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Studentt’s Book Practice Book

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Noelle Child
Optional Materials

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Skyrocket Your Grammar 3 Student's portada .indd 1 9/12/14 11:28 AM

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Noelle Child
58 St. Aldates
Oxford, OX1 1ST
United Kingdom

Skyrocket Your Grammar

Student’s Book Level 3

Publisher: Justine Piekarowicz

Senior Editor: Aída Berber
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57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 69, 72; José Labari Ilundain pp. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36,
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ISBN: 978-607-06-0887-2
First edition: January 2014
First reprint: June 2014

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.............. 4
A Picnic in the Country ...

n ts 1
2 Down on the Farm ............

3 Going Places ........................

Review Units 1, 2 and 3 ...
4 Fun Time on the Rides ......
............. 30
5 Puppet Fun ........................
........ 36
6 Party Time! ..............................
.............. 42
Review Units 4, 5 and 6 ...
............. 44
7 Music Is Their Life ............
............... 50
8 Famous Explorers ............
............. 56
9 Reading Fables ..................
.............. 62
Review Units 7, 8 and 9 ...
...................... 64
Grammar Reference .........

...................... 69
Dictation ...........................

A P icn ic i n t he Cou nt r y
there is / there are
We use there iss to talk about one thing
that exists in a place.
There is a lake.
We use there are to talk about more
than one thing that exists in a place.
There are three boats.

1 Read and mark (✓) the correct picture.

1. There are three mountains. 2. There is a pond.

3. There is a bike. 4. There are two paths.

2 Read and fill in the blanks with There is or There are.

I live in a small town.

a big avenue. a bicycle
lane. six pedestrian
crossings. small streets.
three traffic lights.

a little / a lot of
A little and a lot off are words you use
before nouns that you can’t count.
A little is used to describe a small amount
of something.
There is a little cheese.
A lot off is used describe a large amount
of something.
There is a lot off bread

1 Look and match.

1. There is a 2. There is a 3. There is a lot 4. There is a
lot of juice. little soda. of chicken. little bread.

2 Listen and circle the correct picture. 1

1 2 3

Unit 1 A Picnic in the Country 5

a few / a lot of
A few
w and a lot off are words you use
before nouns that you can count.
A few
w is used to describe a small
number of things.
There are a few chips in the bag.
A lot off is used to describe a large
number of things.
There are a lot off ants on the blanket.

1 Look, read and circle the correct words.

1. There are a few / a lot of paths. 5. There are a few / a lot of picnic areas.
2. There are a few / a lot of trees. 6. There are a few / a lot of pedestrian bridges.
3. There are a few / a lot of ponds. 7. There are a few / a lot of children.
4. There are a few / a lot of hills. 8. There are a few / a lot of cars.

6 Unit 1 A Picnic in the Country

2 Look and mark (✓ or ✗).
Can you count it? ✓ = Yes ✗ = No
1. soda 2. sandwiches 3. apples

4. chips 5. water 6. cheese

Look at the pictures above. Then read and complete the sentences.

I have a lot of food in my picnic basket!

1. Is there any soda? Yes! There is a lot of soda.

2. Are there any sandwiches? Yes!

3. Are there any apples? Yes!

4. Are there any chips? Yes!

5. Is there any water? Yes!

6. Is there any cheese? Yes!

Great! Let’s go to the park!

Unit 1 A Picnic in the Country 7

1 Read and use the code to circle the underlined words.
Things you can count = Things you can’t count =

It’s 1857. About half a million people live

in New York City. It’s crowded and busy.
There aren’t many trees. People travel to the
country to see nature, but it’s far away.
Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux
decide to plan a new park. They want the
park to have water, grass and trees, just like the country. They want a place where
people can find a little peace and quiet near the city.
Many people work to build the park. It takes a lot of time and work to get the
land ready. They remove rocks and bring in good soil. They plant trees and flowers.
They build bridges and fountains. They even build lakes and ponds. It takes twenty
years to finish Central Park.

Today, more than eight million people live in New York City. The city is more
crowded. It is busier, too. But now there is a place where people can find peace and
quiet. They do not have to travel far. People are happy to come to Central Park.
In Central Park, there are shady paths. There are birds and small animals. People
can ride bikes and play ball. They can row boats on the ponds and have picnics on
the grass. There are even a few hills to climb. Visiting Central Park is like visiting
the country, right in the middle of the city!

8 Unit 1 A Picnic in the Country

2 Read and mark (✓) the correct column.

Central Park Facts a little a few a lot of

24,000 trees ✓

4 paths

3 lakes

250 acres
of grass

less than 30 cm
of snow in

9,000 benches

Write some sentences about Central Park.

1. There are a lot of trees.

Unit 1 A Picnic in the Country 9


D ow n on t he Fa r m
this / that
This and that are demonstrative pronouns. We use this with singular nouns that
are near us. We use that with singular nouns that are at a distance from us.
This is my bike.
That is my house.

1 Look and write N (Near the boy) or F (Far away from the boy).

Read and fill in the blanks with This or That.

1. is a wheelbarrow. 5. is a pail.
2. is a shovel. 6. is a goat.
3. is a chicken. 7. is a horse.
4. is a cow. 8. is a broom.

Present Simple, affirmative
We use the present simple to talk about activities in a routine. Sometimes
we use a time expression to say when or how often something happens.
I walk my dog every day. We go to school from Mondays to Fridays.
On Saturdays, you wash the car. They swim in the afternoons.
For the third person singular, we add s or es to the end of the verb.
She feeds the birds on sunny days. He brushes the horse every morning.

1 Read and circle the correct word.

Saturday is a very busy day.

1. In the morning, I sweep / sweeps the floors.
2. You wash / washes the dog.
3. Mom go / goes to the store.
4. Dad work / works in the garden.
5. They cook / cooks lunch.
6. In the afternoon, we play / plays in the park.
I like Saturday afternoons!

2 Read and correct the mistakes.

On Saturdays, I wake up very late. My sister and I goes to the park. We ride our
bikes, or we swings on the swings. Mom and Dad goes to the supermarket.
Dad washes his car. Mom read a book. After lunch, we all watch a movie on TV
My sister and I also read a book or paints pictures. I love Saturdays!

3 Write about yourself and a friend.

1. On rainy days, I .
On Sunday mornings, .
2. On summer days, my friend .
On Sunday afternoons, .

Unit 2 Down on the Farm 11

Present Simple, interrogative
To ask questions in the present simple, we use the auxiliary do and the base form
of the verb.
Do your sisters work on the farm? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
For the third person singular, we use the auxiliary does and the base form of the verb.
Does your brother work there, too? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 2



1. your dad the cows?

Yes, he does. He milks the cows in the morning and in the evening.
2. you to the park?
No, I don’t. But I go to the movies every weekend!
Read the answers and write the questions.
1. Does Katie collect the eggs in the afternoon?
Yes, she does. Katie collects the eggs in the afternoon.
No, she doesn’t. Lauren doesn’t brush horses every day.
Yes, they do. Katie and Lauren go to school.
No, she doesn’t. Katie doesn’t play video games after school.
Yes, they do. The girls clean their rooms on Saturdays.

12 Unit 2 Down on the Farm

Prepositions of Place
We use prepositions of place to describe the location of a noun.

The chicken is next to the cow. The chicken is behind the cow.

The chicken is between the cows. The chicken is on the cow.

