Pronk SimCube NIBP Simulator - User Manual

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‘SimCube Sample Readings versona san pata Seen songh Bl fe fonang ae Se Were toy tin fom Say cence et syste [owe | abn | Soe SimCube NIBP Simulator (Rawene rt a | Operator's Manual Table of Contents Getting Started renee NIBP Detailed Information EOGIRESP Detailed information IBP Detaled information (SC-5 Batiory ODEON ncn ‘SimCube Troubleshooting Tips. ‘Accessories Warranty and Service information ptinizing Simulation Results Weh Your SinCube Oscilometnic NIBP Simulator SimCube Sample Readings (Back Cover) Contact Us Sales: 800/609-9802 Technical Support; 80541-9802 or 328/258-5100 FAX. 323/256-5817 Ema ‘ales Web ste: ‘ww: pronklecn com ‘SimCubs Operation Instructions Introduction ‘SenCube is cule ost up, easy wo use and resdy to go where you need be. ‘Your SimCube comes wth te falowng The SimCabe.& small SYOG2 amp ‘ower supply ané at least one adapter” For ilomain sn oher Secessoes ‘ek our wa te, ni prontach Getting Started 1. Plugin the SimCube 6 VOC/2 amp power supply ino an AC outlet 2. Connect the power jack into the Simeube power receptacle. Many power supates uve the same pug, and conecing ihe SinCube Wo the trong power suppl may damage Be sue the i hss bse SerCube agen t pero cenectng to the Snub 2, Wat forthe powerup sequence to complete. Wan complete the play ‘st sow 0900, ‘Duneg power up the Smee we 2er spose so vont ‘he pressure porto amosshare ath tne Tis stop may fake up TS Sreonas wo comet. ‘he desired mode by pressing the Yalow MODE button. Each Wavetable, ECG, RESP, Sand InP values corresponding to each made ar pte on ihe font pare hast othe LED Ratizoraly Fat more delaiedintomaton on each mode, ‘elo wach parameter secten in th manual, 5. For dynamic NIBP testing cornea he SiCube in Bnew he motors ‘5H and'nose-as shown m Fig. Diteren monte wal roqare front sracirs. A varety of adapers are avatatle fom Pronk Technologies ana ‘ach SemCube cores equipped wih at ast ono adapter. In Neo rose uae ineo cut Wrap ci snugly around fast and place in area sale, hom fessental moton. Using. SmCube Gul Jacke can prove rex ‘apture and constancy To use Cut Jacket, wap cl as apove an incor ino the dasres soove volume. Ganealy the sale’ veluma Ts bes! Tor 6. Stat the MIBP reading on unit under test and wal for the reaing to complete 7. For sate calibration, over pressure testing, nd lak tating connect tne ‘Sine ar manual pump Bu nine whe mons cu ad Nowe as Shown i Fig. 2" Al SimCube meals ead maromest fr peforsng Sate cataton; some models incude 2 Peak Detat mode or pertong ‘ver prescure tasing ard some modals ince. Leak Tes! mode ot pom For IBP testing, connect IGP extension cable suppiad wth SinCube and arect ISP adapier for the monitor nar fst to ne Smee. A vty ot IGP adapters ate avalable fom Prk Tochndlogies. Seer ha omni {Be emutaten megs, zor the mont. than select he Geshe sisaken ‘rode, 8, For ECG and Respiration testing, connec! he ECG cable rom he monitor ldo ost othe Smube. "Snap iocabone are ndeated onthe side othe SimCube and shown in fig. 3 For 12 lead simulation andr when vsing large snap heads. or aligator cips, may be-neceasary to use Snap Extonders (PIN Adapt) onthe center cakenn ("Vis} of snaps, Shap fenders re avai Pronk Technolgies, NIBP Detailed information Bele you begin, maka sure you have your SinCube setup ae deseabed In ‘Getng Stated Avaatie Simulation Modes ae deserve below” Reet to the tot pane of your Smee to determine when mode apply you! Moda. + MOP adus (12000) ‘Simulates a patent wit blood pressure of 120/80mms, hea rate ol 70 pm. mean