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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Poblacion, Lilo-an, Cebu 6002

Instructional Planning (iPlan)

(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8 s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s.2016)

Date: _JUNE 18, 2018 (MONDAY)

DLP No. Learning Area: Physical Grade Level: 11 Quarter:First Duration: 1hr.
11 Science
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
 describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on the
Key Concepts/ How the concept of the atom and the element evolved from the ancient Greeks to
Understanding to be the present.
1.OBJECTIVES Knowledge Retrieved information about the theory of Empedocles, Plato
and Aristotle that serves as the arguments against atomism.
Skills Construct a creative representation of historical
development of atom in a time line.
Attitudes Demonstrate creativity in making timeline.
Values Display respect to the ideas of other people
2.CONTENT How the idea of the atom, along with the idea of the elements evolved
3.LEARNING Physical Science CG
MATERIALS/RESOURCES Physical Science teachers guide, pp. 24-32
4.1 Introductory  Conduct a short review about the ideas of on the
Activity  Communicate the learning objectives to the students
5 mins
4.2 Activity Students will make their own fire extinguisher:
35 mins. In order to put out a fire, one of three things must be removed from it: Heat, fuel,
or oxygen. Knowing this, fire fighters don’t always use water to put out a fire.

What you need:

 Empty soda bottle
 5 table spoons of vinegar
 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
 Tea light candle
What you do:
1. Light the candle
2. Pour the vinegar into the bottle and add the baking soda. (You may want
to use a funnel.) the mixture should fizz
3. Hold the bottle sideways over the lighted candle, making sure no liquid

4.3 Analysis The students will answer the following questions:

10 mins. 1. What happens to the flame of the lighted candle?
2. Based on the theory proposed by the Ancient Greeks, What elements
involved on the said reaction?
4.4 Abstraction The ideas that served as arguments against atomism
35mins. 1. The philosopher Anaxagoras argued that there was an infinite number of
elementary natural substances in the form of infinitesimally small particles
that combined to comprise the different things in the universe.
2. Another theory by a philosopher named Empedocles stated that
everything is made up of four eternal and unchanging kinds of matter, fire,
air (all gases), water (all liquids and metals) and earth (all solids).
3. The well-known philosopher Plato further expanded Empedocles’ theory
by saying each of the four kinds of matter is composed of geometrical
solids (the “Platonic solids”) further divisible into triangles. When
rearranged, these triangles could cause the apparent transformations
between the four basic kinds of matter.
4. Aristotle, on the other hand, believed that the four elements could be
balanced insubstances in an infinite number of ways, and that when
combined gave proportions of “essential qualities,” hot, dry, cold and wet.
Transformations between the four elements (or changes in their balance
in a substance) caused changes in the universe.

4.5 Application  Students will construct a creative representation of the historical

20mins development of atom along with the idea of elements in a timeline.
4.6 Assessment
10mins Teachers will provide rubrics in assessing the creative timeline made by the
4.7 Assignment Research additional information about the theory made by Greek philosophers.
4.7 Concluding Let the students read the saying:
Activity A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
( optional) ~ Lao Tzu
5 mins

Prepared by:


Position/Designation: TEACHER III Division: CEBU PROVINCE
Contact Number: 09451440245 Email Address:

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