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By Matthias Tauber, Daniel Feldkamp, Christian Guse, Ailke Heidemann, Till Zupancic, and
Tobias Schriefl

T hink of the word home, and you may

conjure up an image of a cozy bungalow,
high-rise condo, or tidy garden apartment.
It’s not a given, however, that the construc-
tion industry can provide the types of hous-
ing that people will want in the future. For
that to happen, building owners, real estate
But the concept of a home is changing, developers, contractors, and building mate-
and so is the way that homes are con- rials manufacturers must transform the
structed. The abode that people equate ways they do business. Among other things,
with comfort, safety, and family is being they must act early to secure property in
transformed into something new by a con- desirable areas and use modern construc-
fluence of factors. Among them are popu- tion and building technologies to provide
lation growth, a shortage of affordable the types of dwelling units that people
housing, sustainability regulations, and a want to live in. They will also need to use
construction industry that’s in the middle digital tools for just about all their tasks,
of a technology revolution. including to obtain financing and to im-
prove communications with end customers.
Around the world, the industry is building If they manage to accomplish this, then
new forms of housing that are affordable, they may retain or advance their current
shared, ecofriendly, flexible, stylish, or competitive standing. Otherwise, they risk
healthy. These alternatives to traditional being left behind.
homes already make up 4% to 6% of all
new residential units built in any given
year, according to research from Boston The Ten Forces Transforming
Consulting Group. The indicators of future Residential Housing
demand in our study suggest that the por- The factors that are changing the concept
tion of new units represented by futuristic of “home, sweet home” include both con-
housing forms will continue to increase sumer trends, which are creating demand
over the next dozen years. for new forms of housing, and construction
industry trends, which affect how organiza- ment of larger housing to accommodate
tions operate and what they can supply. multiple generations living under one roof,
(See Exhibit 1.) especially in eastern countries such as
China and India.
Five consumer trends influence where and
how people want to live. Sustainability. Consumers’ greater appreci-
ation for sustainability and tighter regula-
Urbanization. People continue to migrate tions on energy consumption and green
to cities, increasing urban density and the development are spurring the production
need for compact living quarters. By 2030, of more ecofriendly housing options. By
the number of people living in cities with 2018, 88 countries had mandatory or
more than 1 million residents will jump voluntary guidelines for building-related
from 3.1 billion to 3.8 billion, a rise of 22%. energy consumption or greenhouse gas
This trend is already evident in big cities in emissions, compared with 38 countries in
Germany, where 80% of residential units 1994. Such developments have been
constructed in 2018 were in multistory bolstered by global pacts, including the
buildings, compared with approximately 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change,
60% ten years ago. which had been adopted by 195 countries
as of early 2019.
Demographic Changes. Family sizes are
shrinking, and the world’s population is Affordability. Rent increases that continue
aging, increasing interest in living spaces to outstrip wages, along with other factors,
that are either smaller or larger than are have contributed to affordable-housing
typical today. By 2030, 43% of households shortages around the globe. To combat the
worldwide will consist of just one or two issue, cities have approved such measures
people, increasing demand for smaller as inclusionary up-zoning, where a portion
living quarters. At the same time, an aging of new buildings in a given area are
population will encourage the develop- allocated to affordable housing. They’ve

Exhibit 1 | Ten Trends Are Shaping What Future Types of Housing Will Look Like

Urbanization Demographic Sustainability Affordability Digital

DEMAND changes economy
SIDE • Migration to urban • Shrinking • Increased regulation • Widespread housing • Online-centric work,
centers households • Voluntary initiatives shortages play, life
• 41 megacities by • Aging population • Public interest in • Lower property • Growth of sharing
2030 • Multiple generations green living ownership economy
living together • Increased income • Popularity of remote
gaps work

Construction Construction Building Access and Supplier

SUPPLY technology methods technology distribution landscape
SIDE • Digital collaboration • Modular • Smart buildings • Growth of direct • Stagnant
tools construction • Connected homes sales productivity
• Construction 4.0 • Prefabrication • Product innovations • Online marketplaces • Labor shortages
• Drones and other • Integrated systems • New financing • Value chain
onsite devices sources integration

Source: BCG analysis.