1 Look and circle T (True) or F (False).

1. The wheelbarrow is behind the horse. T F

2. The basket is on the broom. T F
3. The turkey is between the goat and the sheep. T F
4. The chick is behind the sheep. T F
5. There is hay on the wheelbarrow and the floor. T F
6. The chicken is next to the wheelbarrow. T F

Unit 2 Down on the Farm 13

1 Read and number the pictures.

Jip the Sheepdo g

My dog Jip is a sheepdog. We live on
a sheep farm, and Jip helps take care
of our sheep. He works hard every day.
In the morning, Jip herds the sheep.
He walks behind them, and they move
where he wants them to go. Jip takes the
sheep to eat grass on the hill (1).
Jip sits on the hill all day and watches
the sheep. If one sheep walks too far, Jip It’s fun to watch Jip, because he loves
runs to that sheep. He brings that sheep to herd sheep.
back. He makes sure the sheep stay on My dad calls to Jip. Jip runs behind
our land where they are safe. In the the sheep. He runs this way and that
evening, Jip and my dad bring the sheep way until the sheep are next to each
home. Dad calls, “Jip, it’s time to go!” other (2). My dad calls to Jip again.
Jip brings all the sheep home safely. Jip moves the sheep until they stand
Every year, we go to the sheepdog in a line, one behind the other (3). My
trials. It’s like a contest or a game. dad calls one more time. This time, Jip
Farmers bring their best sheepdogs. They herds the sheep between the gates. The
show everyone what their sheepdogs sheep stay in the pen (4). Jip is a great
can do. Many people watch the trials. sheepdog!

14 Unit 2 Down on the Farm

2 Unscramble the sentences.
1. Jip / in the morning / sheep / herds / our

2. sheepdog trials / people / the / every year / watch

3. day / Jip / sheep / watches / the / all

4. in the pen / the / sheep / stay / ? / do

5. herd / does / ? / in the evening / Jip / the sheep

6. you / do / Jip / ? / every day / like / watching

3 Read and match the sentences with the pictures.

1. The sheepdog is behind 2. The sheepdog is on 3. The sheepdog is next to
the hay. the tractor. the farmer.

4 Read and circle the correct verb.

On Saturday mornings
mornings, I take care of Jip. First I feed
Jip First, d / feeds him breakfast
breakfast. Next
I wash / washes him. He don’t / doesn’t like getting a bath! He run / runs around
to dry off. Then I brush / brushes him. Now, Jip is happy and clean.

Unit 2 Down on the Farm 15


G o i n g Pl a c e s
Questions with can
We use can to ask if something is possible.

Where can you buy a new soccer ball? You can buy one at the sports store.

1 Listen and number the stores. 3

Look and write a question for each picture.

1. Where can you buy a baseball bat?
2. Where can you ?

Present Simple with Frequency Adverbs
To say how frequently something is done, we use the adverbs always, often, sometimes
and neverr with the present simple form of the verb.

Pia always Jenny often Lola sometimes Zoe never

brushes her hair. brushes her hair. brushes her hair. brushes her hair.
(every day) (4–6 days a week) (1–3 days a week) (not at all)

1 Read and circle the correct verb form.

1. Henry and I often read / reads books.
2. Henry sometimes buy / buys books
at the bookstore.
3. But I never buy / buys books.
4. I always go / goes to the library!

2 Look, read and complete the sentences.

never always often sometimes eat eats play plays

Su M T W Th F Sa 1. She
✓ ✓ basketball.
Su M T W Th F Sa 2. Mr. Wu
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ an apple.
Su M T W Th F Sa 3. They
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ at a restaurant.
Su M T W Th F Sa 4. The boys
video games.

Unit 3 Going Places 17

Which? What time? When?
We ask which when the answer implies two or more options. Sometimes, these
questions don’t use an auxiliary. Then the verb is in the third person singular form.
Which store closes first, the drugstore or the sports store? The sports store.
When asking what time or when, we use the correct form of the auxiliary verb do.
What time do restaurants open for dinner?
They open at 4:00 p.m.
When do restaurants open for dinner?
What time does the grocery store open?
It opens at 8:30 a.m.
When does the grocery store open?

1 Read and write the correct numbers.

1 2 3 4

Open every day:

M to
Sunday & Monday: 8:15 a
F: 6:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m
closed Sa, Su . to 8:4 Monday to Saturday:
: 9:45 5 p.m
Tuesday to Saturday: a.m. to . 10:15 a.m. to
8:45 p
2:15 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. .m. 7:45 p.m.
Closed Sundays

1. Which store opens first?

2. Which stores close on Sundays? ,
3. Which stores are open at 8:30 p.m.? ,
4. Which store is closed for a week in July?
Read the answers and write the questions.
1. When does the drugstore have a sale?
The drugstore has a sale on June 30th.
The hairstylist’s opens at a quarter past two.
The vet’s closes at a quarter to eight on Wednesday.

18 Unit 3 Going Places

How often?
We use how often to ask how frequently something is done. When asking how often,
we use the correct form of the auxiliary verb do.

How often does Rocko go to the gym? How often do you go to the gym?
Rocko goes to the gym every day. I go to the gym once a year.

1 Unscramble the questions. Then write your own answers.

1. buy / often / How / your family / sports equipment / does / ?
Q: How often does your family buy sports equipment?
A: Three times a year.
2. your friends / often / How / in the pool / hang out / do / ?
3. before bed / How / do / read / often / a book / you / ?
4. does / your town / have / often / a parade / How / ?
Rewrite your answers using never, sometimes, often or always.
1. My family sometimes buys sports equipment.

Unit 3 Going Places 19

1 Read and label the pictures with Katie, Kelly or Katie and Kelly.

My name is Katie, and I have a twin sister Kelly often goes to dance class after
named Kelly. Being twins means we are school. I sometimes go to the gym, but
the same age and we look a lot alike. I never go to dance class. I always play
People never learn soccer.
our names correctly. Every weekend I want
They often say we are to go to the park, but
exactly the same, but on most weekends Kelly
we really aren’t. wants to visit the movie
First of all, we never theater. When we eat at a
dress the same. I restaurant, I often want hot
often buy clothes at dogs, but Kelly likes eating
the sports store, but vegetables for every meal.
Kelly always buys Kelly and I are alike
elegant clothes at the in some ways, though. We
department store. always feel scared when we
Second, my hair is Kelly Katie see big spiders. We always
messy. Mom always cry at sad movies. We laugh
tells me to brush it, at the same things, too. So
but she never tells Kelly. Kelly always even though we sometimes like different
brushes her hair in the morning. things, we are best friends most days of
We never want to go to the same places. the week. After all, we are twins!

20 Unit 3 Going Places

2 Read and fill in the blanks.
go buy learn do laugh does eat want

1. How often your sister clothes at a sports store?

2. How often you clothes at a sports store?

3. How often you to dance class?

4. How often your sister to the gym?

5. How often people your names correctly?

6. How often you to go to the park?

7. How often you vegetables?

8. How often your sister at the same things you do?

Use the code to write Kelly’s answers to the quiz.

0 boxes = never 1–2 boxes = sometimes 4 boxes = often 5 boxes = always
1. She often buys clothes at a sports store.
2. I .

Unit 3 Going Places 21

Review Units 1, 2 and 3

1 Read, look and fill in the blanks.

behind between next to on first twenty-fifth a little a few to past

Every summer there is a big farmer’s market the library and Grand
Avenue. It starts on May and ends on September .
It’s open every day from a quarter eight to a quarter seven.
My mom goes to Apple Tree Orchards Ellie’s Eggs to buy juice
and apples. I like going to Dan’s Dairy Apple Tree Orchards.
There you can buy fresh ice cream with chocolate top. Yum!
Rewrite the sentences using always, often or sometimes.
1. Every day, Miss Ellie collects eggs from her chickens.

