World University of Bangladesh: Assignment On-Geotechnical Engineering Sessional

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Department of Civil Engineering


Submitted To Submitted By

Sumaiya Binte Islam Md. Sohag Rana

Lecturer Reg. No:wub10/17/72/5770

Department of Civil Engineering Roll:5770

World university of Bangladesh Batch: 72(C)

Semester: 9 th

Home Assingment-01
Answer-to the-question-no-01

• Normally Consolidated Soil:

A soil that has never experienced a vertical effective stress that was greater than its present
vertical effective stress is called a normally consolidated (NC) Soil.


If the initial vertical effective stress is approximately equals to the pre-consolidation stress then
this condition is known as Normally Consolidated (NC).

• Over- Consolidated Soil:

A soil that has experienced a vertical effective stress that was greater than its present vertical
effective stress is called an over-consolidated (OC) soil.


If the initial vertical effective stress of the soil sample is less than the pre-consolidation stress,
then the vertical effective stress in the field was once higher than its current magnitude, and the
soil is called over-consolidated (OC).
• Liquid Limit:

The Liquid Limit, also known as the upper plastic limit, is the water content at which soil changes from
the liquid state to a plastic state.

It is the minimum moisture content at which a soil flows upon application of very small shear force.

The moisture content at which any increase in the moisture content will cause a plastic soil to behave
as a liquid. The limit is defined as the moisture content, in percent, required to close a distance of 0.5
inches along the bottom of a groove after 25 blows in a liquid limit device.

Liquid Limit (LL or wL) - The water content, in percent, of a soil at the arbitrarily defined boundary
between the semi-liquid and plastic states.

• Plastic Limit:

The Plastic Limit, also known as the lower plastic limit, is the water content at which a soil changes from
the plastic state to a semisolid state.

The soil moisture content at which any increase in the moisture content will cause a semi-solid soil to
become plastic. The limit is defined as the moisture content at which a thread of soil just crumbles when
it is carefully rolled out to a diameter of 1/8 inch. The plastic limit is defined as the moisture content
where the thread breaks apart at a diameter of 3.2 mm (about 1/8 inch). A soil is considered non-plastic
if a thread cannot be rolled out down to 3.2 mm at any moisture possible.

Plastic Limit (PL or wP) - The water content, in percent, of a soil at the boundary between the plastic and
semi-solid states.

• Relative Density: Relative density is defined as the ratio of difference of void ratios of
cohesionless soil in its loosest state and the natural state (emax – e) to the difference between
void ratio in its loosest and densest state (emax – emin). Relative density determines the
compactness of the cohesionless soil.

Answer-to the-question-no-02

• For Top Layer:

Given Data,
LL=34, PL=28 & W=12%
Consistency Index, CI= (LL-W)/(LL-PL)=(34-12)/(34-28)

Consistency Index, CI=3.67>1.5

So Un-Confines Compression Strength, qu=>400 (KN/sq m)

• For Middle Layer:
Given Data,
LL=40, PL=34 & W=26%
Consistency Index, CI= (LL-W)/(LL-PL)=(40-26)/(40-34)


Consistency Index, CI=2.33>1.5

So Un-Confines Compression Strength, qu=>400 (KN/sq m)

• For Bottom Layer:
Given Data,
LL=47, PL=35 & W=24%
Consistency Index, CI= (LL-W)/(LL-PL)=(47-24)/(47-35)


Consistency Index, CI=1.92>1.5

So Un-Confines Compression Strength, qu=>400 (KN/sq m)

Answer-to the-question-no-03
Over Burden Pressure, σo= (2.5*15)+(2*17)+{1.5*(19-9.80)}+{3.4*(22-9.80)}+{(4.4/2)*(24-9.80)}
= 158.02 (KN/Sq m)

Pa= atmospheric Pressure=100 (KN/Sq m)

CN=[1/( σo/ Pa)]^0.5=[1/(158.02/100)]^0.5=0.79

• Layer-01


(N1)60 =0.79*25=19.75
Relative Density (Dr)=[{N60}/{17+24*( σo/ Pa)}]^0.5

Angle of Friction, Φ=√[20*{(N1)60}]+20=√{20*(19.75)}+20=39.87°

• Layer-02


(N1)60 =0.79*28=22.12

Relative Density (Dr)=[{N60}/{17+24*( σo/ Pa)}]^0.5



Angle of Friction, Φ=√[20*{(N1)60}]+20=√{20*(22.12)}+20=41.03°

• Layer-03


(N1)60 =0.79*32=25.28

Relative Density (Dr)=[{N60}/{17+24*( σo/ Pa)}]^0.5



Angle of Friction, Φ=√[20*{(N1)60}]+20=√{20*(25.28)}+20=42.48°

• Layer-04


(N1)60 =0.79*34=26.86

Relative Density (Dr)=[{N60}/{17+24*( σo/ Pa)}]^0.5


Angle of Friction, Φ=√[20*{(N1)60}]+20=√{20*(26.86)}+20=43.17°

Layer N Value (Field) (N1)60 Corrected Value Relative Angle of Friction
Layer-01 25 19.75 67.46% 39.87°
Layer-02 28 22.12 71.40% 41.03°
Layer-03 32 25.28 76.33% 42.48°
Layer-04 34 26.86 78.68% 43.17°

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