University of Guyana Test2

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University of Guyana


Test 2

There are 15 questions
Answer all questions- circle, underline or tick the incorrect answer. Complete and return via email by
1:00 pm tomorrow ( 02/07/2020).
Note –This paper is worth 10% of your total marks.

1. Marketing decisions should be based on;

a. Sound information
b. Sellers information
c. General Information
2. Common Marketing Problems Faced by Farmer(s)
a. They lack marketing information
b. Good Government support
c. Market flooded with produce
3. What is the goal of marketing of food to consumers?
a. The goal is to influence consumers.
b. The goal is to influence consumers choice, by making your product outstanding.
c. The goal is to make consumers buy.
4. Marketing Plan:
a. Is about understanding your customer and delivering your product and service to them
b. Is good for focusing your energy towards the actions that will deliver on what you want to
c. Can be described as being the both the ‘’output’’ and the ‘’input’’ of the marketing effort
5. A marketing plan says:
a. Where you are now
b. Where you want to be
c. What the problems are.
d. How you can get there
e. Which way is best
f. How to know when you have arrived
6. The problem of a once a year harvested , storable commodity is lowest prices:
a. At sale
b. At harvest
c. Before the next harvest
7. Commodities can be placed in the following categories;
a. Highly, perishable
b. Semi –perishable
c. Storable commodities
d. Semi-storable
8. The marketing clearing context includes both day to day price variations and the seasonal price
variations. Marketing spread is-

a. the difference between the prices farmers receive and consumers pay for equivalent amount of
food. It is referred to as the farm retail price spread or the marketing margin.
b. the difference the prices farmers receive and the wholesalers pay for amount.
1. Prices as a feedback signal to production expected prices at very profitable are likely to lead to:
a. An increase in the output of any competitively produced commodity.
b. An increase in the supply of a competitively supply commodity
c. Stabilize supply
2. The Cobweb Model introduces the theoretical possibility :
a. Continued disequilibrium
b. Disequilibrium
c. Manageable disequilibrium
3. Wholesaler adds value by performing functions such as:
a. Warehousing
b. Transportation
c. Retailing
d. Selling and promoting
4. COV 19, recessions, inflation and other significant changes in disposable personal income
a. Can change food demand overall and not necessarily evenly for all commodities
b. Can change food demand evenly for all commodities
c. Can change food demand unevenly for commodities
5. Once you have your vision and better sense of the opportunities and threats facing your business, you
can begin establishing S.M.A.R.T objectives:
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Attainable
d. Relevant
e. Time-line
6. Marketing Plan
A whole host of variables could come into play that you never considered in the beginning, such as:
a. Changes in consumer demand
b. Channel contraction
c. Consumer contracts
d. Competitive responses
e. Supply costs
7. Cost of production helps to:

a. be a guide to investors
b. determine market prices

c. helps in decision making

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