DRM Booklet - Outline and Guidance

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Outline and guidance for RCEU booklet (27/05/2020)

1. Goal

The objective of the publication is to position National Societies as strong disaster risk management
actors and the Red Cross Red Crescent as an effective collaborative network towards the EU
institutions and EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) participating states2. It will showcase National
Societies’ core work in reducing disaster risks domestically, (including vis-à-vis vis extreme weather
hazards), in strengthening preparedness, and in effectively responding to disasters, while reaching the
most vulnerable people. The publication also aims to illustrate the wide range of activities that National
Societies implement in support of their respective civil protection authorities. While the tasks depend
on the national context and each National Society’s mandate, the publication intends to promote an
active role for National Societies in effectively managing disaster risks.

With the UCPM having been strengthened over recent years, including through the latest amendment
in March 2019, it is a relevant time to release a publication that promotes the Red Cross Red Crescent
as a key partner. The EU’s decisions on new amendments are expected to further enhance the
Mechanism, including in the areas of prevention and preparedness, which provides increased
opportunities for National Societies. For example, EU Member States are requested to produce and
send summary reports on national risk assessments, risk management capabilities, and risk
management plans to the European Commission Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection Directorate
General (DG ECHO). DG ECHO is also currently developing the “European Civil Protection Knowledge
Network” – a platform for civil protection experts and emergency management personnel to share
knowledge, best practices and lessons learnt. DG ECHO and the IFRC, acting in coordination with the
National Red Cross Societies in the EU, have been pursuing their enhanced operational cooperation
since the Administrative Agreement was signed in 2019.

The publication explores elements of success which define the Red Cross’ disaster risk management
work, like impact, relevance, cost-effectiveness, reach – including to the most remote, vulnerable, and
at-risk people and communities, scalability and agility. It highlights innovations and areas for which the
Red Cross is less known, such as analytics or the development of digital technologies. Each chapter is
composed of a short introduction on the topic and 3-4 paragraphs describing the work of several
National Societies. Chapters will include cross-cutting elements related to volunteer management and
to cross-border or other types of collaboration between National Societies.

The publication also contributes to RCEU strategic goals to increase its members’ recognition by EU
decision-makers as: (1) A European network of National Red Cross Societies committed to delivering
excellent programmes on behalf of the most vulnerable; (2) A crucial and respected partner in policy
dialogue; (3) A credible voice on behalf of vulnerable people living at home and abroad; (4) A global
leader in humanitarian response; and (5) An effective partner for the implementation of EU-funded

Starting with the ECHO’s Civil Protection Forum, currently scheduled for 1-2 December 2020, the
publication is expected to be a useful resource for dissemination for several years and in multiple
settings. It will be developed in consultation with the IFRC secretariat and the IFRC Regional Office for
Europe. There is currently no similar publication available.

Working title.
EU Member States, UK in the transition, Iceland, Norway, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey.

2. Outline of the publication

Cover (picture)
Page 1 inner Acknowledgements
Page 2 Table of contents
Introduction Background: Reference to IFRC S2030, PER framework, mandate and auxiliary
role of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Fundamental
Principles, etc.
Introduction gives an outline of the publication - showing the solid basis that
Red Cross Red Crescent has for its work, highlighting some areas of work less
known publicly, which are covered in the publication, and makes a linkage
between UCPM and IFRC/National Societies. (drafted by RCEU)
Chapters (4) Short introduction to each chapter by RCEU. For detailed contents of the
chapters – see the Annex.
Chapter 1: Analytical work to reduce disaster risks, prepare for emergencies
and adapt to climate change
Chapter 2: DRR and early (anticipatory) action
Chapter 3: Innovations in response and operational capacities
Chapter 4: Supporting authorities proactively and in a flexible manner
Conclusions / Includes recommendations on linkage with UCPM, good practices and ways
Recommendations forward based on the work highlighted in the publication.
Sources/further info
Last page Fundamental Principles

3. Timeline for June – November 2020

27 May Launch of the publication project

Emails to NS leadership, DM Coordinators and EU Focal Points.

