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Inggeris I.C. NUMBER
2 jam 15 minit

Kertas 2 / Set B

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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 33 soalan.
For Examiner’s Use
2. Jawab semua soalan.
Section Total Marks
3. Bulatkan jawapan anda untuk Bahagian A di dalam
kertas jawapan di halaman 17. A 15

4. Untuk Bahagian B, Bahagian C dan Bahagian D, B 10

tuliskan jawapan anda di ruang yang disediakan di dalam
kertas soalan ini. C 25

D 20
1. This question paper consists of 33 questions.
Total 70
2. Answer all questions.
3. Circle your answers for Section A on the answer sheet on page 17.
4. Write your answers for Section B , Section C and Section D in the
space provided in this question paper.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 17 halaman bercetak dan 1 halaman tidak bercetak

[Lihat sebelah]


Section A
[15 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]

For a Healthier and Prettier

Eat More Carrots!

Few people know that carrots are a wonder food

They prevent cancer, lower the risk of heart attacks,
help you to look young and they are also good for your eyes.
So do yourself a favour and keep munching on them.

1 The advertisement above implies that few people

A understand what carrots are.
B know the benefits of eating carrots.
C suffer from cancer and heart ailments.
D realise that carrots are to be munched

2 What does the advertiser hope to get?

A Extra sales people.
B Extra money for business.
C More free time for their workers.
D A new range of kitchen products




3 The slogan above tells us that water is

A wasted
B precious
C plentiful
D expensive

4. In the above quotation,

A. to be happy, we must change the world
B. we should keep on hoping for a better world
C. we should change other people to change the world
D. to change the world, we must change ourselves first

Computer Cartoon Drawing Workshop

Give your child a head start in the world of computer graphics, colours and cartoons.

Venue: Popeye Cartoon World

Age group: 12 -15

5. The phrase head start means

A. to be a genius
B. to think and act wisely
C. to acquire computer graphic skills
D. to be in a better position than other children

Shadow in the Dark

A thrilling story of strange happenings and suspense.

6. What type of movie is Shadow in the Dark?

A. Horror.
B. Comedy.
C. Mystery.
D. Science-fiction.



Make Crossing Safer For Pedestrians

I hope the authorities will make the pedestrian crossing at the
Sri Petaling traffic lights safe for us to use when crossing the
road. Many times when the pedestrian crossing light is green
and the traffic lights are red, cars still zoom past. This makes
it too dangerous to cross the road even though the light is
green. We have to watch for oncoming cars before trying to
cross. We hope something is done before it is too late as
many senior citizens and children use this pedestrian
Kuala Lumpur

7. The extract above is a complaint about

A. the pedestrian traffic lights at Sri Petaling.
B. the dangers of crossing the road at traffic lights.
C. vehicles not stopping at pedestrian crossing lights.
D. the use of the pedestrian crossing by senior citizens and children.

8. In the cartoon above, the doctor advises the patient

A not to relate stress with insomnia.
B to lose more sleep over his problem.
C not to worry too much about his problem.
D to sleep soundly to overcome his problem.



Questions 9 – 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each

Hundreds of pounds of abandoned gear and trash are left on Mount Everest every year.
For decades, bad weather, sheer exhaustion and injury …[9]… climbers to leave a trail of litter
all the way to the mountain‟s peak. Many teams are ...[10]… a strong effort to reduce the waste
on the mountain. However, there has been an increase in climbers …[11]… make waste
management a major problem on the world‟s highest peak.
The Inventa Everest 2000 Environmental Expedition Climbing team plans on …[12]… all
the garbage from Everest‟s high camps and shipping it back to the States for disposal and
recycling. The team ...[13]… to hire 25-30 Sherpa guides to help them in their clean-up quest.
The abandoned tents, the poles, the fuel canisters, oxygen bottles and the garbage on this
beautiful peak will be removed. “If a group of people can go up there …[14]… clean up the
mountain to help the environment , we hope to inspire …[15]… to clean up the environment
closer to home,” the team leader of Inventa said.
Other teams have cleaned up trash on the mountains, but Inventa‟s expedition is the
first attempt to completely clean up the high camps of trash.