2. Once a month, Mr. Chesterton has a sale on cheese.

3. Three times a week, we buy vegetables from Valley Veggies.

2 Listen and fill in the blanks. 4

Where a radio,
A basketball, a shirt, and new shoes?
Where can you buy a chocolate bar?
them all right now!

Slow down! Just go to the mall.

at a lot of stores there.
buy everything
In one place at the mall.

Where ? I need a haircut!

Where a piece of pizza?
It’s a five so there
Is not time!

Calm down! Just walk to Main Street.

There is a great .
Al’s Pizza that
Is open every .

What ? We are so busy!

We run around this city!
we climb into our car
And ride out to the country.

Come here, come to the country!

Leave all your cares you.
Sit, rest and have a picnic
the grass so green.

Review 23

Fu n T i me on t he R ides
How much? / How many?
To ask the cost of something, we use how much and the auxiliary verb do.
How much does cotton candy cost?
How much do french fries cost?
To ask about quantities, or the number of something,
we use how manyy and the plural form of the noun.
How many hot dogs can you buy for $6.00?

1 Listen and match the items with the prices. 5

1 2 3 4 5 6

$1.25 2 for $3.00 $1.50 $2.00 $4.00 $1.75

Read, complete and answer the questions.
how much how many do does

1. french fries cost?

2. a hot dog cost?
3. Popsicles can you buy for $3.00?
4. popcorn cost?

Present Continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about actions happening at the time of speaking.
We use a form of the auxiliary verb be and the base verb with the ending –ing.
I am eating a hot dog. Harry is selling a lot of hot dogs! People are waiting in a line.

1 Circle the correct form of be.

1. You am / are / is running fast.

2. He am / are / is wearing a hat.
3. We am / are / is laughing.
4. She am / are / is having fun at the amusement park.
5. I am / are / is reading the sign at the roller coaster.
6. They am / are / is screaming in the haunted house.

2 Read and correct the mistakes.

I’m Marco. Today I’m at the fair with my family.
We is wearing red shirts, so we can find each other
easily in the crowd. I are riding the Ferris wheel.
It’s fun. Up here I can see everyone! My sisters Anna
and Lisa is screaming on the swing ride. They are
fly through the air! My brother Joe are eating a
hamburger. Mom drinking a soda next to him.
Oh, look! Dad is takes a photo of me. Hi, Dad!

Unit 4 Fun Time on the Rides 25

Questions in the Present Continuous
When asking questions in the present continuous, the
form of the auxiliary verb be goes before the subject.
You are eating ice cream. " Are you eating ice cream?

1 Unscramble the questions.

1. screaming / Are / the boys / ?
Are the boys screaming?
2. the dolphin / eating / Is / ?

3. the girl / Is / flying / ?

4. the man and the girl / taking / Are / a photo / ?

Look and answer the questions.

1. No, they aren’t. They are laughing.


26 Unit 4 Fun Time on the Rides

like / don’t like
We use like and don’t like to talk about preferences.
I like eating french fries. He likes the log ride.
I don’t like cotton candy. He doesn’t like riding the swing ride.

1 Read and circle the correct verb form.

JEROME: What do you like to do at
the amusement park?
DAVID: I like / likes riding the roller
JEROME: I like / likes the roller
coasters. But my brother Adam
don’t like / doesn’t like riding
them. They are too fast! He
like / likes riding the bumper
cars. I do, too. Do you like
the bumper cars?
DAVID: No, I don’t / doesn’t.
The bumper cars are too slow.
But I like / likes going to the
haunted house!
JEROME: So do we! Let’s go there!
Read again and mark (✓ or ✗) the chart.
✓ = likes ✗ = doesn’t like

roller coaster bumper cars haunted house




2 Write about your preferences.

1. I like .
2. I don’t like .

Unit 4 Fun Time on the Rides 27

1 Read the e-mails and circle the preferences.
= likes = doesn’t like Two Great Fairs
FROM: Raina’s phone TO:
SUBJECT: Check out this fair!

Hi Sarah,
I’m having fun at the County Fair. It’s great! There are two new rides this year.
I don’t like the new merry-go-round, but the swing ride is cool! I always laugh
when the swings go fast! I like the hot dogs and cotton candy at the fair, too.
But I don’t like the corn. Yuck!
The county fair has a lot of farm shows. People bring their animals and pets.
I’m watching the dog show now. The dogs are jumping through hoops. They’re
wagging their tails. They like running fast and jumping up high! The best dog gets
a blue ribbon and $15.00.

FROM: Sarah’s phone TO:

SUBJECT: RE: Check out this fair!
Hi Raina,
LOL!* I’m at a fair right now, too! I’m riding the rides at the State Fair with my family.
There are a lot of rides and a big place for games called a Midway. I like screaming on
the roller coaster! I like laughing on the swing ride, too. It’s so much fun.
I don’t like eating corn, but I like eating corn dogs. A corn dog is a hot dog on
a stick! You can buy a lot of food on a stick here! Right now I’m eating a candy
apple on a stick. My brother Dave’s eating one, too. We’re waiting for Mom.
She’s taking a photo of Dad on the Freefall!
We can see animals here, too. There are a lot of animals at the petting zoo.
They eat right out of your hand! I like feeding the goats. They are so funny!
*laughing out loud

28 Unit 4 Fun Time on the Rides

2 Look and complete Raina’s and Sarah’s preferences.
1 2 3 4

$2.00 $3.25 $1.75 $1.00 each

1. Raina doesn’t like riding the merry-go-round. (ride)

2. Raina and Sarah . (laugh)
3. Sarah . (feed)
4. Raina and Sarah . (eat)
Read and fill in the blanks.

are aren’t is isn’t riding

eating how many how much

1. the children No, they .

riding the Ferris wheel? They the merry-go-round.

2. is It’s $3.25.
a ride on the swings?

3. the goat No, he .

jumping through a hoop? He out of a child’s hand.

4. sticks of You can get ten sticks.

corn can you get for $10.00?

3 Write about your preferences.

1. Do you like Raina’s fair or Sarah’s fair?

2. What things do you like there?

Unit 4 Fun Time on the Rides 29


P upp e t Fu n
Sequence Words
Sequence is the order in which events happen. We use the words first, next, then,
after thatt and finallyy to describe events in a sequence.

fi rst
first next then after that finally

1 Listen, look and number the pictures. 6

, you you the , you

the shape with scissors. hair and face. the puppet’s shape on paper.

, you a Popsicle , you clothes for the

stick to the back of the puppet. puppet and them on the puppet.

Listen again and complete the sentences.

Present Simple
We use the present simple to talk about activities that people do frequently.
My brother and I paint
the scenery in the theater.
He always makes a mess!

1 Read and circle the correct verb form.

1. The children’s theater always has / have a great puppet show.

2. We walk / walks to the theater.
3. Mr. Woods sell / sells the tickets for $4 each or three for $10.
4. My mom buy / buys our tickets and a few snacks.
5. I eat / eats a lot of popcorn, but I don’t / doesn’t drink soda.
6. I like / likes the ventriloquist and his dummy.
7. My sister like / likes the marionettes and the hand puppets.
8. Do / Does you go to the theater often?

2 Read and correct the mistakes.

Hi, I’m Bernie. I works as a ventriloquist.
This is my dummy, Harry. He sit next to me.
We looks like twins! But Harry wears a red bow
tie, and I wear a green one. A ventriloquist
throw his voice. I doesn’t open my mouth, but
I talk in Harry’s voice. Harry’s mouth move.
Then I speak in my own voice. I moves my
mouth. I asks Harry questions. Harry answer
me. But I do all the work! People comes and
watches us. They always laugh at our jokes!