June–August Bilateral follow up with the NS according to the holiday schedules.


September–October Review by the International Unit and Comms Unit.

Clarifications and additional information from NS (as needed).

19 October Final text ready

October–November Design and printing



4. Instructions to contributors

RCEU is looking forward to your contributions. Please find below some general instructions and advice.
While we very much count on your input, participation in this publication is of course voluntary.

Geographical coverage
▪ The publication will aim to cover all RCEU members (30 National Societies and IFRC) and several of
the National Societies of UCPM participating states.

Guidance on the content

▪ Please write and send us a short one page description of your work, share a good practice or
innovation contributing to one of the chapters of the publication, as discussed and agreed with
the RCEU Office (see below).
▪ Please include references to the collaboration with the authorities and highligt your auxiliary role
when relevant, the invaluable work of volunteers, and any cross-border collaboration, sub-
regional initiatives and other cooperation you have or have had with other National Societies and
IFRC in Europe.
▪ Bilateral exchanges will take place with your National Society over the summer:
o To try and ensure a veriety of topics and activities, you will find some pre-identified
suggested themes in the publication outline annexed to this document. We will follow up
with your National Society bilaterally to further discuss your preferences and potential
o We trust that you will allow us to combine your contribution with others when it makes
sense for the flow of the publication. In case of major changes, we will contact you to
discuss these.
▪ We warmly welcome short stories/voices/quotes from the field (testimony of a volunteer/person
affected/received assistance), but please make sure to get written consent and to include some
details about the individual (name, age, place etc.). This can be part of your contribution, or a
separate small case-study to show the human impact of your NS’s work on the theme.
▪ While the response to the Coronavirus has been at the centre of attention since the beginning of
this year, the publication intends to focus on wide spectrum of disaster risk management work
and frame the work in the context of climate change rather than the COVID-19 response.
Nevertheless, references to COVID-19-related work are planned to be included in a couple of the

Technical guidance:
▪ The maximum length for each contribution is 500 words (appr. one A4 page).
o Each chapter will consist of three to five contributions. In total, the target is to have about
16 case studies, some of which will combine two or more National Societies into one case
▪ Language: Please send your contribution in English if possible. We can discuss other options in
case English is not feasible.
▪ Style: Please use neutral language, be transparent about sources / attribution, be objective, stick
to the facts, beware of putting forward opinions without explanations that are based on evidence/
practices/experience/lessons learnt and spell out acronyms.
▪ The format of the booklet will be similar to the previous RCEU booklets, e.g. Moving forward
together - Red Cross approach to social inclusion of migrants.

▪ If available, please send 2-3 high quality photos related to the topic covered by your contribution.
▪ The publication aims to show a wide variety of work in different contexts, and the diversity of Red
Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers (different age, gender, nationality etc.). Please keep this
in mind when selecting photos.

▪ Include a short description of what can be seen in the photo, including the place + date, and credits
(copyright – who owns the photo).

Please send your contribution to RCEU (email: international@redcross.eu)

before the deadline of 4 September.
For some National Societies this means in practice before the summer holidays (in June/July)
and for others after the summer holidays (August).

5. Distribution

Internal distribution:
▪ Publication will be distributed to the IFRC and National Societies in Europe electronically and on
request in hard copies.

External distribution:
▪ First main external target will be the Civil Protection Forum (1-2- December 2020).
▪ It will be published on RCEU website and promoted on social media.
▪ Digital copies will be shared with the EU institutions and other Brussels-based stakeholders.
▪ National Societies are encouraged to share it with their respective authorities.

Civil Protection Forum

The European Civil Protection Forum is the largest recurring public event on European civil protection
cooperation. The 2018 edition of the Forum gathered some 900 representatives from the European
civil protection community, including EU Member State governments, civil protection authorities in
Europe and the European Neighbourhood, first-line responders, academia, international
organisations, NGOs and the European institutions and Red Cross representatives.

The publication will be distributed at the seventh European Civil Protection Forum, currently scheduled
for 1-2 December 2020, at the Exhibition area and/or taking other opportunities. It will also support
the positioning of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in lead up to the event and during the event.


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