Finding Report: Real User Monitoring

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Finding report

We already do some research on the The domain owned by
legitimate company which do a program to enable digital businesses to
gain continuous performance insight into real user experiences on mobile
and web devices in real time and at scale, using real user
monitoring technology coupled with its mPulse product.

Such of this platform often used by some company to collect real user
experience in their respective website/apps.

From your DLP policies, suspected malicious dissemination been translate

as detects suspected malicious content dissemination such as: encrypted
or manipulated information, passwords files, credit card tracks, suspected
applications and dubious content such as information about the network,
software license keys, and database files.
Link as below :

The program meet the criteria as in DLP policy.

The list of ip address you provide might access the website that used this
software and been addressed by DLP solution.

AV doesn’t detect any malicious program with current signature


We conclude that this event as low risk as the domain is legitimate and
they has been provide many company with such of this program.
The information collects for user experience management only.

You can either tune the DLP policy or block access the website they surf.

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