Face Mask Exemption Affidavit For Eric Gibson in Capitis Diminutio Nolo

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- moorish national republic federal government .» ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and americana islands \» ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ » the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land > ~ is. affidavit of truth religious and tribal status exemption june 14th, 2020 to: whom it may concern pod day. happee dey. i pray this finds you and yours in the best of condition. iam thankful to wake up alive, peaceful and loving, the total package of documents including. attachments are: #1) religous affidavit (+ pages) #2) my moorish american (tribal / national) identifcation(s) (1 page): #3) name declaration, correction, proclamation and publication (autographed and sealed by my gpvernment) 2 pages); #4) judicial notice and proclamation (8 pages); #3) universal sovereign appellation and proclamation affidavit (2 pages); #6) treaty of peace and friendship (treaty with the moors) (2 pages); #7) copy of letter from George Washington to muhammed ibn abdullah sultan of morocco (| page); #8) USPS certified mail receipt ‘green cards" confirming receipt of attachments #5 and #+ to the [officials] mentioned (in tribal rights) and more (I page); #9) pictures of forced masks in the past (slavery) page); #10) the holy koran of the moorish holy temple of science (I page) for a total of thirty (30) pages. i was asked to provide “detailed” reasons why iam exempt from wearing, mask. the five (5) foundational reasons are #1) religious; #2) national origin / tribal; #3) constitutional; #4) health; #5) denotation of slavery. #1) religious. my level of faith, religious (and national) expression is on display everyday ihave been to work (or even leave the house). i devoutly wee ahead covering turban / tarboosh) as part of my dedication ta god (ie. the creator, allah, yahuah, hashem,clohiem, the most high, the one, the universe, etc). know all oF these are the same and i honor all the divine prophets that are before me and the nn TIES WTA mac emp OOOGIS poor anal rep Teal areroneo WaT storgjral and geno peoples’ dosent: ortuest amen /rerthafaa/ north ameroa /themronean expe ~ content rite sts: "tape of heron and su nen = dames, nen~ real nor-aabet = bang theft ae ad eto land, cod S ones currently living (enlightened beings). iwore my head covering in the interview and even took my id picture with it on. i (often) wore a white head coveringon saturdays to honor the sabath, as part of islamism (the religion of myself and ancestors) iam constantly studying self, self mastery, staying in alignment with allah and universal laws of harmony. the mask is in direct violation of all of these (for reasons listed in this document and more) and for my conscience sake iam nat to wear it. according to Blacks Law Dictionary volume + page 1455; defines religious freedom as: « cathe right to do, or forbear to do, any act, for conscience sake religion as: “mans relation to divinity, to reverence, worship, obedience......” i deeply submit and honor the hlios biblios (the holy bible), as part of divine instruction(s). there is a verse that speaks directly to this subject. (reference: the message bible) i 2 corinthians (qorintiym sheniy) +:2 + “we refuse to wear masks and play games. we don't mancuver and manipulate behind the scenes. and we don't twist god's word to suit ourselves, rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, s0 that those who want to can see...” asi display, for all to see, i would also like to reference information about vishuddha (the throat chakra); the mouth and ears are the connected body parts. blockages in the chakra (caused by masks) can inhibit honest Communication, expression, cause anxiety, asthma, dizziness, result in decay, and even death. a blockage of one chakra affects the other chakras, and thus whole body is affected and thrown out of balance. the following speaks to the religous EXC ‘eption: [STATE OF MICHIGAN] Executive Order 2020-110 (covid-19) (june I, 2020) #16. “consistent with prior guidance, ..... no individual is subject to penalty under section 19 of this order for engaging in religious worship at a place of religious worship, cor for violating the face covering requirement of section 4(b) of this order”. #2) national origin / tribal rights as originally stated, when i