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Al-Azhar University ‫جامعة االزهر‬

Faculty of Pharmacy (Boys) ‫(كلية الصيدلة )بنين‬


Department: Pharmacognosy
Academic year: 2019/2020
Course name: Pharmacognosy 3
Course code: PPG324
Lecturers: Dr/ Abdelsalam Ibrahim
Dr/Ahmed Ezz
Research project title: Animal secretion as source of drugs

Student Name: ‫أحمد محمد ابراهيم عبد السميع‬
Student Number: 2018026
Mobile number: 01120444261

Secret Code:
Degree :
Name :…………………………….. signature
Evaluators : Name :…………………………….. signature
Name :…………………………….. signature
Al-Azhar University ‫جامعة االزهر‬
Faculty of Pharmacy (Boys) ‫(كلية الصيدلة )بنين‬


Topic Page No.

Introduction 1

Heparin extraction 2
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fish oil) 3
Using of insects and their chemical weaponry as drugs 3
Using of insects and their chemical weaponry as drugs 4
induction of human pancreatic progenitors produces functional beta like
cells in vitro
induction of human pancreatic progenitors produces functional beta like
cells in vitro
animal venoms and toxins 5
animal venoms and toxins 6
Snake venom as anti cancer drug 6
Snake venom as anti cancer drug 7
Summary 8
References 9

Livestock products have made a major difference to human safety and well-being
throughout modern history. A important addition of cattle to human health is the long-
term utilization of bovine and porcine for the development of insulin (for the
treatment of diabetes), gelatin (for medicinal and other purposes), as well as horse and
sheep antibodies against natural venoms, pathogens, medicines and microbial
peptides. Gelatin is the main animal protein eaten in human health and includes
antibody particles. In addition to their biosafety, the serious problem of animal-
derived therapeutics, specifically those of large molecular weight, is the induction of
immunogenicity. However, invertebrates and lower vertebrates offer human beings a
variety of essential life-saving small-peptides or their analogs, such as Refludan,
Prialt, Exendin,. Not only do cattle use widely as templates for experimental
therapeutic techniques, biodegradable implant processing and tissue repair products,
such as skin and heart valves. Recently, they are being used as bioreactor for the
development of biopharmaceutical related products by gene farming with much
greater efficiency than any traditional microbial or cell-culture production method.
Just 16 transgenic cows will meet the worldwide requirements of human growth
hormones. Transgenic technology , particularly animal technology, will fix many
drawbacks of biopharmaceutical products, such as cost, biosecurity, immunogenicity
and availability measurements. Edward Jenner's groundbreaking research on cowpox
in the 18th century opened the way for current vaccine campaigns against smallpox
and other human and animal diseases.(1)

1.Heparin extraction
Heparin controls haemostasis at different stages in the coagulation pathway primarily
by interfering with antithrombin and heparin cofactor II. Despite of these features,
heparin is a life-saving anticoagulant utilized in renal dialysis, heart intervention, and
deep vein thrombosis treatment. The medication frequently binds to platelets, reduces
platelet activity and adds to the hemorrhagic symptoms of heparin. Bovine heparin,
first approved in 1939, has been widely used in the United States for even more than
50 years. As other medications, heparin can have negative consequences, but generally
bovine heparin products were shown to be safe and successful during that time.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was first recorded in the United Kingdom
and subsequently in many other countries in the late 1980s, increasing questions
regarding the usage of bovine heparin products in humans. Owing to these issues,
manufacturers of bovine heparin goods voluntarily removed it from the US sector in
the 1990s. Since then, heparin drugs licensed for use in the US and Europe have been
derived exclusively from pigs, with about 60 per cent of the medication supply
originating from China. Heparin is a life-saving drug that has been used safely since
the 1940s. However, in 2007, polluted heparin caused a number of deaths in the
United States and hundreds of serious side effects globally. Contaminated heparin has
been shown to produce over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS). OSCS was a
inexpensive organic adulterant with some anticoagulant action which was presumably
applied to heparin to raise sales while the product was in low supply owing to an
epidemic of pig disease. This "heparin crisis" revealed the insecurity of drug suppliers
provided by progressively multinational supply chains and exposed the dangers
implicit in depending on one nation and one animal species as the primary source of a
vital medication.(2)
2.Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fish oil)
Omega-3 [(n-3)] fatty acids have been linked to healthy aging over a lifetime. Fish-
derived omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have recently been linked with embryonic
growth, cardiovascular activity, and Alzheimer's disease. However, because our
bodies do not produce certain omega-3 fatty acids efficiently from marine sources, it
is necessary to obtain adequate quantities through fish and fish-oil products. Studies
have shown that EPA and DHA are essential for proper fetal development, including
neuronal, retinal and immune functions. EPA and DHA may influence multiple facets
of cardiovascular function, including inflammation, peripheral artery disease,
significant coronary accidents, and anticoagulation. EPA and DHA have been related
to positive outcomes in treatment, weight control and cognitive performance for
people with relatively moderate Alzheimer's disease. Omega-3 [(n-3)] broad chain
PUFA, like EPA and DHA, are food fats providing a variety of health benefits.

