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ANDRÉS GUTIÉRREZ OCAMPO Ingenieria en Sistemas Computacionales-2 I


1.- What is your favourite season and why?= My

favorite season of the year is the Winter because it´s cold and i like the
cold, when the weather is cool there are not mosquitos,i also like when
it rains a lot because the sound of the falling rain relaxes me
when it's freezing it's very nice drink a cup of hot chocolate and I like

2.- Describe the weather in your country during all the

The climate of my country in certain áreas changes temperature but
many times it´s very hot.
In spring the sun radiates a lot of heat and the days are perfect for
In the summer the rains are frequent and the breeze is more
refreshing, in the summer the days are perfect to harvest.
In autumn the leaves fall from the tres and the weather is very windy,.
it´s not hot in autumn.
In the Winter is the perfect weather to ice skate and use a coad.

3.- What special traditions are associated with different

seasons in your country?=
kings day is celebrated in early january or late Winter and we drink hot
chocolate with kings bread.
ANDRÉS GUTIÉRREZ OCAMPO Ingenieria en Sistemas Computacionales-2 I

In my country the christmas is celebrated in the Winter and the food is

hot an delicious
On February 14 or early spring the day of love and friendship is
celebrated and all couples demonstrate their love with gifts of love and
In late autumn the day of the dead is celebrated, which is an original
tradition of Mexico and offerings are made for our dead relatives.

4.- Do you think weather patterns are changing? If so,

why do you think this is?
Climate patterns are changing due to global warming, so it is very hot
and the climate is not the same, due to the quarantine of Mexico and
other countries, pollution has decreased and has helped the planet
because in this way it is not so affected by pollution.
The sun of decades ago did not emit so much solar radiation that
affected people.

5.- Do you think weather affects the way people feel? Why
do you think so?
The heat of my country makes people feel uncomfortable and
desperate because the sun emits too much radiation. And few people
endure the hot weather.
The rain angers people because their clothes cannot be dried
In cold weather it is difficult for people to bathe since the air
temperature is not adequate and that is why people can get upset.
The hot weather can also relax some people as they can go out to cool
off in a pool.

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