We are persuaded to reconsider.
Dissatisfied with the ruling of the Court of
Appeals, the petitioner filed a petition for review on First of all, it is important to note that this case
certiorari with this Court submitting the following was decided by the lower court on the basis only of
issues for resolution: the pleadings submitted by the parties. No trial was
conducted, thus, no evidence other than that
1. The Court of Appeals resolves an issue of submitted with the pleadings could be considered.
redemption which was not even directly raised by A careful scrutiny of the pleadings filed by the
the parties and contrary to the evidence on record. respondents before the lower court reveals that at
no time did the respondents pray that they be
allowed to redeem the subject foreclosed property. redeem the property foreclosed by respondent was
 On the other hand, respondents never wavered suspended by the institution of an action to annul
from the belief that the mortgage over the said the foreclosure sale filed three (3) days before the
property is, in the first place, void for having been expiration of the period. To this we ruled that:
executed over a duly constituted family home
without the consent of the beneficiaries We have not found, however, any statute or
thereof. After upholding the validity of the decision in support of this pretense. Moreover, up
mortgage, the lower court ordered respondent to now plaintiffs have not exercised the right of
Gonzalo Vincoy and/or Delco Industries, Inc. to pay redemption. Indeed, although they have intimated
petitioner the amount of Four Million Eight their wish to redeem the property in question, they
Hundred Sixteen Thousand One Hundred Ninety- have not deposited the amount necessary
Four Pesos and Forty-Four Centavos therefor. It may not be amiss to note that, unlike
(P4,816,194.44) plus interests and penalties Section 30 of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, which
representing Vincoys and/or Delcos outstanding permits the extension of the period of redemption
obligation to petitioner as of February 15, 1993. of mortgaged properties, Section 3 of
 There is no mention whatsoever of respondents Commonwealth Act No. 459, in relation to Section
right to redeem the property. 9 of Republic Act No. 85, which governs the
redemption of property mortgaged to the Bank does
Respondents raised the issue of redemption for
no contain a similar provision. Again this question
the first time only on appeal in contesting the
has been definitely settled by the previous case
amount ordered by the lower court to be paid by
declaring that plaintiffs right of redemption has
respondents to the petitioner. Thus, the actuation
already been extinguished in view of their failure to
of the Court of Appeals in allowing the respondents
exercise it within the statutory period."[24]
to redeem the subject foreclosed property is not
legally permissible. In petitions for review or appeal
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, the appellate Also, in the more recent case of Vaca v. Court
tribunal is limited to the determination of whether of Appeals,[25] we declared that the pendency of an
the lower court committed reversible error.[20] action questioning the validity of a mortgage cannot
bar the issuance of the writ of possession after title
It is settled jurisprudence that an issue which to the property has been consolidated in the
was neither averred in the complaint nor raised mortgagee.[26] The implication is clear: the period of
during the trial in the court below cannot be raised redemption is not interrupted by the filing of an
for the first time on appeal as it would be offensive action assailing the validity of the mortgage, so that
to the basic rules of fair play, justice and due at the expiration thereof, the mortgagee who
process.[21] On this ground alone, the Court of acquires the property at the foreclosure sale can
Appeals should have completely ignored the issue proceed to have the title consolidated in his name
of respondents right to redeem the subject and a writ of possession issued in his favor.
foreclosed property. In addition, a reason just as
glaringly obvious exists for declaring the To rule otherwise, and allow the institution of
respondents right of redemption already non- an action questioning the validity of a mortgage to
existent one year after May 8, 1991, the date of the suspend the running of the one year period of
registration of the sale at public auction. redemption would constitute a dangerous
precedent. A likely offshoot of such a ruling is the
Pursuant to Section 78 of the General Banking institution of frivolous suits for annulment of
Act, a mortgagor whose real property has been sold mortgage intended merely to give the mortgagor
at a public auction, judicially or extrajudicially, for more time to redeem the mortgaged property.
the full or partial payment of an obligation to any
bank, shall have the right, within one year after the As a final word, although the issue pertaining
sale of the real estate to redeem the property. The to the correct amount for the redemption of the
one-year period is actually to be reckoned from the subject foreclosed property has been rendered moot
date of the registration of the sale. [22] Clearly by the foregoing, a point of clarification should
therefore, respondents had only until May 8, 1992 perhaps be made as to the applicable legal
to redeem the subject foreclosed property. Their provision. Petitioners contention that Section 78 of
failure to exercise that right of redemption by the General Banking Act governs the determination
paying the redemption price within the period of the redemption price of the subject property is
prescribed by law effectively divested them of said meritorious. InPonce de Leon v. Rehabilitation
right. It bears reiterating that during the one year Finance Corporation,[27] this Court had occasion to
redemption period, respondents never attempted to rule that Section 78 of the General Banking Act had
redeem the subject property but instead persisted the effect of amending Section 6 of Act No.
in their theory that the mortgage is null and 3135[28] insofar as the redemption price is
void. To allow them now to redeem the same concerned when the mortgagee is a bank, as in this
property would, as petitioner aptly puts it, be case, or a banking or credit institution. [29] The
letting them have their cake and eat it too. apparent conflict between the provisions of Act No.
3135 and the General Banking Act was, therefore,
It cannot also be argued that the action for resolved in favor of the latter, being a special and
annulment of the mortgage filed by the respondents subsequent legislation. This pronouncement was
tolled the running of the one year period of reiterated in the case of Sy v. Court of
redemption. In the case of Sumerariz v. Appeals[30] where we held that the amount at which
Development Bank of the Philippines,[23] petitioners the foreclosed property is redeemable is the amount
therein contended that the one-year period to due under the mortgage deed, or the outstanding
obligation of the mortgagor plus interest and Petitioner also verified with the Registry of Deeds
expenses in accordance with Section 78 of the that title to the foreclosed properties had already
General Banking Act.[31] It was therefore manifest been consolidated in favor of respondent and that
error on the part of the Court of Appeals to apply in new certificates of title were issued in the name of
the case at bar the provisions of Section 30 Rule 39 respondent on March 9, 2001.
of the Rules of Court in fixing the redemption price
of the subject foreclosed property. On December 7, 2001, petitioner filed a
complaint7 for specific performance and damages
WHEREFORE, the motion for
against the respondent, asserting that it is the one-
reconsideration is hereby GRANTED. This Courts
year period of redemption under Act No. 3135
Resolution dated July 12, 1999 is MODIFIED
which should apply and not the shorter redemption
insofar as respondents are found to have lost their
period provided in Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8791.
right to redeem the subject foreclosed property.
Petitioner argued that applying Section 47 of R.A.
SO ORDERED. 8791 to the real estate mortgage executed in 1985
would result in the impairment of obligation of
GOLDENWAY MERCHANDISING contracts and violation of the equal protection
CORPORATION, Petitioner,  clause under the Constitution. Additionally,
vs. petitioner faulted the respondent for allegedly
EQUITABLE PCI BANK, Respondent. failing to furnish it and the Office of the Clerk of
Court, RTC of Valenzuela City with a Statement of
DECISION Account as directed in the Certificate of Sale, due to
which petitioner was not apprised of the
VILLARAMA, JR., J.: assessment and fees incurred by respondent, thus
depriving petitioner of the opportunity to exercise
its right of redemption prior to the registration of
Before the Court is a petition for review on
the certificate of sale.
certiorari which seeks to reverse and set aside the
Decision1 dated November 19, 2010 and
Resolution2 dated January 31, 2011 of the Court of In its Answer with Counterclaim,8 respondent
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 91120. The CA pointed out that petitioner cannot claim that it was
affirmed the Decision3 dated January 8, 2007 of the unaware of the redemption price which is clearly
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of- Valenzuela City, provided in Section 47 of R.A. No. 8791, and that
Branch 171 dismissing the complaint in Civil Case petitioner had all the opportune time to redeem the
No. 295-V -01. foreclosed properties from the time it received the
letter of demand and the notice of sale before the
registration of the certificate of sale. As to the check
The facts are undisputed.
payment tendered by petitioner, respondent said
that even assuming arguendo such redemption was
On November 29, 1985, Goldenway Merchandising timely made, it was not for the amount as required
Corporation (petitioner) executed a Real Estate by law.
Mortgage in favor of Equitable PCI Bank
(respondent) over its real properties situated in
On January 8, 2007, the trial court rendered its
Valenzuela, Bulacan (now Valenzuela City) and
decision dismissing the complaint as well as the
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) Nos.
counterclaim. It noted that the issue of
T-152630, T-151655 and T-214528 of the Registry of
constitutionality of Sec. 47 of R.A. No. 8791 was
Deeds for the Province of Bulacan. The mortgage
never raised by the petitioner during the pre-trial
secured the Two Million Pesos (₱2,000,000.00)
and the trial. Aside from the fact that petitioner’s
loan granted by respondent to petitioner and was
attempt to redeem was already late, there was no
duly registered.4
valid redemption made because Atty. Judy Ann
Abat-Vera who talked to Atty. Joseph E. Mabilog of
As petitioner failed to settle its loan obligation, the Legal Division of respondent bank, was not
respondent extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgage properly authorized by petitioner’s Board of
on December 13, 2000. During the public auction, Directors to transact for and in its behalf; it was
the mortgaged properties were sold for only a certain Chan Guan Pue, the alleged President
₱3,500,000.00 to respondent. Accordingly, a of petitioner corporation, who gave instruction to
Certificate of Sale was issued to respondent on Atty. Abat-Vera to redeem the foreclosed
January 26, 2001. On February 16, 2001, the properties.9
Certificate of Sale was registered and inscribed on
TCT Nos. T-152630, T-151655 and T-214528.5
Aggrieved, petitioner appealed to the CA which
affirmed the trial court’s decision. According to the
In a letter dated March 8, 2001, petitioner’s counsel CA, petitioner failed to justify why Section 47 of
offered to redeem the foreclosed properties by R.A. No. 8791 should be declared unconstitutional.
tendering a check in the amount of ₱3,500,000.00. Furthermore, the appellate court concluded that a
On March 12, 2001, petitioner’s counsel met with reading of Section 47 plainly reveals the intention
respondent’s counsel reiterating petitioner’s to shorten the period of redemption for juridical
intention to exercise the right of persons and that the foreclosure of the mortgaged
redemption.6 However, petitioner was told that properties in this case when R.A. No. 8791 was
such redemption is no longer possible because the already in effect clearly falls within the purview of
certificate of sale had already been registered. the said provision.10
Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was likewise any judicial creditor or judgment creditor of said
denied by the CA. debtor, or any person having a lien on the property
subsequent to the mortgage or deed of
In the present petition, it is contended that Section
47 of R.A. No. 8791 is inapplicable considering that trust under which the property is sold, may redeem
the contracting parties expressly and categorically the same at any time within the term of one year
agreed that the foreclosure of the real estate from and after the date of the sale; and such
mortgage shall be in accordance with Act No. 3135. redemption shall be governed by the provisions of
Citing Co v. Philippine National Bank11 petitioner sections four hundred and sixty-four to four
contended that the right of redemption is part and hundred and sixty-six, inclusive, of the Code of
parcel of the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage itself
and attaches thereto upon its execution, a vested Civil Procedure,15 in so far as these are not
right flowing out of and made dependent upon the inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
law governing the contract of mortgage and not on
the mortgagee’s act of extrajudicially foreclosing The one-year period of redemption is counted from
the mortgaged properties. This Court thus held in the date of the registration of the certificate of sale.
said case that "Under the terms of the mortgage In this case, the parties provided in their real estate
contract, the terms and conditions under which mortgage contract that upon petitioner’s default
redemption may be exercised are deemed part and and the latter’s entire loan obligation becoming
parcel thereof whether the same be merely due, respondent may immediately foreclose the
conventional or imposed by law." mortgage judicially in accordance with the Rules of
Court, or extrajudicially in accordance with Act No.
Petitioner then argues that applying Section 47 of 3135, as amended.
R.A. No. 8791 to the present case would be a
substantial impairment of its vested right of However, Section 47 of R.A. No. 8791 otherwise
redemption under the real estate mortgage known as "The General Banking Law of 2000"
contract. Such impairment would be violative of the which took effect on June 13, 2000, amended Act
constitutional proscription against impairment of No. 3135. Said provision reads:
obligations of contract, a patent derogation of
petitioner’s vested right and clearly changes the SECTION 47. Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage.
intention of the contracting parties. Moreover, — In the event of foreclosure, whether judicially or
citing this Court’s ruling in Rural Bank of Davao extrajudicially, of any mortgage on real estate
City, Inc. v. Court of Appeals12 where it was held which is security for any loan or other credit
that "Section 119 prevails over statutes which accommodation granted, the mortgagor or debtor
provide for a shorter period of redemption in whose real property has been sold for the full or
extrajudicial foreclosure sales", and in Sulit partial payment of his obligation shall have the
right within one year after the sale of the real estate,
v. Court of Appeals,13 petitioner stresses that it has to redeem the property by paying the amount due
always been the policy of this Court to aid rather under the mortgage deed, with interest thereon at
than defeat the mortgagor’s right to redeem his the rate specified in the mortgage, and all the costs
property. and expenses incurred by the bank or institution
from the sale and custody of said property less the
Petitioner further argues that since R.A. No. 8791 income derived therefrom. However, the purchaser
does not provide for its retroactive application, at the auction sale concerned whether in a judicial
courts therefore cannot retroactively apply its or extrajudicial foreclosure shall have the right to
provisions to contracts executed and consummated enter upon and take possession of such property
before its effectivity. Also, since R.A. 8791 is a immediately after the date of the confirmation of
general law pertaining to the banking industry the auction sale and administer the same in
while Act No. 3135 is a special law specifically accordance with law. Any petition in court to enjoin
governing real estate mortgage and foreclosure, or restrain the conduct of foreclosure proceedings
under the rules of statutory construction that in instituted pursuant to this provision shall be given
case of conflict a special law prevails over a general due course only upon the filing by the petitioner of
law regardless of the dates of enactment of both a bond in an amount fixed by the court conditioned
laws, Act No. 3135 clearly should prevail on the that he will pay all the damages which the bank
redemption period to be applied in this case. may suffer by the enjoining or the restraint of the
foreclosure proceeding.
The constitutional issue having been squarely
raised in the pleadings filed in the trial and Notwithstanding Act 3135, juridical persons whose
appellate courts, we shall proceed to resolve the property is being sold pursuant to an extrajudicial
same. foreclosure, shall have the right to redeem the
property in accordance with this provision until,
The law governing cases of extrajudicial foreclosure but not after, the registration of the certificate of
of mortgage is Act No. 3135,14 as amended by Act foreclosure sale with the applicable Register of
No. 4118. Section 6 thereof provides: Deeds which in no case shall be more than three (3)
months after foreclosure, whichever is earlier.
SEC. 6. In all cases in which an extrajudicial sale is Owners of property that has been sold in a
made under the special power hereinbefore foreclosure sale prior to the effectivity of this Act
referred to, the debtor, his successors-in-interest or
shall retain their redemption rights until their The equal protection clause is directed principally
expiration. (Emphasis supplied.) against undue favor and individual or class
privilege.1âwphi1 It is not intended to prohibit
Under the new law, an exception is thus made in legislation which is limited to the object to which it
the case of juridical persons which are allowed to is directed or by the territory in which it is to
exercise the right of redemption only "until, but not operate. It does not require absolute equality, but
after, the registration of the certificate of merely that all persons be treated alike under like
foreclosure sale" and in no case more than three (3) conditions both as to privileges conferred and
months after foreclosure, whichever comes first.16 liabilities imposed.23 Equal protection permits of
reasonable classification.24 We have ruled that one
May the foregoing amendment be validly applied in class may be treated differently from another where
this case when the real estate mortgage contract the groupings are based on reasonable and real
was executed in 1985 and the mortgage foreclosed distinctions.25 If classification is germane to the
when R.A. No. 8791 was already in effect? purpose of the law, concerns all members of the
class, and applies equally to present and future
We answer in the affirmative. conditions, the classification does not violate the
equal protection guarantee.26
When confronted with a constitutional question, it
is elementary that every court must approach it We agree with the CA that the legislature clearly
with grave care and considerable caution bearing in intended to shorten the period of redemption for
mind that every statute is presumed valid and every juridical persons whose properties were foreclosed
reasonable doubt should be resolved in favor of its and sold in accordance with the provisions of Act
constitutionality.17 For a law to be nullified, it must No. 3135.27
be shown that there is a clear and unequivocal
breach of the Constitution. The ground for nullity The difference in the treatment of juridical persons
must be clear and beyond reasonable and natural persons was based on the nature of the
doubt.18Indeed, those who petition this Court to properties foreclosed – whether these are used as
declare a law, or parts thereof, unconstitutional residence, for which the more liberal one-year
must clearly establish the basis therefor. Otherwise, redemption period is retained, or used for
the petition must fail.19 industrial or commercial purposes, in which case a
shorter term is deemed necessary to reduce the
Petitioner’s contention that Section 47 of R.A. 8791 period of uncertainty in the ownership of property
violates the constitutional proscription against and enable mortgagee-banks to dispose sooner of
impairment of the obligation of contract has no these acquired assets. It must be underscored that
basis. the General Banking Law of 2000, crafted in the
aftermath of the 1997 Southeast Asian financial
crisis, sought to reform the General Banking Act of
The purpose of the non-impairment clause of the
1949 by fashioning a legal framework for
Constitution20 is to safeguard the integrity of
maintaining a safe and sound banking system.28 In
contracts against unwarranted interference by the
this context, the amendment introduced by Section
State. As a rule, contracts should not be tampered
47 embodied one of such safe and sound practices
with by subsequent laws that would change or
aimed at ensuring the solvency and liquidity of our
modify the rights and obligations of the
banks.1âwphi1 It cannot therefore be disputed that
parties.21 Impairment is anything that diminishes
the said provision amending the redemption period
the efficacy of the contract. There is an impairment
in Act 3135 was based on a reasonable classification
if a subsequent law changes the terms of a contract
and germane to the purpose of the law.
between the parties, imposes new conditions,
dispenses with those agreed upon or withdraws
remedies for the enforcement of the rights of the This legitimate public interest pursued by the
parties.22 legislature further enfeebles petitioner’s
impairment of contract theory.
Section 47 did not divest juridical persons of the
right to redeem their foreclosed properties but only The right of redemption being statutory, it must be
modified the time for the exercise of such right by exercised in the manner prescribed by the
reducing the one-year period originally provided in statute,29 and within the prescribed time limit, to
Act No. 3135. The new redemption period make it effective. Furthermore, as with other
commences from the date of foreclosure sale, and individual rights to contract and to property, it has
expires upon registration of the certificate of sale or to give way to police power exercised for public
three months after foreclosure, whichever is earlier. welfare.30 The concept of police power is well-
There is likewise no retroactive application of the established in this jurisdiction. It has been defined
new redemption period because Section 47 exempts as the "state authority to enact legislation that may
from its operation those properties foreclosed prior interfere with personal liberty or property in order
to its effectivity and whose owners shall retain their to promote the general welfare." Its scope, ever-
redemption rights under Act No. 3135. expanding to meet the exigencies of the times, even
to anticipate the future where it could be done,
provides enough room for an efficient and flexible
Petitioner’s claim that Section 47 infringes the
response to conditions and circumstances thus
equal protection clause as it discriminates
assuming the greatest benefits.31
mortgagors/property owners who are juridical
persons is equally bereft of merit.
The freedom to contract is not absolute; all Cebu City. On October 25, 1978, respondents
contracts and all rights are subject to the police obtained an additional loan from the petitioner
power of the State and not only may regulations thus increasing their obligation to one million
which affect them be established by the State, but pesos. A corresponding Amendment of Real
all such regulations must be subject to change from Estate Mortgage was thereafter executed.
time to time, as the general well-being of the
community may require, or as the circumstances On December 24, 1982, the loan was again re-
may change, or as experience may demonstrate the structured, increasing the loan obligation
necessity.32 Settled is the rule that the non- to P1,225,000 and the Real Estate Mortgage was
impairment clause of the Constitution must yield to again amended. Respondents executed
the loftier purposes targeted by the Government. a Promissory Note for the sum of P1,225,000
The right granted by this provision must submit to payable in fifteen years, with a stipulated interest of
the demands and necessities of the State’s power of 21% per annum, and stipulating monthly payments
regulation.33 Such authority to regulate businesses of P22,426. The first payment was payable on
extends to the banking industry which, as this January 24, 1983, and the succeeding payments
Court has time and again emphasized, is were due every 24th of each month thereafter.[3] The
undeniably imbued with public interest.34 note also stipulated that in case of default in the
payment of any of the monthly amortization and
interest, respondents shall pay a penalty equivalent
Having ruled that the assailed Section 47 of R.A.
to 3% of the amount due each month.[4]
No. 8791 is constitutional, we find no reversible
error committed by the CA in holding that Respondents total payment from 1983 to 1988
petitioner can no longer exercise the right of amounted[5] to P1,455,385.07, broken down as
redemption over its foreclosed properties after the follows:
certificate of sale in favor of respondent had been
registered. 1983 247,631.54
1984 81,797.24
WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari 1985 173,875.77
is DENIED for lack of merit. The Decision dated 1986 284,364.82
November 19, 2010 and Resolution dated January 1987 380,000.00
31, 2011 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 1988 287,715.70[6]
91120 are hereby AFFIRMED.
From 1989 onwards, respondents did not pay a
With costs against the petitioner. single centavo. They aver that Banco Filipino had
ceased operations and/or was not allowed to
SO ORDERED. continue business, having been placed under
liquidation by the Central Bank.
FIRST DIVISION On January 15, 1990, respondents lawyer wrote
Special Acting Liquidator, Renan Santos, and
requested that plaintiff return the mortgaged
property of the respondents since it had sufficiently
[G.R. No. 148163. December 6, 2004]
profited from the loan and that the interest and
penalty charges were excessive. Petitioner bank
denied the request.[7]
BANCO FILIPINO SAVINGS AND Banco Filipino was closed on January 1, 1985
MORTGAGE BANK, petitioner, and re-opened for business on July 1, 1994. From
vs. JUANITA B. YBAEZ, CHARLES B. its closure to its re-opening, petitioner bank did not
YBAEZ, JOSEPH B. YBAEZ and transact any business with its customers.[8]
JEROME B. YBAEZ, respondents.
On August 24, 1994, respondents were served
DECISION a Notice of Extra Judicial Sale of their property
covered by TCT No. 69836 to satisfy their
QUISUMBING, J.: indebtedness allegedly of P6,174,337.46 which
includes the principal, interest, surcharges and 10%
In this petition for review, Banco Filipino attorneys fees. The public auction was scheduled on
Savings and Mortgage Bank seeks the reversal of September 22, 1994 at 2:00 in the afternoon.
the Decision[1] dated April 17, 2001 of the Court of
On September 19, 1994, respondents filed a
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 57927 affirming the
suit for Injunction, Accounting and Damages,
Decision[2] dated July 16, 1997 of the Regional Trial
alleging that there was no legal and factual basis for
Court, Branch 13 of Cebu City in Civil Case No.
the foreclosure proceedings since the loan had
already been fully paid. A restraining order was
The facts of this case are as follows: issued the following day by the lower court
enjoining petitioner to cease and desist from selling
On March 7, 1978, respondents obtained a loan the property at a public auction.[9]
secured by a Deed of Real Estate
Mortgage over Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) On July 16, 1997, the lower court rendered
No. 69836 from petitioner bank. The loan was used a Decision, disposing as follows:
for the construction of a commercial building in
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered III. THE COURT OF APPEALS
directing defendant Banco Filipino Savings and COMMITTED AN ERROR IN RULING
Mortgage Bank to render a correct accounting of THAT THE PLAINTIFFS-
the obligations of plaintiffs with it after eliminating BORROWERS (HEREIN
interest from January 1, 1985 to July 1, 1994 when RESPONDENTS) CANNOT BE
it was closed, and reducing interest from 21% to CONSIDERED TO HAVE DEFAULTED
17% per annum, at the time it was in operation, and IN THEIR PAYMENT SINCE
totally eliminating [the] surcharge of 1% per month, DEFENDANT BANK CEASED
within a period of fifteen (15) days from the time OPERATION FROM 1985 TO 1991.[12]
the judgment shall have become final and
executory. To resolve the controversy we shall address the
following pertinent questions: (1) What is the effect
of the temporary closure of Banco Filipino from
Plaintiffs are directed to pay the bank within a
January 1, 1985 to July 1, 1994 on the loan? (2) Is
period of thirty (30) days from the time they will
the rate of interest set at 21% per annum legal? and
receive defendant banks true and correct
(3) Is the 3% monthly surcharge valid?
accounting, otherwise the order of injunction will
be lifted/dissolved. In Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank
v. Monetary Board,[13] the validity of the closure
Defendants are enjoined from foreclosing the real and receivership of Banco Filipino was put in issue.
estate mortgage on the property of plaintiffs, unless But the pendency of the case did not diminish the
the latter fail to pay in accordance with the authority of the designated liquidator to administer
[preceding] paragraph. and continue the banks transactions. The Court
allowed the banks liquidator to continue receiving
Without special pronouncement as to costs. collectibles and receivables or paying off creditors
claims and other transactions pertaining to
SO ORDERED.[10] normal operations of a bank. Among these
transactions were the prosecution of suits against
debtors for collection and for foreclosure of
Not satisfied with the decision, both parties
mortgages. The bank was allowed to collect
appealed the case to the Court of Appeals.
interests on its loans while under liquidation,
Petitioner filed its Notice of Appeal on August 19,
provided that the interests were legal.
1997, while respondents filed theirs on August 22,
1997. On April 17, 2001, the Court of Appeals Petitioner contends that the 21% annual
rendered a Decision affirming the decision of the interest was freely and voluntarily agreed upon by
trial court stating: the parties, and that it was neither excessive nor
violative of the Usury Law.[14]
WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, both appeals are
DISMISSED and the Decision appealed from is On the other hand, respondents state that the
AFFIRMED. rate of 21% was usurious because the loan was
incurred on December 24, 1982, before the de
facto repeal of the Usury Law on January 1, 1983.
SO ORDERED.[11] [15]
 Respondents add that the normal rate by which
petitioner charges its borrowers at that time was
Petitioner now alleges the following errors: only 17%, or 4% lower than the rate it gave to
CONCURRING WITH THE TRIAL It is an elementary rule of contracts that the
COURTS DECISION ORDERING THE contracting parties are free to stipulate the terms of
DEFENDANT BANK (HEREIN their contract for as long as the terms are not
PETITIONER) TO RENDER A contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
CORRECT ACCOUNTING OF policy, public order, and national interests. [16] Laws
PLAINTIFFS LOAN BECAUSE THE in force at the time the contract was made generally
STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT (EXH. 5 govern its interpretation and application. The loan
and 6 Defendant) SUBMITTED BY agreement between petitioner and respondents
DEFENDANT BANK DOES NOT specifies the obligation of the debtor to pay interest.
REFLECT THE TRUE AND CORRECT In principle said stipulation is binding between the
AMOUNT AS IT IMPOSES A 21% PER parties.[17]
COURT OF APPEALS CONSIDERED We note that at the time the parties entered
AS EXCESSIVE AND THAT IT HAS NO into the said loan agreement, the pertinent law, Act
PROBATIVE VALUE AS ITS No. 2655, already provided that the rate of interest
SIGNATORIES WERE NOT for the forbearance of money when secured by a
PRESENTED AS WITNESSES. mortgage upon real estate should not be more than
12% per annum or the maximum rate prescribed
II. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN by the Monetary Board and in force at the time the
ORDERING THE DELETION OF THE loan was granted. On December 1, 1979, the
3% PER MONTH SURCHARGE Monetary Board of the Central Bank of the
SIMPLY BECAUSE THE PLAINTIFF- Philippines[18] had issued CBP Circular No. 705-79.
 On loan transactions with maturities of more
SUBSTANTIAL PAYMENTS FROM than 730 days, it fixed the effective rate of interest
1983 TO 1988.
at 21% per annum for both secured and unsecured WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Regional
loans. Since the loan in question has fixed 15 years Trial Court, which was sustained by the Court of
for its maturity, it fell within the coverage of said Appeals, is hereby MODIFIED as follows: (1) the
CBP Circular. Thus, we agree that the 21% interest interest rate at 21% per annum is hereby declared
is not violative of the Usury Law as it stood at the VALID; (2) the 3% monthly surcharge is
time of the loan transaction. NULLIFIED for being violative of the Usury Law at
the time; and (3) respondents are ORDERED to pay
As to the monthly surcharge, petitioner relies petitioner the amount of P2,581,294.93 within 30
on CBP Circular No. 905-82.[20] The ceiling on days from receipt of this Decision. No
interest rates prescribed by the Usury Law, pronouncement as to costs.
according to petitioner, were expressly removed.
Petitioner argues that the said circular had SO ORDERED.
retroactive effect since it is merely procedural in
nature. Hence according to petitioner, the FIRST DIVISION
imposition of 3% monthly surcharge by the bank
against the borrower is legal.
On this matter, we disagree with petitioner. [G.R. No. 135046. August 17, 1999]
CBP Circular No. 905-82, which was effective
January 1, 1983, did not repeal nor in any way
amend the Usury Law. The Circular simply
suspended the effectivity of the Usury Law. A SPOUSES FLORANTE and LAARNI
Central Bank Circular cannot repeal a law. Only a BAUTISTA, petitioners, vs. PILAR
law can repeal another law. Thus, the retroactive DEVELOPMENT
application of a CBP Circular cannot, and should CORPORATION, respondent.
not, be presumed.[21] The loan was entered into on
December 24, 1982, but CBP Circular No. 905-82 DECISION
was given force and effect only on January 1, 1983.
Thus, CBP Circular No. 905-82 could not be made
applicable to the loan agreement in this case, and
petitioner could not rely on this Circular for its This petition for review seeks to reverse and set
imposition of 3% monthly surcharge. aside the Decision and Resolution of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 51363[1] which reversed
Petitioner also argues that the 3% monthly the Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Makati,
surcharge partakes of the nature of a penalty clause. Branch 138 in Civil Case No. 17702.[2]
 A penal clause is an accessory undertaking to
assume greater liability in case of breach and is The following facts are uncontroverted.
attached to an obligation in order to secure its In 1978, petitioner spouses Florante and Laarni
performance.[23] The penalty shall substitute the Bautista purchased a house and lot in Pilar Village,
indemnity for damages and the payment of Las Pinas, Metro Manila. To partially finance the
interests in case of non-compliance. [24] But if such purchase, they obtained from the Apex Mortgage &
stipulation is found contrary to law for being Loan Corporation (Apex) a loan in the amount of
usurious, it can be nullified by the courts without P100,180.00. They executed a promissory note on
affecting the principal obligation. [25] December 22, 1978 obligating themselves, jointly
In the loan agreement between the parties in and severally, to pay the "principal sum of
this case, the total interest and other P100,180.00 with interest rate of 12% and service
charges exceed the prescribed 21% ceiling. Hence, charge of 3%" for a period of 240 months, or twenty
the imposition of the 3% monthly surcharge, as the years, from date, in monthly installments of
penal clause to the obligation, violated the limit P1,378.83.[3] Late payments were to be charged a
imposed by the Usury Law. Said surcharge of 3% penalty of one and one-half per cent (1 1/2%) of the
monthly must be declared null and void. amount due. In the same promissory note,
petitioners authorized Apex to "increase the rate of
To recapitulate: the respondents principal interest and/or service charges" without notice to
obligation to pay the monthly amortization them in the event that a law, Presidential Decree or
of P22,426, validly subsists. Only the 3% monthly any Central Bank regulation should be enacted
surcharge is void. The monthly amortization increasing the lawful rate of interest and service
of P22,426, for 15 years, would amount charges on the loan.[4] Payment of the promissory
to P4,036,680. To date, respondents already paid note was secured by a second mortgage on the
the amount of P1,455,385.07. Thus, only the house and lot purchased by petitioners.[5]
outstanding balance of P2,581,294.93 remains due.
Petitioner spouses failed to pay several
Respondents were given by the RTC 30 days installments. On September 20, 1982, they
from receipt of decision, within which to pay their executed another promissory note in favor of
outstanding obligation. We now reiterate that Apex. This note was in the amount of P142,326.43
period of 30 days, from receipt of this Decision, for at the increased interest rate of twenty-one per cent
respondents to pay the amount of P2,581,294.93 to (21%) per annum with no provision for service
the bank as full payment of the outstanding balance charge but with penalty charge of 1 1/2% for late
on their loan obligation. Otherwise, the order of payments. Payment was to be made for a period of
injunction restraining petitioner from foreclosing 196 months or 16.33 years in monthly installments
the property shall be lifted. of P2,576.68, inclusive of principal and
interest. Petitioner spouses also authorized Apex to "IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the
"increase/decrease the rate of interest and/or appealed judgment is hereby REVERSED and SET
service charges" on the note in the event any law or ASIDE and a new one entered ordering the
Central Bank regulation shall be passed increasing defendants to pay the plaintiffs the amount of
or decreasing the same.[6] P142,326.43, as principal with interest at the rate of
21% from November 23, 1983 until the amount is
In November 1983, petitioner spouses again fully paid; the sum equivalent to 10% of the amount
failed to pay the installments. On June 6, 1984, due as attorney's fees and the costs of this suit.
Apex assigned the second promissory note to
respondent Pilar Development Corporation without
notice to petitioners.
On August 31, 1987, respondent corporation, as Petitioner spouses moved for
successor-in-interest of Apex, instituted against reconsideration. In a Resolution dated August 18,
petitioner spouses Civil Case No. 17702 before the 1998, the Court of Appeals denied the motion but
Regional Trial Court, Makati, Branch reduced the principal amount of the obligation
138. Respondent corporation sought to collect from from P142,326.42 to P140,515.11.[11]
petitioners the amount of P140,515.11 representing
the unpaid balance of the principal debt from Hence this recourse.
November 23, 1983, including interest at the rate of Petitioner spouses claim that the Court of
twenty-one per cent (21%) under the second Appeals erred:
promissory note, and 25% and 36% per annum in
accordance with Central Bank Circular No. 905, I
series of 1982. Respondent also sought payment of
ten per cent (10%) of the amount due as attorney's IN RULING THAT THE TWO (2) PROMISSORY
In their answer, petitioner spouses mainly
contended that the terms of the second promissory
note increasing the interest rate to 21% and the
escalation clauses authorizing Apex to increase
interest rates pursuant to any law or Central Bank
regulation are null and void in the absence of a de-
escalation clause in the same note.[8] II