pressure of mnt, and pulse voume ot + NIBP Neo (70/40) ‘Simuits & pont wih blood pressure of FoMonsntg. naa rate of 95 bpm, mean pressure ot Stmmig. an pues volume of 6.25 mi Feutes Up oft nao or pada cu and te montor under fst shoud Be placed Inneonaia mage # avai, + NIBP High (191120) ‘Sites pation wh ood pressure t190/120muiHa, heart rate of 70 pm, moan pressure o 2mm. and puke wom oT + Nap Low (s140)(SC-5 only) ‘Semtes a patent wih Soas pressure of SOOM, ean rate of 70 pm, meas pressure o Sng, and pulse vekume ol 1+ NIBP Peak Detect / Over Pressure (SC-2, 4&5 ony) “This mode is used to tes the overpressure featur on patent monitors ‘The SimGube's radu wil sich tho hghec proseure value sorsed ‘ming stops) When te nut pressure has ot to Ome for 15 Sovande the latched va Is lated. Typcay the mover must be paced Imto-a test made ao tat th software wil not relaase a cal pressure for to the over presue actvaing "The tigger pat on the over Besa ene ct ay patent mont can Sperone atten io produced by te monto’s pump wih fypeal et SC-1, $C2, SC, and SC-4: Stile Manometer readout deptays Dresses om fo 40mmiy in OSrenly stops, NIGP simulation i Ore ‘SC-5: Staie Manomelar readout capiays pressures ern 400 to ‘HoDnmig nmi eps NIGP simulations OFF ‘This mode can be used for perteming sali altaton of NIBP mentors lnmany eases the mentor must be placed in epecal ee mode 2 att wil not tease the cut reser “+ NIBP Leak Test (86-5 ony) This mode i usad for measuning nk rales in NOP mentors. her et! and thar hoses. Un detects thal cll aon complete ak aot mode wi simply splay bo cu pressure. Once cu intabon comeleton |S gtected (ose than Brig change ina 5 second window) ak est ‘mode wi stat its apsed timer When the elapsed Wmer Teaches 1S ‘Stconds (9 alow for ital pressure seting), tha Osplay wil ben 10 ele evry 8 seconds, snowing tae presse, nscale by Pn mn), Teak rate, indcateg by L(n tmty par minute and alapsad one C0 Hin Sec) may catos the mantor must be iced ina spec Test ‘modo a atl wi ot oleae the cul prose ECGIRESP Detailed Information Selre you begin, make sure you have yout SenCube sotup as dosenbes in Ging Slated” Avafabio Smulabon Moses are descived below. Pele 0 ‘he tort pana yor SnGube a detarmne wih moses apply ts your mods + ECGIESP rate simulation modes (6-2, 4& § only ‘These modes proce NSA ECG wavelos atthe rat indicated on he ‘rot panel. Respiration rates ar also on the font panel ECG ou Tin perem, on ead + £06 Arehythnia Simulation mode (SC-$ ony) ‘The SinCubes ayia mode is desgnodto alow you to quickly check trata the le citeal ECG alarms on s pate monitor ae openy nique The mode consists ot snale earaae Tare sequange 90 conde of normal eats mersrersed wih PVCS ana Runs, followed by Scpronmaely 30 seconds of VTACH, Yatowed by 30 seconde of VF Coreludng wth 30 seconds of aysto. When the sequence comple Tosa, RESP ve stay at dtp, + 0a Pacer (80-2, 4&5 ony) NNSR ECG at 70 bpm with pacar signal. RESP output rate i¢ sop on 'SC-2 and SC-4 and” Obpm on SCS, Th mode designed to atom tesing ta montors pacer detecion and ania slgpig cca + ECGRESP HR Sea/Alarm Text mode (SC-4 and SC-S only) Paved ECG. Heat ate and Respiration valves wil toggle every 20 feconds. ECG valves 0,60, 9,120, 46, 60, 160.720. RESP values (0, 30.45, 6, 22,30, 80, 110. "Ths mode atpwe suck and complete testing oa monitors carotac, IBP Detailed Information (SC-5 Only) Beloe you beg, make sure you have your SimCube Seip at deseabed in ‘Geng States" The 19P intetace to te SenCube ve 2 6 pin mn DIN Cannestr For compact storage Pronk supplies @ single long (2) extension able wth each SinCube, which can be