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Running head: Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics 1

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics

Michele O’Brien

Aspen University: Informatics in Healthcare

May 13, 2019

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics 2

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics

Healthcare in the modern world is not as simple as it used to be with the rising number of

social media platforms used for healthcare advertising, reviews, and blogs; ethical and legal….

In this paper, social media policies in hospitals will be discussed as well as how the healthcare

provider and patient relationship has changed with social media. As well as discussing social

media in healthcare, points will be made to discuss whether or not employers should be able to

hire based on a prospective employees social media pages. Does someone’s personal life

displayed for public viewing allow a potential employer to make judgement on the candidate as a

professional? Although the answer seems simple, a black and white yes or no, many areas should

be considered before making that judgement. Lastly, the relationship between accreditation

decisions, reimbursement, quality of care, and informatics will be discussed.

Social Media Policy

In the age of sharing our private, personal everyday moments in life with the public,

healthcare professionals need to be careful when displaying or sharing content on social media,

especially if discussing anything medical or work-place related. Healthcare professionals,

especially nurses, have an ethical and legal obligation to keep patient information confidential.

Social media has become an outlet for many people to display their feelings, share exciting,

impactful moments of their life and at times, healthcare professionals can forget about their

ethical and legal obligations and share with the public, pictures of patients without their consent,

against HIPPA, and more than likely against the policies of their employer. All healthcare

institiuions should have set social media policies in place, making sure their employees are well

aware of what is expected and the code of conduct that should be followed.
Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics 3

Implementaion of

Application Considerations

What is the Relationship



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