These are introduced into other areas of the body, including cell membranes, which
play a function in anti-inflammatory mechanisms, cell membrane viscosity which safe
ageing. DHA is a central component in all cell membranes present in abundance in the
brain and retina. EPA and DHA are both precursors of many metabolites that are
active mediators of lipid, known by several investigators to be helpful in the
prevention or treatment of many diseases.(3)

3. Using of insects and their chemical weaponry as drugs

Some insect-derived compounds have been shown to have biological activities linked
to a number of other diseases besides infections and cancers by pathways other than
cytotoxicity. For starters, bee venom therapy is widely used to treat a number of
disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, and discomfort,  Cancer too.
It contains a wide range of proteins and other   Materials with multiple
pharmaceutically relevant characteristics. Usage with bee venom and other animal
items bees are classified as apitherapy. There is also an association devoted to the
advancement of apitherapy, the American Apitherapy Community. As far back as
around 2500 years ago, Hippocrates has been administered bee stings for medicinal
purposes. In addition to the antimicrobial , anticancer and antiviral activities described
above, mellitin and other products of bee-sting venom have been found by several
laboratories to have biological activities related to these diseases and probably others.
DNA coding for melittin, along with gene therapy methods, has even shown that
effects on certain cancers both in vitro and in vivo studies. Powdered silkworm larvae
(silkworm powder) are often prescribed in Asian medicine and are commercially
available. Silkworm powder has been tested and shown in modern bioassays to inhibit
absorption of glucose in human intestinal epithelium cells20 and reduce vasopressin
expression in the hypothalamus of diabetic mice.(4)

4. induction of human pancreatic progenitors produces

functional beta like cells in vitro
The subsequent transformation of human pluripotent stem cells into viable insulin-
producing beta-like cells is very exciting for cell replacement therapy for patients with
diabetes. This method also offers a rare opportunity to research previously elusive
facets of human beta cell production and work in vitro. Here, we show that current
protocols for pancreatic progenitor differentiation promote early endocrine
commitment, ultimately leading to the generation of non-functional polyhormonal
cells. Omission of widely used BMP inhibitors during pancreatic differentiation
inhibits premature endocrine development when treatment with retinoic acid

accompanied by a combination EGF / KGF effectively induces both PDX1 + and
corresponding PDX 1+/NKX 6.1 + pancreatic progenitor populations, respectively.
Precise temporal stimulation of endocrine differentiation in PDX 1+/NKX 6.1 +
progenitors induces in vitro glucose-responsive beta-like cells that show core features
of bona fide human beta cells, stay stable after short-term transplantation, and
decrease blood glucose rates in diabetic mice. Therefore, our streamlined and versatile
method effectively recapitulates essential steps in the production of human pancreas
and provides a quick and reproducible supply of usable human beta-like cells.(5)

