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May 20, 2009

Volume 1, Issue 1

The Place
See Ya Seniors!
Inside this issue: With every year comes more Kyle Kincaid, Bryan King,
Approaching the Throne 2 good-byes...this year “The Tori Leep, Don Ntontolo,
Place” is sending more sen- Chayton Nye, Daniel
iors out into the world. We Puckett, Mackenzie Rucker,
Events 2009-2010 2 wish each and everyone of Eric Salyers, Amy Shafer,
you luck and our prayers will Tyler Sowards and Aaron
always be with you! Ward
Love One Another 2
So many of you have touched Cabell Midland High
the lives of leaders and School
Reds Faith Day 3
younger teens in this
Jon Caleb Midkiff
God is For Me 3 The seniors will be Good luck and God Bless, Class of 2009
By: Steve McVey Never forget who you are in
joining the colle-
Christ and how much He
gian class tonight
Thanks Braggy!!! 4 loves and adores you! you continue to grow
for a time of reflection and
The Class of 2009 to discuss their future. and show others Christ!

Fairland High School As of tonight they will be Matthew 19:26 “With

moving into that class and God all things are possi-
Tyler Godby, Cole Hatfield, ble.”
leaving us...We pray that
Jevon Hayes, Zach Jordan,

Summer Events:
Cow Poop
Amazing Race Scavenger Right now at this very mo- them will be leaving their We...need to be taking in the
ment I am watching one of remnants of last nights din- good stuff!!!
Saturday June 20th @ 5pm
the biggest cows I’ve ever ner behind them…
If these calves in this field
Billy Bob’s Night seen in my life...have a
These cows are taking in never ate the grass or the
Thursday July 9th @ 5:30pm bowel movement...I have
what is good for grain they would never
never seen this much poop
Red’s Faith Day them...continuously...and grow.
come out of anything in my
Sunday August 2nd @ 9pm releasing all of the...bad
life!!! Just like these calves...if we
stuff...or lets just say...crap,
Back to School Kickoff Christians don’t take in
But you know a that is weighing them
Wednesday September 2nd God’s word (the good
Christian I can down…
@ 6:30pm stuff)...we will never grow!
see every cow in that field
Colossians 3:2 says: Set your
right now is bent over, nose So there you have it...a com-
mind on things that are
to the ground...eating parison of Christians and
above, not on the things that
grass...and within the next Cows...
are on the earth.
few moments every one of
Page 2 The Place

Approaching the Throne

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the midst of one of the most turbulent times God with confidence...He, just like Abra-
throne of grace with confidence, so that in American history...put everything to ham will drop EVERYTHING to listen to
we may receive mercy and find grace to the side...dropped his papers...picked my every word and pull me to Him and
help us in our time of need. up his son and listened to his every as Zephaniah 3:17 says: He will take
word...then he took care of his request. great delight in you, he will quiet you
A story is told of Tad Lincoln bursting
with his love, he will rejoice over you
through doors into his father Abraham’s It is unbelievable that I can approach the
with singing.
office during a cabinet the God of the universe in the same way Tad
middle of the Civil War...the men were approached his father, the President of What an AWESOME GOD!!!
probably agitated at this young boy and the United States...he didn’t need per-
his cries of a turkey “Jack” his friend mission or approval...he simply had to
being killed for Christmas dinner...Tad open the doors...and make his request
pleaded his case openly and sincerely to known.
his father...he didn’t care what everyone
Prayer is the same exact thing...Anytime,
else thought...he wanted his request
Anywhere I can approach the throne of
known to his father...and Abraham in the

Events for 2009-2010

This past week “The Place” nailed down Wednesday September 2nd @ 6:30 pm “There is something for you @ The
dates for group events. we will Kick-Off the school year with Place in 2009-2010!!!”
inflatable's, games, concessions and a
Saturday June 20th @ 5pm we will have
dunking booth.
an Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt.

Thursday July 9th @ 5:30pm we will head

Friday October 23rd @ 9pm after the Scavenger Hunt, Billy Bob’s, Bon Fire,
annual Chesapeake & Fairland football
to Billy Bob’s for an evening of Putt-Putt, 5th Quarter, Lock In & MORE!!!
game we will have our 5th Quarter!
Laser Tag, Go Carting and Pizza!!!
Saturday November 7th @ 5pm the
Sunday August 2nd @ 9am we will jour-
yearly bon-fire will take place out back
ney to Cincinnati for a long day of base-
of FBC.
ball and praising God in the 3rd annual
“Reds Faith Day.” And February 5th @ 8:30pm “Super Lock-
In II” will kickoff Super bowl weekend!