9 A have forced 13 A hopes

B has forced B hoping
C had forced C has hoped
D is forcing D have hoped

10 A make 14 A but
B made B and
C making C so that
D to make D although

11 A who 15 A person
B what B people
C which C crowd
D whose D public

12 A remove
B removes
C removed
D removing



Section B
[10 marks]
[Time Suggested: 25 minutes]

Questions 16-25 Read the information below and complete the graphic organiser that follows.

One of the ways we can help save the environment is by learning the
difference between “needs" and "wants”. Much of the carbon
dioxide emissions and waste generated are a result of our wants
that we convince ourselves are our needs. We tell ourselves we need
a big petrol-guzzling SUV because we need the space for long
Dr Anand drives. Many do not realise that a smaller car will do, too.

Examine everything you want to throw out. Is it broken or just

old? Can you repair it? Can you recycle it? Can you give it to
someone who needs it? Consider the four R’s : reduce, reuse,
repair and recycle. If your local authority does not have a
recycling station, then campaign for one to be set up. You can
save the environment by recycling.
Puan Maimunah

Do not be a water guzzler A few easy things to reduce your water

consumption is to turn the tap off when brushing your teeth. Have a
shower instead of a bath. Collect rain water to water the plants. Fix
leaky taps. Wash only full loads of laundry.

Mrs Chew

Exercise and walk to wherever you want to go. It is good for

you. There are other ways of travelling to work. Cycle or take
a bus and if all else fails, car pool.

Mr Jacob

I will support local farmers by shopping for vegetables grown

locally as this will reduce fuel costs and long supply chains. Locally
grown vegetables are cheaper and taste better. Use all vegetable
and food waste as compost for your garden.

Encik Rosli



Questions 16 – 20
Based on the information given, complete the following table.

No Description Person who made the suggestion

Consume local produce


Conserve water

Recycle things

Lead a healthy lifestyle


Keep the environment clean


Questions 21 – 25
Based on the information given, complete the following sentences with short answers.

21. Vegetables that are grown by local farmers ____________________________ [1 mark]

22. If we are not careful, our “wants” may lead to ___________________________ [1 mark]

23. By walking to work, we get to ________________________________________ [1 mark]

24. One way to conserve water is by _____________________________________ [1 mark]

25. Before throwing away used items, we should ____________________________ [1 mark]



Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested : 50 minutes]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage

1 Few people have gone through their teens without feeling at sometime or
other that they were not understood by their parents. It should not surprise
them to find that people occasionally fail to understand them. Often enough
they find it hard to understand themselves – especially during the turbulent
teens. This bitter mood of loneliness in teenagers usually follows some 5
disagreement with their parents. Jason may be told not to go to a certain
movie. Pat may be told not to mix with certain companions and Alice is
forbidden to see a certain boy while Anna is refused money for a new dress
for a party. So they conclude that their parents are old-fashioned squares
who just do not understand the youth of today. 10

2 If you look back over the past 16 to 19 years you can, I am sure, find ample
evidence that your parents love you. They have, for instance, spent a fortune
on you; on clothes food, shelter, entertainment and education. Probably both
your father and mother have done without a thing so that they could spend
money on you. Besides, they have spent hours, years rather, caring for you 15
and your comfort from the days when they walked you up and down the
bedroom in the early hours of the morning trying to get you back to sleep,
right down to the last meal your mother cooked for you. In fact, you and your
happiness have been at the back of all their decisions and plans. They have
proven that they love you more than anyone else you know – probably more 20
than anyone else ever will.