After pre-trial, both parties submitted the case IN RULING THAT THE APPLICABLE RATE OF
for decision on the sole issue of the interest rate. INTEREST IS 21% PER ANNUM AS STIPULATED
The trial court rendered judgment on IN THE SECOND PROMISSORY NOTE.
September 22, 1995. It ordered petitioner spouses
to pay respondent corporation the sum of CONVERSELY, IN NOT RULING THAT THE
P140,515.11, with interest at the rate of 12% per ESCALATION OF INTEREST RATE FROM 12%
annum, plus service charge, viz: PER ANNUM (1ST PROMISSORY NOTE) TO 21%
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as UNLAWFUL.
(a) Plaintiff is entitled to collect from the
defendants the amount of P140,515.11 with interest IN RULING THAT 10% OF THE AMOUNT DUE IS
at the rate of 12% per annum from November 23, AWARDABLE AS ATTORNEY'S FEES.
1983 until the amount is fully paid plus the
stipulated service charge; CONVERSELY, IN NOT RULING THAT THE
(b) Ordering defendants as joint and several PROPER UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
obligors to pay plaintiff the amount stated in
paragraph (a) hereof; IV

(c) Counterclaim is hereby dismissed. IN RULING THAT NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT OF

No pronouncement as to costs.
Both parties appealed to the Court of
Appeals. In a Decision dated May 14, 1998, the V
appellate court reversed the trial court by applying
the interest rate of 21% per annum, and adding IN NOT RULING THAT UNDER THE
attorney's fees of 10%. Thus: CIRCUMSTANCES PETITIONERS ARE
The controversy in this petition involves the promissory note was a valid and subsisting contract
rate of interest respondent creditor is entitled to when petitioner spouses and Apex executed the
collect on petitioners' loan: whether it be 12% under second promissory note. The second promissory
the promissory note of December 22, 1978, or 21% note absorbed the unpaid principal and interest of
under the promissory note of September 20, 1982. P142,326.43 in the first note which amount became
the principal debt therein, payable at a higher
Petitioners claim that the interest rate of 12% interest rate of 21% per annum. Thus, the terms of
per annum should be adjudged inasmuch as the the second promissory note provided for a higher
two promissory notes constitute one principal, a higher interest rate, and a higher
transaction. Allegedly, the first note defined the monthly amortization, all to be paid within a
terms and conditions of the loan while the second shorter period of 16.33 years. These changes are
note is merely an extension of and derives its substantial and constitute the principal conditions
existence from the former. Hence, the second note of the obligation.[23] Both parties voluntarily
is governed by the stipulations in the first note.[13] accepted the terms of the second note; and also in
The two promissory notes are identically the same note, they unequivocally stipulated to
entitled "Promissory Note with Authority to Assign extinguish the first note. Clearly, there was animus
Credit." The notes were prepared by Apex in novandi, an express intention to novate. [24] The first
standard form and consist of two (2) pages promissory note was cancelled and replaced by the
each. Except for one or two stipulations, they second note. This second note became the new
contain the same provisions and the same blanks contract governing the parties' obligations.
for the amount of the loan and other pertinent data In their second assigned error, petitioners
subject of each note. However, on the upper right contend that in the second promissory note, the
portion of the second note, there appears a escalation of the interest rate from 12% to 21% per
typewritten entry which reads: annum is unlawful and cannot be imposed for
failure of the escalation provisions to include valid
"This cancels PN # A-387-78 dated December 22, de-escalation clauses. In the absence of de-
1978."[14] escalation clauses, the Court of Appeals allegedly
erred in applying Central Bank Circulars Nos. 705,
Correspondingly, on the face of each page of the 712 and 905 issued by the Monetary Board of the
first promissory note, i.e., PN No. A-387-78 dated Central Bank of the Philippines.[25]
December 22, 1978, the word "Cancelled" is boldly
stamped twice with the date "September 16, 1982" At the time the parties executed the first
and a signature written in a space inside the letters promissory note in 1978, the interest of 12% was
of the word.[15] the maximum rate fixed by the Usury Law for loans
secured by a mortgage upon registered real estate.
The first promissory note was cancelled by the [26]
 On December 1, 1979, the Monetary Board of the
express terms of the second promissory note. To Central Bank of the Philippines[27] issued Circular
cancel is to strike out, to revoke, rescind or No. 705 which fixed the effective rate of interest on
abandon, to terminate.[16] In fine, the first note was loan transactions with maturities of more than 730
revoked and terminated. Simply put, it was days to twenty-one per cent (21%) per annum for
novated. The extinguishment of an obligation by both secured and unsecured loans.[28] On January
the substitution or change of the obligation by a 28, 1980, The Monetary Board issued Circular No.
subsequent one which extinguishes or modifies the 712 reiterating the effective interest rate of 21% on
first is a novation.[17] Novation is made either by said loan transactions.[29] On January 1, 1983, CB
changing the object or principal conditions, Circular No. 905, series of 1982, took effect. This
referred to as an objective or real novation; or by Circular declared that the rate of interest on any
substituting the person of the debtor or subrogating loan or forbearance of any money, goods or credits,
a third person to the rights of the creditor, which is regardless of maturity and whether secured or
known as subjective or personal novation.[18] In unsecured, "shall not be subject to any ceiling
both objective and subjective novation, a dual prescribed under or pursuant to the Usury Law, as
purpose is achieved-- an obligation is extinguished amended."[30] In short, Circular No. 905 removed
and a new one is created in lieu thereof. [19] Novation the ceiling on interest rates for secured and
may either be express, when the new obligation unsecured loans, regardless of maturity.[31]
declares in unequivocal terms that the old
obligation is extinguished; or implied, when the When the second promissory note was
new obligation is on every point incompatible with executed on September 20, 1982, Central Bank
the old one.[20] Express novation takes place when Circulars Nos. 705 and 712 were already in
the contracting parties expressly disclose that their effect. These Circulars fixed the effective interest
object in making the new contract is to extinguish rate for secured loan transactions with maturities of
the old contract, otherwise the old contract remains more than 730 days, i.e, two (2) years, at 21% per
in force and the new contract is merely added to it, annum. The interest rate of 21% provided in the
and each gives rise to an obligation still in force.[21] second promissory note was therefore authorized
under these Circulars.
Novation has four (4) essential requisites: (1)
the existence of a previous valid obligation; (2) the The question of whether the escalation clauses
agreement of all parties to the new contract; (3) the in the second promissory note are valid is
extinguishment of the old contract; and (4) the irrelevant. Respondent corporation has signified
validity of the new one. [22] In the instant case, all that it is collecting petitioners' debt only at the fixed
four requisites have been complied with. The first interest rate of 21% per annum, as expressly agreed
upon in the second promissory note, not at the Alojada & Garcia and Jimenea, Dala & Zaragoza
escalated rates authorized under the escalation for petitoner.
clauses.[32] The Court of Appeals therefore did not
err in applying the interest rate of 21% to Zapa Law Office for private respondent.
petitioner's loan under the second promissory note.
Neither did the Court of Appeals err in
imposing attorney's fees of ten per cent (10%) on
the amount due. The award of attorney's fees is VITUG, J.:
expressly stipulated in the fourth paragraph of the
promissory note itself, viz: The issues, albeit not completely novel, are: (a)
whether or not a claim for damage sustained on a
"In case of non-payment of the amount of this note shipment of goods can be a solidary, or joint and
or any portion of it on demand when given due, or several, liability of the common carrier, the arrastre
any other amount/s due on account of this note, the operator and the customs broker; (b) whether the
entire obligation shall become due and payment of legal interest on an award for loss or
demandable, and if for the enforcement of the damage is to be computed from the time the
payment thereof, APEX MORTGAGE AND LOANS complaint is filed or from the date the decision
CORP. is constrained to entrust the case to its appealed from is rendered; and (c) whether the
attorneys, I/We, jointly and severally, bind applicable rate of interest, referred to above, is
myself/ourselves to pay TEN (10%) per cent on the twelve percent (12%) or six percent (6%).
amount due on the note as attorney's fees, such
amount in no case to be less than FIVE HUNDRED The findings of the court a quo, adopted by the
(P500.00) PESOS in addition to the legal fees and Court of Appeals, on the antecedent and
other incidental expenses."[33] undisputed facts that have led to the controversy
are hereunder reproduced:
Petitioners' lack of bad faith in resisting
imposition of the increased interest rate cannot This is an action against defendants
serve to mitigate their liability for liquidated shipping company, arrastre operator
damages. Petitioner Florante Bautista is a lawyer and broker-forwarder for damages
and he should have been aware of the effects of the sustained by a shipment while in
stipulations in the second promissory note and the defendants' custody, filed by the
pertinent CB Circulars on his obligation. At the insurer-subrogee who paid the
same time, there is no showing that the amount of consignee the value of such
liquidated damages is iniquitous and losses/damages.
unconscionable for this court to equitably reduce
the same.[34] On December 4, 1981, two fiber
drums of riboflavin were shipped
Finally, the fact that petitioners were not
from Yokohama, Japan for delivery
notified of the assignment of their credit by Apex to
herein respondent corporation is not material. In
owned by defendant Eastern
the eighth paragraph of the second promissory
Shipping Lines under Bill of Lading 
note, petitioners expressly waived notice to any
No. YMA-8 (Exh. B). The shipment
assignment of credit, viz:
was insured under plaintiff's Marine
Insurance Policy No. 81/01177 for
"It is understood that APEX MORTGAGE AND P36,382,466.38.
LOANS CORPORATION has the right to assign this
promissory note, or make use of it as collateral in
Upon arrival of the shipment in
favor of any third person whomsoever and this will
Manila on December 12, 1981, it was
constitute as an authority therefore waiver of notice
discharged unto the custody of
of such action taken [sic]."[35]
defendant Metro Port Service, Inc.
The latter excepted to one drum,
The purpose of the notice is only to inform the said to be in bad order, which
debtor that from the date of the assignment, damage was unknown to plaintiff.
payment should be made to the assignee and not to
the original creditor.[36]
On January 7, 1982 defendant Allied
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is denied Brokerage Corporation received the
and the Decision and Resolution of the Court of shipment from defendant Metro
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 51363 are affirmed. Port Service, Inc., one drum opened
and without seal (per "Request for
SO ORDERED. Bad Order Survey." Exh. D).