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also used infill development, which targets triples usable living space by stowing an
vacant or underused urban areas for occupant’s items in ceiling-mounted
residential housing. modules when they’re not needed.

Digital Economy. As the economy becomes Access and Distribution. Such new technol-
more digital, what people look for in a ogies as virtual reality, augmented reality,
house is changing. More than half of the and interactive websites are bringing
world’s population now has internet construction industry players closer to end
access, and in developed countries, 65% of customers. (See Building Materials Makers
millennials and Generation Z interact with Forge a Digital Path to Homeowners, BCG
each other more through digital means Focus, June 2018). New cloud-based
than they do in person. Such trends are financing platforms are also closing the gap
increasing interest in remote work, home between industry players and consumers.
offices, smart homes, and shared living,
among other things. Supplier Landscape. Stagnating productivi-
ty in the construction industry and an
Five supply-side industry trends also affect ongoing labor shortage have pushed
what types of homes are built and how organizations to search for new ways to
they are constructed. complete projects with fewer people. In the
US, 90% of contractors, builders, and
Construction Technology. A technology managers have trouble finding skilled
revolution has upended the construction workers. The situation has led construction
industry. Organizations are starting to industry players to integrate along their
integrate such innovations as robotics, onsite value chains and to collaborate with
drones, and building information modeling industry newcomers, including tech compa-
into routine construction practices. In the nies. For example, Amazon partners with
US, a boom in construction startups that Lennar to install Alexa devices in all the
create or use such innovations attracted US homebuilding giant’s new units and has
more than $1 billion in venture capital invested in a prefabrication construction
investments in the first half of 2018, a 30% company to diversify and strengthen its
increase over the total in the previous year. smart-home business.

Construction Methods. More residential

home builders are using prefabrication— Six Emerging Housing Types
where sections of a structure are built in a Conventional single- and multifamily
factory and then assembled on site—to homes aren’t going away. But over time,
improve productivity and decrease costs. new forms of residential housing will be-
Modularization, a subset of prefab con- come more widespread and, eventually,
struction where parts of a structure are could surpass traditional dwellings. BCG
built in box-like portions, gives builders has identified six new types of housing that
more opportunities to customize what they meet the demands created by the trends
offer. In India, construction companies are we outlined above. Future residences will
beginning to use more of these processes to probably include elements of multiple
combat prices for raw materials, which are types. (See Exhibit 2.)
up to three times higher today than they
were in 2005. Affordable. Budget-conscious housing
typically consists of mid- to high-rise
Building Technology. Contractors are structures with relatively small units that
incorporating the internet of things and are built with basic, inexpensive materials
intelligent and agile systems to make and comparatively little technology in
buildings “smart” and energy efficient. For order to make construction fast and
example, startup Bumblebee Spaces claims cost-effective, which lowers prices for
that its automated and artificial intelli- buyers. One example of modern affordable
gence-based storage system doubles or housing is the Dortheavej Residence in

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Exhibit 2 | Six New Dwelling Types Have Emerged to Meet Demand

Affordable Shared Ecofriendly Flexible Stylish Healthy

• Compact layout • Small individual • Zero-waste design • Adjustable building • Futuristic, • Built-in wellness
• Taller buildings to units • Carbon neutral design and functions aesthetically amenities, such as
minimize base-level • 24/7 access to • Bioengineered and • Different unit shapes pleasing design air filtration and
footprint shared multipurpose other innovative and sizes • Unique features purification systems
• Low-cost, facilities, such as materials • Prefabricated created with • Sensors to track air,
inexpensive kitchens, dining • Extensive use of new construction and state-of-the-art water, and lighting
materials rooms, and gyms technologies to modular units construction • Multi-unit dwellings
• Fast, cost-effective • Community events enhance • Sometimes sold with methods may include
construction • Potential for sustainability near-raw interiors to communal wellness
• Limited use of subscription-based maximize centers
technology to or short-term rentals customization
minimize costs • Possible
consolidated billing
for rent and other

Source: BCG analysis.