Unit 5 Puppet Fun 31

Present Continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about actions happening at the time of
speaking. We use a form of the auxiliary bee and the base verb with the ending –ing.

Are you
eating dinner?

No, I’m not eating dinner.

I’m watching a show!

1 Read and fill in the blanks.

1. they
tickets? (sell)

No, they’re not.

tickets for free! (offer)

2. she
the show? (watch)

No, she isn’t.

! (sleep)

3. you
soda? (drink)

orange soda. (drink)

32 Unit 5 Puppet Fun

2 Look, read and fill in the blanks. Use the present simple or present continuous.
paint sew sell

Mr. Anderson and Mr. Beck are painters. They people’s houses every
day. Today, they the scenery for the puppet show.

Mrs. Carter is a seamstress. She dresses, shirts and pants for boys
and girls. Today, she puppets!

Mr. Radley is a salesman. He new cars for a lot of money. Today,

he tickets to the puppet show for $5 each.

Unit 5 Puppet Fun 33

1 Read and underline 10 verbs in the present continuous.

REPORTER: Welcome to “Art News a story! Would you like to see

Radio.” I’m your host, Artie the puppets in action?
Greene. We often REPORTER: Wayan is behind the
record this show in screen now. Music is playing.
the radio studio. A light is shining behind the
But today, we’re screen. Now I can see the
recording at the shadows! Birds are flying in
City Museum’s theater. the sky. A boy is climbing
There is a new puppet show an apple tree. He’s eating
here. Artist Wayan Sulastri is in an apple from the tree. A
charge of the show. Hi, Wayan! mean old man is coming.
WAYAN: Hi, Artie. I have one of my He’s shaking his fist! The
puppets here. Do you like it? boy is laughing. Now the
REPORTER: Oh, it’s beautiful! But boy is flying away like
it’s different from a lot of other a bird! The old man
puppets. It’s flat, and it has tiny is very angry. But the boy is
holes in it! gone!

WAYAN: Yes, we use these WAYAN: What do you think?

puppets for shadow plays. Do you like shadow
First, we set up a big plays, Artie?
screen. The people sit on REPORTER: Yes, I do!
the other side. Next, we shine Come see this show,
a light behind a puppet. Then, radio friends!
the people can see the puppet’s WAYAN: Thank you, Artie.
shadow on the screen. After Shadow puppets are
that, we move the puppet, fun for everyone!
and the people watch the
shadow move. The shadows tell

34 Unit 5 Puppet Fun

2 Read Shadow Puppets again. Then look and number the pictures in order.

Write the events of the play in the present simple. Use the sequence words in the box.
after that finally first next then

1. First, birds fly in the sky.


3 Read and answer the questions.

Pretend you are making a shadow puppet.
1. What does your puppet look like?

2. What does your puppet say and do?

Unit 5 Puppet Fun 35


P a r t y T i m e!
like / don’t like
We use like and don’t like to talk about preferences.
I like wearing party costumes, but you don’t like masks.
We like confetti, but they don’t like sweeping it up after the party!
For the third person singular, we use likes and doesn’t like.
He likes painting banners, but she doesn’t like making paper chains.

1 Listen and mark (✓ or ✗) the table. 7

✓ = likes ✗ = doesn’t like

chicken apple
meatballs lemonade cupcakes
nuggets juice

Circle the foods and drinks all the children like.

Look, read and answer in complete sentences.

1. What does Gus like to drink?
2. Does Sam like lemonade and apple juice?
3. Do Kelsey and Rita like meatballs and chicken nuggets?

Replying to an Invitation
When someone invites you to a party, thank him or her for the invitation.
Reply “Yes” if you can come. Reply “No” if you can’t come. Use becausee to give
a reason why.
Sorry, I can’t come because I have a soccer
Yes, I’d love to come to your game. But thank you for inviting me!
party.Thanks for the invitation!

1 Read and complete the replies.

can can’t love to are going inviting invitation thanks

It’s Lucy’s 8th birthday party!

When? 1:00 p.m., Saturday, June 14th
Where? Family Fun Amusement Park
Hot dogs, cotton candy and rides!
Come try the new roller coaster!

Zack and Katie’s reply: Yes

Hi, Lucy. for us to your party.
Zack and Katie
Yes, we come. See you on Saturday!
Aunt Sue
No The Rico family’s reply: No
The Rico family Hi! for the to your party.
Sorry, we come because we
Not yet replied to a puppet show that day.
Amy Have fun!
Jill Aunt Sue’s reply: Yes
The Kim family for the , Lucy. I like roller
The Smith family coasters, too! I’d come.
Uncle Ed See you soon!

Unit 6 Party Time! 37

was / were / there was / there were
There are two past tense forms of the verb be: was (singular) and were (plural).
We use was and were to talk about past events or things that existed in the past.
There was a fun party yesterday! There were a lot of balloons and a clown.
We also use was and were to describe or talk about the state of things in the past.
The clown was funny. The balloons were red, green and blue.

1 Use Aaron’s code to write the party items.

Dear Shawn,

Thanks for inviting me to your party last week! The space theme was / were

so cool. The moon was / were delicious.

5 2 13 2 7 2 11 11 9 14

It was / were fun to throw star ! But the

1 8 13 18 15 16 16 2 7 9 12 16 17

was / were the best. Your alien

1 8 14 16 10 5 15 14 5 9 14 4

was / were awesome!



P.S. Use this alien code to read my message:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Read and circle the correct verb.

2 Read and correct the mistakes.

There was a lot of people from space at
Shawn’s house last week! Were there two green
men from Mars. There were a space police
officer. Was there one alien with five eyes!

38 Unit 6 Party Time!

Questions with was / were
When asking questions about the past, the past tense form of the verb be goes
before the word there. To answer in the singular, we use was or the negative form
wasn’t. To answer in the plural, we use were or the negative form weren’t.

Was there lemonade at the pool party? Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t.

Were there frozen yogurt pops? Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 8

1. Hi, Grandma. School fun today! How nice!

It Peter’s birthday party. cupcakes and brownies?

2. No, but carrots. any dip?

3. No, . Oh. streamers?

4. No, . banners?

5. No, but a sack race. Jumping games? Carrots? No party

It fun! decorations? That
jump rope contests, too. a strange birthday party!

6. It strange.
Peter is our pet rabbit!

Circle Peter in the picture.

Unit 6 Party Time! 39

1 Read and fill in the blanks with was or were.

DAY Jan. 1

New Year’s Eve

Parties Around
the World

►There were fireworks in the United States, Brazil, England, Australia and Russia.

by John Wilson
there streamers, paper chains,
Last night New Year’s Eve. and a lot of confetti. There
There parties in countries all whistles and other noisemakers.
over the world. In Japan, there thousands
People often like to eat special foods of balloons in the sky. There weren’t
on New Year’s Eve for good luck and any paper chains, but there a
long life in the new year! This year paper wish on each balloon. The wishes
in Denmark, there a tall cake. for good things in the new year.
In Mexico, there twelve grapes In Brazil, there a huge New
to eat before twelve o’clock. In Japan, Year’s Eve party on the beach! There
there a bowl of long noodles weren’t any costumes or noisemakers,
for each person. but there music and dancing
In Italy and many other countries, everywhere.
there parties with costumes Finally, at twelve o’clock, there
and masks. There a lot of fireworks in cities all over the world.
decorations, too. In the United States, Happy New Year, everyone!