G.R. No. 97412 July 12, 1994 On January 8 and 14, 1982,
defendant Allied Brokerage
EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, INC., petitioner,  Corporation made deliveries of the
vs. shipment to the consignee's
HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND warehouse. The latter excepted to
MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, one drum which contained spillages,
INC., respondents.
while the rest of the contents was drums were shipped in good order and condition,
adulterated/fake (per "Bad Order as clearly shown by the Bill of Lading and
Waybill" No. 10649, Exh. E). Commercial Invoice which do not indicate any
damages drum that was shipped (Exhs. B and C).
Plaintiff contended that due to the But when on December 12, 1981 the shipment was
losses/damage sustained by said delivered to defendant Metro Port Service, Inc., it
drum, the consignee suffered losses excepted to one drum in bad order.
totaling P19,032.95, due to the fault
and negligence of defendants. Correspondingly, as to the second issue, it follows
Claims were presented against that the losses/damages were sustained while in the
defendants who failed and refused to respective and/or successive custody and
pay the same (Exhs. H, I, J, K, L). possession of defendants carrier (Eastern), arrastre
operator (Metro Port) and broker (Allied
As a consequence of the losses Brokerage). This becomes evident when the Marine
sustained, plaintiff was compelled to Cargo Survey Report (Exh. G), with its "Additional
pay the consignee P19,032.95 under Survey Notes", are considered. In the latter notes, it
the aforestated marine insurance is stated that when the shipment was "landed on
policy, so that it became subrogated vessel" to dock of Pier # 15, South Harbor, Manila
to all the rights of action of said on December 12, 1981, it was observed that "one (1)
consignee against defendants (per fiber drum (was) in damaged condition, covered
"Form of Subrogation", "Release" by the vessel's Agent's Bad Order Tally Sheet
and Philbanking check, Exhs. M, N, No. 86427." The report further states that when
and O). (pp. 85-86, Rollo.) defendant Allied Brokerage withdrew the shipment
from defendant arrastre operator's custody on
There were, to be sure, other factual issues that January 7, 1982, one drum was found opened
confronted both courts. Here, the appellate court without seal, cello bag partly torn but contents
said: intact. Net unrecovered spillages was 
15 kgs. The report went on to state that when the
Defendants filed their respective answers, drums reached the consignee, one drum was found
traversing the material allegations of the complaint with adulterated/faked contents. It is obvious,
contending that: As for defendant Eastern Shipping therefore, that these losses/damages occurred
it alleged that the shipment was discharged in good before the shipment reached the consignee while
order from the vessel unto the custody of Metro under the successive custodies of defendants.
Port Service so that any damage/losses incurred Under Art. 1737 of the New Civil Code, the common
after the shipment was incurred after the shipment carrier's duty to observe extraordinary diligence in
was turned over to the latter, is no longer its the vigilance of goods remains in full force and
liability (p. 17, Record); Metroport averred that effect even if the goods are temporarily unloaded
although subject shipment was discharged unto its and stored in transit in the warehouse of the carrier
custody, portion of the same was already in bad at the place of destination, until the consignee has
order (p. 11, Record); Allied Brokerage alleged that been advised and has had reasonable opportunity
plaintiff has no cause of action against it, not to remove or dispose of the goods (Art. 1738, NCC).
having negligent or at fault for the shipment was Defendant Eastern Shipping's own exhibit, the
already in damage and bad order condition when "Turn-Over Survey of Bad Order Cargoes" (Exhs. 3-
received by it, but nonetheless, it still exercised Eastern) states that on December 12, 1981 one
extra ordinary care and diligence in the drum was found "open".
handling/delivery of the cargo to consignee in the
same condition shipment was received by it. and thus held:

From the evidence the court found WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED,

the following: judgment is hereby rendered:

The issues are: A. Ordering defendants to pay

plaintiff, jointly and severally:
1. Whether or not the shipment sustained
losses/damages; 1. The amount of P19,032.95, with the present legal
interest of 12% per annum from October 1, 1982,
2. Whether or not these losses/damages were the date of filing of this complaints, until fully paid
sustained while in the custody of defendants (in (the liability of defendant Eastern Shipping, Inc.
whose respective custody, if determinable); shall not exceed US$500 per case or the CIF value
of the loss, whichever is lesser, while the liability of
defendant Metro Port Service, Inc. shall be to the
3. Whether or not defendant(s) should be held
extent of the actual invoice value of each package,
liable for the losses/damages (see plaintiff's pre-
crate box or container in no case to exceed
Trial Brief, Records, p. 34; Allied's pre-Trial Brief,
P5,000.00 each, pursuant to Section 6.01 of the
adopting plaintiff's Records, p. 38).
Management Contract);
As to the first issue, there can be no doubt that the
2. P3,000.00 as attorney's fees, and
shipment sustained losses/damages. The two
3. Costs. Railways vs. Court of Appeals, 139 SCRA 87; Metro
Port Service vs. Court of Appeals, 131 SCRA 365).
B. Dismissing the counterclaims and crossclaim of There are, of course, exceptional cases when such
defendant/cross-claimant Allied Brokerage presumption of fault is not observed but these
Corporation. cases, enumerated in Article 17341 of the Civil Code,
are exclusive, not one of which can be applied to
SO ORDERED. (p. 207, Record). this case.

Dissatisfied, defendant's recourse to US. The question of charging both the carrier and the
arrastre operator with the obligation of properly
The appeal is devoid of merit. delivering the goods to the consignee has, too, been
passed upon by the Court. In Fireman's Fund
Insurance vs. Metro Port Services (182 SCRA 455),
After a careful scrutiny of the evidence on record.
we have explained, in holding the carrier and the
We find that the conclusion drawn therefrom is
arrastre operator liable in solidum, thus:
correct. As there is sufficient evidence that the
shipment sustained damage while in the successive
possession of appellants, and therefore they are The legal relationship between the consignee and
liable to the appellee, as subrogee for the amount it the arrastre operator is akin to that of a depositor
paid to the consignee. (pp. 87-89, Rollo.) and warehouseman (Lua Kian v. Manila Railroad
Co., 19 SCRA 5 [1967]. The relationship between
the consignee and the common carrier is similar to
The Court of Appeals thus affirmed in toto the
that of the consignee and the arrastre operator
judgment of the court 
(Northern Motors, Inc. v. Prince Line, et al., 107
a quo.
Phil. 253 [1960]). Since it is the duty of the
ARRASTRE to take good care of the goods that are
In this petition, Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc., the in its custody and to deliver them in good condition
common carrier, attributes error and grave abuse of to the consignee, such responsibility also devolves
discretion on the part of the appellate court when — upon the CARRIER. Both the ARRASTRE and the
CARRIER are therefore charged with the obligation
I. IT HELD PETITIONER CARRIER JOINTLY to deliver the goods in good condition to the
CLAIM OF PRIVATE RESPONDENT AS We do not, of course, imply by the above
GRANTED IN THE QUESTIONED DECISION; pronouncement that the arrastre operator and the
customs broker are themselves always and
II. IT HELD THAT THE GRANT OF INTEREST necessarily liable solidarily with the carrier, or vice-
ON THE CLAIM OF PRIVATE RESPONDENT versa, nor that attendant facts in a given case may
SHOULD COMMENCE FROM THE DATE OF THE not vary the rule. The instant petition has been
FILING OF THE COMPLAINT AT THE RATE OF brought solely by Eastern Shipping Lines, which,
TWELVE PERCENT PER ANNUM INSTEAD OF being the carrier and not having been able to rebut
FROM THE DATE OF THE DECISION OF THE the presumption of fault, is, in any event, to be held
TRIAL COURT AND ONLY AT THE RATE OF SIX liable in this particular case. A factual finding of
PERCENT PER ANNUM, PRIVATE both the court a quo and the appellate court, we
RESPONDENT'S CLAIM BEING INDISPUTABLY take note, is that "there is sufficient evidence that
UNLIQUIDATED. the shipment sustained damage while in the
successive possession of appellants" (the herein
The petition is, in part, granted. petitioner among them). Accordingly, the liability
imposed on Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc., the sole
In this decision, we have begun by saying that the petitioner in this case, is inevitable regardless of
questions raised by petitioner carrier are not all whether there are others solidarily liable with it.
that novel. Indeed, we do have a fairly good number
of previous decisions this Court can merely tack to. It is over the issue of legal interest adjudged by the
appellate court that deserves more than just a
The common carrier's duty to observe the requisite passing remark.
diligence in the shipment of goods lasts from the
time the articles are surrendered to or Let us first see a chronological recitation of the
unconditionally placed in the possession of, and major rulings of this Court:
received by, the carrier for transportation until
delivered to, or until the lapse of a reasonable time The early case of Malayan Insurance Co., Inc.,
for their acceptance by, the person entitled to vs. Manila Port 
receive them (Arts. 1736-1738, Civil Code; Ganzon Service,2 decided3 on 15 May 1969, involved a suit
vs. Court of Appeals, 161 SCRA 646; Kui Bai vs. for recovery of money arising out of short
Dollar Steamship Lines, 52 Phil. 863). When the deliveries and pilferage of goods. In this case,
goods shipped either are lost or arrive in damaged appellee Malayan Insurance (the plaintiff in the
condition, a presumption arises against the carrier lower court) averred in its complaint that the total
of its failure to observe that diligence, and there amount of its claim for the value of the undelivered
need not be an express finding of negligence to hold goods amounted to P3,947.20. This demand,
it liable (Art. 1735, Civil Code; Philippine National however, was neither established in its totality nor
definitely ascertained. In the stipulation of facts adjudging legal interest from the filing of
later entered into by the parties, in lieu of proof, the the complaint until fully paid. When the
amount of P1,447.51 was agreed upon. The trial appellate court's decision became final, the
court rendered judgment ordering the appellants case was remanded to the lower court for
(defendants) Manila Port Service and Manila execution, and this was when the trial court
Railroad Company to pay appellee Malayan issued its assailed resolution which applied
Insurance the sum of P1,447.51 with legal interest the 6% interest per annum prescribed in
thereon from the date the complaint was filed on Article 2209 of the Civil Code. In their
28 December 1962 until full payment thereof. The petition for review on certiorari, the
appellants then assailed, inter alia, the award of petitioners contended that Central Bank
legal interest. In sustaining the appellants, this Circular 
Court ruled: No. 416, providing thus —

Interest upon an obligation which calls for the By virtue of the authority granted to it under
payment of money, absent a stipulation, is the legal Section 1 of Act 2655, as amended, Monetary Board
rate. Such interest normally is allowable from the in its Resolution No. 1622 dated July 29, 1974, has
date of demand, judicial or extrajudicial. The trial prescribed that the rate of interest for the loan, or
court opted for judicial demand as the starting forbearance of any money, goods, or credits and the
point. rate allowed in judgments, in the absence of express
contract as to such rate of interest, shall be twelve
But then upon the provisions of Article 2213 of the (12%) percent per annum. This Circular shall take
Civil Code, interest "cannot be recovered upon effect immediately. (Emphasis found in the text) —
unliquidated claims or damages, except when the
demand can be established with reasonable should have, instead, been applied. This
certainty." And as was held by this Court in Rivera Court6 ruled:
vs. Perez,4 L-6998, February 29, 1956, if the suit
were for damages, "unliquidated and not known The judgments spoken of and referred to are
until definitely ascertained, assessed and judgments in litigations involving loans or
determined by the courts after proof (Montilla forbearance of any money, goods or credits. Any
c. Corporacion de P.P. Agustinos, 25 Phil. 447; other kind of monetary judgment which has
Lichauco v. Guzman,  nothing to do with, nor involving loans or
38 Phil. 302)," then, interest "should be from the forbearance of any money, goods or credits does
date of the decision." (Emphasis supplied) not fall within the coverage of the said law for it is
not within the ambit of the authority granted to the
The case of Reformina vs. Tomol,5 rendered on 11 Central Bank.
October 1985, was for "Recovery of Damages for
Injury to Person and Loss of Property." After trial, xxx xxx xxx
the lower court decreed:
Coming to the case at bar, the decision herein
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in sought to be executed is one rendered in an Action
favor of the plaintiffs and third party defendants for Damages for injury to persons and loss of
and against the defendants and third party property and does not involve any loan, much less
plaintiffs as follows: forbearances of any money, goods or credits. As
correctly argued by the private respondents, the law
Ordering defendants and third party plaintiffs Shell applicable to the said case is Article 2209 of the
and Michael, Incorporated to pay jointly and New Civil Code which reads —
severally the following persons:
Art. 2209. — If the obligation consists in the
xxx xxx xxx payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs
in delay, the indemnity for damages, there being no
(g) Plaintiffs Pacita F. Reformina and Francisco stipulation to the contrary, shall be the payment of
Reformina the sum of P131,084.00 which is the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of
value of the boat F B Pacita III together with its stipulation, the legal interest which is six
accessories, fishing gear and equipment minus percent per annum.
P80,000.00 which is the value of the insurance
recovered and the amount of P10,000.00 a month The above rule was reiterated in Philippine Rabbit
as the estimated monthly loss suffered by them as a Bus Lines, Inc., v. Cruz,7 promulgated on 28 July
result of the fire of May 6, 1969 up to the time they 1986. The case was for damages occasioned by an
are actually paid or already the total sum of injury to person and loss of property. The trial court
P370,000.00 as of June 4, 1972 with legal interest awarded private respondent Pedro Manabat actual
from the filing of the complaint until paid and to and compensatory damages in the amount of
pay attorney's fees of P5,000.00 with costs against P72,500.00 with legal interest thereon from the
defendants and third party plaintiffs. (Emphasis filing of the complaint until fully paid. Relying on
supplied.) the Reformina v. Tomol case, this Court8 modified
the interest award from 12% to 6% interest per
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, the latter annum but sustained the time computation
modified the amount of damages awarded thereof, i.e., from the filing of the complaint until
but sustained the trial court in fully paid.
In Nakpil and Sons vs. Court of Appeals,9 the trial Clearly, they are not applicable to the instant case.
court, in an action for the recovery of damages (Emphasis supplied.)
arising from the collapse of a building, ordered, 
inter alia, the "defendant United Construction Co., The subsequent case of American Express
Inc. (one of the petitioners)  International, Inc., vs. Intermediate Appellate
. . . to pay the plaintiff, . . . , the sum of P989,335.68 Court11 was a petition for review on certiorari from
with interest at the legal rate from November 29, the decision, dated 27 February 1985, of the then
1968, the date of the filing of the complaint until Intermediate Appellate Court reducing the amount
full payment . . . ." Save from the modification of of moral and exemplary damages awarded by the
the amount granted by the lower court, the Court of trial court, to P240,000.00 and P100,000.00,
Appeals sustained the trial court's decision. When respectively, and its resolution, dated 29 April
taken to this Court for review, the case, on 03 1985, restoring the amount of damages awarded by
October 1986, was decided, thus: the trial court, i.e., P2,000,000.00 as moral
damages and P400,000.00 as exemplary damages
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is with interest thereon at 12% per annum from
hereby MODIFIED and considering the special and notice of judgment, plus costs of suit. In a decision
environmental circumstances of this case, we deem of 09 November 1988, this Court, while recognizing
it reasonable to render a decision imposing, as We the right of the private respondent to recover
do hereby impose, upon the defendant and the damages, held the award, however, for moral
third-party defendants (with the exception of damages by the trial court, later sustained by the
Roman Ozaeta) a solidary (Art. 1723, Civil IAC, to be inconceivably large. The Court12 thus set
Code, Supra.  aside the decision of the appellate court and
p. 10) indemnity in favor of the Philippine Bar rendered a new one, "ordering the petitioner to pay
Association of FIVE MILLION (P5,000,000.00) private respondent the sum of One Hundred
Pesos to cover all damages (with the exception to Thousand (P100,000.00) Pesos as moral damages,
attorney's fees) occasioned by the loss of the with 
building (including interest charges and lost six (6%) percent interest thereon computed from
rentals) and an additional ONE HUNDRED the finality of this decision until paid. (Emphasis
THOUSAND (P100,000.00) Pesos as and for supplied)
attorney's fees, the total sum being payable upon
the finality of this decision. Upon failure to pay on Reformina came into fore again in the 21 February
such finality, twelve (12%) per cent interest per 1989 case of Florendo v. Ruiz13 which arose from a
annum shall be imposed upon aforementioned breach of employment contract. For having been
amounts from finality until paid. Solidary costs illegally dismissed, the petitioner was awarded by
against the defendant and third-party defendants the trial court moral and exemplary damages
(Except Roman Ozaeta). (Emphasis supplied) without, however, providing any legal interest
thereon. When the decision was appealed to the
A motion for reconsideration was filed by Court of Appeals, the latter held:
United Construction, contending that "the
interest of twelve (12%) per cent per WHEREFORE, except as modified hereinabove the
annum imposed on the total amount of the decision of the CFI of Negros Oriental dated
monetary award was in contravention of October 31, 1972 is affirmed in all respects, with the
law." The Court10 ruled out the applicability modification that defendants-appellants, except
of the Reformina and Philippine Rabbit Bus defendant-appellant Merton Munn, are ordered to
Lines cases and, in its resolution of 15 April pay, jointly and severally, the amounts stated in the
1988, it explained: dispositive portion of the decision, including the
sum of P1,400.00 in concept of compensatory
There should be no dispute that the imposition of damages, with interest at the legal rate from the
12% interest pursuant to Central Bank Circular No. date of the filing of the complaint until fully
416 . . . is applicable only in the following: (1) loans; paid(Emphasis supplied.)
(2) forbearance of any money, goods or credit; and 
(3) rate allowed in judgments (judgments spoken of The petition for review to this Court was
refer to judgments involving loans or forbearance of denied. The records were thereupon
any money, goods or credits. (Philippine Rabbit Bus transmitted to the trial court, and an entry
Lines Inc. v. Cruz, 143 SCRA 160-161 [1986]; of judgment was made. The writ of
Reformina v. Tomol, Jr., 139 SCRA 260 [1985]). It execution issued by the trial court directed
is true that in the instant case, there is neither a that only compensatory damages should
loan or a forbearance, but then no interest is earn interest at 6% per annum from the
actually imposed provided the sums referred to in date of the filing of the complaint. Ascribing
the judgment are paid upon the finality of the grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
judgment. It is delay in the payment of such final trial judge, a petition for certiorari assailed
judgment, that will cause the imposition of the the said order. This Court said:
. . . , it is to be noted that the Court
It will be noted that in the cases already adverted ofAppeals ordered the payment of
to, the rate of interest is imposed on the total sum, interest "at the legal rate" from the
from the filing of the complaint until paid; in other time of the filing of the complaint. . .
words, as part of the judgment for damages. Said circular [Central Bank Circular
No. 416] does not apply to actions of damage arising from the breach or a delay in the
based on a breach of employment performance of obligations in general. Observe, too,
contract like the case at bar. that in these cases, a common time frame in the
(Emphasis supplied) computation of the 6% interest per annum has
been applied, i.e., from the time the complaint is
The Court reiterated that the 6% filed until the adjudged amount is fully paid.
interest per annum on the damages should
be computed from the time the complaint The "second group", did not alter the pronounced
was filed until the amount is fully paid. rule on the application of the 6% or 12%
interest per annum,17depending on whether or not
Quite recently, the Court had another occasion to the amount involved is a loan or forbearance, on
rule on the matter. National Power Corporation the one hand, or one of indemnity for damage, on
vs. Angas,14decided on 08 May 1992, involved the the other hand. Unlike, however, the "first group"
expropriation of certain parcels of land. After which remained consistent in holding that the
conducting a hearing on the complaints running of the legal interest should be from the
for eminent domain, the trial court ordered the time of the filing of the complaint until fully paid,
petitioner to pay the private respondents certain the "second group" varied on the commencement of
sums of money as just compensation for their lands the running of the legal interest.
so expropriated "with legal interest
thereon . . . until fully paid." Again, in applying the Malayan held that the amount awarded
6% legal interest per annum under the Civil Code, should bear legal interest from the date of the
the Court15 declared: decision of the court a quo,explaining that "if the
suit were for damages, 'unliquidated and not known
. . . , (T)he transaction involved is clearly not a loan until definitely ascertained, assessed and
or forbearance of money, goods or credits but determined by the courts after proof,' then, interest
expropriation of certain parcels of land for a public 'should be from the date of the
purpose, the payment of which is without decision.'" American Express International
stipulation regarding interest, and the interest v. IAC, introduced a different time frame for
adjudged by the trial court is in the nature of reckoning the 6% interest by ordering it to be
indemnity for damages. The legal interest required "computed from the finality of (the) decision until
to be paid on the amount of just compensation for paid." The Nakpil and Sons case ruled that 12%
the properties expropriated is manifestly in the interest per annum should be imposed from the
form of indemnity for damages for the delay in the finality of the decision until the judgment amount is
payment thereof. Therefore, since the kind of paid.
interest involved in the joint judgment of the lower
court sought to be enforced in this case is interest The ostensible discord is not difficult to explain.
by way of damages, and not by way of earnings The factual circumstances may have called for
from loans, etc. Art. 2209 of the Civil Code shall different applications, guided by the rule that the
apply. courts are vested with discretion, depending on the
equities of each case, on the award of interest.
Concededly, there have been seeming variances in Nonetheless, it may not be unwise, by way of
the above holdings. The cases can perhaps be clarification and reconciliation, to suggest the
classified into two groups according to the following rules of thumb for future guidance.
similarity of the issues involved and the
corresponding rulings rendered by the court. The I. When an obligation, regardless of its source, i.e.,
"first group" would consist of the cases law, contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts or quasi-
of Reformina v. Tomol (1985), Philippine Rabbit delicts18 is breached, the contravenor can be held
Bus Lines v. Cruz(1986), Florendo v. Ruiz (1989)  liable for damages.19 The provisions under Title
and National Power Corporation v. Angas (1992). XVIII on "Damages" of the Civil Code govern in
In the "second group" would be Malayan determining the measure of recoverable damages.20
Insurance Company v.Manila Port Service (1969),
Nakpil and Sons v. Court of II. With regard particularly to an award of interest
Appeals (1988), and American Express in the concept of actual and compensatory
International v.Intermediate Appellate damages, the rate of interest, as well as the accrual
Court (1988). thereof, is imposed, as follows:

In the "first group", the basic issue focuses on the 1. When the obligation is breached, and it consists
application of either the 6% (under the Civil Code) in the payment of a sum of money, i.e., a loan or
or 12% (under the Central Bank Circular) forbearance of money, the interest due should be
interest per annum. It is easily discernible in these that which may have been stipulated in
cases that there has been a consistent holding that writing.21 Furthermore, the interest due shall itself
the Central Bank Circular imposing the 12% earn legal interest from the time it is judicially
interest per annum applies only to loans or demanded.22 In the absence of stipulation, the rate
forbearance16 of money, goods or credits, as well as of interest shall be 12% per annum to be computed
to judgments involving such loan or forbearance of from default, i.e., from judicial or extrajudicial
money, goods or credits, and that the 6% interest demand under and subject to the provisions of
under the Civil Code governs when the transaction Article 116923 of the Civil Code.
involves the payment of indemnities in the concept
2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan or On October 15, 1998, the Labor Arbiter rendered a
forbearance of money, is breached, an interest on Decision3 in favor of petitioner and found that he
the amount of damages awarded may be imposed at was dismissed from employment without a valid or
the discretion of the court24 at the rate of 6% per just cause. Thus, petitioner was awarded backwages
annum.25 No interest, however, shall be adjudged and separation pay in lieu of reinstatement in the
on unliquidated claims or damages except when or amount of ₱158,919.92. The dispositive portion of
until the demand can be established with the decision, reads:
reasonable certainty.26 Accordingly, where the
demand is established with reasonable certainty, With the foregoing, we find and so rule that
the interest shall begin to run from the time the respondents failed to discharge the burden of
claim is made judicially or extrajudicially (Art. 1169, showing that complainant was dismissed from
Civil Code) but when such certainty cannot be so employment for a just or valid cause. All the more,
reasonably established at the time the demand is it is clear from the records that complainant was
made, the interest shall begin to run only from the never afforded due process before he was
date the judgment of the court is made (at which terminated. As such, we are perforce constrained to
time the quantification of damages may be deemed grant complainant’s prayer for the payments of
to have been reasonably ascertained). The actual separation pay in lieu of reinstatement to his
base for the computation of legal interest shall, in former position, considering the strained
any case, be on the amount finally adjudged. relationship between the parties, and his apparent
reluctance to be reinstated, computed only up to
3. When the judgment of the court awarding a sum promulgation of this decision as follows:
of money becomes final and executory, the rate of
legal interest, whether the case falls under SEPARATION PAY
paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, above, shall be
12% per annum from such finality until its Date Hired = August 1990
satisfaction, this interim period being deemed to be
by then an equivalent to a forbearance of credit. Rate = ₱198/day
Date of Decision = Aug. 18, 1998
WHEREFORE, the petition is partly GRANTED.
The appealed decision is AFFIRMED with the Length of Service = 8 yrs. & 1 month
MODIFICATION that the legal interest to be paid is ₱198.00 x 26 days x 8 months = ₱41,184.00
SIX PERCENT (6%) on the amount due computed
from the decision, dated  BACKWAGES
03 February 1988, of the court a quo. A TWELVE
Date Dismissed = January 24, 1997
PERCENT (12%) interest, in lieu of SIX PERCENT
(6%), shall be imposed on such amount upon Rate per day = ₱196.00
finality of this decision until the payment thereof.
Date of Decisions = Aug. 18, 1998
SO ORDERED a) 1/24/97 to 2/5/98 = 12.36 mos.