Copenhagen, which has been recognized Flexible. People change, and flexible homes
for creating generous living spaces on a are designed to change with them, with
strict budget through the use of modest designs and functions that can be adapted,
materials and prefabricated components. added to, or improved upon as needed. In
some types of flexible homes, builders sell
Shared. The economy that’s produced properties in an unfinished condition so
ride-sharing services and coworking spaces that homeowners will be free to design or
has come to housing. Shared-housing redesign the interior. The Superloft residenc-
structures have small individual units and es built in Amsterdam by a Dutch developer
larger, multifunctional spaces that all are examples of such properties. The
residents use: think university dormitories company uses prefabricated concrete
but for all ages and with upgraded ameni- modules, along with other modern construc-
ties. The Collective, for example, is one of tion techniques and technologies, to config-
the largest shared-housing developments ure the buildings into housing blocks,
built to date. Designed as a microcity and townhomes, or high-rises.
located in the outskirts of London, the
complex includes 550 bedrooms plus Stylish. This future home type has original
communal kitchens, laundries, outdoor features that may be constructed using 3D
areas, a gym, a restaurant, a spa, and even printing or other modern technologies.
a cinema.
Healthy. Homes that are designed to
Ecofriendly. Sustainability is the watch word improve the inhabitants’ health and
for residences that are built in the most well-being might have state-of-the-art air
environmentally conscious ways possible. filtration and purification systems, illumi-
One example is the Genesee Park Net Zero nation systems that mimic natural light to
home project in Seattle, Washington. The improve biorhythms, or community spaces
single-family home, which serves as a model for wellness facilities.
for future projects, was constructed with
responsibly harvested and recycled materi-
als. It uses rooftop solar power to generate Future Housing Types Are
more energy than it consumes in a year, Expected to Continue to Gain
which eliminates 3.7 tons of carbon dioxide Ground
emissions annually—equal to the amount Alternatives to traditional housing may
that a midsize car would produce. sound futuristic. But they already represent

Boston Consulting Group | Building the Housing of the Future  4

4% to 6% of current new residential units, On the index’s scale of 1 to 10, the lowest
according to BCG research. We predict that, score indicates the least potential demand
as the consumer and industry trends de- and the highest indicates the greatest po-
scribed above continue to take hold, the tential demand. We used the index and the
portion of new residential units represent- scale to estimate the change in demand
ed by futuristic housing forms will contin- from 2018 to 2030.
ue to increase through 2030.
We also used the index to look at how de-
To reach this conclusion, we analyzed ten mand for housing options in five specific
factors that indicate housing industry de- cities could change during that period. We
mand, among them population growth rate chose New York, Berlin, Shanghai, Riyadh,
and density, household size, and residential and Bangalore because they are located on
occupancy rate. (See Exhibit 3.) The ten different continents with different econom-
factors also include indicators of consumer ic and demographic circumstances and
demand that have a bearing on the type of thus produce a more complete picture of
housing that people choose to live in, such how demand for new housing types could
as carbon-dioxide reduction efforts and play out around the world.
sustainability index scores. We studied the
indicators separately and then compiled According to our analysis, although new
them into an index to score the overall de- housing options should increase in all five
mand for various types of future housing. places, the rate of change will likely vary

Exhibit 3 | The BCG Future of Housing Index Shows Demand For New Options Is Likely to Grow

Ten factors that indicate potential interest point to continued increases, though
development rates could vary by location

New York Berlin Shanghai Riyadh Bangalore

5.9 6.9 5.8 6.7 4.0 4.7 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.4
FOH Index
+17% +16% +16% +7% +1%