40 Unit 6 Party Time!

2 Read the cues and write questions.

1. Was there a tall cake in Denmark? (tall cake, Denmark)

Yes, there was.
2. (costumes, Brazil)

3. (bowl of noodles, Mexico)

4. (masks, Italy)

Read the article again and answer the questions.

3 Read the invitation and write a reply.

Dear and ,

Please come to our New Year’s Eve par ty.

Date December 31st
Time 9:00 p.m. – 12:30 a.m.
Place 12 Benjamin Lane
Hosts Kevin and Molly Yor k
Wear a costume or a mask!
Music and dancing! From,
Friends and fun!

4 Read and answer.

Write about your ideal New Year’s Eve party. What would you like to eat and do?

Unit 6 Party Time! 41

Review Units 4, 5 and 6

1 Read and circle the correct verb form.

Dear Grandpa,
My birthday party was / were at an amusement park! There was / were a lot of rides
and games. In the party room, there was / were a table with streamers and balloons.
The balloons was / were red. I like / likes that color! There wasn’t / weren’t any
brownies, because I don’t / doesn’t like them. But there was / were a birthday cake!
My friends Molly, Dave and Alex was / were there. It was / were a great day!

Unscramble and answer the question.

1. there / any / red balloons / Were

2 Read and circle. Then look and answer.

1 2 3

Nate Dave and Alex Molly

1. Do / Does Nate like riding the log ride?
2. Is / Are Dave and Alex laughing?
3. How much / How many balls can Molly throw for $5?

3 Read and write the correct form of the verb.

1. Dave, Alex and Molly usually

sandwiches and carrots, but right now they
cake! (eat)
2. Nate usually a baseball cap, but
right now he a party hat! (wear)

4 Listen and number the pictures. 9

Read and underline the sequence words.

An Invitation to Our Puppet Show
from Pam Hurd, director

Come and see our puppet show! Then the curtain opens on
We have one every year. A ventriloquist and dummy.
Please join us Friday at 4 p.m. We like their jokes. We laugh a lot.
We’d love to see you here! They ’re always very funny!

First, you buy your tickets.

After that, the marionettes all
We sell them at the door.
Walk and dance and sing.
How much do children’s tickets cost?
The people make the voices, and
Five dollars pays for four.
They pull the puppet strings!

Finally, you clap your hands

Next, you watch the hand puppets!
For a fantastic show!
Just sit back in your chair.
The puppet show was so much fun!
These puppets all have different eyes
But now it’s time to go.
And noses, mouths and hair.

Write a reply to the invitation.

Dear Pam Hurd ,


Review 43

Mu s i c I s T h e i r L i fe
can / can’t
We use can and can’tt to talk about ability.

Can Joe play the violin? Yes, he can. Can

n Joe play the trumpet? No, he can’t.

1 Listen and mark (✓ or ✗). 10

✓ = can ✗ = can’t
1 Marnie 2 Toby

3 Andre 4 Sasha

Unscramble and answer the questions.

1. the tuba / Can / play / Toby
2. play / Sasha / Can / the drum
3. beautiful music / the students / play / Can

Past Simple, affirmative
We use the past simple form of verbs to talk about actions and events that
happened in the past. For regular verbs, we add –ed to the base form of
the verb. Irregular verbs change their form in the past.
Base Form Past Simple Example
Regular Verb open open + –ed Yesterday, Annie opened the box.
Irregular Verb see saw She saw a new trumpet!

1 Unscramble the past simple form of each verb.

1. buy (o b u h t g) 6. break (o b k e r)
2. have (d a h) 7. see (w s a)
3. play (d e l y p a) 8. walk (a w l d k e)
4. leave (l f e t) 9. say (i s d a)
5. spend (p s n t e) 10. take (o k o t)
Find and circle each past simple verb in the puzzle.


Color the pictures.

= regular verbs = irregular verbs

Unit 7 Music Is Their Life 45

Past Simple, negative
To make the negative form of the past simple, we use the auxiliary didd and
the word not, or the contraction didn’t. The verb remains in base form.

Arthur didn’t play the song. He didn’t have his music!

1 Look, read and fill in the blanks. Use the negative past simple.
arrive break buy fall have play see walk

1 2

David was late. He . But David on the

He ran! He the ball ground. He dropped his tuba, but it
in front of him. !
3 4

David any ice cream But he late to his

from the ice cream truck. concert. So David
He any games. a bad day!

46 Unit 7 Music Is Their Life

2 Read and correct the mistakes.

Dear Suki,
Last night, Evan, Jared and I have a talent show
at school! Our parents bringed their cameras.
They take a lot of photos! It was a great night!
We opened the curtain. Next, we walk up on
stage. Evan and Jared played some musical
instruments. I didn’t played or sing, but I have fun
telling jokes.
We didn’t bought costumes or sets, so we didn’t
spent a lot of money. But everyone sayed it was
a good show!
After the show, we all take a bow and said
goodnight. Check out these pictures!

Look, read and circle the correct verb.

1 2 3

1. Evan played / didn’t play the trumpet. But then his trumpet broke / didn’t break!
He played / didn’t play his last song.
2. Jared had / didn’t have a different instrument. He said / didn’t say it was
a saxophone. His instrument broke / didn’t break!
3. Amber played / didn’t play any instruments. But she told / didn’t tell
some funny jokes. People laughed / didn’t laugh a lot!

Unit 7 Music Is Their Life 47

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 11

August 22nd We are at the Green County Music Festival.

About Us:
There are so many concerts this week! Today we
Hi! I’m Kay
a rock band. Rick and Jack loved the loud guitars and drums. Flyn
and this is m n,
Em and I early. Later, Jack said, “Em, one musician
family. We
his guitar on stage! It was awesome!” music. We e e
play a diffe
Em said, “Sorry, Jack. I didn’t like it! The rock bands didn’t sing. instrument! t
They screamed.”

August 23rd Marching bands were at the festival this

afternoon. These musicians didn’t scream or sing. They didn’t
play on a stage. They walked next to each other outside.
They played trumpets, drums, tubas, flutes and a lot of other Kay
instruments! There was a parade with all the marching bands.
We a lot of time there!

August 24th We a jug band today! They

a violin, or “fiddle,” and some other funny
instruments: a jug, a tub and a washboard! A long time ago, Rick
people washed clothes on a washboard. Today, the jug band
played it like a percussion instrument! Em and I didn’t want their
concert to end. We a jug band CD to take home.

August 25th Today was the last day of the festival. We Jack
a one-man band! He a drum on
his back. It noise when he walked. He played
tambourines with his knees. He a harmonica
next to his mouth. He an accordion. Rick can play
the accordion, too. Rick opened his accordion case, and
they both played together! It was amazing! Em

48 Unit 7 Music Is Their Life

2 Read and circle the correct form of the verb.
1. After the festival, Kay Flynn buy / bought some things. She take / took them home
in boxes. Rick say / said, “Are there musical instruments in those boxes?”
2. Rick, Jack and Em open / opened the boxes. A jug, a washboard, a tub and a stick
were inside. “No, you didn’t buy / bought musical instruments!” said Jack.
“Yes, I did!” said Kay. “These are for our new jug band!”
3. The jug was Jack’s. The washboard was Em’s. Rick make / made a tall instrument
with the tub and the stick.
4. Kay didn’t play / played a new instrument. She already has / had a violin, or fiddle.
5. “I didn’t spent / spend a lot of money, and it didn’t take / took a lot of time,” said
Kay. “It’s easy to start a jug band!”

