Time (H) Ordinate of Storm Base of Flow Ordinate of DRH Ordinate of Unit Hydrograph

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Time (h) Ordinate of Base of flow Ordinate of Ordinate of Unit

storm DRH hydrograph

0 10 10 0 0
6 14 10 4 1
12 242 10 232 58
18 180 10 170 42.5
24 142 10 132 33
30 110 10 100 25
36 80 10 70 17.5
42 60 10 50 12.5
48 52 10 42 10.5
54 36 10 26 6.5
60 18 10 8 2
66 10 10 0 0
Sum 834 208.5

Time (h) Ordinate S-curve S-curve S-curve lagged (Col4-col5) Col6*(6/12) 12-
of 6hr UH addition ordinate by 12h h UH ordinate

0 0 — 0 — 0 0
6 1 0 1 — 1 0.5
12 58 1 59 0 59 29.5
18 42.5 59 101.5 1 100.5 50.25
24 33 101.5 134.5 59 75.5 37.75
30 25 134.5 159.5 101.5 58 29
36 17.5 159.5 177 134.5 42.5 21.25
42 12.5 177 189.5 159.5 30 15
48 10.5 189.5 200 177 23 11.5
54 6.5 200 206.5 189.5 17 8.5
60 2 206.5 208.5 200 8.5 4.25
66 0 208.5 208.5 206.5 2 1
72 — 208.5 208.5 208.5 0 0

S-curve ordinate S-curve lagged by 12h Col6*(6/12) 12-h UH ordinate

⬆ B


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