Population growth rate 1.5 2.1 1.5 1.2 6.6 4.6 7.5 4.1 8.4 6.0
Population density 4.1 4.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.3 1.8 2.2 5.6 7.8

Population share over age 65 4.9 5.5 6.6 7.5 4.2 6.0 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.3

Demographic changes Population share under age 30 4.7 3.3 2.8 3.1 4.2 2.9 6.9 5.6 8.5 6.9

Share of small households 7.5 7.7 9.6 9.8 5.7 6.9 2.9 3.0 1.7 1.9

Carbon-dioxide reduction efforts 5.6 7.5 7.3 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.9 4.6 3.9 6.6
Score on sustainability index 5.6 6.7 6.5 8.1 2.6 4.3 3.0 4.0 4.2 1.5

Cost of living plus rent index 10.0 10.0 5.1 6.5 4.2 5.8 3.2 4.1 1.9 3.1
Occupancy rate 6.6 9.7 10.0 10.0 5.1 5.8 6.7 4.9 5.8 3.1

Digital economy Digital indicator 7.1 9.1 6.5 8.0 4.8 6.3 4.3 6.0 2.4 3.7

Key: FOH Index 2018 FOH Index 2030

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: FOH = future of housing. The scale is 1 to 10, with 1 equal to the least potential FOH demand and 10 equal to the greatest potential
FOH demand.

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by location. The greatest potential demand Property owners also should aim to de-
for future housing options is in New York, emphasize midsize units and acquire the
whose total index score shows a potential smaller and larger units that are expected
increase of 17%, from 5.9 in 2018 to 6.9 in to become more popular. To stay in step
2030. Growth in demand in that city is with the sharing economy, they should offer
most likely to come from the need for af- or expand shared spaces and communal liv-
fordable housing and from a large popula- ing services, including coliving spaces and
tion of younger residents who want to live spaces for community-building activities.
in places that match their digital lifestyle.
Finally, they must use digital tools along
The index scores for Berlin and Shanghai the entire value chain. For example, they
are each expected to climb by 16%. In both can incorporate virtual reality into
Berlin, where the index score shows a po- end-consumer marketing programs or use
tential increase from 5.8 to 6.7, and Shang- smart sensors in maintenance and facility
hai, where it may improve from 4.0 to 4.7, management systems to increase efficiency.
stronger demand comes from an expected
uptick in sustainable housing and resi- Real Estate Developers. Because urbaniza-
dents’ digital lifestyles. tion will make acquiring desirable land in
popular city settings more difficult, real
The index also predicts demand for new estate developers must find and secure
housing types in Riyadh to increase from ideal locations as early as possible to beat
4.0 to 4.3, thus rising by 7%, on the strength competitors. Developers also can buy
of expected growth in demand for sustain- second-tier or suburban locations and
able housing, among other factors. collaborate with local authorities or other
partners to upgrade transportation and
Of the five cities, Bangalore has the weakest infrastructure in order to make the areas as
predicted increase in demand for new hous- appealing to potential residents as the
ing forms. Its index score could rise by a housing options in high-profile neighbor-
mere 1%, from 4.3 to 4.4. This is largely be- hoods. And because developers may need
cause although demand is expected to grow to respond to demands for both customiza-
as a result of residents’ digital lifestyle, it tion and affordable housing, they can use
will be partially offset by other indicators. prefabricated and modular building
components to speed up projects and
minimize costs.
To Stay Competitive, Industry
Players Must Adjust What’s more, now that crowdfunding is
To prepare for these shifts in the housing starting to take off, new sources of financing
market, construction industry stakeholders in a variety of industries are emerging, in-
must understand what the changes mean cluding in construction. Developers can gain
for their existing operations and figure out access to alternative financing sources by
how to adapt. It is especially important for using new types of crowdfunding platforms
established companies to make adjust- that let individuals invest in real estate.
ments sooner rather than later in order to
retain market share and address new forms The disintermediation that the digital
of competition. Ultimately, a company’s economy has created has made customers
specific actions will depend on its industry comfortable with engaging directly with
segment and specific circumstances. the proprietors of the things they buy. De-
velopers can capitalize on this trend and
Property Owners. Property owners have to use digital tools, such as virtual reality, to
own real estate in locations where people make it easy for customers to learn what
want to be. With more of the world’s they have to offer.
population migrating to big cities, that
means offering housing units in premium Contractors. A global construction industry
urban locations and suburban hubs. labor shortage is not expected to improve