3 Look, read and fill in the blanks.

can can’t take had played saw

I’m a one-man band! I all my musical

instruments with me. I play the
tambourine, the drum and the harmonica. I
play the piano, because it’s too heavy!
But I play the accordion.
Yesterday, I a man with a large case.
He an accordion, too! We a
song together. It was fun. We were a two-man band!

Unit 7 Music Is Their Life 49


Fa mou s E x plore r s
Past Simple, affirmative
Remember that we use the past simple form of verbs to talk about actions and
events that happened in the past. For regular verbs, we add –ed to the base form
of the verb. Irregular verbs change their form in the past.
David Livingston explored Africa. (regular verb)
He took a compass and a map. (irregular verb)

1 Look, read and fill in the blanks with past simple verbs.
1 2

Amelia Earhart an airplane. Edmund Hillary a mountain.

3 4

Yuri Gagarin all the way Jacques Cousteau many films

around Earth in a spaceship. about his discoveries under the sea.

2 Read and rewrite the sentences in the past simple.

1. Explorers discover many new places.
In the past, .
2. They travel across oceans in ships. They drive across deserts.

3. They see many wonderful things. They write books about their adventures.

Past Simple, Yes/No Questions
To ask Yes/No questions in past simple, we use the auxiliary did
d and the base
d or the negative form didn’t.
form of the verb. To answer, we use did

Did the explorers have a map? Did the explorers make a map?
No, they didn’t. Yes, they did.

1 Read and circle the correct answers.

June 18
Today we explored the island. It was a long
trip, so we all had backpacks. It was hot and
sunny, so we needed hats and water bottles.
My dad and I took walking sticks, too. We walked
through the forest. Then we climbed a tall hill.
My sister discovered a pretty flower. I used
my binoculars. I saw the ocean and some yellow
birds. My sister took a lot of photos!

1. Did the boy and his dad have walking sticks? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
2. Did the family climb a hill? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
3. Did the boy’s sister discover an ocean? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
4. Did the boy take photos? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

2 Read and rewrite each sentence as a Yes/No question.

1. The family needed hats and water bottles.

2. The boy used his binoculars.

Unit 8 Famous Explorers 51

Past Simple, Wh-Questions
When asking Wh-questions in the past simple, we usually use the auxiliary did
and the base form of the verb.
Question Asks For Example
Who did you eat dinner with?
Who? a person
I ate dinner with my brother.
What did she see?
What? a thing or event
She saw a bird.
When did they leave?
When? a time or date
They left at five thirty on May 1st.
Where did he fly?
Where? a place
He flew over the ocean.
How many days did he walk?
How many? a quantity
He walked ten days.

1 Read and fill in the blanks.

1. When did James Cook make a map of New Zealand?

He made a map of New Zealand in 1769.
2. Who William Clark across North
America with? He traveled with Meriweather Lewis.
3. Where the astronauts ? They drove
on the moon.
4. How many square kilometers David Thompson
? He explored four million square kilometers
of land in Canada and the United States.
5. What Auguste Piccard ? He flew
a huge hot air balloon.
Look and number the stamps.

52 Unit 8 Famous Explorers

2 Read and number the answers.



Strait of Magellan

1. Who was Ferdinand Magellan? 6. Where did they travel?

2. When did he leave Spain? 7. How many months did they sail
3. Who did he travel with? on the Pacific Ocean?
4. What did they take? 8. After Magellan died in the Philippines,
did the other men sail back to Spain?
5. Did they have maps?
No, they didn’t have any good maps, but they had compasses.
He traveled with 260 men.
He left Spain on August 10, 1519.
They sailed for three months. But in the Philippines, there was a fight, and
Magellan died.
Yes, they sailed home. It took sixteen months to complete the trip around the world.
They traveled across the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, they saw a path to the Pacific
Ocean. Today, this path is named the Strait of Magellan.
Magellan was an explorer from Portugal. His ships were the first to sail around the world.
They took five ships with food, books, knives and other equipment.

Unit 8 Famous Explorers 53

1 Read and change the underlined verbs to the past simple.

Robot Explorers
On November 26, 2011, another
great explorer flew into space. This
explorer’s name was Curiosity. After
eight months in space, Curiosity
landed on Mars on August 6, 2012.
The explorer drives over Mars’ rough
• Cassini took this photo of Saturn.
ground. Curiosity explores the land,

O n October 15, 1997, an explorer

named Cassini leaves Earth in
a spaceship. Cassini traveled for seven
took photos and collected rocks and
soil for scientists to study. The explorer
uses cameras, shovels and a lot of other
years. Finally, Cassini reached Saturn equipment. But this explorer doesn’t use
in 2004. The any air tanks
explorer flies or water bottles,
around the even though
planet. Every there is no air
day, Cassini to breathe or
collected new water to drink
information on Mars.
• Curiosity explored Mars.
about Saturn.
Cassini discovers Who are these amazing explorers?
that Saturn had Cassini and Curiosity are robots!
more than 60 Scientists make these robots to explore
• Scientists from the United
States, Italy and Europe moons! Cassini places in space that are very distant
made Cassini. also made a and dangerous. Astronauts can’t live
map of Saturn’s biggest moon, Titan. in these places. But robots don’t need
For fifteen years, Cassini doesn’t eat or sleep. air, food, water or sleep. They don’t feel
This explorer takes more than 300,000 hot or cold. Robot explorers can travel
photos and sent them back to Earth. anywhere!

54 Unit 8 Famous Explorers

2 Read, look and circle the correct name.
1 2

Curiosity / Cassini drove on Mars. Curiosity / Cassini flew around Saturn.

3 Unscramble the questions.

1. collect / What / Curiosity / did / ?
2. Did / on Saturn / land / Cassini / ?
3. Curiosity / did / travel / How many / in space / months / ?
4. did / Cassini / into space / fly / When / ?
5. the / robot / Who / were / explorers / ?
Read Robot Explorers again and answer the questions.

Unit 8 Famous Explorers 55


Re a d i n g Fa ble s

Present Continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about
actions happening at the time of speaking.
We use a form of bee and the base verb + –ing.
Is the woodcutter sitting in the woods?
No, he isn’t sitting in the woods.
He’s sitting in a field.

1 Write the verbs in the present continuous.

1. The crow (fly) to that pitcher of water.

He (say), “I very thirsty!” (feel)
2. he (drink) the water in the pitcher? No, he !
He (put) his beak in the pitcher, but the pitcher is too tall!
3. The crow (drop) stones into the pitcher.
They (grow) higher. The water level (get) higher, too!
Look and number the pictures.

Write a caption for the end of the story.

Use the present continuous.
4. Now,

Verbs Followed by Infinitives, Past Simple
An infinitive is to plus the base form of a verb. Some verbs in English are followed by
an infinitive. Some of these verbs are want, need, deserve, stop, agree, hope, plan, offer
and would like. In the past simple, we use the past simple form of these verbs and the
infinitive of the verb that follows.
Verb + Infinitive Example
past simple affirmative wanted + to sing The bird wanted to sing.
past simple negative didn’t want + to play He didn’t want to play soccer.
past simple interrogative Did… want + to swim Did she want to swim?

1 Read and fill in the blanks.

carry come fly ride think travel walk

The Tortoise and the Bird

Once upon a time, a small tortoise wanted
over a big mountain. He
didn’t want .
“Oh, I would like !” he said.
A bird heard the tortoise. She was a big,
strong eagle.
“Would you like with me, Mr. Tortoise?” she asked. “I’m flying
over this mountain to get my dinner.” She offered the tortoise
with her strong feet.
Did the tortoise stop ? No, he didn’t! He agreed
up into the sky with the eagle.