G.R. No. 189871               August 13, 2013 196.00/day x 12.36 mos. = ₱62,986.56
b) 2/6/98 to 8/18/98 = 6.4 months
vs. Prevailing Rate per day = ₱62,986.00
198.00 x 26 days x 6.4 mos. = ₱32,947.20
TOTAL = ₱95.933.76
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is
This is a petition for review on certiorari assailing hereby rendered finding respondents guilty of
the Decision1 dated September 23, 2008 of the constructive dismissal and are therefore, ordered:
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 98591,
and the Resolution2 dated October 9, 2009 denying To pay jointly and severally the complainant the
petitioner’s motion for reconsideration. amount of sixty-two thousand nine hundred eighty-
six pesos and 56/100 (₱62,986.56) Pesos
The factual antecedents are undisputed. representing his separation pay;

Petitioner Dario Nacar filed a complaint for To pay jointly and severally the complainant the
constructive dismissal before the Arbitration amount of nine (sic) five thousand nine hundred
Branch of the National Labor Relations thirty-three and 36/100 (₱95,933.36) representing
Commission (NLRC) against respondents Gallery his backwages; and
Frames (GF) and/or Felipe Bordey, Jr., docketed as
NLRC NCR Case No. 01-00519-97. All other claims are hereby dismissed for lack of
SO ORDERED.4 The records of the case were again forwarded to the
Computation and Examination Unit for
Respondents appealed to the NLRC, but it was recomputation, where the judgment award of
dismissed for lack of merit in the Resolution 5 dated petitioner was reassessed to be in the total amount
February 29, 2000. Accordingly, the NLRC of only ₱147,560.19.
sustained the decision of the Labor Arbiter.
Respondents filed a motion for reconsideration, but Petitioner then moved that a writ of execution be
it was denied.6 issued ordering respondents to pay him the original
amount as determined by the Labor Arbiter in his
Dissatisfied, respondents filed a Petition for Review Decision dated October 15, 1998, pending the final
on Certiorari before the CA. On August 24, 2000, computation of his backwages and separation pay.
the CA issued a Resolution dismissing the petition.
Respondents filed a Motion for Reconsideration, On January 14, 2003, the Labor Arbiter issued an
but it was likewise denied in a Resolution dated Alias Writ of Execution to satisfy the judgment
May 8, 2001.7 award that was due to petitioner in the amount of
₱147,560.19, which petitioner eventually received.
Respondents then sought relief before the Supreme
Court, docketed as G.R. No. 151332. Finding no Petitioner then filed a Manifestation and Motion
reversible error on the part of the CA, this Court praying for the re-computation of the monetary
denied the petition in the Resolution dated April 17, award to include the appropriate interests.19
On May 10, 2005, the Labor Arbiter issued an
An Entry of Judgment was later issued certifying Order20 granting the motion, but only up to the
that the resolution became final and executory on amount of ₱11,459.73. The Labor Arbiter reasoned
May 27, 2002.9The case was, thereafter, referred that it is the October 15, 1998 Decision that should
back to the Labor Arbiter. A pre-execution be enforced considering that it was the one that
conference was consequently scheduled, but became final and executory. However, the Labor
respondents failed to appear.10 Arbiter reasoned that since the decision states that
the separation pay and backwages are computed
On November 5, 2002, petitioner filed a Motion for only up to the promulgation of the said decision, it
Correct Computation, praying that his backwages is the amount of ₱158,919.92 that should be
be computed from the date of his dismissal on executed. Thus, since petitioner already received
January 24, 1997 up to the finality of the Resolution ₱147,560.19, he is only entitled to the balance of
of the Supreme Court on May 27, 2002.11 Upon ₱11,459.73.
recomputation, the Computation and Examination
Unit of the NLRC arrived at an updated amount in Petitioner then appealed before the NLRC,21 which
the sum of ₱471,320.31.12 appeal was denied by the NLRC in its
Resolution22 dated September 27, 2006. Petitioner
On December 2, 2002, a Writ of Execution13 was filed a Motion for Reconsideration, but it was
issued by the Labor Arbiter ordering the Sheriff to likewise denied in the Resolution23dated January
collect from respondents the total amount of 31, 2007.
₱471,320.31. Respondents filed a Motion to Quash
Writ of Execution, arguing, among other things, Aggrieved, petitioner then sought recourse before
that since the Labor Arbiter awarded separation the CA, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 98591.
pay of ₱62,986.56 and limited backwages of
₱95,933.36, no more recomputation is required to On September 23, 2008, the CA rendered a
be made of the said awards. They claimed that after Decision24 denying the petition. The CA opined that
the decision becomes final and executory, the same since petitioner no longer appealed the October 15,
cannot be altered or amended anymore.14 On 1998 Decision of the Labor Arbiter, which already
January 13, 2003, the Labor Arbiter issued an became final and executory, a belated correction
Order15 denying the motion. Thus, an Alias Writ of thereof is no longer allowed. The CA stated that
Execution16 was issued on January 14, 2003. there is nothing left to be done except to enforce the
said judgment. Consequently, it can no longer be
Respondents again appealed before the NLRC, modified in any respect, except to correct clerical
which on June 30, 2003 issued a errors or mistakes.
Resolution17 granting the appeal in favor of the
respondents and ordered the recomputation of the Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration, but it
judgment award. was denied in the Resolution25 dated October 9,
On August 20, 2003, an Entry of Judgment was
issued declaring the Resolution of the NLRC to be Hence, the petition assigning the lone error:
final and executory. Consequently, another pre-
execution conference was held, but respondents I
failed to appear on time. Meanwhile, petitioner
moved that an Alias Writ of Execution be issued to WITH DUE RESPECT, THE HONORABLE COURT
enforce the earlier recomputed judgment award in OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED, COMMITTED
CONTRARY TO LAW IN UPHOLDING THE In concrete terms, the question is whether a re-
QUESTIONED RESOLUTIONS OF THE NLRC computation in the course of execution of the labor
WHICH, IN TURN, SUSTAINED THE MAY 10, arbiter's original computation of the awards made,
2005 ORDER OF LABOR ARBITER MAGAT pegged as of the time the decision was rendered
MAKING THE DISPOSITIVE PORTION OF THE and confirmed with modification by a final CA
OCTOBER 15, 1998 DECISION OF LABOR decision, is legally proper. The question is posed,
ARBITER LUSTRIA SUBSERVIENT TO AN given that the petitioner did not immediately pay
OPINION EXPRESSED IN THE BODY OF THE the awards stated in the original labor arbiter's
SAME DECISION.26 decision; it delayed payment because it continued
with the litigation until final judgment at the CA
Petitioner argues that notwithstanding the fact that level.
there was a computation of backwages in the Labor
Arbiter’s decision, the same is not final until A source of misunderstanding in implementing the
reinstatement is made or until finality of the final decision in this case proceeds from the way the
decision, in case of an award of separation pay. original labor arbiter framed his decision. The
Petitioner maintains that considering that the decision consists essentially of two parts.
October 15, 1998 decision of the Labor Arbiter did
not become final and executory until the April 17, The first is that part of the decision that cannot now
2002 Resolution of the Supreme Court in G.R. No. be disputed because it has been confirmed with
151332 was entered in the Book of Entries on May finality. This is the finding of the illegality of the
27, 2002, the reckoning point for the computation dismissal and the awards of separation pay in lieu
of the backwages and separation pay should be on of reinstatement, backwages, attorney's fees, and
May 27, 2002 and not when the decision of the legal interests.
Labor Arbiter was rendered on October 15, 1998.
Further, petitioner posits that he is also entitled to The second part is the computation of the awards
the payment of interest from the finality of the made. On its face, the computation the labor arbiter
decision until full payment by the respondents. made shows that it was time-bound as can be seen
from the figures used in the computation. This part,
On their part, respondents assert that since only being merely a computation of what the first part of
separation pay and limited backwages were the decision established and declared, can, by its
awarded to petitioner by the October 15, 1998 nature, be re-computed. This is the part, too, that
decision of the Labor Arbiter, no more the petitioner now posits should no longer be re-
recomputation is required to be made of said computed because the computation is already in
awards. Respondents insist that since the decision the labor arbiter's decision that the CA had
clearly stated that the separation pay and affirmed. The public and private respondents, on
backwages are "computed only up to [the] the other hand, posit that a re-computation is
promulgation of this decision," and considering necessary because the relief in an illegal dismissal
that petitioner no longer appealed the decision, decision goes all the way up to reinstatement if
petitioner is only entitled to the award as computed reinstatement is to be made, or up to the finality of
by the Labor Arbiter in the total amount of the decision, if separation pay is to be given in lieu
₱158,919.92. Respondents added that it was only reinstatement.
during the execution proceedings that the
petitioner questioned the award, long after the That the labor arbiter's decision, at the same time
decision had become final and executory. that it found that an illegal dismissal had taken
Respondents contend that to allow the further place, also made a computation of the award, is
recomputation of the backwages to be awarded to understandable in light of Section 3, Rule VIII of
petitioner at this point of the proceedings would the then NLRC Rules of Procedure which requires
substantially vary the decision of the Labor Arbiter that a computation be made. This Section in part
as it violates the rule on immutability of judgments. states:

The petition is meritorious. [T]he Labor Arbiter of origin, in cases involving

monetary awards and at all events, as far as
The instant case is similar to the case of Session practicable, shall embody in any such decision or
Delights Ice Cream and Fast Foods v. Court of order the detailed and full amount awarded.
Appeals (Sixth Division),27 wherein the issue
submitted to the Court for resolution was the Clearly implied from this original computation is its
propriety of the computation of the awards made, currency up to the finality of the labor arbiter's
and whether this violated the principle of decision. As we noted above, this implication is
immutability of judgment. Like in the present case, apparent from the terms of the computation itself,
it was a distinct feature of the judgment of the and no question would have arisen had the parties
Labor Arbiter in the above-cited case that the terminated the case and implemented the decision
decision already provided for the computation of at that point.
the payable separation pay and backwages due and
did not further order the computation of the However, the petitioner disagreed with the labor
monetary awards up to the time of the finality of arbiter's findings on all counts - i.e., on the finding
the judgment. Also in Session Delights, the of illegality as well as on all the consequent awards
dismissed employee failed to appeal the decision of made. Hence, the petitioner appealed the case to
the labor arbiter. The Court clarified, thus: the NLRC which, in turn, affirmed the labor
arbiter's decision. By law, the NLRC decision is That the amount respondents shall now pay has
final, reviewable only by the CA on jurisdictional greatly increased is a consequence that it cannot
grounds. avoid as it is the risk that it ran when it continued
to seek recourses against the Labor Arbiter's
The petitioner appropriately sought to nullify the decision. Article 279 provides for the consequences
NLRC decision on jurisdictional grounds through a of illegal dismissal in no uncertain terms, qualified
timely filed Rule 65 petition for certiorari. The CA only by jurisprudence in its interpretation of when
decision, finding that NLRC exceeded its authority separation pay in lieu of reinstatement is allowed.
in affirming the payment of 13th month pay and When that happens, the finality of the illegal
indemnity, lapsed to finality and was subsequently dismissal decision becomes the reckoning point
returned to the labor arbiter of origin for execution. instead of the reinstatement that the law decrees. In
allowing separation pay, the final decision
It was at this point that the present case arose. effectively declares that the employment
Focusing on the core illegal dismissal portion of the relationship ended so that separation pay and
original labor arbiter's decision, the implementing backwages are to be computed up to that point. 31
labor arbiter ordered the award re-computed; he
apparently read the figures originally ordered to be Finally, anent the payment of legal interest. In the
paid to be the computation due had the case been landmark case of Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v.
terminated and implemented at the labor arbiter's Court of Appeals,32 the Court laid down the
level. Thus, the labor arbiter re-computed the guidelines regarding the manner of computing legal
award to include the separation pay and the interest, to wit:
backwages due up to the finality of the CA decision
that fully terminated the case on the merits. II. With regard particularly to an award of interest
Unfortunately, the labor arbiter's approved in the concept of actual and compensatory
computation went beyond the finality of the CA damages, the rate of interest, as well as the accrual
decision (July 29, 2003) and included as well the thereof, is imposed, as follows:
payment for awards the final CA decision had
deleted - specifically, the proportionate 13th month 1. When the obligation is breached, and it
pay and the indemnity awards. Hence, the CA consists in the payment of a sum of money,
issued the decision now questioned in the present i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the
petition. interest due should be that which may have
been stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the
We see no error in the CA decision confirming that interest due shall itself earn legal interest
a re-computation is necessary as it essentially from the time it is judicially demanded. In
considered the labor arbiter's original decision in the absence of stipulation, the rate of
accordance with its basic component parts as we interest shall be 12% per annum to be
discussed above. To reiterate, the first part contains computed from default, i.e., from judicial or
the finding of illegality and its monetary extrajudicial demand under and subject to
consequences; the second part is the computation the provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil
of the awards or monetary consequences of the Code.
illegal dismissal, computed as of the time of the
labor arbiter's original decision.28 2. When an obligation, not constituting a
loan or forbearance of money, is breached,
Consequently, from the above disquisitions, under an interest on the amount of damages
the terms of the decision which is sought to be awarded may be imposed at the discretion
executed by the petitioner, no essential change is of the court at the rate of 6% per annum. No
made by a recomputation as this step is a necessary interest, however, shall be adjudged on
consequence that flows from the nature of the unliquidated claims or damages except
illegality of dismissal declared by the Labor Arbiter when or until the demand can be
in that decision.29 A recomputation (or an original established with reasonable certainty.
computation, if no previous computation has been Accordingly, where the demand is
made) is a part of the law – specifically, Article 279 established with reasonable certainty, the
of the Labor Code and the established interest shall begin to run from the time the
jurisprudence on this provision – that is read into claim is made judicially or extrajudicially
the decision. By the nature of an illegal dismissal (Art. 1169, Civil Code) but when such
case, the reliefs continue to add up until full certainty cannot be so reasonably
satisfaction, as expressed under Article 279 of the established at the time the demand is made,
Labor Code. The recomputation of the the interest shall begin to run only from the
consequences of illegal dismissal upon execution of date the judgment of the court is made (at
the decision does not constitute an alteration or which time the quantification of damages
amendment of the final decision being may be deemed to have been reasonably
implemented. The illegal dismissal ruling stands; ascertained). The actual base for the
only the computation of monetary consequences of computation of legal interest shall, in any
this dismissal is affected, and this is not a violation case, be on the amount finally adjudged.
of the principle of immutability of final
judgments.30 3. When the judgment of the court awarding
a sum of money becomes final and
executory, the rate of legal interest, whether
the case falls under paragraph 1 or BSP-MB to prescribe different maximum rate or
paragraph 2, above, shall be 12% per annum rates for different types of borrowings, including
from such finality until its satisfaction, this deposits and deposit substitutes, or loans of
interim period being deemed to be by then financial intermediaries."
an equivalent to a forbearance of credit.33
Nonetheless, with regard to those judgments that
Recently, however, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas have become final and executory prior to July 1,
Monetary Board (BSP-MB), in its Resolution No. 2013, said judgments shall not be disturbed and
796 dated May 16, 2013, approved the amendment shall continue to be implemented applying the rate
of Section 234 of Circular No. 905, Series of 1982 of interest fixed therein.1awp++i1
and, accordingly, issued Circular No. 799,35 Series
of 2013, effective July 1, 2013, the pertinent portion To recapitulate and for future guidance, the
of which reads: guidelines laid down in the case of Eastern
Shipping Lines42 are accordingly modified to
The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 796 embody BSP-MB Circular No. 799, as follows:
dated 16 May 2013, approved the following
revisions governing the rate of interest in the I. When an obligation, regardless of its
absence of stipulation in loan contracts, thereby source, i.e., law, contracts, quasi-contracts,
amending Section 2 of Circular No. 905, Series of delicts or quasi-delicts is breached, the
1982: contravenor can be held liable for damages.
The provisions under Title XVIII on
Section 1. The rate of interest for the loan or "Damages" of the Civil Code govern in
forbearance of any money, goods or credits and the determining the measure of recoverable
rate allowed in judgments, in the absence of an damages.1âwphi1
express contract as to such rate of interest, shall be
six percent (6%) per annum. II. With regard particularly to an award of
interest in the concept of actual and
Section 2. In view of the above, Subsection compensatory damages, the rate of interest,
X305.136 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks as well as the accrual thereof, is imposed, as
and Sections 4305Q.1,37 4305S.338 and 4303P.139 of follows:
the Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial
Institutions are hereby amended accordingly. When the obligation is breached, and it consists in
the payment of a sum of money, i.e., a loan or
This Circular shall take effect on 1 July 2013. forbearance of money, the interest due should be
that which may have been stipulated in writing.
Thus, from the foregoing, in the absence of an Furthermore, the interest due shall itself earn legal
express stipulation as to the rate of interest that interest from the time it is judicially demanded. In
would govern the parties, the rate of legal interest the absence of stipulation, the rate of interest shall
for loans or forbearance of any money, goods or be 6% per annum to be computed from default, i.e.,
credits and the rate allowed in judgments shall no from judicial or extrajudicial demand under and
longer be twelve percent (12%) per annum - as subject to the provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil
reflected in the case of Eastern Shipping Lines40and Code.
Subsection X305.1 of the Manual of Regulations for
Banks and Sections 4305Q.1, 4305S.3 and 4303P.1 When an obligation, not constituting a loan or
of the Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank forbearance of money, is breached, an interest on
Financial Institutions, before its amendment by the amount of damages awarded may be imposed at
BSP-MB Circular No. 799 - but will now be six the discretion of the court at the rate of 6% per
percent (6%) per annum effective July 1, 2013. It annum. No interest, however, shall be adjudged on
should be noted, nonetheless, that the new rate unliquidated claims or damages, except when or
could only be applied prospectively and not until the demand can be established with
retroactively. Consequently, the twelve percent reasonable certainty. Accordingly, where the
(12%) per annum legal interest shall apply only demand is established with reasonable certainty,
until June 30, 2013. Come July 1, 2013 the new rate the interest shall begin to run from the time the
of six percent (6%) per annum shall be the claim is made judicially or extrajudicially (Art. 1169,
prevailing rate of interest when applicable. Civil Code), but when such certainty cannot be so
reasonably established at the time the demand is
Corollarily, in the recent case of Advocates for made, the interest shall begin to run only from the
Truth in Lending, Inc. and Eduardo B. Olaguer v. date the judgment of the court is made (at which
Bangko Sentral Monetary Board,41 this Court time the quantification of damages may be deemed
affirmed the authority of the BSP-MB to set interest to have been reasonably ascertained). The actual
rates and to issue and enforce Circulars when it base for the computation of legal interest shall, in
ruled that "the BSP-MB may prescribe the any case, be on the amount finally adjudged.
maximum rate or rates of interest for all loans or
renewals thereof or the forbearance of any money, When the judgment of the court awarding a sum of
goods or credits, including those for loans of low money becomes final and executory, the rate of
priority such as consumer loans, as well as such legal interest, whether the case falls under
loans made by pawnshops, finance companies and paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, above, shall be 6% per
similar credit institutions. It even authorizes the annum from such finality until its satisfaction, this
interim period being deemed to be by then an 2. ID.; ID.; IMMATERIAL ALTERATION;
equivalent to a forbearance of credit. EFFECT ON THE INSTRUMENT. - In his
book entitled Pandect of Commercial Law and
And, in addition to the above, judgments that have Jurisprudence, Justice Jose C. Vitug opines
become final and executory prior to July 1, 2013, that an innocent alteration (generally, changes
shall not be disturbed and shall continue to be on items other than those required to be stated
implemented applying the rate of interest fixed under Sec. 1, N. I. L.) and spoliation
therein. (alterations done by a stranger) will not avoid
the instrument, but the holder may enforce it
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision only according to its original tenor.
dated September 23, 2008 of the Court of Appeals 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; PRESENT IN CASE AT
in CA-G.R. SP No. 98591, and the Resolution dated BAR. The case at bench is unique in the sense
October 9, 2009 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. that what was altered is the serial number of
Respondents are Ordered to Pay petitioner: the check in question, an item which, it can
readily be observed, is not an essential
(1) backwages computed from the time requisite for negotiability under Section 1 of
petitioner was illegally dismissed on the Negotiable Instrument Law. The
January 24, 1997 up to May 27, 2002, when aforementioned alteration did not change the
the Resolution of this Court in G.R. No. relations between the parties. The name of the
151332 became final and executory; drawer and the drawee were not altered. The
intended payee was the same. The sum of
(2) separation pay computed from August money due to the payee remained the
1990 up to May 27, 2002 at the rate of one same. The checks serial number is not the sole
month pay per year of service; and indication of its origin. As succinctly found by
the Court of Appeals, the name of the
(3) interest of twelve percent (12%) per government agency which issued the subject
annum of the total monetary awards, check was prominently printed therein. The
computed from May 27, 2002 to June 30, checks issuer was therefore sufficiently
2013 and six percent (6%) per annum from identified, rendering the referral to the serial
July 1, 2013 until their full satisfaction. number redundant and
inconsequential. Petitioner, thus cannot refuse
The Labor Arbiter is hereby ORDERED to make to accept the check in question on the ground
another recomputation of the total monetary that the serial number was altered, the same
benefits awarded and due to petitioner in being an immaterial or innocent one.
accordance with this Decision. 4. CIVIL LAW; DAMAGES; ATTORNEYS
JUSTIFICATION. The award of attorneys
fees lies within the discretion of the court and
depends upon the circumstances of each
G.R. No. 107508. April 25, 1996] case. However, the discretion of the court to
award attorneys fees under Article 2208 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines demands factual,
legal and equitable justification, without which
the award is a conclusion without a premise
and improperly left to speculation and
conjecture. It becomes a violation of the
proscription against the imposition of a penalty
on the right to litigate (Universal Shipping
MARKETING, respondents.
Lines, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate
SYLLABUS Court, 188 SCRA 170 [1990]). The reason for
the award must be stated in the text of the
1. COMMERCIAL LAW; NEGOTIABLE courts decision. If it is stated only in the
INSTRUMENTS; MATERIAL dispositive portion of the decision, the same
ALTERATION, DEFINED, - An alteration is shall be disallowed. As to the award of
said to be material if it alters the effect of the attorneys fees being an exception rather than
instrument. It means an unauthorized change the rule, it is necessary for the court to make
in an instrument that purports to modify in any findings of fact and law that would bring the
respect the obligation of a party or an case within the exception and justify the grant
unauthorized addition of words or numbers or of the award (Refractories Corporation of the
other change to an incomplete instrument Philippines v. Intermediate Appellate
relating to the obligation of a party. In other Court, 176 SCRA 539).
words, a material alteration is one which
changes the items which are required to be APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL
stated under Section 1 of the Negotiable
Monsod Tamargo Valencia & Associates for
Instruments Law.
private respondent Capitol City Development
Siguion Reyna Montecillo & Ongsiako for 1.) On plaintiffs complaint, defendant Philippine
private respondent Philippine Bank of Bank of Communications is ordered to re-credit or
Communications. reimburse plaintiff Capitol City Development Bank
the amount of P97,650.00, plus interest of 12
DECISION percent thereto from October 19, 1981 until the
amount is fully paid;
2.) On Philippine Bank of Communications third-
This is a petition for review on certiorari under party complaint, third-party defendant PNB is
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the decision ordered to reimburse and indemnify Philippine
dated April 29, 1992 of respondent Court of Bank of Communications for whatever amount
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 24776 and its resolution PBCom pays to plaintiff;
dated September 16, 1992, denying petitioner
Philippine National Banks motion for 3.) On Philippine National Banks fourth-party
reconsideration of said decision. complaint, F. Abante Marketing is ordered to
The facts of the case are as follows: reimburse and indemnify PNB for whatever
amount PNB pays to PBCom;
A check with serial number 7-3666-223-3,
dated August 7, 1981 in the amount of P97,650.00 4.) On attorneys fees, Philippine Bank of
was issued by the Ministry of Education and Communications is ordered to pay Capitol City
Culture (now Department of Education, Culture Development Bank attorneys fees in the amount of
and Sports [DECS]) payable to F. Abante Ten Thousand (P 10,000.00) Pesos; but PBCom is
Marketing. This check was drawn against entitled to reimbursement/indemnity from PNB;
Philippine National Bank (herein petitioner). and Philippine National Bank to be, in turn,
On August 11, 1981, F. Abante Marketing, a reimbursed or indemnified by F. Abante Marketing
client of Capitol City Development Bank (Capitol), for the same amount;
deposited the questioned check in its savings
account with said bank. In turn, Capitol deposited 5.) The Counterclaims of PBCom and PNB are
the same in its account with the Philippine Bank of hereby dismissed;
Communications (PBCom) which, in turn, sent the
check to petitioner for clearing. 6.) No pronouncement as to costs.
Petitioner cleared the check as good and,
thereafter, PBCom credited Capitols account for the
amount stated in the check. However, on October
19, 1981, petitioner returned the check to PBCom An appeal was interposed before the
and debited PBComs account for the amount respondent Court of Appeals which rendered its
covered by the check, the reason being that there decision on April 29, 1992, the decretal portion of
was a material alteration of the check number. which reads:

