Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in CSS NC Ii

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Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts

And principles in installing configuring computer
systems Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to install and
computer systems based on established procedures and
system requirements.

I. Objectives:
a. create a bootable USB flash drive windows installer based on
established procedures and system requirements.
b. perform the steps in creating a bootable USB flash drive windows
installer in differentiated instructions in actual
c. appreciate the value of the skills learned
Reference: CSS curriculum guide, CSS Learners Material
Equipment: Computer units
Materials: Flash drives, Power point presentations
GAD INTEGRATION: Shared Responsibility
Values Integration: Cooperation, coordination, self discipline
III. Procedure:
a. Daily Routine Activities
b. Motivation:
c. Review:

The teacher will ask the students to enumerate the:

a. two methods in creating a bootable USB Flash drive
b. steps in performing these two methods of creating
windows installers
d. Practicum Proper:
Task 1. Grouping the students into two groups.
1. Distributing the activity materials to each group.
2. Giving instructions to the students
3. Playing the video clip related to PC assembly
1. Organizing and listing down the steps in assembling PC
based from the video clip viewed.
2. Presenting the organized steps by group.

e. Analysis
1. Analyzing and reorganizing the steps in assembling a system
unit based from what they presented to come out with
common steps to follow.
f. Abstraction
1. Allowing the students to recall the video clip and asks the
following questions:
a. Aside from the steps you organized, What other
things did you observed during the playback of
the video clips.
b. Is there any chance of observing OHS procedure
applied during the playback? If yes, will you name
one. What else? Next….
c. What is the importance of applying OHS in a
system unit assembly?
d. How about PPE? What PPE being used in the
e. What did you learn from today’s activity?
g. Generalization.
1. Who could give the steps in assembling a system unit?
2. What are the OHS observed in todays’ lesson?
3. What skills in computer have you learned today?
4. Is this important to you? If yes, Why?
5. Is there any possibility that in the future you can use this as your
6. Would it be these skills acquired today is enough as means of your
livelihood to support your future family?
IV. Application(Evaluation)
Task 2: (Group Activity: Assembly of a system unit )
1. Each group will be given the complete parts of a system unit to
2. The teacher will present the rubrics to be used in evaluating the
performance of the students.
3. Each group will perform their given tasks.
4. Evaluate the tasks done by each group using Rubrics.
V. Agreement:
1. From any search engine at the net have an advance reading
regarding “How to install fresh copy of windows in a PC.”

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II
GROUP NAME: ____________________________
GRADE LEVEL: _____________________________
GROUP LEADER: ____________________________


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1. The Color Red
1. Red is the color of energy, passion and action
The color red is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical
needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful masculine

Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.

It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition

and determination.

It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or
lacking in will power.

Being the color of physical movement, the color red awakens our physical
life force.

It is the color of sexuality and can stimulate deeper and more intimate
passions in us, such as love and sex on the positive side or revenge and
anger on the negative.

It is often used to express love, as in Valentine’s Day, however it relates

more to sexuality and lust, rather than love – love is expressed with pink.

At its most positive it can create life with its sexual energy, or use its
negative expression of anger and aggression to fuel war and destruction.

The color red can stimulate the appetite, often being used in restaurants for
this purpose. It also increases craving for food and other stimuli.

Being surrounded by too much of the color red can cause us to become
irritated, agitated and ultimately angry. Too little and we become cautious,
manipulative and fearful.
In Eastern cultures such as China red is the color for good luck. Although
times are changing and many Chinese brides now wear white, it is
traditionally the color for weddings. In Indian culture it symbolizes purity
and is often used in their wedding gowns.

If your favorite color is red, it will reflect in your personality! Personality

color red will give you more information on this.

If you are thinking of using red in a business application, read about

the meanings of colors in business.

2. Positive and Negative Traits of the Color Red

Positive keywords include: action, energy and speed, attention-getting,

assertive and confident, energizing, stimulating, exciting, powerful,
passionate, stimulating and driven, courageous and strong, spontaneous and

2. The Color Yellow

1. Yellow is the color of
the mind and the intellect
The color yellow relates to acquired knowledge. It is the color which
resonates with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating our
mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception.

Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of

yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness,
cheerfulness and fun.

In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and


Yellow is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas,

helping us to find new ways of doing things. It is the practical
thinker, not the dreamer.
Yellow is the best color to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken
greater confidence and optimism.

The color yellow loves a challenge, particularly a mental challenge.

Within the meaning of colors, yellow is the great communicator and

loves to talk. Yellow is the color of the networker and the journalist,
all working and communicating on a mental level. Yellow is the
scientist, constantly analyzing, looking at both sides before making
a decision; methodical and decisive. Yellow is the entertainer, the
comic, the clown.

Yellow helps with decision making as it relates to clarity of thought

and ideas, although it can often be impulsive. Yellow helps us focus,
study and recall information, useful during exam time.

The color yellow can be anxiety producing as it is fast moving and

can cause us to feel agitated.

Yellow has a tendency to make you more mentally analytical and

critical - this includes being self critical as well as critical of others.

Yellow is non-emotional, coming from the head rather than the

heart. Yellow depends on itself, preferring to not get emotionally

Yellow is related to the ego and our sense of self worth, to how we
feel about ourselves and how we are perceived by others.

Yellow is the most highly visible of all colors which is why it is used
for pedestrian crossings. Take note of the crossings which are
marked in white - they are less easy to see than those marked
yellow, particularly on wet and cloudy days.

If you are going through a lot of change in your life you may find
you can't tolerate the color yellow very well - this will usually pass.
It just means that you are having trouble coping with all the
changes at the moment and yellow vibrates too fast for you, making
you feel stressed. Introduce green or a soft orange into your life for
a while to balance and restore your energies. Many older people
don't respond well to large amounts of yellow because it vibrates
too fast for them.
If your favorite color is yellow, it will reflect in your personality! Personality
color yellow will give you more information on this.

If you are thinking of using yellow in a business application, read about

the meanings of colors in business.

2. Positive and Negative Traits 

Positive keywords include: optimism, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, fun,

good-humored, confidence, originality, creativity, challenging,
academic and analytical, wisdom and logic.

Negative keywords include: being critical and judgmental, being

overly analytical, being impatient and impulsive, being egotistical,
pessimistic, an inferiority complex, spiteful, cowardly, deceitful,
non-emotional and lacking compassion.

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