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This graph shows the amount of complaints received by environmental health authority

between 1980 and 1996 regarding noise in newtown city and it is different causes.

This graph shows the number of contribution of different causes of noise in newtown city
according to complaints received by environmental health authority in between 1980 and

The amount of people complained about noise was increased from nearly 1750 complaints
in 1980 to more than 1400 complaints in 1996. This increase was associated with changes in
contribution of different source of noise. The large number of complaints in 1980 was
related to noise caused by road work, while in 1996 it was due to domestic household. The
latter cause had a steady course till 1984 then it had small decline followed by sharp rise
starting from 1988. Although the number of traffic noise complaints followed the same
pattern as domestic household ones but with lesser number. Road work complaints was
causes of largest number of complaints in 1980 around 650 and decreased steadily to be the
smallest number in 1996 about 100. Noise caused by factories was in the second position in
1980. It increased gradually till 1982 to be the largest cause of noise together with road
work. As the latter declined , factory contribution to noise became steady and be the main
cause in between 1982 and 1990 after that it became the second caused of noise.

In conclusion , although increase in the total number from 1980 till 1996, The number of
different cause of noise complaints was changed either increase of some like domestic
household and decrease of other causes as road work.

Task two

A common feature of the modern life is spending time watching television. This have lead to
changes in family habits with controversial about advantages and disadvantages.

Television is an important media tool. It has role in entertainment, education, broadcasting

news and information as well as communication. For example you can know what is the
weather tomorrow , or what is happening in the world, or you can have a lesson on foreign

In spite of its benefit, Some family believe that television is harmful as it leads to loosing of
family bonds. The is happens because each member of family is giving attention to the
television program while ignoring talks with each other

In addition, the more extensive time spend watching television, the more hazards of
physical inactivity and less participation in group activity. Activity sharing with other persons
is considered one of the ways of communication with them and increasing sense humanity .
In conclusion , watching television has its good and bad sides. Although its individualization
effect on families, its wise use can make it more useful by giving more time to be spent with
other members of the family to discussing the material watched in television.

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