went into [Concentra] i referenced the ‘exemption’ based on tribal rights. printed and highlighted the exemption For them to reference. they refused to accept the Governor Gretchen Whitmer's printed executive order (2020-96), and / or check my tribal identification (national id). here is the question and answer format directly off of the website: [STATE OF MICHIGAN] Executive Order 2020-110 faq's. £Q: Does Executive Order 2020-10 restrict the exercise of tribal treaty rights?” £A; No. Executive Order 2020-96 does not restrict activities by tribal members to exercise their federal treaty rights within the boundaries of their treaty territory...” TEST TT ace npIONOORST moor al rp Foeal goverment er henna andedgenoue peoples dosent: nortues! amex /rerthaftea/ ror areca the morosanenpe'~ content united states: "vel of moon ad sur: on = dames, nan~ relent, nan-abet~bolng thet ee and heros of hand, & ¥ iam in “tribal territory’; and that, the honorable Donald Trump, and several other officials] have been notified of my national / tribal status including Gretchen Whitmer. in the attached letter George Washington acknowledges america as part of the moroccan (moorish) dominions (and). this is also proclaimed by our prophet noble drew ali, the washitaw nation, also including the moorish american counsulate (moorishamericanconsulate.org) #5) constitutional rights. [STATE OF MICHIGAN] Executive Order 2020-10 (covid-19) (june 1, 2020) #15. “Nothing in this order should be taken to interfere with or infringe on the powers of the legislative and judicial branches to perform their constitutional duties or exercise their authority. Similarly, nothing in this order shall be taken to abridge protections guaranteed bu the state or federal consti under these emergency circumstances. the constitution for the Linited States of America 1787 / 1791: article Vi “This constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws “of any State to the contrary not- withstanding”. bill of rights; amendment one (1: “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” bill of rights; amendment nine (XX): “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” #4) health. my research tells me that the masks cause; difficulty breathing; shortness of breath; a lowered immune system; lowered oxygen in the blood (which opens up a host of diseases) and most importantly (as it relates to myself) headaches. with a documented history of headaches, this itis likely to exacerbate my condition, according to the headache journal (hitps:// headachejournal.onlinellbrary.wiley.com/doi/full /10.1t/head 1581) a study conducted in march 30th, 2020 concluded the following; «__.most healthcare workers develop de novo PPE-associated headaches or exacerbation of their pre-existing headache disorders*. snvddarotation of slavery, ‘have attached pictures of masks that people were forced to wear in json ag ner ier cota chares-tweet-that-says-masks-represent-slavery-and-social-death-2020-57 TEST T10 mace asopLONOSORS_ moor anpoa rp Teal goverment tea herr and geno peoples’ dosments: nota! amex /norhafia/rerth amen ‘the morosanampe'-contartl united tte: "tengo moon and san'ron = domes nan~ rel non-asbet ~ bang argh here andthe of land = : S p=!) shares President Donald Trump's tweet: “Trump shares tweet that argues face masks represent ‘silence, slavery, and social death” in condlusion, iam thankful for your time and patience in dealing with this issue. shalom, salaam, namaste, peace to you. rons usar jam: 0 eu esse gibson bey in capitis imino nolo, immoral being, ‘given litle, free and sovereign moot ish) american national (man), in propria persona sui jus in proprio solo, in proprio heredes, in fll lif, natural being northwest amexer / northwest alrica / north america /al moroe amerruk/ankoestors motherland, justice, consul, northwest amexern all rights exercised at all points in time bome: crie devon gb, eric devon gibson -apitis diminutio nolo, int ee all rights exercised at all points in time care of 1603 Cass lake road #a, near [Keege Harbor, Michigan (mishigamas) republic, [xp exempt] united estates of america. egbbbayshoo.com Tact 171 was empEIOGEN paranoia ame terial wd iedgenus peoples’ dowmente: artes! amex /rerthafaa/sarthaneroa ‘the marovean emp ~ content uid attr: "temple of hence and su’ non = domestic eidnnar-aubet blog the iil sand herr ofthe land

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