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o Group is the sociological unit.

o Group dynamics are interactions and forces among

the members of that group in a social situation.
» How do Individual Form Group?
a. Group based on affiliation of propinquity.
b. Group based on activities, interactions and sentiments.
c. The Balance theory: Person’s are attracted to one
another on the basis of similar attitudes towards
commonly relevant objectives, values or goals such as:
religion, politics, lifestyle, work, marriage, authority etc.
Consequently, among the members if any imbalance occurs
that can not be restores then they dissolves the relationship.
d. Exchange theory: Interaction between Reward–Cost–

Prof. Arefin 1
» Difference between Group & Team:
Group performs the functions of what its members do as
individuals however, performance of a team includes both
individual as well as collective work result.

» Different Types of groups:

o Primary vs Small group: Primary group must have
feeling of comradeship, loyalty and a commonsense of
values among the members. Small groups are only small
who meet only the criterion of small size.
o Group in Coalitions that deliberately constructed by the
members for specific purposes.
o Membership group are those where individual actually
belongs however the Reference group are those to where
individual likes to be identifies with only.
o In-group vs Out-group
o Formal vs Informal group
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 When Group or Team become Effective?
Effective groups should have shared
dreams and manage conflict by abandoning
individual egos in the pursuit of a dream. It
depends on:
o Task interdependence: How closely
group members work together.
o Outcome interdependence: Whether &
how the group performance is rewarded.
o Potency: Member’s belief that the group
can be effective.

 When Group becomes Ineffective?

o When members are not willing to give-up their past
practices or power or position.
o Lack of ability, knowledge and skills.
o Face conflict and challenges to their own personal
Prof. Arefin 3
Types of Leadership
 Autocratic or Authoritative
Leader who tended to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make
unilateral decision and limit employee participation.
Limitations: Advantages:
o Limit the creativity or o More effective when time is limit
innovativeness o If leader is most knowledgeable
o Fail to establish employees o When there is Conflict among the
satisfaction & commitment participants

 Democratic or Participative
Tended to involve employees in decision making, get ideas and opinions
from them, have trust & confidence in subordinates, delegating authority,
give rewards as an opportunity for coaching & developing subordinates.
Participative style is more effective because:
o Participation is the part of social value thus it reflects changing social
and political values;
o This can improve effectiveness by tapping the ideas of people with
knowledge and experiences and make employees more satisfied &
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Source of Leadership
 Trait or Charismatic Leader:
Also known as the Great-man theory of
leadership which is based on the view that
leaders are born, not made.
Followers make attributions of heroic or
extraordinary leadership qualities – (known
as traits) e.g. height, attractiveness,
intelligence, good vocabulary, etc. when
they observe certain behaviors.

 Contingency or situational Leader:

People become leaders not only because
of their qualities but also because of
various situational factors and the
interactions between group members and
the leader.

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Research on:
Role of Leadership on Group Productivity

Research issue of Schachter study

was: effect of group cohesiveness
and induction (or leadership) on the
productivity where productivity is
dependent variable.
 Group cohesiveness depend on:
o Agreement on group goal
o Frequency of interaction
o Personal attractiveness
o Inter-group competition
o Favorable evaluation ………….etc
Result: High cohesive groups have
powerful dynamics both positive and
negative however it is depend more
on the leadership style.

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