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A. Complete these conversations using should or shouldn’t.

A: What’s the problem Daniel?
B: I twisted my ankle!
A: Really? You should me put some ice on it.
A: What are you doing?
B: I burned my hand. I will put it under water.
A: No, you must have do that. You could have cover it with a cold cloth to avoid blisters
A: What’s up Carlos? What’s wrong with your arm?
B: I was bitten by a mosquito this morning. I can’t stop scratching myself!
A: Carlos, you shouldn´t have scratch a mosquito bite. It will get swollen! You should me
go to
the doctor instead.
A: Hi Claudia!
B: Hello, Andres.
A: Oh! What’s wrong with your voice?
B: I have had a sore throat for a week now!
A: You could have try some hot water, lemon and honey to soothe it.
A: Achoo!
B: Bless you! Are you sick?
A: Yeah. I have had a cold for a couple of days, and I think it’s turning into the flu! I’m
pills, but they don’t seem to work.
B: You shouldn´t have take pills when you have a cold. They simply don’t work. You
could have drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. That’s the best remedy.
C. Complete the correct form of have to into the gaps.
have to / has to / don’t have to / doesn’t have to / had to / will have to
Example: A nurse has to help sick people.
1. What!!! Today is the first of August!!! I have to pay the phone bill.
2. My father had to wear a uniform to school when he was a boy.
3. I haven’t finished the report yet. I will have to work long hours today.
4. My sister doesn’t have to pay rent. She still lives with my parents!
5. I don’t have to study today. I am on vacation!
D. Complete the gaps using one of the following options: should, must, mustn’t,
have to or don’t have to.
1. i´m sorry madam, but you mustn´t smoke in here.
2. The train goes at 8:00 a.m., so we should leave home at 7:45 a.m.
3. Today´s a holiday, so I don’t have to go to work.
4. You should watch the film.
5. Liz started school today. She mustn’t wear a uniform: a blue skirt and jumper.
6. You mustn’t use your mobile phone when the plane is landing.
7. Harry´s on holiday, so he mustn’t get up early.
8. We should take a bus to the airport. I’m tired of walking.
9. If you have a headache, you must rest in a dark room.
10. Children should obey their parents.
E. Complete the gaps using one of the following options: should or must.
1. Her job is very demanding and stressful. She should ask for vacations.
2. If you want to lose weight, you must eat more vegetables.
3. We must pay the credit card bill today.
4. Anne has poor eyesight. She must wear glasses.
5. My refrigerator is empty. I should go to the supermarket.
F. Organize the words to make sentences.
Example: well / I / feel / don’t
I don’t feel well
1. rest / stay / You / home / at / need / to / and

 You in needy and stay home rest

2. throat / has / sore / She / a

 She has it pain throat

3. headache / has / terrible / he / a

 She has terrible headache

4. killing / me / backache / This / is

 This back play is kill me

5. twisted / ankle / My / is

 My ankle is twisted

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