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Setting New Standard in Construction world
Ref. CA/WR - V0 - 1015

Water Reducing and Retarding Admixture
Description Advantages
CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 is supplied Set retardation allows extra placing time for larger pours or at
as a brown chloride free liquid elevated temperatures.
based on a hydroxy carboxylic Increased workability facilitates placing and compaction.
acid derivative, which instantly High strengths without increase in cement content or reduction
disperses in water. in workability.
The retarding properties of
CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 are Typical Properties
beneficial in concrete where Chloride content: Nil
high cement content or high Specific Gravity: 1.12 at 20o C.
temperatures are involved, Air entrainment: CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 acts as a mild air detainer.
Cold joints in continuous Compatibility: CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 is generally compatible with
concrete pours are avoided other CHEMIX admixtures but it is recommended that all
and the use of lower cement admixtures to be added to concrete separately. CHEMI - X PLAST
content mixes will reduce heat R 1 can be used with all types of Portland cements. For advice on
of hydration. special cements consult CHEMIX Technical Department.
Setting time: Initial and final set times will be related to cement
Use type and ambient temperature, and dosage used.
CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 is a
plasticizing retarding admixture Standards
which is used to increase the
workability and or strength of CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 complies with BS 5075: Part 1:1982 and
concrete of a given cement with ASTM C-494 Type D.
content to improve its initial
and final setting Direction for use
CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 is Dosage
particularly suitable for The dosage of CHEMI - X PLAST R 1 normally varies between 0.14
cohesive and cement rich to 0.28 liters per 50kg cement, depending on the retardation
mixes. required.
Curing: It is essential to prevent concrete which has been
retarded from drying out. Normal curing methods such as water
spray, wet hessian or a curing membrane should be used.
Setting New Standard in Construction world
Ref. CA/WR - V0 - 1015

Water Reducing and Retarding Admixture

Cleaning: Spillages of CHEMI – X PLAST R 1 can be removed with


CHEMI – X PLAST R 1 is supplied in 20 and 210 liters HDPE

Storage and Shelf life

CHEMI – X PLAST R 1 should be protected from extremes of
temperature. Should the material become frozen, it must be
completely thawed and thoroughly mixed before use.
CHEMI – X PLAST R 1 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months from
manufacturing date, for original sealed packaging provided
temperature is kept with in the range 5° C to 30° C.

Technical Service
Chemix provides technical support service on mix design,
admixture selection, evaluation of trials, dispensing equipment
etc. Please contact the Technical department in these cases.

Safety precautions
CHEMI – X PLAST R 1 is non-toxic. Any splashes to the skin should
be washed immediately with water.
Splashes to the eyes should be washed immediately with water
and medical advice should be sought.

Fire : CHEMI – X PLAST R 1 is non-flammable.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: This information is based on our current level of knowledge. It is given in a good faith but it is not
intended to guarantee any particular properties. The users must satisfy themselves that there are no circumstances
requiring additional information or precautions or the verification of details given herein.

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