3 Therefore, you can be sure that any regulations they make, any prohibitions
they impose, any commands they give is motivated by their love for you and
their desire for your happiness. You can be sure that no one is more
interested in your welfare and happiness than they are. Whatever you think 25
of their ideas, at least you must concede that their intentions are good. Of
course the misunderstood teenagers will say that they do not question their
parents‟ love. It is just that their parents have such ideas and such old-
fashioned ways of looking at things. They have not moved with the times.

4 Teenagers should realize that parents, when giving advice to their sons or 30
daughters, talk from experience – their own and that of others they have
known. They have been through the teens themselves and can remember
their problems, their dreams, their fears and their hopes. They have met all
the situations you are now encountering and many, many more that you have
not yet encountered. They know from their experience how they overcame 35
this or that problem, how they ran into danger doing this or following that
course of action. They remember people who slipped morally, and others
who messed up their own lives. Your parents remember how it all started and
where these people went wrong.

5 It is their dearest wish to save you from similar mistakes and so they use 40
their experience to protect you from anything or anyone they can see who
would endanger your faith, your morals or your happiness. That is why
parents are not impressed when you say, “But lots of young folks are allowed



to do such and such a thing…”. Your parents know that there have
always been those who were allowed such liberties and they have seen the 45
results. They want to save you from those results.

6 Perhaps you have failed to prove that you are grown-up enough to be
trusted; maybe you have lied about where you have been or with whom;
maybe the friends you have selected so far are not worthwhile and your
parents fear that you lack judgment; maybe you have not enough interest in 50
your religious duties and your parents are trying to save you from further
drifting from the truth, religion and morals. The quickest way to be treated like
an adult is to act like one.

7 Of course, parents are not infallible and they can also make mistakes. They
can have blind spots in their judgments. They can let their opinion of 55
someone be warped by prejudice. They can misread a situation and
condemn it unreasonably. But when they impose some restrictions or
regulations, they presumption is that they do understand and that they have
good reason for making it, a reason based on their love for you. If you
remember this instead of wallowing in immature self-pity and sobbing over 60
„poor little me‟ you will be a lot easier to live with. You will be a great deal
happier and you will have a sure and safe guidance over the dangerous

26. From paragraph 1,

a) how do most people who go through their teens feel?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

b) suggest one reason for the disagreement between a child and his parents

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ( 1 mark)

27. From paragraph 2

a) why do most parents spend a fortune on their child‟s clothes, food, shelter, entertainment and

………………………………………………………………………………………….………… (1 mark)

b) what is the main reason behind the decisions and plans made by parents?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ( 1 mark)

28.a) From paragraph 3, what is the misunderstood teenager‟s perception of his parents?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

b) From paragraph 5, how do parents react when their children say “But lots of young folks are
allowed to do such and such a thing …

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ( 1 mark)



29. From paragraph 6,

a) which phrase has the same meaning as „an inability to form a good opinion‟

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

b) suggest a reason why parents may not trust their child.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ( 1 mark)

30. Explain in your own words how parents can make mistakes.


……………………………………………………..…………………………………………… ( 2 marks)

31. Based on the passage given, write a summary of:

 the reasons why parents give advice and have „regulations‟ for their teenagers
 how teenagers should react to the advice and regulations.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Your summary must :

 be in continuous writing (not in note form)
 use the material from lines 22 to 53
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows :

Parents make regulations or impose prohibitions on their teenagers because…

[15 marks]



























[Lihat sebelah



























[Lihat sebelah



Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 35 minutes]

32 Read the poem A Poison Tree and answer the questions that follow.

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.

Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

William Blake

(a) What did the persona do when he was angry with his friend?

_________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ]

(b) In stanza 2, how did the persona allow his anger to grow?

_________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ]

(c) In stanza 3, what does the word it refer to?

__________________________________________________________________[1 mark ]

(d) If you were the persona, would you have been glad to see your “foe outstretched
beneath the tree”? Give a reason to support your answer.


_________________________________________________________________[2 marks]



33. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Elaine Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford

Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels and answer the question below.

Write about an event that has shown you the importance of making a responsible decision.

Support your answer with close reference to the text you have studied.

[15 marks]









































































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