Read and circle what you think happened next.

a) The eagle planned to drop the tortoise. But the tortoise didn’t fall!
b) The tortoise hoped to grow wings and fly. And he did!
c) The eagle needed to eat. And the tortoise was her dinner!
Listen and check. 12

Unit 9 Reading Fables 57

Verbs Followed by Gerunds, Past Simple
To form a gerund, we add the ending –ing to the base verb. Some verbs in English
are followed by a gerund. Some of these verbs are like, enjoy, suggest, start, begin,
continue, go and feel like. In the past simple, we use the past simple form of these
verbs and the gerund form of the verb that follows.
Verb + Gerund Example
past simple affirmative liked + singing The bird liked singing.
past simple negative didn’t like + playing He didn’t like playing soccer.
past simple interrogative Did… go + swimming Did she go swimming?

1 Read each puzzle. Then write a sentence in the past simple.

1. + feel like + work + .

The grasshopper didn’t feel like working.

2. + continue + cut + + +?

3. + enjoy + eat + +!

4. and + begin + fight + .

5. + suggest + sleep + !

Look and number the fables.

58 Unit 9 Reading Fables

Verbs Followed by Infinitives or Gerunds, Past Simple
Some verbs followed by infinitives: want, need, deserve, stop, agree, hope, plan, offer, would like
He stopped to read the map.
Some verbs followed by gerunds: like, enjoy, suggest, start, begin, continue, go, feel like
Then he started walking again.

1 Read and circle the correct verb form.

“I would like having / to have two The dog started crying / to cry. “I had one
sandwiches!” he thought. “I’m so hungry. sandwich. I wanted having / to have two!
I deserve eating / to eat that dog’s food!” Now I have none!”

He began opening / to open his mouth. One day a dog was carrying a sandwich.
He hoped taking / to take the other dog’s He planned eating / to eat it at home.
sandwich. Then there was a great splash! He stopped looking / to look in the river.

Number the events of the story in order.

Unit 9 Reading Fables 59

1 Read and write the infinitive or gerund.
1. walk 2. put 3. ride 4. change 5. ride 6. hear 7. kill 8. laugh 9. shout

The Man, the Boy and the Donkey

A boy and his father needed to take their donkey to the market. They hoped to sell
the donkey for a good price. It was a sunny day, and they felt like .
But as they passed a forest, a woodcutter saw them and shook his head.

“Why are you walking?” he asked. He suggested

the boy on the donkey.

So the man put the boy on the donkey and continued walking by his side.
An old woman nearby saw the boy riding on the donkey.

She asked, “Doesn’t your poor father deserve

? He works hard, and he’s old.”

“I’m sorry!” said the boy, and he offered places. The man agreed
to ride. The boy walked. Soon, a hunter rode by on a horse. He looked down
and saw the boy walking.

“Poor boy!” he said. “What father enjoys

when his little son is walking?”

So the father pulled the boy up beside him. But when they rode into town, a vet
ran out and began shouting. They stopped why he was angry.

“Get off that donkey!” he shouted. “Do you want

him? You’re too heavy for him!”

“Oh, no!” said the man and the boy. “What can we do?” Finally, they agreed to
carry the donkey. The donkey was big. He was heavy! And he didn’t want to stay
in their arms!
When the people at the market saw the man and the boy, they started
and . The donkey kicked free! He ran into the forest, never to be seen again.

60 Unit 9 Reading Fables

2 Read The Man, the Boy and the Donkey again. Then number the pictures.

3 Circle the correct meaning of the moral.

The lesson of this fable is “Please all, and you will please none.”

a) You can’t be happy all the time. c) Older people deserve to ride, not walk.
b) You can’t make everyone happy. d) Don’t carry donkeys.
Read and mark () the story with the same moral.

Jack, John and I wanted to share some “Would you like to eat breakfast?”
ice cream. I offered to buy it. “Would asked my big brother. He offered to
you like vanilla ice cream?” I asked. cook our favorite foods.
But they didn’t like vanilla. John wanted “I would like to eat cereal,” I said.
chocolate ice cream. Jack suggested But my little sister suggested eating
buying strawberry. pancakes. “No!” I said. “That’s not fair!”
“Neapolitan ice cream is vanilla, “Okay,” said my brother. “I want to
chocolate and strawberry flavore d!” I said. make you both happy!” So he made
pancakes with cereal inside. Yuck!
We all agree d to share some Neapolitan
They were terrible!
ice cream. It made everyone happy!

Unit 9 Reading Fables 61

Review Units 7, 8 and 9

1 Read and circle the correct verb form.

Hi, Uncle Pete!

Do you know / knowing the fable about the ant and the grasshopper? An ant needed
collecting / to collect food for winter. His friend the grasshopper liked playing /
to play. He didn’t work / working. The ant wanted playing / to play, too. But he didn’t
stop resting / to rest. Later, the ant enjoyed eating / to eat his food. The grasshopper
didn’t have / having any. I feel like the ant! I working / ’m working hard at the music
store. I plan buying / to buy drums. I hope taking / to take lessons soon!
Love, Matt

2 Read and complete the questions.

Matt wants drums, but he doesn’t have any money. He needs two hundred dollars!
Mr. Sal gives him a job at his music store. Every day after school, Matt’s friends play
video games, but Matt walks to the store. He works for three months. Finally, he buys
the drums! “I’m proud of you!” says Mr. Sal. “I’ll give you free lessons!”
How many What When Where Who

1. had a music store?

2. did Matt work?
3. did Matt walk to the store?
4. months did Matt work?
5. did Matt buy?
Read again and answer the questions.

3 Listen and fill in the blanks. 13

They showed the world!

1. When Amelia was a girl, she didn’t sit still.
She a roller coaster and
down a hill.
She didn’t want with little dolls and
She liked sports and games with
all the boys.
Some people , “Women can’t go up
in the sky!”
But Amelia didn’t listen. She learned how to fly!
2. After that, what did Amelia Earhart do?
She into a plane, and away she flew!
She flew to other lands. She oceans, too!
Amelia Earhart showed the world!
3. When Jacques was a boy, he wasn’t very strong.
His dad suggested to help him along.
He loved to swim and dive. He liked
One day he put on goggles and the sea!
He the oceans using tanks of air.
He started films about the
creatures there.
4. After that, where did Jacques Cousteau go?
He his camera and went diving
down below!
He wanted all the amazing things there.
Jacques Cousteau showed the world!

Review 63
Grammar Reference
a little / a few / a lot of
small amount or number large amount or number
nouns you can’t count There is a little grass. There is a lot of grass.
nouns you can count There are a few chips. There are a lot of chips.

Sequence Words
Sequence words tell the order in which events happen.
First, Next, Then After that, Finally,

can for Possibility

Where can you buy a guitar? You can buy one at the music store.

Replying to an Invitation
Yes, I’d love to come to your party. Sorry, I can’t come because I have a soccer
Thanks for the invitation! game. But thank you for inviting me!

Present Continuous, affirmative

I am (’m) eating cotton candy.

You are (’re) reading a sign.
He / She / It is (’s) screaming in the haunted house.
We / You / They are (’re) laughing on the swing ride.

Present Continuous, negative

I am not (’m not) selling tickets. I’m painting the sets.

You are not (aren’t) playing the accordion. You’re playing the piano.
He opening the curtain. He’s closing it.
She is not (isn’t) making a marionette. She’s making a hand puppet.
It wearing a clown costume. It’s wearing a red shirt.
We buying harmonicas. We’re buying violins.
You are not (aren’t) walking to the music store. You’re taking the bus.
They spending a lot of money. They’re spending a little.