PBCom, as collecting agent of Capitol, then WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is
proceeded to debit the latters account for the same modified by exempting PBCom from liability to
amount, and subsequently, sent the check back to plaintiff-appellee for attorneys fees and ordering
petitioner. Petitioner, however, returned the check PNB to honor the check for P97,650.00, with
to PBCom. interest as declared by the trial court, and pay
On the other hand, Capitol could not, in turn, plaintiff-appellee attorneys fees of P10,000.00.
debit F. Abante Marketings account since the latter After the check shall have been honored by PNB,
had already withdrawn the amount of the check as PBCom shall re-credit plaintiff-appellees account
of October 15, 1981. Capitol sought clarification with it with the amount. No pronouncement as to
from PBCom and demanded the re-crediting of the costs.
amount. PBCom followed suit by requesting an
explanation and re-crediting from petitioner. SO ORDERED.[2]

Since the demands of Capitol were not heeded, A motion for reconsideration of the decision
it filed a civil suit with the Regional Trial Court of was denied by the respondent Court in its
Manila against PBCom which, in turn, filed a third- resolution dated September 16, 1992 for lack of
party complaint against petitioner for merit.[3]
reimbursement/indemnity with respect to the
claims of Capitol. Petitioner, on its part, filed a Hence, petitioner filed the instant petition
fourth-party complaint against F. Abante which raises the following issues:
Marketing. I
On October 3, 1989; the Regional Trial Court
rendered its decision the dispositive portion of WHETHER OR NOT AN ALTERATION OF THE
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as INSTRUMENTS LAW.
WHETHER OR NOT A CERTIFICATION HEREIN Section 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
Section 1. - Form of negotiable instruments. An
III instrument to be negotiable must conform to the
following requirements:
FAILED TO RETURN A CHECK WITHIN THE (a) It must be in writing and signed by the maker or
FROM THE COLLECTING BANK. (b) Must contain an unconditional promise or order
to pay a sum certain in money;
(c) Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or
WHETHER OR NOT IN THE ABSENCE OF determinable future time;
HELD LIABLE FOR ATTORNEYS FEES.[4] (d) Must be payable to order or to bearer; and

We find no merit in the petition. (e) Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee,
he must be named or otherwise indicated therein
We shall first deal with the effect of the
with reasonable certainty.
alteration of the serial number on the negotiability
of the check in question.
In his book entitled Pandect of Commercial
Petitioner anchors its position on Section 125 Law and Jurisprudence, Justice Jose C. Vitug
of the Negotiable Instrument Law (ACT No. 2031) opines that an innocent alteration (generally,
 which provides: changes on items other than those required to be
stated under Sec. 1, N.I.L.) and spoliation
Section 125. What constitutes a material alteration. (alterations done by a stranger) will not avoid the
- Any alteration which changes: instrument, but the holder may enforce it only
according to its original tenor.[9]
(a) The date; Reproduced hereunder are some examples of
material and immaterial alterations:
(b) The sum payable, either for principal or
interest; A. Material Alterations:
(c) The time or place of payment; (1) Substituting the words or bearer for order.
(d) The number or the relations of the parties; (2) Writing protest waived above blank
(e) The medium or currency in which payment is to
be made; (3) A change in the date from which interest is to
(f) Or which adds a place of payment where no
place of payment is specified, or any other change (4) A check was originally drawn as follows: Iron
or addition which alters the effect of the instrument County Bank, Crystal Falls, Mich. Aug. 5, 1901. Pay
in any respect, is a material alteration. to G.L. or order $9 fifty cents CTR. The insertion of
the figure 5 before the figure 9, the instrument
Petitioner alleges that there is no hard and fast being otherwise unchanged.
rule in the interpretation of the aforequoted
provision of the Negotiable Instruments Law. It (5) Adding the words with interest with or without
maintains that under Section 125(f), any change a fixed rate.
that alters the effect of the instrument is a material
(6) An alteration in the maturity of a note, whether
We do not agree. the time for payment is thereby curtailed or
An alteration is said to be material if it alters
the effect of the instrument.[7] It means an
(7) An instrument was payable First Natl Bank, the
unauthorized change in an instrument that
plaintiff added the word Marion.
purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a
party or an unauthorized addition of words or
numbers or other change to an incomplete (8) Plaintiff, without consent of the defendant,
instrument relating to the obligation of a party. [8] In struck out the name of the defendant as payee and
other words, a material alteration is one which inserted the name of the maker of the original note.
changes the items which are required to be stated
under Section 1 of the Negotiable Instrument Law. (9) Striking out the name of the payee and
substituting that of the person who actually
discounted the note.
(10) Substituting the address of the maker for the (sic) instrumentalities or agencies. And as (a) safety
name of a co-maker.[10] measure, every government office o(r) agency (is)
assigned TCAA checks bearing different number
B. Immaterial Alterations: series.

(1) Changing I promise to pay to We promise to A concrete example is that of the disbursements of

pay, where there are two makers. the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is issued
by the Bureau of Treasury sizeable bundles of
(2) Adding the word annual after the interest checks in booklet form with serial numbers
clause. different from other government office or
agency. Now, for fictitious payee to succeed in its
(3) Adding the date of maturity as a marginal malicious intentions to defraud the government, all
notation. it need do is to get hold of a TCAA Check and have
the serial numbers of portion (sic) thereof changed
or altered to make it appear that the same was
(4) Filling in the date of the actual delivery where
issued by the MEC.
the makers of a note gave it with the date in blank,
July . . .
Otherwise, stated, it is through the serial numbers
that (a) TCAA Check is determined to have been
(5) An alteration of the marginal figures of a note
issued by a particular office or agency of the
where the sum stated in words in the body
remained unchanged.
xxx xxx xxx
(6) The insertion of the legal rate of interest where
the note had a provision for interest at . . . per cent. Petitioners arguments fail to convince. The
checks serial number is not the sole indication of its
(7) A printed form of promissory note had on the origin. As succinctly found by the Court of Appeals,
margin the printed words, Extended to . . . The the name of the government agency which issued
holder on or after maturity wrote in the blank space the subject check was prominently printed
the words May 1, 1913, as a reference memorandum therein. The checks issuer was therefore sufficiently
of a promise made by him to the principal maker at identified, rendering the referral to the serial
the time the words were written to extend the time number redundant and inconsequential. Thus, we
of payment. quote with favor the findings of the respondent
(8) Where there was a blank for the place of xxx xxx xxx
payment, filling in the blank with the place desired.
If the purpose of the serial number is merely to
(9) Adding to an indorsees name the abbreviation identify the issuing government office or agency, its
Cash when it had been agreed that the draft should alteration in this case had no material effect
be discounted by the trust company of which the whatsoever on the integrity of the check. The
indorsee was cashier. identity of the issuing government office or agency
was not changed thereby and the amount of the
(10) The indorsement of a note by a stranger after check was not charged against the account of
its delivery to the payee at the time the note was another government office or agency which had no
negotiated to the plaintiff. liability under the check.The owner and issuer of
the check is boldly and clearly printed on its face,
(11) An extension of time given by the holder of a second line from the top: MiNiSTRY OF
note to the principal maker, without the consent of EDUCATiON AND CULTURE, and below the
the a surety co-maker.[11] name of the payee are the rubber-stamped words:
Ministry of Educ. & Culture. These words are not
The case at the bench is unique in the sense alleged to have been falsely or fraudulently
that what was altered is the serial number of the intercalated into the check. The ownership of the
check in question, an item which, it can readily be check is established without the necessity of
observed, is not an essential requisite for recourse to the serial number. Neither is there any
negotiability under Section 1 of the Negotiable proof that the amount of the check was erroneously
Instruments Law. The aforementioned alteration charged against the account of a government office
did not change the relations between the or agency other than the Ministry of Education and
parties. The name of the drawer and the drawee Culture.Hence, the alteration in the number of the
were not altered. The intended payee was the same. check did not affect or change the liability of the
The sum of money due to the payee remained the Ministry of Education and Culture under the check
same. Despite these findings, however, petitioner and, therefore, is immaterial. The genuineness of
insists, that: the amount and the signatures therein of
then Deputy Minister of Education Hermenegildo
xxx xxx xxx.
C. Dumlao and of the resident Auditor, Penomio C.
Alvarez are not challenged. Neither is the
It is an accepted concept, besides being a negotiable authenticity of the different codes appearing
instrument itself, that a TCAA check by its very therein questioned x x x.[13] (Italics ours.)
nature is the medium of exchange of governments
Petitioner, thus cannot refuse to accept the decisions, the trial court and the Court of Appeals
check in question on the ground that the serial failed to explicitly state the rationale for the said
number was altered, the same being an immaterial award. The trial court merely ruled as follows:
or innocent one.
With respect to Capitols claim for damages
We now go to the second issue. It is petitioners consisting of alleged loss of opportunity, this Court
submission that the certification issued by Minrado finds that Capitol failed to adequately substantiate
C. Batonghinog, Cashier III of the MEC clearly its claim. What Capitol had presented was a self-
shows that the check was altered. Said certification serving, unsubstantiated and speculative
reads: computation of what it allegedly could have earned
or realized were it not for the debit made by PBCom
July 22,which was triggered by the return and debit made
1985 by PNB. However, this Court finds that it would be
fair and reasonable to impose interest at 12% per
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: annum on the principal amount of the check
computed from October 19, 1981 (the date PBCom
This is to certify that according to the records of debited Capitols account) until the amount is fully
this Office, TCAA PNB Check No. SN7-3666223-3 paid and reasonable attorneys fees.[17] (Italics
dated August 7, 1981 drawn in favor of F. Abante ours.)
Marketing in the amount of NINETY (S)EVEN And contrary to the Court of Appeals
THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS ONLY resolution, petitioner unambiguously questioned
(P97,650.00) was not issued by this Office nor before it the award of attorneys fees, assigning the
released to the payee concerned. The series number latter as one of the errors committed by the trial
of said check was not included among those court.[18]
requisition by this Office from the Bureau of
Treasury. The foregoing is in conformity with the guiding
principles laid down in a long line of cases and
Very truly yours, reiterated recently in Consolidated Bank & Trust
Corporation (Solidbank) v. Court of Appeals:[19]
[14] The award of attorneys fees lies within the
discretion of the court and depends upon the
circumstances of each case. However, the discretion
Petitioner claims that even if the author of the
of the court to award attorneys fees under Article
certification issued by the Ministry of Education
2208 of the Civil Code of the Philippines demands
and Culture (MEC) was not presented, still the best
factual, legal and equitable justification, without
evidence of the material alteration would be the
which the award is a conclusion without a premise
disputed check itself and the serial number
and improperly left to speculation and
thereon. Petitioner thus assails the refusal of
conjecture. It becomes a violation of the
respondent court to give weight to the certification
proscription against the imposition of a penalty on
because the author thereof was not presented to
the right to litigate (Universal Shipping Lines
identify it and to be cross-examined thereon.[15]
Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 188 SCRA 170
We agree with the respondent court. [1990]). The reason for the award must be stated in
the text of the courts decision. If it is stated only in
The one who signed the certification was not the dispositive portion of the decision, the same
presented before the trial court to prove that the shall be disallowed. As to the award of attorneys
said document was really the document he fees being an exception rather than the rule, it is
prepared and that the signature below the said necessary for the court to make findings of fact and
document is his own signature. Neither did law that would bring the case within the exception
petitioner present an eyewitness to the execution of and justify the grant of the award (Refractories
the questioned document who could possibly Corporation of the Philippines v. Intermediate
identify it.[16] Absent this proof, we cannot rule on Appellate Court, 176 SCRA 539).
the authenticity of the contents of the certification.
Moreover, as we previously emphasized, there was
WHEREFORE, premises considered, except
no material alteration on the check, the change of
for the deletion of the award of attorneys fees, the
its serial number not being substantial to its
decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
Anent the third issue - whether or not the
drawee bank may still recover the value of the check
from the collecting bank even if it failed to return
the check within the twenty-four (24) hour clearing G.R. No. 174433               February 24, 2014
period because the check was tampered - suffice it
to state that since there is no material alteration in PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Petitioner, 
the check, petitioner has no right to dishonor it and vs.
return it to PBCom, the same being in all respects SPOUSES ENRIQUE MANALO &
However, the amount of P10,000.00 as MANALO, Respondents.
attorneys fees is hereby deleted. In their respective
DECISION learn, therefore, that had been declared in default
of their obligations, and that the mortgage on their
BERSAMIN, J.: property had been foreclosed and their property
had been sold; and that PNB did not comply with
Although banks are free to determine the rate of Section 3 of Act No. 3135, as amended.6
interest they could impose on their borrowers, they
can do so only reasonably, not arbitrarily. They may PNB and Antoninus Yuvienco countered that the
not take advantage of the ordinary borrowers' lack ₱1,000,000.00 loan obtained by the Spouses
of familiarity with banking procedures and jargon. Manalo from Benito Tan had been credited to their
Hence, any stipulation on interest unilaterally account; that they did not make any assurances on
imposed and increased by them shall be struck the restructuring and conversion of the Spouses
down as violative of the principle of mutuality of Manalo’s loan into a long-term one;7 that PNB’s
contracts. right to foreclose the mortgage had been clear
especially because the Spouses Manalo had not
Antecedents assailed the validity of the loans and of the
mortgage; and that the Spouses Manalo did not
Respondent Spouses Enrique Manalo and allege having fully paid their indebtedness.8
Rosalinda Jacinto (Spouses Manalo) applied for an
All-Purpose Credit Facility in the amount of Ruling ofthe RTC
₱1,000,000.00 with Philippine National Bank
(PNB) to finance the construction of their house. After trial, the RTC rendered its decision in favor of
After PNB granted their application, they executed PNB, holding thusly:
a Real Estate Mortgage on November 3, 1993 in
favor of PNB over their property covered by In resolving this present case, one of the most
Transfer Certificate of Title No. S- 23191 as security significant matters the court has noted is that while
for the loan.1 The credit facility was renewed and during the pre-trial held on 8 September 2003,
increased several times over the years. On plaintiff-spouses Manalo with the assistance
September 20, 1996, the credit facility was again counsel had agreed to stipulate that defendants had
renewed for ₱7,000,000.00. As a consequence, the the right to foreclose upon the subject properties
parties executed a Supplement to and Amendment and that the plaintiffs[‘] main thrust was to prove
of Existing Real Estate Mortgage whereby the that the foreclosure proceedings were invalid, in the
property covered by TCT No. 171859 was added as course of the presentation of their evidence, they
security for the loan. modified their position and claimed [that] the loan
document executed were contracts of adhesion
The additional security was registered in the names which were null and void because they were
of respondents Arnold, Arnel, Anthony, and Arma, prepared entirely under the defendant bank’s
all surnamed Manalo, who were their children.2 supervision. They also questioned the interest rates
and penalty charges imposed arguing that these
It was agreed upon that the Spouses Manalo would were iniquitous, unconscionable and therefore
make monthly payments on the interest. However, likewise void.
PNB claimed that their last recorded payment was
made on December, 1997. Thus, PNB sent a Not having raised the foregoing matters as issues
demand letter to them on their overdue account during the pre-trial, plaintiff-spouses are
and required them to settle the account. PNB sent presumably estopped from allowing these matters
another demand letter because they failed to heed to serve as part of their evidence, more so because
the first demand.3 at the pre-trial they expressly recognized the
defendant bank’s right to foreclose upon the subject
After the Spouses Manalo still failed to settle their property (See Order, pp. 193-195).
unpaid account despite the two demand letters,
PNB foreclose the mortgage. During the foreclosure However, considering that the defendant bank did
sale, PNB was the highest bidder for not interpose any objection to these matters being
₱15,127,000.00 of the mortgaged properties of the made part of plaintiff’s evidence so much so that
Spouses Manalo. The sheriff issued to PNB the their memorandum contained discussions
Certificate of Sale dated November 13, 2000.4 rebutting plaintiff spouses arguments on these
issues, the court must necessarily include these
After more than a year after the Certificate of Sale matters in the resolution of the present case.9
had been issued to PNB, the Spouses Manalo
instituted this action for the nullification of the The RTC held, however, that the Spouses Manalo’s
foreclosure proceedings and damages. They alleged "contract of adhesion" argument was unfounded
that they had obtained a loan for ₱1,000,000.00 because they had still accepted the terms and
from a certain Benito Tan upon arrangements made conditions of their credit agreement with PNB and
by Antoninus Yuvienco, then the General Manager had exerted efforts to pay their obligation;10 that the
of PNB’s Bangkal Branch where they had Spouses Manalo were now estopped from
transacted; that they had been made to understand questioning the interest rates unilaterally imposed
and had been assured that the ₱1,000,000.00 by PNB because they had paid at those rates for
would be used to update their account, and that three years without protest;11 and that their
their loan would be restructured and converted into allegation about PNB violating the notice and
a long-term loan;5 that they had been surprised to publication requirements during the foreclosure
proceedings was untenable because personal notice conclusion, it added that the Spouses Manalo’s
to the mortgagee was not required under Act No. being in dire need of money rendered them to be
3135.12 not on an equal footing with PNB. Consequently,
the CA, relying on Eastern Shipping Lines, v. Court
The Spouses Manalo appealed to the CA by of Appeals,19 fixed the interest rate to be paid by the
assigning a singular error, as follows: Spouses Manalo at 12% per annum, computed from
their default.
DISMISSING PLAINTIFF-APPELLANTS’ The CA deemed to be untenable the Spouses
COMPLAINT FOR BEING (sic) LACK OF MERIT Manalo’s allegation that PNB had failed to comply
NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT THAT IT WAS with the requirements for notice and posting under
CLEARLY SHOWN THAT THE FORECLOSURE Section 3 of Act 3135. The CA stated that Sheriff
PROCEEDINGS WAS INVALID AND ILLEGAL.13 Norberto Magsajo’s testimony was sufficient proof
of his posting of the required Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
The Spouses Manalo reiterated their arguments, in three public places; that the notarized Affidavit
insisting that: (1) the credit agreements they of Publication presented by Sheriff Magsajo was
entered into with PNB were contracts of prima facie proof of the publication of the notice;
adhesion;14 (2) no interest was due from them and that the Affidavit of Publication enjoyed the
because their credit agreements with PNB did not presumption of regularity, such that the Spouses
specify the interest rate, and PNB could not Manalo’s bare allegation of non-publication without
unilaterally increase the interest rate without first other proof did not overcome the presumption.
informing them;15 and (3) PNB did not comply with
the notice and publication requirements under On August 29, 2006, the CA denied the Spouses
Section 3 of Act 3135.16 On the other hand, PNB and Manalo’s Motion for Reconsideration and PNB’s
Yuvienco did not file their briefs despite notice. 17 Partial Motion for Reconsideration.20

