Octopath Base Level Stats

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1) All stats are from the Prologue Demo.

So if there are no changes from the Demo to the Final Release, then these shuld be your stats.
2) All stats are from a edited save file.
3) The four "new" jobs are in the game, but the demo does not have them named. Just "text".

Warmaster All weapons Icon Divine Skill = https://clips.twitch.tv/BlitheGleamingStarlingSmoocherZ

Sorcerer Wizard Hat with Cane Icon Divine Skill = https://clips.twitch.tv/EndearingBeautifulAntPermaSmug
Starseer Star with sparkles Icon Divine Skill = https://clips.twitch.tv/InquisitiveOddWrenchPrimeMe
Runelord Sword with elements Icon Divine Skill = https://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulAbrasiveSwanChefFrank

4) I went farther into the Subjobs digits and there are no more subjobs that I could find. I went all the way to 20 and stopped.

If you have something else you would like to know. I can try to find it out. Either PM me or post it in the Reddit thread for others to read as well.



Stat Differences between the highest and lowest character at max level:
Max HP 2224
Max SP 91
Phys Atk 86
Elem Atk 114
Phys Def 114
Elem Def 142
Acc 57
Speed 142
Crit 114
Eva 114

Credit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Folt99
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 225 65 80 96 80 104 80 64 56 64
10 475 78 94 112 94 122 94 75 65 75
20 1175 104 124 148 124 161 124 99 86 99
30 1629 123 145 174 145 188 145 116 101 116
40 2019 141 166 199 166 215 166 132 116 132
50 2216 154 181 217 181 235 181 144 126 144
60 2764 176 216 259 216 280 216 172 151 172
70 3088 192 234 280 234 304 234 187 163 187
80 3412 208 252 302 252 327 252 201 176 201
90 3736 223 270 324 270 351 270 216 189 216
99 4002 236 285 342 285 370 285 228 199 228

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 4002 236 285 342 285 370 285 228 199 228
Scholar 4002 266 285 376 285 388 285 228 199 228
Merchant 4322 254 293 352 293 381 285 228 199 228
Warrior 4722 236 299 342 299 370 285 228 199 228
Dancer 4002 236 285 369 285 370 285 250 199 250
Apothecary 4002 236 290 342 285 370 299 246 208 246
Thief 4802 236 290 348 290 370 285 228 202 228
Hunter 4002 236 307 342 285 370 302 239 210 234

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 4002 236 319 342 319 370 302 241 199 237
Sorcerer 4002 283 285 372 285 403 285 228 202 228
Starseer 4602 271 290 348 290 377 285 228 199 232
Runelord 4002 236 304 365 302 392 302 228 214 228

Stat Increas
Highest Increas
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 200 60 72 104 72 96 80 72 64 80
10 422 72 84 122 84 112 94 84 75 94
20 1044 96 111 161 111 148 124 111 99 124
30 1448 114 130 188 130 174 145 130 116 145
40 1795 130 149 215 149 199 166 149 132 166
50 1970 142 162 235 162 217 181 162 144 181
60 2457 163 194 280 194 259 216 194 172 216
70 2745 177 210 304 210 280 234 210 187 234
80 3033 192 226 327 226 302 252 226 201 252
90 3321 206 243 351 243 324 270 243 216 270
99 3557 218 256 370 256 342 285 256 228 285

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 3557 257 256 388 256 359 285 256 228 285
Scholar 3557 218 256 370 256 342 285 256 228 285
Merchant 3841 235 263 381 263 352 285 256 228 285
Warrior 4197 218 268 370 268 342 285 256 228 285
Dancer 3557 218 256 399 256 342 285 281 228 313
Apothecary 4268 218 261 377 261 342 285 256 232 285
Thief 3557 218 261 370 256 342 299 276 239 307
Hunter 3557 218 276 370 256 342 302 268 241 293

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 3557 218 286 370 286 342 302 271 228 296
Sorcerer 3557 261 256 403 256 372 285 256 232 285
Starseer 4090 250 261 377 261 348 285 256 228 290
Runelord 3557 218 273 395 271 362 302 256 246 285

Stat Increas
Highest Increas
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 275 50 88 88 80 80 80 72 72 72
10 580 60 103 103 94 94 94 84 84 84
20 1436 80 136 136 124 124 124 111 111 111
30 1992 95 159 159 145 145 145 130 130 130
40 2468 109 182 182 166 166 166 149 149 149
50 2709 119 199 199 181 181 181 162 162 162
60 3379 136 237 237 216 216 216 194 194 194
70 3775 148 257 257 234 234 234 210 210 210
80 4171 160 277 277 252 252 252 226 226 226
90 4567 172 297 297 270 270 270 243 243 243
99 4891 182 313 313 285 285 285 256 256 256