Boston Consulting Group | Building the Housing of the Future  6

any time soon. (See An Action Plan to Solve risks associated with jumping into new
the Industry’s Talent Gap, a World Economic products early on, building materials
Forum report produced in collaboration manufacturers can monitor trends, bolster
with BCG, February 2018.) To deal with a their ability to customize, and fund R&D in
prolonged scarcity of skilled labor, contrac- targeted areas.
tors must figure out how to boost produc-
tivity with existing labor and resources. For In all the areas we studied, homeowners
example, they can adopt certain construc- and governments alike support the use of
tion methods, such as prefabrication, and more sustainable building materials, a sen-
use data-based technologies, such as timent that will likely get stronger over
building information modeling, to operate time. To respond, building materials com-
more efficiently. panies can support R&D in sustainability.
They also can use energy and waste-
Contractors face other challenges as well. efficient technologies in manufacturing
At many job sites, work crews are being processes; for example, making 3D-printed
asked to forgo manual, hands-on building parts to reduce construction waste.
methods in favor of programming and op-
erating devices—endeavors that require E-commerce, mobile payments, and other
new skills. Contractors can offer training in markers of the digital economy now allow
order to retain their best people and at- consumers to communicate directly, and
tract potential hires. Moreover, if contrac- comfortably, with suppliers. Building mate-
tors opt to build affordable housing, they rials manufacturers can capitalize on this
must find ways to mitigate the associated trend by creating or using online market-
cost pressures. Toward that end, they can places to distribute products and services
promote industry-wide standardization, off- directly to end customers.
site production, supply chain coordination,
and lean approaches—all of which help
achieve higher productivity while increas-
ing project quality. H omes will always have walls and
doors, ceilings and floors. But what
those materials are made of, where they’re
To respond to increased demands for sus- made, how they’re installed, where they’re
tainable—and sustainably built—buildings, situated, and who lives within the spaces
contractors can strive to make their work that they create will change. The entire
state of the art, ecofriendly, and resource concept of housing is evolving—and the
efficient. construction and building industry needs
to evolve, too. Industry stakeholders will
Building Materials Manufacturers. Compa- need to respond to the challenges that de-
nies that make building materials must be mand for new housing forms will create
ready to respond to increased demand for through planning, ingenuity, investing in
customization and new functions. One way R&D, and collaborating with value chain
they can prepare is to sell state-of-the-art partners. If they cannot do so, they may
materials that can be integrated into find themselves shut out, like a homeown-
overall solutions. For example, they could er who’s forgotten their key. But if they
sell energy-producing glass products, can, they will unlock the door to new op-
translucent wood, or self-healing concrete portunities.
to building contractors. To mitigate any

Boston Consulting Group | Building the Housing of the Future  7

About the Authors
Matthias Tauber is a partner and managing director in the Munich office of Boston Consulting Group.
You may contact him at

Daniel Feldkamp is a partner and managing director in the firm’s Melbourne office.
You may contact him at

Christian Guse is a partner and managing director in BCG’s Munich office.

You may contact him at

Ailke Heidemann is a principal in the firm’s Stuttgart office.

You may contact her at

Till Zupancic was a project leader in BCG’s Munich office.

Tobias Schriefl is an associate in the firm’s Vienna office.

You may contact him at

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