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™ 20CIaI Psychology of Groups, Wit « York =| CASE stupy | Customer Relationship Initiatives at Ford One of the largest economies in purchasing power, the pace of few years. Rising incomes, and services, and a growing the world and one of the top five nations in tems of growth in India is expected to be more rapid over the next reducing interest rates, a greater awareness of global products consumerism are rapidly changing the market dynamics in the country. There have been geographical shifts in purchasing power as mini-metros, such as Indore, Chandigarh, Pune, Vishakhapatnam, Surat, Jamshedpur, etc., account for much of the rapid growth in the country. India has emerged as a top-priotity for global marketers and the industry is fiercely competitive. Scanned with CamScanner th the personal grat factors stich as exeni Al the ret '& to spend their money, as Ic, ‘ 8 Kong. ‘eds (a repeatedly assure customers gn! Figure 1.6 Customer First at Ford ‘The automotive customer Customer Relationship Management initiatives at FORD Ford has taken several ves to truly enhance every Phase OF antomogiye 9 cycle. A few important of them are as under. Foret gat he’ level. This Brand@Retail en arable Fe India and is comparable with any other Ford dea scree ae te Scanned with CamScanner Relationshi lationship in Business: A Management Tool © 25 Th ha ie greater challenge in today's marketing environment, is retainii ing the customer. Resea eres in rch sI i Eerie ere oF that it is 5 times easier, and 15 times less a 4 New customer. Besides. Ford . Besides. India launched ‘Ford CarGainz'—an innovati designed for the Fon eee Programme in the automobile industry, exclusively India, emphasising oor ee ne one CarGalne. is a frst of its kind intative in It is a custo i 's Strong focus and commitment to custo a mer loyalty programme that rewards serch tomer satisfaction. and the purchase of accessories from Ford authorised desion and sevice eee, By rewarding customers for following scheduled mainteoee node, Geek authorised Ford dealerships, CarGainz a Weert procedures through incur with non-genuine spare pars avd eet the consumer on the risks they Ford owners immensely by encouraeing piualiodeedeeree centres. CarGainz helps frequencies, thereby getting the best performance irom thee vehicles ond canine higher value at resale. In litte over a year, over 60.000 ¢ eae CarGainz programme, which speaks well for the value ofthis nm cae Total Maintenance Plan: ‘The postpurchase experience and coxt of ownership integral parts of the auto nusiness Prop ee ownershi ss. Proper vehicle maintenance ensures a trouble-free nership experience. To encourage this aspect, Ford India introduced the Total Maintenance Plan (TMP) for all its models. Starting at a price as low as 80.39 per Kilometre, the plan covers all scheduled maintenance, and includes all mechanical and electrical repairs, except wear and tear items, fuel, and accident repairs. Ford's a isola the customer from spare parts price revisions and increases the resale value of the car. Localisation Programme: Moving forward, automakers realise that innovation would need to be the engine for greater growth. Customers are demanding new and improved features and care especially about value. Recognising this critical factor, Ford India has an aggressive localisation programme in place. Over 90% of the Ford Tkon has been locally sourced. Ford Fiesta also has over 70% localisation. Ford vehicle spare parts and components are competitively priced and the company has migrated to a repair versus replacement approach during the after-sales period. Ford also has a remanufacturing programme on certain high-cost parts to minimise the cost of ownership. Remanufactured parts are fully certified and come with warranty for the customer. Ford's Quality Care: Demonstrating its pursuit for excellence and best practices, Ford is also one of the first manufacturers in India to offer accredited service standards for its dealerships with Ford’s QualityCare. A QualityCare certified dealers! ip delivers consistent service standards that are measured against set benchmarks. Dealerships are regularly audited for sustaining QualityCare standards. QualityCare covers the entire service process by ensuring that 12 key elements of the entire process are measured and evaluated. Some examples of the metrics would be Deliver car on time, Fix it Right the First Time, etc. Ford India has certified service facilities as QualityCare facilities, catering to 80% of Ford customers across the country. The benefits of here Ford India is among QualityCare are clearly reflected in JD Power's survey, wl the top three manufacturers in customer satisfaction. Scanned with CamScanner ae nite: Un Amomobile Indunitry ty 4, 1. How do you rae the competition provailing it iaalan if vive tncunntyy? " sponsible for Ne 7 lationship Practie : a 5 eee Be ¥ Newer Cosromer Re ace trom many oF the SerViE® Durie, which call for differing sets of Relationship Management Initiatives, Comment wij, Fespect to the initiatives undertaken by Ford Motors: 3 How would you create distinction far yout company 8s compared to-(Ne oxlity practices of other players of the inde Scanned with CamScanner

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