Phone Language: I. Read The Information and Match The Columns. Write The Letter On The Line

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I. Read the information and match the columns. Write the letter on the line.

_____ 1. To dial A) A sound made by a mobile phone when an incoming call is received.

_____ 2. To text / to message B) To telephone someone again.

_____ 3. To hang up C) Give some information from you to somebody else

_____ 4. ringtone D) It is being used when you try to call.

_____ 5. To call back E) A computer program that replaces a screen display on a computer to
stop the screen from being damaged.
_____ 6. To leave a message F) To press the buttons on a telephone in order to call someone.

_____ 7. busy G) They are places where you aren’t allowed to use a cell phone.

_____ 8. Skype H) To put the telephone down at the end of a conversation.

_____ 9. A screensaver I) A system on the internet that allows people to exchange written
messages with each other very quickly.
_____ 10. Silent / vibrate mode J) To send a written message to someone using a cellphone.

_____ 11. Quiet zones K) The mode on a cellphone that makes it move from side to side very
quickly and with small movements.
_____ 12. Instant messaging L) A telephone system that works by direct communication between
users’ computers on the internet.

II. Read the information and complete the sentences.

1. You must not use your phone in a q ________________ z______________.

2. When you finish a phone call, you h_________________ u____________.
3. If someone doesn’t answer their phone, you can leave a m ________________________ on their voicemail.
4. If you are in a meeting, you can put your phone on s_________________ or v_________________ mode.
5. If someone’s phone is off, you can c ________________ b__________________ later.
6. The sound your cell phone makes when someone calls you is a r____________________________.
7. If you want to text your friends more cheaply, you can use in__________________ m_____________________.
8. When you call someone, you have to d _____________________ their number by pressing some keys.
9. If someone is already talking on their cell phone when you call, the line is b_____________________.
10. You can protect the display of your cell phone or computer with a sc_________________________.
11. I’m not in right now. Please l____________________ a m _______________________.
12. The line’s b ____________________. Please hold.
13. I was in the middle of talking to him, and he just h __________________ up!
14. I love the s ________________________.
15. I hate it when people have really loud r _______________________ on their cell phones.

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