Ruling ofthe CA Issues

In its decision promulgated on March 28, In its Memorandum,21 PNB raises the following
2006,18 the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC issues:
insofar as it upheld the validity of the foreclosure
proceedings initiated by PNB, but modified the I
Spouses Manalo’s liability for interest. It directed
the RTC to see to the recomputation of their WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS
indebtedness, and ordered that should the WAS CORRECT IN NULLIFYING THE INTEREST
recomputed amount be less than the winning bid in RATES IMPOSED ON RESPONDENT SPOUSES’
the foreclosure sale, the difference should be LOAN AND IN FIXING THE SAME AT TWELVE
immediately returned to the Spouses Manalo. PERCENT (12%) FROM DEFAULT, DESPITE THE
The CA found it necessary to pass upon the issues RESPONDENTS ONLY FOR THE FIRST TIME ON
of PNB’s failure to specify the applicable interest APPEAL (ii) IT WAS NEVER PART OF THEIR
and the lack of mutuality in the execution of the COMPLAINT (iii) WAS EXLUDED AS AN ISSUE
credit agreements considering the earlier cited DURING PRE-TRIAL, AND WORSE, (iv) THERE
observation made by the trial court in its decision. WAS NO FORMALLY OFFERED PERTAINING TO
Applying Article 1956 of the Civil Code, the CA held THE SAME DURING TRIAL.
that PNB’s failure to indicate the rate of interest in
the credit agreements would not excuse the Spouses II
Manalo from their contractual obligation to pay
interest to PNB because of the express agreement to WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS
pay interest in the credit agreements. Nevertheless, CORRECTLY RULED THAT THERE WAS NO
the CA ruled that PNB’s inadvertence to specify the MUTUALITY OF CONSENT IN THE IMPOSITION
interest rate should be construed against it because OF INTEREST RATES ON THE RESPONDENT
the credit agreements were clearly contracts of SPOUSES’ LOAN DESPITE THE EXISTENCE OF
adhesion due to their having been prepared solely FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES CLEARLY
The CA further held that PNB could not unilaterally THE LOAN.
increase the rate of interest considering that the
credit agreements specifically provided that prior Anent the first issue, PNB argues that by passing
notice was required before an increase in interest upon the issue of the validity of the interest rates,
rate could be effected. It found that PNB did not and in nullifying the rates imposed on the Spouses
adduce proof showing that the Spouses Manalo had Manalo, the CA decided the case in a manner not in
been notified before the increased interest rates accord with Section 15, Rule 44 of the Rules of
were imposed; and that PNB’s unilateral imposition Court, which states that only questions of law or
of the increased interest rate was null and void for fact raised in the trial court could be assigned as
being violative of the principle of mutuality of errors on appeal; that to allow the Spouses Manalo
contracts enshrined in Article 1308 of the Civil to raise an issue for the first time on appeal would
Code. Reinforcing its "contract of adhesion" "offend the basic rules of fair play, justice and due
process;"22 that the resolution of the CA was limited were not informed, notified, nor the same
to the issues agreed upon by the parties during pre- had our prior consent and acquiescence
trial;23 that the CA erred in passing upon the therefor. x x x25
validity of the interest rates inasmuch as the
Spouses Manalo did not present evidence thereon; PNB cross-examined Enrique Manalo upon his
and that the Judicial Affidavit of Enrique Manalo, Judicial Affidavit. There is no showing that PNB
on which the CA relied for its finding, was not raised any objection in the course of the cross
offered to prove the invalidity of the interest rates examination.26 Consequently, the RTC rightly
and was, therefore, inadmissible for that purpose.24 passed upon such issues in deciding the case, and
its having done so was in total accord with Section
As to the substantive issues, PNB claims that the 5, Rule 10 of the Rules of Court, which states:
Spouses Manalo’s continuous payment of interest
without protest indicated their assent to the Section 5. Amendment to conform to or authorize
interest rates imposed, as well as to the subsequent presentation of evidence. – When issues not raised
increases of the rates; and that the CA erred in by the pleadings are tried with the express or
declaring that the interest rates and subsequent implied consent of the parties, they shall be treated
increases were invalid for lack of mutuality between in all respects as if they had been raised in the
the contracting parties. pleadings. Such amendment of the pleadings as
may be necessary to cause them to conform to the
Ruling evidence and to raise these issues may be made
upon motion of any party at any time, even after
The appeal lacks merit. judgment; but failure to amend does not affect the
result of the trial of these issues. If evidence is
1. objected to at the trial on the ground that it is not
Procedural Issue within the issues made by the pleadings, the court
may allow the pleadings to be amended and shall
Contrary to PNB’s argument, the validity of the do so with liberality if the presentation of the merits
interest rates and of the increases, and on the lack of the action and the ends of substantial justice will
of mutuality between the parties were not raised by be subserved thereby. The court may grant a
the Spouses Manalo’s for the first time on appeal. continuance to enable the amendment to be made.
Rather, the issues were impliedly raised during the
trial itself, and PNB’s lack of vigilance in voicing out In Bernardo Sr. v. Court of Appeals,27 we held that:
a timely objection made that possible.
It is settled that even if the complaint be defective,
It appears that Enrique Manalo’s Judicial Affidavit but the parties go to trial thereon, and the plaintiff,
introduced the issues of the validity of the interest without objection, introduces sufficient evidence to
rates and the increases, and the lack of mutuality constitute the particular cause of action which it
between the parties in the following manner, to wit: intended to allege in the original complaint, and the
defendant voluntarily produces witnesses to meet
5. True to his words, defendant Yuvienco, the cause of action thus established, an issue is
after several days, sent us a document joined as fully and as effectively as if it had been
through a personnel of defendant PNB, previously joined by the most perfect pleadings.
Bangkal, Makati City Branch, who required Likewise, when issues not raised by the pleadings
me and my wife to affix our signature on the are tried by express or implied consent of the
said document; parties, they shall be treated in all respects as if
they had been raised in the pleadings.
6. When the document was handed over me,
I was able to know that it was a Promissory The RTC did not need to direct the amendment of
Note which was in ready made form and the complaint by the Spouses Manalo. Section 5,
prepared solely by the defendant PNB; Rule 10 of the Rules of Court specifically declares
that the "failure to amend does not affect the result
of the trial of these issues." According to Talisay-
Silay Milling Co., Inc. v. Asociacion de Agricultores
de Talisay-Silay, Inc.:28
21. As above-noted, the rates of interest
imposed by the defendant bank were never
The failure of a party to amend a pleading to
the subject of any stipulation between us
conform to the evidence adduced during trial does
mortgagors and the defendant PNB as
not preclude an adjudication by the court on the
basis of such evidence which may embody new
issues not raised in the pleadings, or serve as a
22. The truth of the matter is that defendant basis for a higher award of damages. Although the
bank imposed rate of interest which ranges pleading may not have been amended to conform to
from 19% to as high as 28% and which the evidence submitted during trial, judgment may
changes from time to time; nonetheless be rendered, not simply on the basis of
the issues alleged but also on the basis of issues
23. The irregularity, much less the invalidity discussed and the assertions of fact proved in the
of the imposition of iniquitous rates of course of trial.1âwphi1 The court may treat the
interest was aggravated by the fact that we pleading as if it had been amended to conform to
the evidence, although it had not been actually so submit its appellee’s brief despite notice from the
amended. Former Chief Justice Moran put the CA.
matter in this way:
When evidence is presented by one party, with the Substantive Issue
expressed or implied consent of the adverse party,
as to issues not alleged in the pleadings, judgment The credit agreement executed succinctly stipulated
may be rendered validly as regards those issues, that the loan would be subjected to interest at a rate
which shall be considered as if they have been "determined by the Bank to be its prime rate plus
raised in the pleadings. There is implied, consent to applicable spread, prevailing at the current
the evidence thus presented when the adverse party month."31 This stipulation was carried over to or
fails to object thereto." (Emphasis supplied) adopted by the subsequent renewals of the credit
agreement. PNB thereby arrogated unto itself the
Clearly, a court may rule and render judgment on sole prerogative to determine and increase the
the basis of the evidence before it even though the interest rates imposed on the Spouses Manalo.
relevant pleading had not been previously Such a unilateral determination of the interest rates
amended, so long as no surprise or prejudice is contravened the principle of mutuality of contracts
thereby caused to the adverse party. Put a little embodied in Article 1308 of the Civil Code.32
differently, so long as the basic requirements of fair
play had been met, as where litigants were given The Court has declared that a contract where there
full opportunity to support their respective is no mutuality between the parties partakes of the
contentions and to object to or refute each other's nature of a contract of adhesion,33 and any
evidence, the court may validly treat the pleadings obscurity will be construed against the party who
as if they had been amended to conform to the prepared the contract, the latter being presumed
evidence and proceed to adjudicate on the basis of the stronger party to the agreement, and who
all the evidence before it. caused the obscurity.34 PNB should then suffer the
consequences of its failure to specifically indicate
There is also no merit in PNB’s contention that the the rates of interest in the credit agreement. We
CA should not have considered and ruled on the spoke clearly on this in Philippine Savings Bank v.
issue of the validity of the interest rates because the Castillo,35 to wit:
Judicial Affidavit of Enrique Manalo had not been
offered to prove the same but only "for the purpose The unilateral determination and imposition of the
of identifying his affidavit."29 As such, the affidavit increased rates is violative of the principle of
was inadmissible to prove the nullity of the interest mutuality of contracts under Article 1308 of the
rates. Civil Code, which provides that ‘[t]he contract must
bind both contracting parties; its validity or
We do not agree. compliance cannot be left to the will of one of
them.’ A perusal of the Promissory Note will readily
Section 5, Rule 10 of the Rules of Court is show that the increase or decrease of interest rates
applicable in two situations.1âwphi1 The first is hinges solely on the discretion of petitioner. It does
when evidence is introduced on an issue not alleged not require the conformity of the maker before a
in the pleadings and no objection is interposed by new interest rate could be enforced. Any contract
the adverse party. The second is when evidence is which appears to be heavily weighed in favor of one
offered on an issue not alleged in the pleadings but of the parties so as to lead to an unconscionable
an objection is raised against the offer.30 This case result, thus partaking of the nature of a contract of
comes under the first situation. Enrique Manalo’s adhesion, is void. Any stipulation regarding the
Judicial Affidavit would introduce the very issues validity or compliance of the contract left solely to
that PNB is now assailing. The question of whether the will of one of the parties is likewise invalid.
the evidence on such issues was admissible to prove (Emphasis supplied)
the nullity of the interest rates is an entirely
different matter. The RTC accorded credence to PNB could not also justify the increases it had
PNB’s evidence showing that the Spouses Manalo effected on the interest rates by citing the fact that
had been paying the interest imposed upon them the Spouses Manalo had paid the interests without
without protest. On the other hand, the CA’s protest, and had renewed the loan several times.
nullification of the interest rates was based on the We rule that the CA, citing Philippine National
credit agreements that the Spouses Manalo and Bank v. Court of Appeals,36 rightly concluded that
PNB had themselves submitted. "a borrower is not estopped from assailing the
unilateral increase in the interest made by the
Based on the foregoing, the validity of the interest lender since no one who receives a proposal to
rates and their increases, and the lack of mutuality change a contract, to which he is a party, is obliged
between the parties were issues validly raised in the to answer the same and said party’s silence cannot
RTC, giving the Spouses Manalo every right to raise be construed as an acceptance thereof."37
them in their appeal to the CA. PNB’s contention
was based on its wrong appreciation of what Lastly, the CA observed, and properly so, that the
transpired during the trial. It is also interesting to credit agreements had explicitly provided that prior
note that PNB did not itself assail the RTC’s ruling notice would be necessary before PNB could
on the issues obviously because the RTC had increase the interest rates. In failing to notify the
decided in its favor. In fact, PNB did not even Spouses Manalo before imposing the increased
rates of interest, therefore, PNB violated the proper interest rates to be imposed in the present
stipulations of the very contract that it had case are as follows:
prepared. Hence, the varying interest rates imposed
by PNB have to be vacated and declared null and 1. Any amount to be refunded to the
void, and in their place an interest rate of 12% per Spouses Manalo shall bear interest of 12%
annum computed from their default is fixed per annum computed from March 28, 2006,
pursuant to the ruling in Eastern Shipping Lines, the date of the promulgation of the CA
Inc. v. Court of Appeals.38 decision, until June 30, 2013; and 6% per
annum computed from July 1, 2013 until
The CA’s directive to PNB (a) to recompute the finality of this decision; and
Spouses Manalo’s indebtedness under the oversight
of the RTC; and (b) to refund to them any excess of 2. The amount to be refunded and its
the winning bid submitted during the foreclosure accrued interest shall earn interest of 6%
sale over their recomputed indebtedness was per annum until full refund.
warranted and equitable. Equally warranted and
equitable was to make the amount to be refunded, if WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision
any, bear legal interest, to be reckoned from the promulgated by the Court of Appeals on March 28,
promulgation of the CA’s decision on March 28, 2006 in CA-G.R. CV No. 84396, subject to the
2006.39Indeed, the Court said in Eastern Shipping MODIFICATION that any amount to be refunded
Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals40 that interest should to the respondents shall bear interest of 12% per
be computed from the time of the judicial or annum computed from March 28, 2006 until June
extrajudicial demand. However, this case presents a 30, 2013, and 6% per annum computed from July 1,
peculiar situation, the peculiarity being that the 2013 until finality hereof; that the amount to be
Spouses Manalo did not demand interest either refunded and its accrued interest shall earn interest
judicially or extrajudicially. In the RTC, they at 6o/o per annum until full refund; and DIRECTS
specifically sought as the main reliefs the the petitioner to pay the costs of suit.
nullification of the foreclosure proceedings brought
by PNB, accounting of the payments they had made SO ORDERED.
to PNB, and the conversion of their loan into a long
term one.41 In its judgment, the RTC even upheld
[ G.R. No. 177260, March 30, 2011 ]
the validity of the interest rates imposed by
PNB.42 In their appellant’s brief, the Spouses
Manalo again sought the nullification of the LOTTO RESTAURANT CORPORATION,
foreclosure proceedings as the main relief. 43 It is REPRESENTED BY SUAT KIM GO, PETITIONER,
evident, therefore, that the Spouses Manalo made VS. BPI FAMILY SAVINGS BANK, INC.,
no judicial or extrajudicial demand from which to RESPONDENT.
reckon the interest on any amount to be refunded
to them. Such demand could only be reckoned from DECISION
the promulgation of the CA’s decision because it
was there that the right to the refund was first ABAD, J.:
judicially recognized. Nevertheless, pursuant to This case is about a bank's right under the loan
Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of
agreement to adjust the loan interest from a fixed
Appeals,44 the amount to be refunded and the
interest thereon should earn interest to be rate to the prevailing market rate and, further, to
computed from the finality of the judgment until foreclose the real estate mortgage that secures the
the full refund has been made. same upon the borrower's default.

Anent the correct rates of interest to be applied on

the amount to be refunded by PNB, the Court, in
Nacar v. Gallery Frames45 and S.C. Megaworld The Facts and the Case
Construction v. Parada,46 already applied Monetary
Board Circular No. 799 by reducing the interest
rates allowed in judgments from 12% per annum to On December 23, 1999 petitioner Lotto Restaurant
6% per annum.47 According to Nacar v. Gallery Corporation (Lotto) got a loan of P3,000,000.00
Frames, MB Circular No. 799 is applied
prospectively, and judgments that became final and from the DBS Bank (DBS) at an interest rate of
executory prior to its effectivity on July 1, 2013 are 11.5% per annum.  The promissory note it executed
not to be disturbed but continue to be implemented provided that Lotto would pay DBS a monthly
applying the old legal rate of 12% per annum. amortization of P35,045.69 for 180 months.  To
Hence, the old legal rate of 12% per annum applied secure payment of the loan, Lotto, represented by
to judgments becoming final and executory prior to Suat Kim Go (Go), its General Manager, mortgaged
July 1, 2013, but the new rate of 6% per annum
to DBS a condominium unit that belonged to it.[1]
applies to judgments becoming final and executory
after said dater.
Lotto paid its monthly amortizations for 12 months
Conformably with Nacar v. Gallery Frames and S.C. from December 24, 1999 to December 24, 2000. 
Megaworld Construction v. Parada, therefore, the But in January 2001, after DBS increased the
interest to 19% per annum, Lotto contested the
increase and stopped paying the loan.  After the subsequent period was thus valid.  The CA
respondent BPI Family Savings Bank, Inc. (BPI) upheld the mortgage and lifted the RTC's writ of
acquired DBS, Lotto tried to negotiate with BPI for preliminary injunction.  With the denial of its
reduction of interest but the latter agreed to reduce motion for reconsideration, [11] Lotto filed the
it to only 14.7% per annum, which was still present petition for review.
unacceptable to Lotto.[2]

On October 21, 2002 BPI foreclosed the mortgage

on Lotto's condominium unit[3] to satisfy its unpaid The Issues Presented
claim of P5,283,470.26, which included interest,
penalties, fire insurance premium, attorney's fees,
The issues in this case are:
and estimated foreclosure expenses.  BPI's
computation applied an interest rate of 19% per
1. Whether or not DBS, now BPI, validly adjusted
annum for the period December 24, 2000 to
the rate of interest on Lotto's loan from 11.5% to
November 24, 2001; and 14.7% per annum for the
19% per annum beginning on December 24, 2000;
period December 24, 2001 to October 10, 2002.[4]
To stop the foreclosure, Lotto filed against BPI with
2. Whether or not BPI has the right to foreclose the
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila[5] in Civil
real estate mortgage for non-payment of the loan.
Case 02-105415 an action for reformation or
annulment of real estate mortgage with prayer for a
temporary restraining order (TRO) and preliminary
injunction.[6]  The RTC issued a TRO on January 3, The Court's Ruling
2003 and a preliminary injunction on February 6,
2003,[7] enjoining the foreclosure sale of the
condominium unit.  Mediation in the case failed.[8] One.  Lotto insists that DBS had no right to
unilaterally increase the interest rate on its loan
On January 11, 2005 the RTC rendered a decision from 11.5% to 19% per annum after the passage of a
in Lotto's favor,[9] finding that DBS breached the year.  Lotto argues that DBS could, under the terms
stipulations in the promissory note when it and conditions of the promissory note, make such
unilaterally increased the interest rate on its loan adjustments only after 180 months following the
from 11.5% to 19% per annum.  Further, the RTC execution of the promissory note.
held that the mortgage on the condominium unit
was void since the Lotto Board of Directors did not But, paragraphs 7 and 8 of the promissory
authorize Go to sign the document.  The RTC note[12] clearly provide that the 11.5% interest
directed the Register of Deeds to cancel the rate per annum applied only to the first year of the
encumbrance on Lotto's title and ordered Lotto to loan.  Thus:
pay BPI its loan of P2,990,832.00 at P35,045.69 a
month, less the amortizations that it already paid.
7.  EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE (nr=er)  11.5*  
Aggrieved, BPI appealed to the Court of Appeals %p.a.
(CA), which reversed the RTC Decision on (Method of Computation attached)     12.24.99-
November 22, 2006[10] in CA-G.R. CV 84701.  The 12.24.2000
CA held that Lotto was estopped from questioning
the validity of the promissory note and the real 8. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT
estate mortgage since, having authorized Go to take
out a loan from the bank, it followed that it also a. Single payment due on _________ P_______
authorized her to provide the security that the loan                                           (Date)
required.  The CA also clarified that Lotto's gross
loan was P3,000,000.00; the P2,990,832.00 that b. Total Installment Payments __________
the RTC referred to was the net proceeds of the P_______
loan. Payable in  180*    months/year
          (no. of payments)      * Thereafter interest
As to the increase in the interest rate, the CA found to be based
that the 11.5% rate provided in the promissory note                                               on prevailing market
pertained only to the period from December 24, rate.
1999 to December 24, 2000.  The note provided
that, upon the lapse of that period, the loan would at   P    35,045.69   each installment___________
already bear an interest based on the prevailing    1.24.00 (sic)-12.24.00 (Emphasis added)
market rate.  The increase from 11.5% to 19% for
As to BPI's right to foreclose, the records show that
It is plainly clear from paragraph 7 above that the Lotto defaulted in its obligation when it
11.5% per annum interest was to apply to the period unjustifiably stopped paying its amortizations after
December 24, 1999 to December 24, 2000 the first year.  Consequently, there is no question
("12.24.99-12.24.00"). They form but one that BPI (which succeeded DBS) had a clear right to
statement of the stipulated interest rate and the foreclose on Lotto's collateral.   The Court held
period to which such interest rate applied. in Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. v. OJ-Mark Trading,
Additionally, the statement of applicable interest Inc.[16] that foreclosure is but a necessary
rate bears an asterisk sign, which footnoted the consequence of non-payment of mortgage
information that "[t]hereafter interest to be based indebtedness.  The creditor-mortgagee has the right
on prevailing market rate."  This means that the to foreclose the mortgage, sell the property, and
rate of interest would be adjusted to the prevailing apply the proceeds of the sale to the satisfaction of
market rate after December 24, 2000. the unpaid loan.[17]

Lotto of course calls attention to the statement At any rate, not all is lost for Lotto.  It could avail
down in paragraph 8 of the promissory note itself of lower interest where the prevailing market
(Schedule of Payment), particularly in its sub- rate warrants. And, under Section 47[18] of the
paragraph b, that the "Total Installment Payments" General Banking Law, it has the right to redeem the
are "Payable in 180* months x x x."  Lotto claims property by paying the amount due, with interest
that the asterisk sign after the figure "180" means rate specified under the mortgage deed, as well as
that the interest would be adjusted to the prevailing all the costs and expenses incurred by the bank.[19]
market rate at the end of 180 months.  But Lotto's
interpretation would have a ridiculous implication WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition
since that "180 months" is the statement of the pay and AFFIRMS the November 22, 2006 decision
out period for the loan.   The loan would have been and the March 28, 2007 resolution of the Court of
paid after 180 months and, therefore, there would Appeals in CA-G.R. CV 84701.
be no occasion for charging Lotto a new rate of
interest on a past loan. SO ORDERED.

Besides such interpretation would directly LORANTE VITUG, Petitioner, v. EVANGELINE

contravene the clear provision of paragraph 7 that A. ABUDA, Respondent.
the 11.5% per annum interest was to apply only to
the period December 24, 1999 to December 24, DECISION
2000 ("12.24.99-12.24.00").  As held in Manila
LEONEN, J.:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
International Airport Authority v. Judge
Gingoyon,[13] various stipulations in a contract must Parties who have validly executed a contract and
be read together and given effect as their meanings have availed themselves of its benefits may not, to
warrant.  Taken together, paragraphs 7 and 8 escape their contractual obligations, invoke
intended the 11.5% interest rate to apply only to the irregularities in its execution to seek its
first year of the loan. invalidation.

This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under

The Court has previously upheld as valid
Rule 45 assailing the Court of Appeals' October 26,
the proviso in loans that the interest rate would be 2011 Decision and its March 8, 2012 Resolution.
made to depend on the prevailing market rate.   The Court of Appeals affirmed the Regional Trial
Such provision does not signify an automatic Court's December 19, 2008 Decision upholding the
increase in the interest.  It simply means that the validity of the mortgage contract executed by
bank may adjust the interest according to the petitioner Florante Vitug (Vitug) and respondent
prevailing market rate.  This may result to either an Evangeline A. Abuda (Abuda).
increase or a decrease in the interest.[14]
On March 17, 1997, Abuda loaned P250,000.00 to
Vitug and his wife, Narcisa Vitug.1 As security for
Two. Lotto claims that the real estate mortgage the loan, Vitug mortgaged to Abuda his property in
that Go executed was void since it did not authorize Tondo Foreshore along R-10, Block A-50-3, Del
her to execute the same and since DBS did not sign Pan to Kagitingan Streets, Tondo, Manila. 2 The
it.  But Lotto admitted in its complaint below that property was then subject of a conditional Contract
Go had obtained a loan from DBS on its behalf, to Sell between the National Housing Authority and
Vitug. Pertinent portions of the mortgage deed
with the condominium unit as collateral. [15]  With
this admission, Lotto should be deemed estopped
from assailing the validity and due execution of that
mortgage deed.
That, Mortgagor, is the owner, holder of a shall be sold at public auction to pay off the
Conditional Contract to Sell of the National mortgage debt and its accumulated interest plus
Housing Authority (NHA) over a piece of property attorney's fees, expenses and costs; and
located at the Tondo Foreshore along R-10, Block
"A-50-3, Delpan to Kagitingan Streets in the district 3. After the confirmation of the sale, ordering the
of Tondo, Manila; defendant and all persons claiming rights under her
[sic] to immediately vacate the subject premises.
That, with the full consent of wife Narcisa Vitug,
hereby mortgage to Evangeline A. Abuda, with full SO ORDERED.12cralawlawlibrary
consent of husband Paulino Abuda, said property
for TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS Vitug appealed the December 19, 2008 Regional
ONLY (P250,000.00), in hand paid by Mortgagee Trial Court Decision before the Court of
and in hand received to full satisfaction by Appeals.13 He contended that the real estate
Mortgagor, for SIX MONTHS (6) within which to mortgage contract he and Abuda entered into was
pay back the full amount plus TEN PERCENT void on the grounds of fraud and lack of consent
(10%) agreed interest per month counted from the under Articles 1318, 1319, and 1332 of the Civil
date stated hereon; Code.14 He alleged that he was only tricked into
signing the mortgage contract, whose terms he did
That, upon consummation and completion of the not really understand. Hence, his consent to the
sale by the NHA of said property, the title-award mortgage contract was vitiated.15
thereof, shall be received by the Mortgagee by
virtue of a Special Power of Attorney, executed by On October 26, 2011, the Court of Appeals
Mortgagor in her favor, authorizing Mortgagee to promulgated a Decision,16 the dispositive portion of
expedite, follow-up, cause the release and to which reads
received [sic] and take possession of the title award
of the said property from the NHA, until the
mortgage amount is fully paid for and
settled[.]3ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary WHEREFORE, the instant appeal
cralawlawlibrary is PARTIALLY GRANTED.  The Decision of the
RTC dated December 19, 2008 in Civil Case No. 03-
On November 17, 1997, the parties executed a 108470 in favor of the appellee and against the
"restructured"4 mortgage contract on the property appellant is AFFIRMED with
to secure the amount of P600,000.00 representing the MODIFICATION that an interest rate of 1%
the original P250,000.00 loan, additional per month or 12% per annum shall be applied to the
loans,5 and subsequent credit principal loan of P600,000.00, computed from the
accommodations6 given by Abuda to Vitug with an date of judicial demand, i.e., November 21, 2003;
interest of five (5) percent per month.7 By then, the and 12% interest per annum on the amount due
property was covered by Transfer Certificate of from the date of the finality of the Decision until
Title No. 234246 under Vitug's name.8 fully paid.