used wih a vay shot (7) aap fables that ar sold separtaly. Avant o adaplerealas are avaiable om Pronk Tecnologie aes larmaton to tlow yout abet your own ables from he entersen cabo and an ISP eae you may hae on Pan ings at flows Ect pn Exp 6» 8s a2." pn wc shu ‘ecimologis at 00511-9802 lor morentarmaton + 1BP Dynamic Mod “ha pressure valuos of dynamic IP modes maten thse ofthe NIBP vos ssclted wih the sare mode and ate ealed by he arrow € on the Front panelin ha ISP coun ping towards th NIBP tan, + ero Use his mode sua atmosphatc pressure an ere your mont + 16? 100 The 18 100 Mode wit slate Cals, “The 1BP 200 Mode wi simulate Ealraton + BP Step The Step Mode wi step through he flowing state values for 20 seconde exch, en repeat the sequence” 0, 25,60 100, 180 200, 250mm Ths Bows for a quck bul complet check of the IBP channel over Us ene state 100mg when can be uses for ‘tate 200mg which can be used for Battery Operation ‘SinCube models SC:3, SC-4 and SC-6 may be operated on btiry power ‘sg he Bary Boot Option, The Batery Boost sera win» peed trates. The Sincube can perform 109200 NIP simaion readings on sel of fresh bates. "The Battery Boosts designed to perate wih aking tateres for smi ard conversenon, Bacau ol Bist whle You can use Fechargeable batieres, jou wil eed o UBe sn enteral charger io fexharge there batenes scam HON NOTES, PLEASE READ FIRST? * You may use NiMH rechargeable Baterie, butte Battery Boost ows not charge ham. Rachargesble batteries must be charged oui oF + When the Battery Level indestor lamp i red your simulator may Continue fo operate, but values should not be wusted. Always eons the Battery Level LED la green when doing a aimulaion on battery power + when your SimCube ie notin uae, switch the Battery Bo (OFF" poston to avoid cralning your ithe 4" Conect the gay power cable tom the Eatery Boost to your Sincaoe Dns four A ators othe bateycasiag, Poston the swith onthe battery modulo “Eat ON” The GenCube tllpowar on ‘3 Operation Guide ‘Battery Operation Simply instal Batons (akalne or rechargable) ino Bary Boost and switch to "Batt ON" poston” When yau are done Us you? Since switch to “Sat GFF" When Batt evel CED changes om sen to orange make sure you havea spare sto alters on har, When te Gat Lael LED changes from orange o red change he Baits. The Bat Level LED wa tn orange whon appronsaey 25% batory Ifa remains (about $0 readings)” Always Gobo check {hat the swich sn the “Bat OF” poston when you ave Gone sing you! ‘SinCube: the numeric display an the Simcue Darke under cea onions to conserve power So you cannot rey on that to nda at ‘he unto ». AC Operation ‘Wier AC powers avaabie, simply plug ne Smcube power supply nto fan AC outlet The Batary ost wl automataly sich over and your Sater wi rt be caine rgardos the state othe Gat such The [AC ON ines amp wil igh eortnunusy we fe AC power sippy Connected to & vata AC owt, bt when AC power is sconnecied and {he bar is sinteneg on the AC OW lame may sb erst. a sher Nach ‘very tow seconds Dring AC operation the Bat Laval LED may not cual rec the iat of he batons, ‘SimCube Troubleshooting Tips Sao SOOT “ts senge (205) sai Aye 2800 Dag HP ‘emalynoescot rcv an ike wd oe ah etter uae Gob saset Ou) Neo mate rogues see S21 ia aa Tana an | Aa carer Me sayeeauee™ [eg suimnen se non eS Se ome ee eal oe arden See Iecwen end Cascope__[fooa Aura wens adie gee A Rene longa mer, noes 220s SNS ee” [este yt Starts enaras ae omar Se naraen onset Sani son eat Use he Scabe Sure Resa | esoraon doar oat | anna at eu tn San Sona precae Some ee = (eons “at pom | Traore, eo erat fo trenpere at power pad wat 15 s. cami, age 