Love One Another

The church motto for the year had my six Mt. Dews for the commandment, that ye love one an-
is “Love One Another” day...or when the Steelers lose… other, as I have loved you!
(which doesn’t happen often.)
Sometimes I have to remind
myself of this...especially when Choose to be an example through-
some snotty nose kid doesn’t out the rest of the year to honestly
listen in class...or when “Love One Another.”
“Love One Another”
I’m not having a good
John 15:12 says: This is my
day...or when I haven’t
Page 3

Cincinnati Reds Faith Day

The Cincinnati Reds are once again heard testimonies from Reds players, great experience as Mr. Chapman is
giving Christians a reason to come to Bill Bray and Jeremy Affeldt. After the currently on his first tour after the
the ballpark! On August 2, 2009 the testimonies the band Mercy Me per- death of his 5 year old daughter
Reds Organization and the Creation formed for the second year at Faith Maria. Currently Mr. Chapman's
Museum will present the 3rd Day. website says that it has been an
Annual “Reds Faith Day.” “awful, amazing, tragic, remarkable,
One of the most moving por-
terrible, incredible year for the Chap-
Last year 37,468 people at- tions of the concert occurred
man family. We remain certain
tended the game and most of when the band invited the
maybe more sure than ever...that God
that crowd stayed for the post audience to sing “Amazing
is faithful, and the Gospel is true!”
game activities. 50 FBC Grace” in unison.
adults and teenagers made We hope that you join us on
This year Mercy Me will not perform
the trip and enjoyed watching the this day as we praise Jesus @ Great
at the show but Essential Recording
Reds win by a score of 7-3 over the St. American Ballpark!
Artist Steven Curtis Chapman will
Louis Cardinals. After the game, fans
headline the event! It is sure to be a More details to come!

God Is For Me By: Steve McVey

“God is for me.” Can you make that Will you affirm this truth in your own Your circumstances may or may not turn
statement with a deep sense of cer- life? God really is for you. Nothing can out like you want, but He will hold you
tainty? He is you know. When things ever change His mind or heart toward in His loving and sovereign arms and
are going the way you want, God is for you. If you are His gently whisper His love to you again
you. When life seems to be falling child, His loving kind- and again. Sit in quietness for a moment
apart, God is for you. When the Philis- ness toward you will
“Circumstances may be suffocating
tines chased David down in Gath, he last forever. (Read
wrote, “This I know, that God is for Psalm 136 sometime!) you at times, but God is for you!”
me” (Psalm 56:9). What a time to make
Circumstances may - Steve McVey
a declaration like that!
be suffocating you at
Many of us have found ourselves in a times, but God is for
place similar to David’s situation at you! Negative feel-
times. Life is closing in...the enemy ings may seem to be
seems to have us cornered and there strangling you, but God is for you! Life
and listen to His loving voice assure you
appears to be no way out. Pleasant cir- may not make sense at a
of that fact until, like the Psalmist,
cumstances disappear before our eyes given moment, but God
you may say, “This I know, God is
and the world turns dark. is for you! Trust Him!
for me!”
When you feel like
At times like that, we may be tempted to
you’re drowning in an
cry out, “Why is God against me?” Not
ocean of problems,
David. He assured himself with the
cling to your Heavenly
truth, “God is for me.” He didn’t say,
Father. He will prove
“This I feel, that God is for me.” There
Himself strong in your
are many times in life that we don’t feel
life by assuring you of
like God is for us. No, he said, “This I
His love.
know, that God is for me.
FBC Proctorville, Ohio The Purpose of “The Place” is to give teenagers (6th-12th Graders) a safe
place to relax and be themselves. But most importantly hear the word of
First Baptist Church
C/O “The Place”
627 County Road 411
Proctorville, Ohio 45669
Phone: 740-886-6905

The Place was started in 1999 when Pastor Jeff Black was Youth Pastor @ FBC.
There were 12 teenagers that attended the first meeting of “The Place.” Since
then the group has expanded out of it’s meeting room...into the gymnasium
and very soon expanding again into the churches new Family Life Center. “The

Sunday School: 9:30 am Place” has witnessed hundreds of teenagers accept Jesus Christ as their per-
Sunday Service: 10:30 am

sonal Savior in the past 10 years!!!

We’re on the Web! It is our prayer that the young people attending “The Place” accept Christ and
go out into the community and their homes and let their light shine on others
and use them as witnesses!!!

Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Service: 10:30 am
Sunday Night: 6pm
Wednesday Night: 7pm
The Place: 6:30pm

Thanks Braggy!!!
This summer “The Place” is losing a This program is intended to shift stu-
very solid part of our leadership team. dents from Caraway Street, thru Main
Jeff Bragg will be stepping away from Street and continue their journey to
“The Place” in mid-June. Jeff has been where else??? The Place!
an important piece to Wednesday
Jeff has blessed us with
nights for the past six years.
his bubbly personality
The reason for Jeff’s departure is and on more than one
AWESOME!!! Jeff will be placing more occasion a lick across the
focus onto Caraway Street, an amazing face! Jeff has taught many
interactive children’s ministry where groups and classes and
kids learn basic Biblical truths about enjoys sharing God’s
their identity in Christ. In this ministry word with young people!
kids from kindergarten thru third
Please pray for Jeff as he
grade enjoy songs, skits, puppets, and
goes into this new minis-
being a part of the show.
Jeff is also taking on with our pastors
And don’t worry...I’m sure we’ll see
the development of a new Junior
him around time and again!
Church Program called “Main Street.”

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