Spouses Vitug failed to pay their loans despite SO ORDERED.17ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary

Abuda's demands.9 cralawlawlibrary

On November 21, 2003, Abuda filed a Complaint The Court of Appeals found that Vitug failed to pay
for Foreclosure of Property before the Regional his obligation within the stipulated six-month
Trial Court of Manila.10 period under the March 17, 1997 mortgage
contract.18 As a result of this failure, the parties
On December 19, 2008, the Regional Trial Court entered into a restructured mortgage contract on
promulgated a Decision in favor of Abuda. 11The November 17, 1997.19 The new mortgage contract
dispositive portion of the Decision reads was signed before a notary public by Vitug, his wife
Narcisa, and witnesses Rolando Vitug, Ferdinand
Vitug, and Emily Vitug.20

WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered in favor of The Court of Appeals also found that all the
the plaintiffs [sic] and against the defendant elements of a valid mortgage contract were present
in the parties' mortgage contract.21 The mortgage
contract was also clear in its terms—that failure to
pay the P600,000.00 loan amount, with a 5%
1. Ordering the defendant to pay unto the court interest rate per month from November 17, 1997 to
and/or to the judgment debtor within the November 17, 1998, shall result in the foreclosure of
reglementary period of Ninety (90) days the Vitug's mortgaged property.22 No evidence on
principal sum of P600,000.00 with interest at 5% record showed that Vitug was defrauded when he
per month from May 31, 2002 to actual date of entered into the agreement with Abuda.23
payment plus P20,000.00 as and for attorney's
fees; However, the Court of Appeals found that the
interest rates imposed on Vitug's loan were
2. Upon default of the defendant to fully pay the "iniquitous, unconscionable[,] and exorbitant."24 It
aforesaid sums, the subject mortgaged property instead ruled that a legal interest of 1% per month
or 12% per annum should apply from the judicial
demand on November 21, 2003.25cralawred estate mortgage executed by petitioner in her
favor.38 Petitioner raised other issues, such as the
On November 23, 2011, Vitug moved for the alleged lack of written consent by the National
reconsideration of the Court of Appeals' October Housing Authority (and the property's exemption
26, 2011 Decision.26 He pointed out that not all the from execution), only in his Motion for
requisites of a valid mortgage contract were present Reconsideration before the Court of Appeals.39
since he did not have free disposal of his property
when he mortgaged it to Abuda. His transfer Respondent also argues that the National Housing
certificate of title had an annotation by the National Authority issued a Permit to Mortgage the property.
Housing Authority, which restricted his right to This was formally offered in evidence before the
dispose or encumber the property.27 The restriction Regional Trial Court as Exhibit "E."40 The National
clause provided that the National Housing Housing Authority even accepted respondent's
Authority's consent must first be obtained before he personal checks to settle petitioner's mortgage
may dispose or encumber his property.28 obligations to the National Housing
Authority.41 The National Housing Authority would
Abuda, according to Vitug, failed to get the National have already foreclosed petitioner's property if not
Housing Authority's consent before the property for the loan that respondent extended to
was mortgaged to him. petitioner.42

Vitug also argued in his Motion for Reconsideration Petitioner counters that the Permit to Mortgage
that the property was exempt from execution cited by respondent was only valid for 90 days and
because it was constituted as a family home before was subject to the conditions that respondent failed
its mortgage. to fulfill. These conditions are

In the Resolution promulgated on March 8,

2012,29 the Court of Appeals denied Vitug's Motion
for Reconsideration. (1)  The Mortgage Contract must provide that

Vitug filed this Petition for Review on Certiorari

under Rule 45 to assail the Court of Appeals' "In the event of foreclosure, the NHA shall be
October 26, 2011 Decision and its March 8, 2012 notified of the date, time and place of the auction
Resolution. sale so that it can participate in the foreclosure sale
of the property."
Vitug raises the following (2)  The mortgage contract must be submitted to
issues:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary NHA for verification and final approval[.] 43

Thus, according to petitioner, there was neither

written consent nor approval by the National
First, whether petitioner Florante Vitug may raise Housing Authority of the mortgage
in this Petition issues regarding the National contracts.44cralawlawlibrary
Housing Authority's alleged lack of consent to the
mortgage, as well as the exemption of his property Petitioner further contends that the alleged lack of
from execution; NHA consent on the mortgage (and, being a family
home, his property's exemption from execution)
Second, whether the restriction clause in was raised in his Answer to respondent's complaint
petitioner's title rendered invalid the real estate for foreclosure filed before the Regional Trial Court,
mortgage he and respondent Evangeline Abuda thus
executed; and

Lastly, whether petitioner's property is a family

home that is free from execution, forced sale, or 20.  Similarly, defendant has constituted their
attachment under the Family Code.30 family home over said mortgage property and
should that property be sold, defendant and his
We deny the Petition. family will be left with no place to reside with [sic]
within Metro Manila, hence, for humanitarian
Petitioner argues that not all the requisites of a reason[s], the defendant prayed that he be given
valid mortgage are present.31 A mortgagor must ample time within which to settle his obligation
have free disposal of the mortgaged property. 32 The with the plaintiff;
existence of a restriction clause33 in his title means
that he does not have free disposal of his 21. Lastly, the Memorandum of Encumbrances
property.34 The restriction clause does not allow contained at the back of defendant's title prohibits
him to mortgage the property without the National her from  selling,  encumbering, mortgaging,
Housing Authority's approval.35 Since the National leasing, sub-leasing or in any manner altering or
Housing Authority never gave its consent to the disposing the lot or right thereon, in whole or in
mortgage,36 the mortgage contract between him and part within the period often (10) years from the
respondent is invalid.37 time of issuance of said title without first obtaining
the consent of the NHA. As reflected in the title, the
On the other hand, respondent argues that the only same was issued on 25 June 1997 hence, the
issue in this case should be the validity of the real mortgage executed even prior to the issuance of
said title should be declared
void.45ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary (2) That the pledgor or mortgagor be the absolute
cralawlawlibrary owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged;

I (3) That  the  persons  constituting  the  pledge  or

mortgage have the free disposal of their property,
Due process46 dictates that arguments not raised in and in the absence thereof, that they be legally
the trial court may not be considered by the authorized for the purpose.
reviewing court.47
Petitioner may raise in his Petition the issues of cralawlawlibrary
lack of the National Housing Authority's consent to
the mortgage and his property's alleged exemption Petitioner, who held under his name a transfer
from execution. certificate of title to the property, mortgaged the
property to respondent to secure the payment of his
The records show that petitioner mentioned these loan of P600,000.00.
issues as early as in his Answer to respondent's
Complaint48 and Pre-trial Brief.49 The trial court Petitioner claims that he only borrowed
acknowledged these issues, but found that his P250,000.00 and that he was only made to sign
defenses based on these grounds could not be given another mortgage contract whose terms he did not
credence agree to.

These claims were already found by the trial court

and the Court of Appeals to be unsupported by
The defendant further stated that he is willing to evidence. Petitioner's consent to the mortgage
pay the obligation is unconscionable. Further, the contract dated November 17, 1997 was not vitiated.
said property constituted their family home. The He voluntarily signed it in the presence of a notary
defendant claimed that Memorandum of public, his wife, and other witnesses.53
Encumbrance prohibits her from selling,
encumbering, mortgaging, leasing, subleasing or in Further, the amount of P600,000.00 under the
any manner altering or disposing the lot or right November 17, 1997 mortgage contract represented
thereon in whole or in part within ten (10) years the initial loan of P250,000.00 and the subsequent
from the time of issuance of the said title without loan amounts, which were found to have been
obtaining the consent of the NHA. actually released to petitioner. The November 17,
1997 mortgage contract reflected the changes in the
. . . The court opines that the defendant has failed to parties' obligations after they executed the March
raise a legitimate and lawful ground in order to bar 17, 1997 mortgage contract.
the herein plaintiff from asserting its lawful right
under the law. This court is not a trier of facts. As a general rule,
findings of fact of the lower court and of the Court
The contention of the defendant that the subject of Appeals are not reviewable and are binding upon
mortgaged property is their family home is this court54 unless the circumstances of the case are
irrelevant as the debt secured by mortgages on the shown to be covered by the exceptions.55 Petitioner
premises before or after the constitution of the failed to show any ground for this court to review
family home does not exempt the same from the trial court's and the Court of Appeals' finding
execution (Rule 106 of the Rules of that petitioner mortgaged his property in
Court).50cralawlawlibrary consideration of a loan amounting to P600,000.00.

Whether these arguments seasonably raised are Petitioner's undisputed title to and ownership of
valid is, however, a different matter. the property is sufficient to give him free disposal of
it. As owner of the property, he has the right to
II enjoy all attributes of ownership including jus
disponendi or the right to  encumber,  alienate,  or
All the elements of a valid mortgage contract were dispose  his  property  "without  other limitations
present. For a mortgage contract to be valid, the than those established by law."56
absolute owner of a property must have free
disposal of the property.51 That property must be Petitioner's claim that he lacks free disposal of the
used to secure the fulfillment of an property stems from the existence of the
obligation.52 Article 2085 of the Civil Code provides restrictions imposed on his title by the National
Housing Authority. These restrictions were
annotated on his title, thus

Art. 2085. The following requisites are essential to

contracts of pledge and mortgage
Entry No. 4519/V-013/T-234246 -RESTRICTION-
that the Vendee shall not sell, encumber, mortgage,
lease, sub-let or in any manner, alter or dispose the
(1) That they be constituted to secure the fulfillment lot or right therein at any time, in whole or in part
of a principal obligation; without obtaining the written consent of the
Vendor. Other restrictions set forth in Doc. No. provision did not prohibit the municipal council
287; Page No. 59; Book No. 250; SERIES of 1997 of from entering into contracts involving the
Notary Public for Quezon City, Liberty S. Perez. properties of the municipality.65 The municipal
council's exercise of power to enter into these
Date of instrument - June 24, 1997 contracts might have been limited, but its power
Date of inscription- June 25, 1997- 11:39 was recognized. This court found that aside from
a.m.57ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary the lack of approval, the contract had no badge of
cralawlawlibrary illegality that would make it ipso facto void. The
execution of the contract was not tainted with
The National Housing Authority's restrictions were violation of public order, morality, or public policy.
provisions in a contract it executed with petitioner. The contract could have been ratified. Hence, this
This contract bound petitioner to certain conditions court said that it was "merely voidable at the option
before transferring or encumbering the property. of the party who in law is granted the right to
Specifically, when the National Housing Authority invoke its invalidity."66
sold the property to petitioner, petitioner became
obligated not to sell, encumber, mortgage, lease, The same doctrine was repeated in Sarmiento v.
sublease, alter, or dispose the property without the Salud,67 which involved a property in Kamuning,
National Housing Authority's consent. Quezon City. The property was sold by Philippine
Homesite and Housing Corp. to Spouses Francisco
These restrictions do not divest petitioner of his and Marcelina Sarmiento. The transfer certificate of
ownership rights. They are mere burdens or title that covered the property contained an
limitations on petitioner's jus disponendi. Thus, annotation stating that the property was sold on the
petitioner may dispose or encumber his property. condition that it could not be resold within 25 years
However, the disposition or encumbrance of his from contract date. Sale could be made within the
property is subject to the limitations and to the period only to People's Homesite and Housing
rights that may accrue to the National Housing Corporation.68 Spouses Sarmiento later mortgaged
Authority. When annotated to the title, these the property to Jorge Salud. Because Spouses
restrictions serve as notice to the whole world that Sarmiento failed to redeem the property, the sheriff
the National Housing Authority has claims over the auctioned and sold the property to Jorge Salud,
property, which it may enforce against others. who was issued a certificate of sale.

Contracts entered into in violation of restrictions on Spouses Sarmiento sought to prevent the
a property owner's rights do not always have the foreclosure of the property by filing an action for
effect of making them void ab initio.58 This has annulment of the foreclosure proceedings, sale, and
been clarified as early as 1956 in Municipality of certificate of sale on the ground that the prohibition
Camiling v. Lopez.59 against sale of the property within 25 years was
The Municipality of Camiling sought to collect from
Diego Z. Lopez payments for the lease of "certain This court did not declare the contract void for
fisheries." As. a defense, Diego Z. Lopez invoked the violating the condition that the property could not
alleged nullity of the lease contract he entered into be resold within 25 years. Instead, it recognized
with the Municipality of Camiling. People's Homesite and Housing Corporation's right
to cause the annulment of the contract. Since the
Citing Municipality of Hagonoy v. condition was made in favor of People's Homesite
Evangelista,60 the trial court ruled that the lease and Housing Corporation, it was the Corporation,
contract between the Municipality of Camiling and not Spouses Sarmiento, who had a cause of action
Diego Z. Lopez was void since it "was not approved for annulment.69In effect, this court considered the
by the provincial governor in violation of section contract between Spouses Sarmiento and Jorge
2196 of the Revised Administrative Code."61 This Salud as merely voidable at the option of People's
court reversed the trial court's Decision and noted Homesite and Housing Corporation.
the incorrect interpretation in Municipality of
Hagonoy of the term "nulos" under Article 4 of the Thus, contracts that contain provisions in favor of
then Civil Code: "Son nulos los actos ejecutados one party may be void ab initio or
contra lo dispuesto en la ley, salvo los casos en que voidable.70 Contracts that lack consideration,71 those
la naisma ley or dene su validez."62 that are against public order or public policy,72 and
those that are attended by illegality73 or
In Municipality of Camiling, this court explained immorality74 are void ab initio.
that void acts declared in Article 4 of the Old Civil
Code63refer to those made in violation of the law. Contracts that only subject a property owner's
Not all those acts are void from the beginning. Void property rights to conditions or limitations but
acts may be "those that are ipso facto void and otherwise contain all the elements of a valid
those which are merely voidable."64 contract are merely voidable by the person in whose
favor the conditions or limitations are made.75
The lease contract executed by the Municipality of
Camiling and Diego Z. Lopez was not treated The mortgage contract entered into by petitioner
as ipso facto void. Section 2196 of the and respondent contains all the elements of a valid
Administrative Code required the provincial contract of mortgage. The trial court and the Court
governor's approval before the municipal council of Appeals found no irregularity in its execution.
entered into contracts. However, the same There was no showing that it was attended by
fraud, illegality, immorality, force or intimidation, Authority assailed the validity of the mortgage
and lack of consideration. contract on the ground of violation of restrictions
on petitioner's title. The validity of the mortgage
At most, therefore, the restrictions made the contract based on the restrictions is not an issue
contract entered into by the parties voidable76 by between the parties. Petitioner has no cause of
the person in whose favor they were made—in this action against respondent based on those
case, by the National Housing restrictions. The mortgage contract remains
Authority.77 Petitioner has no actionable right or binding upon petitioner and respondent.
cause of action based on those restrictions.78
In any case, there was at least substantial
Having the right to assail the validity of the compliance with the consent requirement given the
mortgage contract based on violation of the National Housing Authority's issuance of a Permit
restrictions, the National Housing Authority may to Mortgage. The Permit reads
seek the annulment of the mortgage
contract.79 Without any action from the National
Housing Authority, rights and obligations,
including the right to foreclose the property in case 25 November 1997
of non-payment of the secured loan, are still
enforceable between the parties that executed the MR. FLORANTE VITUG 
mortgage contract. 901 Del Pan Street
Tondo, Manila
The voidable nature of contracts entered into in
violation of restrictions or conditions necessarily PERMIT TO MORTGAGE
implies that the person in whose favor the
restrictions were made has two (2) options. It may Dear Mr. Vitug,
either: (1) waive80its rights accruing from such
restrictions, in which case, the duly executed Please be informed that your request dated 20
subsequent contract remains valid; or (2) assail the November 1997 for permission to mortgage
subsequent contract based on the breach of Commercial Lot 5, Block 1, Super Block 3, Area I,
restrictions imposed in its favor. Tondo Foreshore Estate Management Project
covered by TCT No. 234246 is hereby GRANTED
In Sarmiento, this court recognized that the right to subject to the following terms and conditions
waive follows from the right to invoke any violation
of conditions under the contract. Only the person
who has the right to invoke this violation has the
cause of action for annulment of contract. The 1.  The Mortgage Contract must provide that
validity or invalidity of the contract on the ground
of the violation is dependent on whether that
person will invoke this right. Hence, there was
effectively a waiver on the part of People's "In the event of foreclosure, the NHA shall be
Homesite and Housing Corporation when it did not notified of the date, time and place of the auction
assail the validity of the mortgage in that case sale so that it can participate in the foreclosure sale
of the property."

It follows that on the assumption that the mortgage 2. The mortgage contract must be submitted to
to appellee Salud and the foreclosure sale violated NHA for verification and final approval; and
the condition in the Sarmiento contract, only the
PHHC was entitled to invoke the condition 3. This permit shall be good only for a period of
aforementioned, and not the Sarmientos. The ninety (90) days from date of receipt hereof.
validity or invalidity of the sheriffs foreclosure sale
to appellant Salud thus depended exclusively on the Very truly yours,
PHHC; the latter could attack the sale as violative (Signed)
of its right of exclusive reacquisition; but it (PHHC) Mariano M. Pineda 
also could waive the condition and treat the sale as General Manager82
good, in which event, the sale can not be assailed cralawlawlibrary
[for] breach of the condition aforestated. Since it
does not appear anywhere in the record that the Petitioner insists that the Permit cannot be treated
PHHC treated the mortgage and foreclosure sale as as consent by the National Housing Authority
an infringement of the condition, the validity of the because of respondent's failure to comply with its
mortgage, with all its consequences, including its conditions.
foreclosure and sale thereat, can not be an issue
between the parties to the present case. In the last However, a reading of the mortgage contract
analysis, the appellant, as purchaser at the executed by the parties on November 17, 1997
foreclosure sale, should be regarded as the owner of shows otherwise. The November 17, 1997 mortgage
the lot, subject only to the right of PHHC to have contract had references to the above conditions
his acquisition of the land set aside if it so imposed by the National Housing Authority, thus

There is no showing that the National Housing

It is the essence of this Contract, that if and should given without any obligation to comply his
the Mortgagor fails to comply and pay the principal promise.cralawlawlibrary
obligations hereon within the period of the
Contract, the Mortgage shall be foreclosed Under this principle, courts shall not aid parties in
according to law and in which case the NHA shall their illegal acts.86  The court shall leave them as
be duly notified of the matter. they are.87 It is an equitable principle that bars
parties from enforcing their illegal acts, assailing
That this mortgage contract shall be submitted to the validity of their acts, or using its invalidity as a
the NHA for verifixation [sic] and final approval defense.88
in accordance with NHA permit to mortgage the
property.83(Emphasis supplied)cralawlawlibrary In the 1906 case of Batarra v. Marcos,89 this court
declared that a person cannot enforce a promise to
Assuming there was non-compliance with the marry based on the consideration of "carnal
conditions set forth in the Permit, petitioner cannot connection." This court ruled that whether or not
blame respondent. The restrictions were part of the such consideration was a crime, neither of the
contract between the National Housing Authority parties can recover because the acts "were common
and petitioner. It was petitioner, not respondent, to both parties."90
who had the obligation to notify and obtain the
National Housing Authority's consent within the In Bough v. Cantiveros,91 this court refused to
prescribed period before sale or encumbrance of enforce in favor of the guilty parties a contract of
the property. sale that was not only simulated but also executed
to defeat any attempt by a husband to recover
Petitioner cannot invoke his own mistake to assail properties from his wife.
the validity of a contract he voluntarily entered
into.84 Another case, Liguez v. Court of Appeals,92 involves
a party's claim over a property based on a deed of
III donation executed in her favor when she was 16
years old. The heirs of the donor assailed the
Even if the mortgage contract were illegal or donation on the ground of having an illicit causa.
wrongful, neither of the parties may assail the
contract's validity as against the other because they The donor in that case was found to have had
were equally at fault.85 This is the principle of in sexual relations with the claimant. The donation
pari delicto (or in delicto) as embodied in Articles was done to secure the claimant's continuous
1411 and 1412 of the Civil Code cohabitation with the donor, as well as to gratify the
donor's sexual impulses. At the time of the
donation, the donor was married to another
woman. The donated property was part of their
Art. 1411. When the nullity proceeds from the conjugal property.
illegality of the cause or object of the contract, and
the act constitutes a criminal offense, both parties This court held that the donation was founded on
being in pari delicto, they shall have no action an illicit causa. While this court found the principle
against each other, and both shall be prosecuted. of in pari delicto inapplicable in that case given the
Moreover, the provisions of the Penal Code relative claimant's minority at the time of donation, it had
to the disposal of effects or instruments of a crime the occasion to say that the parties were barred
shall be applicable to the things or the price of the "from pleading the illegality of the bargain either as
contract. a cause of action or as a defense."93 The claimant
was declared entitled to the donated property,
This rule shall be applicable when only one of the without prejudice to the share and legitimes of the
parties is guilty; but the innocent one may claim donor's forced heirs.
what he has given, and shall not be bound to
comply with his promise. In the later case of Villegas v. Rural Bank of
Tanjay, Inc.,94 this court ruled that the petitioners
Art. 1412. If the act in which the unlawful or in that case were not entitled to relief because they
forbidden cause consists does not constitute a did not come to court with clean hands.
criminal offense, the following rules shall be
observed This court found that they "readily participated in a
ploy to circumvent the Rural Banks Act and offered
no objection when their original loan of
P350,000.00 was divided into small separate loans
(1) When the fault is on the part of both contracting not exceeding P50,000.00 each."95 They and
parties, neither may recover what he has given by respondent bank were in pari delicto. They could
virtue of the contract, or demand the performance not be given affirmative relief against each
of the other's undertaking; other.96 Hence, Spouses Villegas may not seek the
annulment of the loan and mortgage contracts they
(2) When only one of the contracting parties is at voluntarily executed with respondent bank on the
fault, he cannot recover what he has given by ground that these contracts were simulated to make
reason of the contract, or ask for the fulfillment of it appear that the loans were sugar crop loans,
what has been promised him. The other, who is not allowing respondent bank to approve it pursuant to
at fault, may demand the return of what he has Republic Act No. 720, otherwise known as the
Rural Banks Act.
Since petitioner's property was voluntarily used by
The principle of in pari delicto admits exceptions. him as security for a loan he obtained from
It does not apply when the result of its application respondent, it may be subject to execution and
is clearly against statutory law, morals, good attachment.
customs, and public policy.97
In Philippine Banking Corporation, representing
the Estate of Justina Santos v. Lui She,98 this court The Court of Appeals correctly found that the
refused to apply the principle of in pari interest rates of 5% or 10% per month imposed on
delicto. Applying the principle meant that this court petitioner's loan were unconscionable.
had to declare as valid between the parties a 50-
year lease contract with option to buy, which was Parties are free to stipulate interest rates in their
executed by a Filipino and a Chinese citizen. This loan contracts in view of the suspension of the
court ruled that the policy to conserve land in favor implementation of the Usury Law ceiling on
of Filipinos would be defeated if the principle of in interest effective January 1, 1983.104
pari delicto was applied instead of setting aside the
contracts executed by the parties.99 The freedom to stipulate interest rates is granted
under the assumption that we have a perfectly
Petitioner in this case did not come to this court competitive market for loans where a borrower has
with clean hands. He was aware of the restrictions many options from whom to borrow. It assumes
in his title when he executed the loan and mortgage that parties are on equal footing during bargaining
contracts with respondent. He voluntarily executed and that neither of the parties has a relatively
the contracts with respondent despite this greater bargaining power to command a higher or
knowledge. He also availed himself of the benefits lower interest rate. It assumes that the parties are
of the loan and mortgage contract. He cannot now equally in control of the interest rate and equally
assail the validity of the mortgage contract to have options to accept or deny the other party's
escape the obligations incurred because of it.100 proposals. In other words, the freedom is granted
based on the premise that parties arrive at interest
Petitioner also failed to show that upholding the rates that they are willing but are not compelled to
validity of the mortgage contract would be contrary take either by force of another person or by force of
to law, morals, good customs, and public policy. circumstances.105

Petitioner's contract with the National Housing However, the premise is not always true. There are
Authority is not a law prohibiting the transfer or imperfections in the loan market. One party may
encumbrance of his property. It does not render have more bargaining power than the other. A
subsequent transactions involving the property a borrower may be in need of funds more than a
violation of morals, good customs, and public lender is in need of lending them. In that case, the
policy. Violation of its terms does not render lender has more commanding power to set the
subsequent transactions involving the property price of borrowing than the borrower has the
void ab initio.101 It merely provides the National freedom to negotiate for a lower interest rate.
Housing Authority with a cause of action to annul
subsequent transactions involving the property. Hence, there are instances when the state must step
in to correct market imperfections resulting from
IV unequal bargaining positions of the parties.