5. animal venoms and toxins

Venoms and toxins have not only triggered global morbidity and death, but are often
seen as a possible test for revealing multifaceted biological processes. By nature,
venoms are the secretion of venomous animals, which are synthesized and processed
in different areas of their bodies, i.e. venomous glands. Animals use venoms to defend
themselves or to immobilize the prey. Most venoms are a complex mixture of proteins
, peptides, enzymes, toxins and non-protein inclusions. The composition and
chemistry of venoms varies between species, age , sex and different geographical
regions. Toxins that exist in venoms and poisons in venomous animals are biologically
pure poisonous agents with more or less similar effects on biological structures.
Biodiversity and the selectivity of venoms and toxins make them a special source of
lead and structural templates for the development of new therapeutic agents.
Medicinal use of venoms and toxins has been discussed in the Ayurvedic, Unani,
Chinese and Homeopathic medicines systems. For example, the old indian physician
Sushruta (7th century B.C.) used snake venom to prolong his life. Charaka was of the
opinion that in the case of "Udra Roga" (a illness of the intestinal system) which was

uncontrollable by other medicinal measures, snake venom was very useful. The cobra
venom in "Charak Samhita" and "Vagbata" was reported to be effective in
"Dushydara" and "Jalodara" (ascites). Spider, bee and snake venoms are frequently
used in homeopathic medicine. Buthus martensii Karsch venom has been used for
more than 2,000 years to treat different diseases as defined in traditional Chinese
medical practice. In old Gallenical treatment, known to the Chinese as Chan Su
(Senso to the Japanese), toad and frog skin extracts are used for the treatment of
different diseases. Chinese toad skins, soaked in wine, are used to treat leukemia2.
The use of animal venoms and contaminants in ethnic folk medicine is the foundation
of modern science. Venoms and contaminants have sought a niche on the medicine
industry. Several isolated toxins with known modes of action have practical
applications such as pharmaceutical agents, diagnostic reagents or preparation tools.
Chinese medicine firms and conventional drug stores have sold amphibian pieces such
as dried oviducts of frog Rana chensinensis and toad (Bufonid) fur. Captopril, an
angiotensin 1 conversion enzyme extracted from a brazilian rat, is used in the
diagnosis of lung disease.(6)

6.Snake venom as anti cancer drug

Cervical cancer is the fourth most predominant cancer in ladies around the world.
Reactivation of apoptosis has been the essential method to diminish the spread of
cancer. There's a have to be extend the rummage around for exploratory solutions and
present more effective and less hurtful approaches for the determination of cervical
cancer. Inquire about has been conducted to recognize unused drugs that have
negligible side impacts and center on the microenvironment of the tumor, in specific
cell apoptosis acceptance and cell movement and angiogenesis hindrance. Powerful

poisons from wind venoms have illustrated guarantee as a medium for the
advancement of modern medications with these characteristics. The show work was
pointed at portraying the characteristics of cervical cancer, related chance
components, current treatment and highlighting the impacts of poisons confined from
the poison of snakes of the Viperidae family on cervical cancer cells.(7)


At the conclusion of this investigate I trust that I have given a total clarification
around the drugs and restorative arrangements extricated from creatures such as
snakes creepy crawlies frogs and other creatures that had a major part within the
improvement of the pharmaceutical industry and therapeutic arrangements specialized
in treating numerous infections such as anti microbials analgesics and drugs that
specialize in treating cancer as well as drugs that It is utilized within the treatment of
nerve and hormone conditions such as affront and much appreciated to the revelation
of these solutions for the abundant endeavors given by researchers for the advantage
of humanity and the headway of medication and drug store to the most extreme extent
all of this is often of extraordinary advantage to the understanding and give the most
excellent treatment with the speediest and most effective impact and less side impacts.


1. Redwan, EL-Rashdy M. "Animal-derived pharmaceutical proteins." Journal of

Immunoassay and Immunochemistry® 30.3 (2009): 262-290.
2. Chase, David Keire Barbara Mulloy Christina, et al. "Diversifying the global
heparin supply chain: reintroduction of bovine heparin in the United
States?." Pharmaceutical Technology 39.11 (2015).
3. Swanson, Danielle, Robert Block, and Shaker A. Mousa. "Omega-3 fatty acids
EPA and DHA: health benefits throughout life." Advances in nutrition 3.1
(2012): 1-7.
4. Dossey, Aaron T. "Insects and their chemical weaponry: new potential for drug
discovery." Natural product reports 27.12 (2010): 1737-1757.
5. Russ, Holger A., et al. "Controlled induction of human pancreatic progenitors
produces functional beta‐like cells in vitro." The EMBO journal 34.13 (2015):
6. Gomes, Antony, et al. "Anticancer potential of animal venoms and toxins."
7. Montoya-Gómez, Alejandro, et al. "Cervical cancer and potential
pharmacological treatment with snake venoms." Molecular Biology
Reports (2020).

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