0000 on Sap ‘nancies | Canis Prk fects Yoo Supa ober" oy sere Accessories pm nrwtocupewnot re) SeIVICES iments mtn Pai ESCAIPTION Pace SERVICE Tew ROMER OESCARTION Dae (sos) soar | RAMEE ERT a STE Tapa SINGS — BOTS SOT igor sige yang a RSH TO 1 ns epee Sete ae [ees een, SRST ise halen Sater cannes Tine Sa ea pecs’ err eee eases ae? rear sea gaa we a I SPE areca moar cust [Sigs Pete yn anys Ses momen aco Tao Ea phe iees recent om an Sa sick case [SeSandat nemteaarae rye emg whl at he [€000 er Le cas ae arr senses serteaton Sigrmaote suns eh Ata S20 eran” Conia chest iran ad {Bima | Seacrest Sans ‘or eaterrace buspar Iie a seer [800 rte any 8 yar ta) may ae purrased ely ate og ele Skrascore |e daseroe mest” hie nna anya wos ‘shat! Rajat Semen, fence | tomworetene wh GE mont ar sax pe mr | co ‘Stren hes or a ans wn me tinea Cal or WOU GacTbs = TE ST 1 ton ah MOE on Sonesurs menor" nara su [800 ReEAe WOetracem iy ameco” Nor woes Warranty and Service Information ‘Be Smcabe MBP Sit cea ECC nF ne rai Sill Seer he ana urna“ Warany voy he ona boy ‘Torfetsers ale caceton, Ths waranty ror appcabe fh vt Ns be per ‘alin ay an doe he ole sea nabs he oes Uae nl ‘es sy mgt merry. ecarety st o nosy any Pt Seite MF Seman sn pts eaues, Bro Tectncooas onl tobe wet “change fens (hone, you eee a leche oneal Hem we wl Se hapay to Seeatecarg te rasinreunamite mn rgrercoane. Saale ew ef oi ta of ot la oe a hae eine an roa etre and Rape Mowrarasehuoranon WA) mundo aa he sotorg saat Faure should be ‘Optimizing Simulation Results With Your SimCube Oscillometric NDP Simuletor svar vn veneers ipsa eavaneastace "7 Seas Ness oem aries, mart statate aie, * aun see te anew sa etree ne seymmac yar Aa nas), Sar aval wean rt ‘Scowaay sire ara mae Simp Clecam oracenee steam Enters Re asses te Some manera mae tstaraes 4 SOP wus eon on «py Fe mee, Sparel the Sméwtes* Shem prety at: Bone peste ere gor mpmur he RSTn” at sccuacy ote event akg sell Sein er meee by Pe ll =e Se chad anne ss Sarees a meres ‘enna’ salon he erm Be no smn iSamgyoe marca esgrgy ber" wih suas NIGP rac Exton oe" ony won mig -and fe staiona ate srt. Theta cones ipl aela'ou 2500 Withers fw’ Guoomae mae ptr hee sn. Ta ait soe wasnt Pt Py a up aye naar Sra oases wae” menace scooting cat ‘odd oe. sattey “ual ta ray rardncioer has ete ine nae ny une ogee Seed a aye Se daeew aster sy ate vou dooce oo ys ri 8 ‘SinCube Simulation Results AEOMODE p34 ea fue Tae Tne] TSSicee” Weve cry oe 2 Reece Yekas toon ciate tom ‘eth "rortum ane Enecareh ‘Shaw ES ee aut mse aac eel Ra Segieet vn sna cytes imising Vou Simulationa SROt chara oe elon et wee, Src” ita eh Se Soro” Paes imei Ho eco eck yo’ ge you have mane Secdoreee oa bey ‘Settee pica hat ear Wat ake on Serge of smears. ‘Sostu tne oe by te IS aoe ute se ‘So day tae ant Sntmontnre a oot oem fresun apy y or 9.2 mgt sty ney peng he See ot SSF tr stg tm Sen 9 ‘py anaah te amore suey ay (Srcvay gres On soe mars ipmit ne ene ponte fe recs. Wine aca Yue ened wih dnl Cat arg the ~ fpecd and save’ nave “er wee ‘Wee ode Simulation Setup ——— (hore 2 china. Sree the Smt operon ‘rte vets em mpeat nr ‘tha pro pases an be much wpe (rarge nan na ons eran sy ‘Sone snge omen sysone have ‘Srey nme age ory case ae fee tae ye Sm an 8 iW we fave geod wn ‘Mao cmos nconnand neg 3 teesy Setomec areas recat sh ot Feet eo on RT ar far haar na Gono a ork ne oe caraes SEA eet mortars we SLSR aes Soman ts [tert'a meomal oat arpscone nina MED Tate, shane cemoning Siehamararmanass Ser ommarermts ee cm hetiee sang eue"® Seas taeraes. geet SAUNA TEs ie Resasen mt aes re ee

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