Petitioner argues that the property should be Article 1306 of the Civil Code limits the freedom to
exempt from forced sale, attachment, and contract to promote public morals, safety, and
execution, based on Article 155 of the Family welfare106chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Code.102 Petitioner and his family have been
neighbors with respondent since 1992, before the Art. 1306. The contracting parties may establish
execution of the mortgage contract.103 such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as
they may deem convenient, provided they are not
Even though petitioner's property has been contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
constituted as a family home, it is not exempt from order, or public policy.cralawlawlibrary
execution. Article 155 of the Family Code explicitly
provides that debts secured by mortgages are In stipulating interest rates, parties must ensure
exempted from the rule against execution, forced that the rates are neither iniquitous nor
sale, or attachment of family home unconscionable. Iniquitous or unconscionable
interest rates are illegal and, therefore, void for
being against public morals.107 The lifting of the
ceiling on interest rates may not be read as
Art. 155. The family home shall be exempt from "grant[ing] lenders carte blanche[authority] to
execution, forced sale or attachment except raise interest rates to levels which will either
enslave their borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging
of their assets."108

(3) For debts secured by mortgages on the premises Voluntariness of stipulations on interest rates is not
before or after such constitution[.]cralawlawlibrary sufficient to make the interest rates
valid.109 In Castro v. Tan Jocelyn and Marilou continued for more than five
years. Jocelyn religiously paid the agreed amount of
interest until she ordered for stop payment on some
of the checks issued to Marilou. The checks were in
The imposition of an unconscionable rate of fact sufficiently funded when she ordered the stop
interest on a money debt, even if knowingly and payment and then filed a case questioning the
voluntarily assumed, is immoral and unjust. It is imposition of a 6% to 7% interest rate for being
tantamount to a repugnant spoliation and an allegedly iniquitous or unconscionable and, hence,
iniquitous deprivation of property, repulsive to the contrary to morals.
common sense of man. It has no support in law, in
principles of justice, or in the human conscience It was clearly shown that before Jocelyn availed of
nor is there any reason whatsoever which may said loans, she knew fully well that the same
justify such imposition as righteous and as one that carried with it an interest rate of 6% to 7% per
may be sustained within the sphere of public or month, yet she did not complain. In fact, when she
private morals.111cralawlawlibrary availed of said loans, an advance interest of 6% to
7% was already deducted from the loan amount,
Thus, even if the parties voluntarily agree to an yet she never uttered a word of protest.
interest rate, courts are given the discretionary
power to equitably reduce it if it is later found to be After years of benefiting from the proceeds of the
iniquitous or unconscionable.112 Courts loans bearing an interest rate of 6% to 7% per
approximate what the prevailing market rate would month and paying for the same, Jocelyn cannot
have been under the circumstances had the parties now go to court to have the said interest rate
had equal bargaining power. annulled on the ground that it is excessive,
iniquitous, unconscionable, exorbitant, and
An interest rate is not inherently conscionable or absolutely revolting to the conscience of man. "This
unconscionable. Interest rates become is so because among the maxims of equity are (1) he
unconscionable in light of the context in which they who seeks equity must do equity, and (2) he who
were imposed or applied. In Medel v. Court of comes into equity must come with clean hands. The
Appeals,113 this Court ruled that the stipulated latter is a frequently stated maxim which is also
interest of 5.5% or 66% per annum was expressed in the principle that he who has done
unconscionable and contrary to morals. It was inequity shall not have equity. It signifies that a
declared void. This court reduced the interest rate litigant may be denied relief by a court of equity on
to 1% per month or 12% per annum.114 the ground that his conduct has been inequitable,
unfair and dishonest, or fraudulent, or deceitful as
This court also ruled that the interest rates of 3%, to the controversy in issue."
5%, and 10% per month were unconscionable, thus
justifying the need to reduce the interest rates to We are convinced that Jocelyn did not come to
12% per annum.115 court for equitable relief with equity or with clean
hands. It is patently clear from the above
On the other hand, despite rulings that interest summary of the facts that the conduct of Jocelyn
rates of 3% and 5% per month are unconscionable, can by no means be characterized as nobly fair,
this court in Toledo v. Hydenu116 found that the just, and reasonable. This Court likewise notes
interest rate of 6% to 7% per month certain acts of Jocelyn before filing the case with
was not unconscionable. This court noted the RTC. In September 1998, she requested
circumstances that differentiated that case Marilou not to deposit her checks as she can cover
from Medel and found that the borrower the checks only the following month. On the next
in Toledo was not in dire need of money when she month, Jocelyn again requested for another
obtained a loan; this implied that the interest rates extension of one month. It turned out that she was
were agreed upon by the parties on equal footing. only sweet-talking Marilou into believing that she
This court also found that it was the borrower had no money at that time. But as testified by
in Toledo who was guilty of inequitable acts Serapio Romarate, an employee of the Bank of
Commerce where Jocelyn is one of their clients,
there was an available balance of P276,203.03 in
the latter's account and yet she ordered for the
Noteworthy is the fact that in Medel, the defendant- stop payments of the seven checks which can
spouses were never able to pay their indebtedness actually be covered by the available funds in said
from the very beginning and when their obligations account. She then caught Marilou by surprise when
ballooned into a staggering sum, the creditors filed she surreptitiously filed a case for declaration of
a collection case against them. In this case, there nullity of the document and for
was no urgency of the need for money on the part damages.117 (Emphases supplied, citations
of Jocelyn, the debtor, which compelled her to omitted)cralawlawlibrary
enter into said loan transactions. She used the
money from the loans to make advance payments Under the circumstances of this case, we find no
for prospective clients of educational plans offered reason to uphold the stipulated interest rates of 5%
by her employer. In this way, her sales production to 10% per month on petitioner's loan. Petitioner
would increase, thereby entitling her to 50% obtained the loan out of extreme necessity. As
rebate on her sales. This is the reason why she did pointed out by respondent, the property would have
not mind the 6% to 7% monthly interest. Notably been earlier foreclosed by the National Housing
too, a business transaction of this nature between Authority if not for the loan. Moreover, it would be
unjust to impose a heavier burden upon petitioner, And, in addition to the above, judgments that have
who would already be losing his and his family's become final and executory prior to July 1, 2013,
home. Respondent would not be unjustly deprived shall not be disturbed and shall continue to be
if the interest rate is reduced. After all, respondent implemented applying the rate of interest fixed
still has the right to foreclose the property. Thus, therein.119cralawlawlibrary
we affirm the Court of Appeals Decision to reduce
the interest rate to 1% per month or 12% per Thus, the interest rate for petitioner's loan should
annum. be further reduced to 6% per annum from July 1,
2013 until full satisfaction.
However, we modify the rates in accordance with
the guidelines set forth in Nacar v. Gallery Frames WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The
Court of Appeals Decision dated October 26, 2011
and its Resolution dated March 8, 2012
are AFFIRMED. The interest rate for the loan of
II. With regard particularly to an award of interest P600,000.00 is further reduced to 6% per annum
in the concept of actual and compensatory from July 1, 2013 until fully paid.
damages, the rate of interest, as well as the accrual
thereof, is imposed, as follows SO ORDERED.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

1. When the obligation is breached, and it ICENTE D. CABANTING AND LALAINE V.

consists in the payment of a sum of money, CABANTING, Petitioners, v. BPI FAMILY
i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the SAVINGS BANK, INC., Respondent.
interest due should be that which may have
been stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the DECISION
interest due shall itself earn legal interest
from the time it is judicially demanded. In PERALTA, J.:
the absence of stipulation, the rate of
interest shall be 6% per annum to be
This deals with the Petition for Review
computed from default, i.e., from judicial or
on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
extrajudicial demand under and subject to
praying that the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals
the provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil
(CA), promulgated on September 28, 2011, and the
Resolution2 dated May 16, 2012, denying
petitioner's motion for reconsideration thereof, be
2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan
reversed and set aside.
or forbearance of money, is breached, an
interest on the amount of damages awarded
The antecedent facts are as follows:
may be imposed at the discretion of the
court at the rate of 6% per annum. No
On January 14, 2003, petitioners bought on
interest, however, shall be adjudged on
installment basis from Diamond Motors
unliquidated claims or damages, except
Corporation a 2002 Mitsubishi Adventure SS MT
when or until the demand can be
and for value received, petitioners also signed,
established with reasonable certainty. 
executed and delivered to Diamond Motors a
Accordingly,  where  the  demand  is
Promissory Note with Chattel Mortgage. Therein,
established with reasonable certainty, the
petitioners jointly and severally obligated
themselves to pay Diamond Motors the sum of
shall begin to run from the time the claim is
P836,032.00, payable in monthly installments in
made judicially or extrajudicially (Art. 1169,
accordance with the schedule of payment indicated
Civil Code), but when such certainty cannot
therein, and which obligation is secured by a chattel
be so reasonably established at the time the
mortgage on the aforementioned motor vehicle. On
demand is made, the interest shall begin to
the day of the execution of the document, Diamond
run only from the date the judgment of the
Motors, with notice to petitioners, executed a Deed
court is made (at which time the
of Assignment, thereby assigning to BPI Family
quantification of damages may be deemed
Savings Bank, Inc. (BPI Family) all its rights, title
to have been reasonably ascertained). The
and interest to the Promissory Note with Chattel
actual base for the computation of legal
interest shall, in any case, be on the amount
finally adjudged.
Come October 16, 2003, however, a Complaint was
filed by BPI Family against petitioners for Replevin
3. When the judgment of the court awarding a
and damages before the Regional Trial Court of
sum of money becomes final and executory,
Manila (RTC), praying that petitioners be ordered
the rate of legal interest, whether the case
to pay the unpaid portion of the vehicle's purchase
falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2,
price, accrued interest thereon at the rate of
above, shall be 6% per annum from such
36% per annum as of August 26, 2003, 25%
finality until its satisfaction, this interim
attorney's fees and 25% liquidated damages, as
period being deemed to be by then an
stipulated on the Promissory Note with Chattel
equivalent to a forbearance of credit.
Mortgage. BPI Family likewise prayed for the
issuance of a writ of replevin but it failed to file a
bond therefor, hence, the writ was never issued. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal
BPI Family alleged that petitioners failed to pay is DISMISSED. The Decision of the Regional Trial
three (3) consecutive installments and despite Court dated April 14, 2008 is AFFIRMED but
written demand sent to petitioners through with MODIFICATION. The defendants-
registered mail, petitioners failed to comply with appellants are ordered to pay the plaintiff-appellee
said demand to pay or to surrender possession of the sum of Seven Hundred Forty Thousand
the vehicle to BPI Family. One Hundred Fifty-Five Pesos and Eighteen
Centavos (P740,155.18), in Philippine
In their Answer, petitioners alleged that they sold currency, with legal interest of 12% per
the subject vehicle to one Victor S. Abalos, with the annum from the filing of the Complaint, until its
agreement that the latter shall assume the full satisfaction. The award of Twenty Thousand
obligation to pay the remaining monthly Pesos (P20,000.00) as attorney's fees is
installments. It was then Abalos who made DELETED.
payments to BPI Family through his personal
checks, and BPI Family accepted the post-dated Costs against the defendants-appellants.
checks delivered to it by Abalos. The checks issued
by Abalos for the months of May 2003 to October SO ORDERED.4ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
2003 were made good, but subsequent checks were
dishonored and not paid. Petitioners pointed out The CA ruled that a preponderance of evidence was
that BPI Family should have sued Abalos instead of in favor of respondent, as the evidence, coupled
them. with petitioners' admission in their Answer,
established that petitioners indeed executed a
Trial ensued, where BPI Family dispensed with the Promissory Note with Chattel Mortgage and then
testimony of its sole witness and formally offered failed to pay the forty-three (43) monthly
its documentary evidence. When it was petitioners' amortizations. Moreover, since petitioners were
turn to present its defense, several hearing dates deemed to have waived their right to present
were cancelled, sometimes due to failure of either evidence, there is nothing on record to prove their
or both the petitioners' and/or respondent's claim that there was a valid assumption of
counsels to appear. What is clear, though, is that obligation by one Victor S. Abalos. Petitioners'
despite numerous opportunities given to petitioners motion for reconsideration of the CA Decision was
to present evidence, they were never able to present denied per Resolution dated May 16, 2012.
their witness, Jacobina T. Alcantara, despite the
court's issuance of a subpoena duces tecum ad Elevating the matter to this Court via a petition for
testificandum. Said failure to present evidence on review on certiorari, petitioners now raise the
several hearing dates and petitioners' absence at following issues:
the hearing on February 13, 2008 prompted BPI
Family to move that petitioners' right to present 1. Whether or not respondent bank may be held
evidence be deemed waived. On the same date, the entitled to the possession of the motor vehicle
RTC granted said motion and the case was subject of the instant case for replevin, or the
submitted for decision. There is nothing on record payment of its value and damages, without proof of
to show that petitioners ever moved for prior demand;
reconsideration of the Order dated February 13,
2008. 2. Whether or not petitioners were deprived of their
right to due process when they were deemed to
On April 14, 2008, the RTC rendered a Decision, have waived their right to present evidence in their
the dispositive portion of which reads as follows: behalf.5

WHEREFORE, and in the view of the foregoing The petition is devoid of merit.
considerations, judgment is hereby rendered in
favor of the plaintiff BPI Family Savings Bank, Inc. The CA is correct that no prior demand was
and against the defendants VICENTE D. necessary to make petitioners' obligation due and
CABANTING and LALAINE V. CABANTING, payable. The Promissory Note with Chattel
by ordering the latter to pay the plaintiff Bank the Mortgage clearly stipulated that "[i]n case of
sum of Php742,022.92, with interest at the rate of my/our [petitioners'] failure to pay when due and
24% per annumfrom the filing of the Complaint, payable, any sum which I/We x x x or any of us may
until its full satisfaction, as well as the amount of now or in the future owe to the holder of this note x
P20,000.00 for and as attorney's fees. x x then the entire sum outstanding under this note
shall immediately become due and payable without
With costs against the defendants. the necessity of notice or demand which I/We
hereby waive."6Petitioners argue that such
SO ORDERED.3 stipulation should be deemed invalid as the
document they executed was a contract of adhesion.
Aggrieved by the RTC's Decision, herein petitioners It is important to stress the Court's ruling in Dio v.
appealed to the CA. However, in its Decision dated St. Ferdinand Memorial Park, Inc.,7 to wit:
September 28, 2011, the appellate court affirmed
A contract of adhesion, wherein one party imposes
with modification the judgment of the trial court, to
a ready-made form of contract on the other, is not
strictly against the law. A contract of adhesion
is as binding as ordinary contracts, the
reason being that the party who adheres to outstanding under this note shall, without prior
the contract is free to reject it entirely. notice or demand, immediately become due and
Contrary to petitioner's contention, not every payable. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
contract of adhesion is an invalid agreement. As we
had the occasion to state in Development Bank of A provision on waiver of notice or demand has been
the Philippines v. Perez: recognized as legal and valid in Bank of the
Philippine Islands v. Court of Appeals, wherein We
x x x In discussing the consequences of a contract of held:
adhesion, we held in Rizal Commercial Banking
Corporation v. Court of Appeals: The Civil Code in Article 1169 provides that one
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary incurs in delay or is in default from the time the
It bears stressing that a contract of adhesion is just obligor demands the fulfillment of the obligation
as binding as ordinary contracts. It is true that we from the obligee. However, the law expressly
have, on occasion, struck down such contracts as provides that demand is not necessary under
void when the weaker party is imposed upon in certain circumstances, and one of these
dealing with the dominant bargaining party and is circumstances is when the parties expressly waive
reduced to the alternative of taking it or leaving it, demand. Hence, since the co-signors expressly
completely deprived of the opportunity to bargain waived demand in the promissory notes, demand
on equal footing, Nevertheless, contracts of was unnecessary for them to be in default.
adhesion are not invalid per se; they arc not
entirely prohibited. The one who adheres to Further, the Court even ruled in Navarro v.
the contract is in reality free to reject it Escobido that prior demand is not a condition
entirely; if he adheres, he gives his consent. precedent to an action for a writ of replevin, since
there is nothing in Section 2, Rule 60 of the Rules
The validity or cnforceability of the of Court that requires the applicant to make a
impugned contracts will have to be demand on the possessor of the property before an
determined by the peculiar circumstances action for a writ of replevin could be filed.10
obtaining in each case and the situation of
the parties concerned. Indeed, Article 24 of the Clearly, as stated above, Article 1169 (1) of the Civil
New Civil Code provides that "[in] all contractual, Code allows a party to waive the need for notice and
property or other relations, when one of the parties demand. Petitioners' argument that their liability
is at a disadvantage on account of his moral cannot be deemed due and payable for lack of proof
dependence, ignorance, indigence, mental of demand must be struck down.
weakness, tender age, or other handicap, the courts
must be vigilant for his protection." x x There is likewise no merit to petitioners' claim that
x8ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary they were deprived of due process when they were
deemed to have waived their right to present
Here, there is no proof that petitioners were evidence. Time and again, the Court has stressed
disadvantaged, uneducated or utterly inexperienced that there is no deprivation of due process when a
in dealing with financial institutions; thus, there is party is given an opportunity to be heard, not only
no reason for the court to step in and protect the through hearings but even through pleadings, so
interest of the supposed weaker party. that one may explain one's side or arguments; or an
opportunity to seek reconsideration of the action or
Verily, petitioners are bound by the aforementioned ruling being assailed.11 The records bear out that
stipulation in the Promissory Note with Chattel herein petitioners were given several opportunities
Mortgage waiving the necessity of notice and to present evidence, but said opportunities were
demand to make the obligation due and frittered away. We stress the fact that petitioners
payable. Agner v. BPI Family Savings Bank, did not even bother to move for reconsideration of
Inc.,9 which is closely similar to the present case, is the Order dated February 13, 2008, deeming
squarely applicable. Petitioners therein also petitioners to have waived their right to present
executed a Promissory Note with Chattel Mortgage evidence. Such is glaring proof of their propensity
containing the stipulation waiving the need for to waste the opportunities granted them to present
notice and demand. The Court ruled: their evidence.

xxx Even assuming, for argument's sake, that no Lastly, the CA is correct that the interest rate being
demand letter was sent by respondent, there is charged by respondent under the Promissory Note
really no need for it because petitioners legally with Chattel Mortgage is quite unreasonable.
waived the necessity of notice or demand in the In New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc.
Promissory Note with Chattel Mortgage, which they (NSBCI) v. Philippine National Bank,12 the Court
voluntarily and knowingly signed in favor of ruled that "the interest ranging from 26
respondent's predecessor-in-interest. Said contract percent to 35 percent in the statements of
expressly stipulates: account - 'must be equitably reduced for
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary being iniquitous, unconscionable and
In case of my/our failure to pay when due and exorbitant.' Rates found to be iniquitous or
payable, any sum which I/We are obliged to pay unconscionable are void, as if it there were
under this note and/or any other obligation which no express contract thereon. Above all, it is
I/We or any of us may now or in the future owe to undoubtedly against public policy to charge
the holder of this note or to any other party whether excessively for the use of money." However,
as principal or guarantor xxx then the entire sum pursuant to prevailing jurisprudence and banking
regulations, the Court must modify the lower
court's award of legal interest. In Nacar v. Gallery Thus, legal interest, effective July 1, 2013, was set at
Frames,13 the Court held, thus: six percent (6%) per annum in accordance
with Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas - Monetary
xxx the guidelines laid down in the case Board Circular No. 799, Series of
of Eastern Shipping Lines are accordingly 2013.chanrobleslaw
modified to embody BSP-MB Circular No.
799, as follows: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
Decision of the Court of Appeals, promulgated on
I. When an obligation, regardless of its source, i.e., September 28, 2011, and the Resolution dated May
law, contracts, quasi- contracts, delicts or quasi- 16, 2012 in CA-G.R. CV No. 91814 are AFFIRMED
delicts is breached, the contravenor can be held with MODIFICATION by ordering payment of
liable for damages. The provisions under Title legal interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per
XVIII on "Damages" of the Civil Code govern in annumfrom the time of filing of the complaint up to
determining the measure of recoverable damages. June 30, 2013, and thereafter, at the lower rate of
six percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until
II. With regard particularly to an award of interest full satisfaction, pursuant to Bangko Sentral ng
in the concept of actual and compensatory Pilipinas - Monetary Board Circular No. 799, Series
damages, the rate of interest, as well as the accrual of 2013 and applicable jurisprudence.
thereof, is imposed, as follows:
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary SO ORDERED.cralawlawlibrary

1. When the obligation is breached, and it

consists in the payment of a sum of money,
i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the
interest due should be that which may have
been stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the
interest due shall itself earn legal interest
from the time it is judicially demanded. In
the absence of stipulation, the rate of
interest shall be 6% per annum to be
computed from default, i.e., from judicial or
extrajudicial demand under and subject to
the provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil

2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan

or forbearance of money, is breached, an
interest on the amount of damages awarded
may be imposed at the discretion of the
court at the rate of 6% per annum. No
interest, however, shall be adjudged on
unliquidated claims or damages, except
when or until the demand can be
established with reasonable certainty.
Accordingly, where the demand is
established with reasonable certainty, the
interest shall begin to run from the time the
claim is made judicially or extrajudicially
(Art. 1169, Civil Code), but when such
certainty cannot be so reasonably
established at the time the demand is made,
the interest shall begin to run only from the
date the judgment of the court is made (at
which time the quantification of damages
may be deemed to have been reasonably
ascertained). The actual base for the
computation of legal interest shall, in any
case, be on the amount finally adjudged.

3. When the judgment of the court awarding a

sum of money becomes final and executory,
the rate of legal interest, whether the case
falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2,
above, shall be 6% per annum from such
finality until its satisfaction, this interim
period being deemed to be by then an
equivalent to a forbearance of credit.14

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