Present Continuous, interrogative

Am I Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Are you Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
he Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
Is she climbing a hill? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
it Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
we Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Are you Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
they Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Present Simple, affirmative

I / You walk the dog every day.
He / She / It walks to the library on Saturdays.
We / You / They walk to school.

Present Simple, negative

I / You don’t like the haunted house.
He / She / It doesn’t like planning parties.
We / You / They don’t like traveling by plane.

Grammar Reference 65
Grammar Reference
Present Simple, interrogative
I sweep the floors? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
you like marshmallows? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
he wake up at ten o’clock? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Does she work at the sports store? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
it like swimming? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.
we go to school on Sundays? Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.
Do you collect stamps? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
they write letters every week? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

Present Simple with Frequency Adverbs

not at all I never exercise.
1–3 days a week You sometimes exercise.
4–6 days a week Blake often exercises.
every day Leah and Andrew always exercise.

Questions in the Present Simple

does she go to the mall? Every day.
frequency How often
do they go to the mall? Once a week.
does cotton candy cost? $3.00.
cost How much
do sodas cost? $2.00 each.

quantity (number) How many sodas can you buy for $10? Five sodas.

item(s) from a store closes first? The sports store.

group places are open now? The library and the vet’s.
does the mall open? Ten o’clock.
a time What time
do restaurants open? Eleven thirty.
does the school close for summer? June 12.
a time or date When
do stores close for a holiday? January 1.

there was / there were
singular plural
There was a fun party yesterday. There were some streamers.
There wasn’t a party last week. There weren’t any balloons.

there was / there were, interrogative

singular plural
Was there a picnic last Monday? Were there any paper chains?
Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.

to be, Past Simple, affirmative

I / He / She / It was happy.
You / We / They were funny.

Regular Verbs in the Past Simple, affirmative

open + –ed Mr. Hill opened his tuba case.
explore + –ed David Livingston explored Africa.
drop + –ed The crow dropped a stone into the jar.

Past Simple, negative and interrogative

The form is the same for all persons (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
negative interrogative
(Angie) didn’t buy a tambourine. Did (Thomas) break the drums?
Yes, (he) did. / No, (he) didn’t.

Grammar Reference 67
Grammar Reference
Wh-Questions in the Past Simple
Who did you eat dinner with? I ate with my brother.
What did she see? She saw a concert.
When did they leave? They left at five thirty on May 1st.
Where did he fly? He flew over the ocean.
How many days did he walk? He walked for ten days.

Verbs Followed by Infinitives Verbs Followed by Gerunds

He offered to drive. He suggested walking.
agree, deserve, hope, need, offer, begin, continue, enjoy, feel like,
plan, stop, want, would like go, like, start, suggest

Irregular Verbs in the Past Simple, affirmative

base form past simple base form past simple base form past simple
break broke have had sell sold
buy bought hide hid shake shook
come came leave left sink sank
drink drank make made sleep slept
drive drove put put spend spent
eat ate read read sweep swept
feed fed ride rode take took
feel like felt like run ran throw threw
fly flew say said wear wore
go went see saw write wrote
hang out hung out

Dictation Units 1 and 2

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 14

1 2

Mr. and Mrs. Henry live in the country. Tom and Jill live in a city. There
, children from the city is . There are
. They . . After school, Tom and
It’s fun! Jill .
3 4

Then Tom and Jill go to Sunny Dale Farm. , Tom and Jill feed the
avenues or traffic lights. hen and the chicks. run
There aren't . But there the hen. Mrs. Henry
are ! .

5 6

After lunch, Jill stands . , Mr. Henry asks Jill,

She . A donkey is “Do you ?”
the horse. Tom , Jill !
the donkey an apple. She buys milk from the supermarket!

Dictation Units 3 and 4

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 15

Northville News
Asking Around: “What do you do on Saturdays?”
AMY: We go after basketball practice.
ASKING AROUND: at the mall?
LIZ: go to a lot of stores. Amy likes the toy stores.
I like the video game stores. You games there.

► “We go to the mall!” CHELSEA: But I like the best. You

said Amy, Chelsea
and Liz.
clothes and sports gear, all in one place!

ASKING AROUND: rides do you like?

NOAH: We all like the roller coaster.
JENNA: I the swing ride. But I
the Freefall. I scream!
JAKE: I the log ride, too. But actually we don’t go
to the amusement park . It costs too much.
► “We go to the
ASKING AROUND: ? amusement park!” said
Jake, Noah and Jenna.
JAKE: It costs !

ASKING AROUND: What doing today?

TED: Right now, Joe from the library.
. But I want to buy some ice cream!
ASKING AROUND: buy food in town?
JOE: hot dogs at Lou’s. But you
ice cream there. We always buy ice cream at Sandy’s Cones.
► “We hang out in town!”
said Ted and Joe. TED: It at a two. I have to hurry!

Dictation Units 5 and 6

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 16

Main Street Art Festival

Saturday, August 15, 10:00 to 6:00

Art Co nte st! Puppet Shows!

, make your own The festival always
painting or drawing. , great puppets! Last year,
fill in an entry form. a ventriloquist with his
bring your art and entry form dummy. This year, any
to the festival office. You ventriloquists, but we a
great prizes! new marionette show!

Delicious Food! Art Party!

Last year, a lot
of good food. after the festival! Last year,
mini pizzas and fruit kebabs? in every
! This year, we have color. Real artists our
even more foods. We beautiful banners. This year, you
salad and spaghetti! your own party hat !

Dear Paul, Dear Arthur,

to the art party Thanks for the invitation!

on Saturday? It’s at because
after the festival. They . But
fun art activities! My da d to the festival in the afternoon.
ty. See you there!
to drive you ho me after the par
Fro m, Fro m,

Arthur Paul

Dictation Units 7, 8 and 9

1 Listen and fill in the blanks. 17

Once there was a woodcutter. He water into the pot. , he put

liked new places. the pot on the fire. When the water was
One day, he a long way hot, he smelled it.
through the forest. In the evening, “Mmmmm,” he said. “Stone soup is
he , but he good! But I think it needs
any food. a song on a more flavor. Can you
harmonica. Soon, the animals something to put in this
him. soup, friends? Then it will be
“ ?” asked perfect!”
the animals. The animals
“I’m a woodcutter,” he said. around.
“I all day in The hare
the forest. Now, I’m hungry. a few carrots. The tortoise
give me a little to put in
food?” some green vegetables.
“ !” said the The bear
animals. “We one small fish, so he put
a lot of food. We’re hungry, too.” it in the pot, too. Then
“Oh, well,” said the woodcutter. the crow down. He
“Then I’ll make stone soup. You some corn into the pot.
with me.” The woodcutter the
“You food with a stone! soup. , it was time to eat.
What are you talking about?” said the !
bear. “Your stone is amazing!” said the
“Come and see,” said the woodcutter. animals. “It _____________ all this
He a camp fire. Next, wonderful soup!”
he his backpack. He “The stone the soup,”
out a big pot and a stone. said the woodcutter. “You did! You
He the stone and some together!”

Students’ Materials

Studdentt’s C

Studentt’s Book Practice Book

Teacher’s Materials

e Book
Resource CD

Teachher’’s Gui
Guide Digital Media Projects
Cllasss Audi
os and Wordd Cardds

Noelle Child
Optional Materials

C ss Auddio Digital Book

mmar Boook
okk TTeeach
acher’s Guid
ache uide

e C d

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