Part - 9: Complier Design: 9.1 Introduction To Compilers

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Quick Refresher Guide Complier Design

Part – 9: Complier Design

9.1 Introduction to Compilers

Translator: A translator is a program that takes as input a program written in one language and
produces as output a program in another language. Beside program translation, the translator
performs another role, the error-detection. Any violation of the HLL specification would be
detected and reported to the programmers. Important role of translator are: translating the HLL
program input into an equivalent ML program and providing diagnostic messages wherever the
programmer violates specification of the HLL.
Type of Translators: - Interpreter, Compiler, Preprossessor, Etc
Source program


Source program


Target assembly program


Relocatable machine code

Loader/link editor library,

relocatable object file

Absolute machine code

Fig. 9.1.1.A language-processing system.

In addition to a compiler, several other programs may be required to create an executable target
program. Figure 9.1.1 shows a typical language processing process along with the compilation”.
Interpreter: Unlike compiler, interpreter takes single instruction & executes.
Advantage of Interpreter:-
 Certain language features supported by Interpreter rather than compiler.
 “Portability”

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 A compiler is a program that reads a program written in one language – the source
language – and translates it into an equivalent program in another language – the target
 As an important part of this translation process, the compiler reports to its user the
presence of errors in the source program.

Source Compiler Machine

code code

Applications: Errors
 Design of Interfaces
 Design of language migration tools
 Design of Re – engineering Tools
Two-Pass Assembly:
The simplest form of assembler makes two passes over the input, where a pass consists of
reading an input file once. In the first pass, all the identifiers that denote storage locations are
found and stored in a symbol table.
In the second pass, the assembler scans the input again. This time, it translates each operation
code into the sequence of bits representing that operation in machine language, and it translates
each identifier representing a location into the address given for that identifier in the symbol
The output of the second pass is usually relocatable machine code, meaning that it can be loaded
starting at any location L in memory; i.e., If L is added to all addresses in the code, then all
references will be correct. Thus, the out- put of the assembler must distinguish those portions of
instructions that refer to addresses that can be relocated.
Loaders and Link-Editors:
 A program called loader performs the two functions of loading and link-editing.
 The process of loading consists of taking relocatable machine code, altering the relocatable
addresses and placing the altered instructions and data in memory at the proper locations.
 The link-editor makes a single program from several files of relocatable machine code.

The Phases of a Compiler

A compiler includes the different phases, each of which transforms the source program from one
representation to another. From figure 9.1.2 the compiler structure has following:
 Lexical analysis
 Syntax Analysis
 Semantic analysis
 Intermediate code generation
 Code optimization
 Target code generation

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Source Front Intermediate Back Machine

code end Language end code


Front end is 0(n) or 0(n logn)

Back end is NP-complete
The six phases divided into 2 Groups
1. Front End: Depends on stream of tokens and parse tree ( also called analysis phase)
2. Back End: Dependent on Target, Independent of source code ( also called synthesis phase)
The Compilation Model
There are two parts to compilation: analysis and synthesis.
High level program

Lexical Analyzer

Stream of tokens

Syntax Analyzer

Parse tree

Semantic Analyzer
Annotates Parse tree
Symbol Table Error Handling
Management Intermediate code Generation Table
Intermediate form

Code Optimization
Optimized intermediate form

Code Generatin

Assembly Program

Fig. 9.1.2. Compiler structure

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Symbol-Table Management

 A symbol table is a data structure containing a record for each identifier, with fields for the
attributes of the identifier.
 Symbol table is a data Structure in a compiler used for managing information about variables
& their attributes.

Error Detection and Reporting

 The syntax and semantic analysis phases usually handle a large fraction of the errors
detectable by the compiler.
 The lexical phase can detect errors where the characters remaining in the input do not form
any token of the language.
 Errors where the token stream violates the structure rules (syntax) of the language are
determined by the syntax analysis phase.


1. Linear or Lexical analysis, in which stream of characters making up the source program
is read from left-to-right and grouped into tokens that are sequences of characters
having a collective meaning.
2. Hierarchical or Syntax analysis, in which characters or tokens are grouped hierarchically
into nested collections with collective meaning.
3. Semantic analysis, in which certain checks are performed to ensure that the components
of a program fit together meaningfully.

Lexical Analysis:

 The lexical analyzer is the first phase of a compiler. Its main task is to read the input
characters and produce as output a sequence of tokens that the parser uses for syntax
 Sometimes, lexical analyzers are divided into a cascade of two phases, the first called
“scanning” and the second "lexical analysis."
 The scanner is responsible for doing simple tasks, while the lexical analyzer does the more
complex operations.

Consider the expression

t=t t
where t,t t are floats
Lexical analyzer will generate id id id

Syntax Analysis:

 Hierarchical analysis is called parsing or syntax analysis.

 It involves grouping the tokens of the source program into grammatical phrases that are
used by the compiler to synthesize output.
 The hierarchical structure of a program is usually expressed by recursive rules. For
example, we might have the following rules as part of the definition of expressions:
1. Any identifier is an expression.
2. Any number is an expression.

THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, KeshavaKrupa (third Floor), 30th Cross, 10th Main, Jayanagar 4th Block, Bangalore-11
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3. If expression1 and expression2 are expression, then so are

expression1 + expression 2
expression1 * expression 2

Ex. Parser will generate

id +
id ×
id 12

Semantic Analysis:

 The semantic analysis phase checks the source program for semantic errors and gathers
type information for the subsequent code-generation phase.
 It uses the hierarchical structure determined by the syntax-analysis phase to identify the
operators and operands of expressions and statements.
 An important component of semantic analysis is type checking.

Ex. Now as t +1 &t are float. 12 is also converted to float

id +
id ×
id Int to float


Intermediate Code Generation (or) ICG:

 After syntax and semantic analysis compiler generate an explicit intermediate

representation of the source program.
 This intermediate representation should have two important properties; easy to produce,
and easy to translate into the target program.

Ex. Intermediate code will be

te = id .
te id te
id te

THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, KeshavaKrupa (third Floor), 30th Cross, 10th Main, Jayanagar 4th Block, Bangalore-11
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Code Optimization:

The code optimization phase attempts to improve the intermediate code, so that faster-running
machine code will result. Some optimizations are trivial.

Advantages of Code Optimization:-

- Improves Efficiency
- Occupies less memory
- Executes fast

Ex. Optimized code will be

te id .
id id te

Code Generation:

The final phase of the compiler is the generation of target code, consisting normally of
relocatable machine code or assembly code. Memory locations are selected for each of the
variables used by the program. Then, intermediate instructions are each translated into a
sequence of machine instructions that perform the same task. A crucial aspect is the assignment
of variables to registers.

Machine code will look like

MOV id
Where contains id & contains id .

 Lexical Analysis

 A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol (e.g.

PUNCTUATION SYMBOLS such as parenthesis, commas, and semicolons.).

 The process of forming tokens from an input stream of characters is called tokenization
and the lexer categorizes them according to a symbol type.

 A lexeme is a sequence of characters in the source program that is matched by the

pattern for a token.
 For example, the following statement

Int number ;

The substring ‘nu ber’ is a lexe e for the token “identifier” or “ID” ‘int’ is a lexe e
for the token “keyword” and ‘;’ is a lexe e for the token”;”

THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, KeshavaKrupa (third Floor), 30th Cross, 10th Main, Jayanagar 4th Block, Bangalore-11
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