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 4891 214 313 328 285 299 285 256 256 256
Scholar 4891 205 313 344 285 299 285 256 256 256
Merchant 4891 182 313 313 285 285 285 256 256 256
Warrior 5771 182 328 313 299 285 285 256 256 256
Dancer 4891 182 313 338 285 285 285 281 256 281
Apothecary 5869 182 319 319 290 285 285 256 261 256
Thief 4891 182 319 313 285 285 299 276 268 276
Hunter 4891 182 338 313 285 285 302 268 271 263

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 4891 182 350 313 319 285 302 271 256 266
Sorcerer 4891 218 313 341 285 310 285 256 261 256
Starseer 5624 209 319 319 290 290 285 256 256 261
Runelord 4891 182 334 334 302 302 302 256 276 256

Stat Increas
Highest Increas
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 325 40 96 72 88 64 88 80 80 64
10 686 48 112 84 103 75 103 94 94 75
20 1697 64 148 111 136 99 136 124 124 99
30 2354 76 174 130 159 116 159 145 145 116
40 2917 87 199 149 182 132 182 166 166 132
50 3201 95 217 162 199 144 199 181 181 144
60 3993 108 259 194 237 172 237 216 216 172
70 4461 118 280 210 257 187 257 234 234 187
80 4929 128 302 226 277 201 277 252 252 201
90 5397 137 324 243 297 216 297 270 270 216
99 5781 145 342 256 313 228 313 285 285 228

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 5781 171 342 268 313 239 313 285 285 228
Scholar 5781 163 342 281 313 239 313 285 285 228
Merchant 6243 156 352 263 322 234 313 285 285 228
Warrior 5781 145 342 256 313 228 313 285 285 228
Dancer 5781 145 342 276 313 228 313 313 285 250
Apothecary 6937 145 348 261 319 228 313 285 290 228
Thief 5781 145 348 256 313 228 328 307 299 246
Hunter 5781 145 369 256 313 228 331 299 302 234

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 5781 145 383 256 350 228 331 302 285 237
Sorcerer 5781 174 342 279 313 248 313 285 290 228
Starseer 6648 166 348 261 319 232 313 285 285 232
Runelord 5781 145 365 273 331 241 331 285 307 228
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 225 50 80 96 56 64 80 104 80 88
10 475 60 94 112 65 75 94 122 94 103
20 1175 80 124 148 86 99 124 161 124 136
30 1629 95 145 174 101 116 145 188 145 159
40 2019 109 166 199 116 132 166 215 166 182
50 2216 119 181 217 126 144 181 235 181 199
60 2764 136 216 259 151 172 216 280 216 237
70 3088 148 234 280 163 187 234 304 234 257
80 3412 160 252 302 176 201 252 327 252 277
90 3736 172 370 324 189 216 270 351 270 297
99 4002 182 285 342 199 228 285 370 285 313

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 4002 214 285 359 199 239 285 370 285 313
Scholar 4002 205 285 376 199 239 285 370 285 313
Merchant 4322 196 293 352 204 234 285 370 285 313
Warrior 4722 182 299 342 208 228 285 370 285 313
Dancer 4002 182 285 342 199 228 285 370 285 313
Apothecary 4802 182 290 348 202 228 285 370 290 313
Thief 4002 182 290 342 199 228 299 399 299 338
Hunter 4002 182 307 342 199 228 302 388 302 322

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 4002 182 319 342 222 228 302 392 285 325
Sorcerer 4002 218 285 372 199 248 285 370 290 313
Starseer 4602 209 290 348 202 232 285 370 285 319
Runelord 4002 182 304 365 210 241 302 370 307 313
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 300 50 88 80 80 80 80 64 80 72
10 633 60 103 94 94 94 94 75 94 84
20 1567 80 136 124 124 124 124 99 124 111
30 2173 95 159 145 145 145 145 116 145 130
40 2692 109 182 166 166 166 166 132 166 149
50 2955 119 199 181 181 181 181 144 181 162
60 3686 136 237 216 216 216 216 172 216 194
70 4118 148 257 234 234 234 234 187 234 210
80 4550 160 277 252 252 252 252 201 252 226
90 4982 172 297 270 270 270 270 216 270 243
99 5336 182 313 285 285 285 285 228 285 256

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 5336 214 313 299 285 299 285 228 285 256
Scholar 5336 205 313 313 285 299 285 228 285 256
Merchant 5762 196 322 293 293 293 285 228 285 256
Warrior 6296 182 328 285 299 285 285 228 285 256
Dancer 5336 182 313 307 285 285 285 250 285 281
Apothecary 5336 182 313 285 285 285 285 228 285 256
Thief 5336 182 319 285 285 285 299 246 299 276
Hunter 5336 182 338 285 285 285 302 239 302 263

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 5336 182 350 285 319 285 302 241 285 266
Sorcerer 5336 218 313 310 285 310 285 228 290 256
Starseer 6136 209 319 290 290 290 285 228 285 261
Runelord 5336 182 334 304 302 302 302 228 307 256
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 250 40 88 80 64 64 88 96 80 96
10 528 48 103 94 75 75 103 112 94 113
20 1306 64 136 124 99 99 136 148 124 148
30 1811 76 159 145 116 116 159 174 145 174
40 2244 87 182 166 132 132 182 199 166 199
50 2463 95 199 181 144 144 199 217 181 217
60 3072 108 237 216 172 172 237 259 216 259
70 3432 118 257 234 187 187 257 280 234 280
80 3792 128 277 252 201 201 277 302 252 302
90 4152 137 297 270 216 216 297 324 270 324
99 4447 145 313 285 228 228 313 342 285 342

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 4447 171 313 299 228 239 313 342 285 342
Scholar 4447 163 313 313 228 239 313 342 285 342
Merchant 4802 156 322 293 234 234 313 342 285 342
Warrior 5247 145 328 285 239 228 313 342 285 342
Dancer 4447 145 313 307 228 228 313 376 285 376
Apothecary 5336 145 319 290 232 228 313 342 290 342
Thief 4447 145 313 285 228 228 313 342 285 342
Hunter 4447 145 338 285 228 228 331 359 302 352

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 4447 145 350 285 255 228 331 362 285 355
Sorcerer 4447 174 313 310 228 248 313 342 290 342
Starseer 5114 166 319 290 232 232 313 342 285 348
Runelord 4447 145 334 304 241 241 331 342 307 342
No gear is equipped except for their "Makeshift Weapons". These are the default weapons that are equipped that can never be unequipped. You can find these by unequipping whatever weapon you equipped now.

Level ~ MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
1 250 40 96 80 64 64 96 80 88 88
10 528 48 112 94 75 75 112 94 103 103
20 1306 64 148 124 99 99 148 124 136 136
30 1811 76 174 145 116 116 174 145 159 159
40 2244 87 199 166 132 132 199 166 182 182
50 2463 95 217 181 144 144 217 181 199 199
60 3072 108 259 216 172 172 259 216 237 237
70 3432 118 280 234 187 187 280 234 257 257
80 3792 128 302 252 201 201 302 252 277 277
90 4152 137 324 270 216 216 324 270 297 297
99 4447 145 342 285 228 228 342 285 313 313

Highest Stat of all members

Lowest Stat of all Members (or tied with lowest)

All stats are Level 99 with the subjob listed:

MAX HP MAX SP Phys Atk Elem Atk Phys Def Elem Def Acc Speed Crit Eva
Cleric 4447 171 342 299 228 239 342 285 313 313
Scholar 4447 163 342 313 228 239 342 285 313 313
Merchant 4802 156 352 293 234 234 342 285 313 313
Warrior 5247 145 359 285 239 228 342 285 313 313
Dancer 4447 145 342 307 228 228 342 313 313 344
Apothecary 5336 145 348 290 232 228 342 285 319 313
Thief 4447 145 348 285 228 228 359 307 328 338
Hunter 4447 145 342 285 228 228 342 285 313 313

The four new SubJobs have "text" for the name. But, you can see what they are by their SubJob icon.
Warmaster 4447 145 383 285 255 228 362 302 313 325
Sorcerer 4447 174 342 310 228 248 342 285 319 313
Starseer 5114 166 348 290 232 232 342 285 313 319
Runelord 4447 145 365 304 241 241 362 285 338 313
JobID Name
0 "Merchant"
1 "Thief"
2 "Warrior"
3 "Hunter"
4 "Cleric"
5 "Dancer"
6 "Scholar"
7 "Apothecary"
8 "Warmaster" All weapons Icon
9 "Sorcerer" Wizard Hat with Cane Icon
10 "Starseer" Star with sparkles Icon
11 "Runelord" Sword with elements Icon

12+ "_blank" White block Icon No more Subjobs follow

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