The Parts of The Head Pond Consist The Following

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The parts of the head pond consist the following;

This is a hydraulic structure that is located along the dam or headpond area and carries surplus
water from the reservoir that cannot be contained. The pangani had an overflow spillway.


New Pangani is one of the nine base unit of water in Tanzania. This hydropower station is
situated in Muheza District in Tanga region. The station is about 12 km off the Segera-
Tanga highway at Hale Township. The power station started its commercial operation in
November 1994 after Tanzania had experienced serious power shortage since 1992.

Pangani basin hydropower station utilizes the flow available from Mt Kilimanjaro and Mt
Meru as well as Usambara mountains. Usambara mountains contributes a lot of rain as
recorded from one of the station located at Magamba. The catchment area is 42200km2.

The size of the power house is 1600 m 3 rock excavation. The level difference between the
reservoir and the power house is 170m. The capacity of the station 68 MW having two
unit machines and each generating 34 MW. It has two generators that give 40MVA.

The new Pangani falls power plant is situated at hale township in Muheza district. It started its
commercial operation in November 1994. The plant is located about 8km on the downstream
side of the Hale power plant. It utilises the flow of the Pangani River and the design discharge of
the plant is 45 m3/s. The total installed capacity of the plant is 68MW.

The new Pangani falls power plant consists of a reservoir (head pond), headrace and tailrace, a
powerhouse and a 132kV switchyard.
Head pond
The New Pangani falls head pond has a reservoir capacity of 0.8 million m 3 and a maximum
water level of 178m above sea level. The head pond consists of an embankment part and a
concrete part. The embankment part is about 320 m long and has a maximum height of 10m. it
consists of about 47,000m3 of earth and rock fill. The concrete part is made of about 6,000 m3 of
concrete. It consists of an intake, a spillway and a flood gate.
The head pond’s intake is located on the left side of the spillway (observing from the
downstream side). It consists of an inlet, a floating debris boom to collect the floating debris
around the intake, a trash rack to prevent ingress of submerged debris into the inlet, a telescopic
arm trash rake to clean the trash rack, a sluice gate with maximum discharge of 40m 3/s to flush
sediments accumulated around the intake, a flap gate to flush floating debris around the intake.

The head pond has a 120m-wide overflow spillway. The spillway is of an ogee type and is
designed to discharge a design flood of 1200 m 3/s (return period 1000 years). This flood can be
discharged at reservoir level of 179.8m which is 0.7m below the core crest of the embankment.
Flood gate
The head pond has a 12m wide flood gate which provides for emergency release of water during
large floods and flushing of sediments from the reservoir. When the flood gate is opened, the
water can be discharged at a capacity of 140m3/s
Headrace and tailrace Water from the head pond is conveyed through an unlined
tunnel (head race) of 40m2 cross unlined. To increase the stability of the tunnel against collapse,
section and 1.5 km length to the some rocks are bolted.
powerhouse at a level difference The powerhouse has two units comprises of a 34MW Francis
of 170m. the tunnel supplies transformer.
water to two penstocks each
connected to a turbine.

The tailrace is a tunnel of the

same type and cross section as
the headrace. It has a length of
about 1km. it takes water from
the draft tube to the downstream
where river Pangani flow

A rock excavation of about
1600m3 was done to provide
space for an underground
powerhouse making the
elevation difference between its
reservoir and the turbines to be
170m. The access to the
powerhouse is provided through
access and auxiliary tunnels
whose cross sections are
horseshoe shaped with 22-30m2
cross sectional area and a total
length of about 700m. Parts of
the tunnel are lined with
shotcrete while others are
of power production each with
an equal capacity. Each unit
turbine, a 40MVA synchronous
generator, an exciter and
The components of the units are arranged in a vertical system with each
component having its own floor level. The lowest level is the turbine level. Other
levels are (in ascending order) a shaft level, generator level, exciter level and a
transformer level.

The catchment, head pond and power plant characteristics are such as
summarized in the table below: -

Catchment area 42,200km2
Design flood 1200cumecs
Probable maximum flood 3000cumecs

head pond
Volume 0.8 million m3
Dam, spillway and intake 10m height
47,000m3 earth and rockfill
6,000 m3 concrete

Power plant
Head 170m
Capacity 68MW
Turbines 2×34MW Francis
Generators 2×40MVA
Annual output 367GWh on average
Powerhouse Underground, 1600m3 rock excavation
Access and Auxiliary tunnels 700m total length
22-30m2 horseshoe shaped cross sections
Headrace and tailrace tunnels 2500m length
40m2 cross sections

Machine hall

This is the topmost floor and the first floor to be reached from the entrance tunnel. In the
machine hall, the following components may be found:


An exciter is a device that powers the rotor coils so as to produce the magnetic field that is
necessary to produce electric power. Among the types of exciters, the two exciters used at New
Pangani Power Plant are static exciters. In these types of exciters, DC power for the
electromagnet is from the main generator output itself. A number of high-power thyristors
rectify the AC current to produce a DC current which feeds to the rotor through slip rings. This
eliminates the operation and maintenance problems associated with having another rotating
machine. Static exciters offer a better control of the output than an electromechanical control.

During start up, when there is no output from the generator, a stand-by diesel-type
generator provides the necessary power for excitation.
Fig: Static excitation principle
Phase synchroscope

This is a device that ensures that the electricity produced at the power house is in phase with
the national grid. This is so important in the power generation system since connecting power
from the generator to the main grid at a different phase will lead to destruction of the generator
Fig: Some appliances in the machine hall.


This is a structure that connects the turbine to the generator so as to transmit the kinetic energy
from the turbines to the generator rotor. The shaft at the powerhouse is made of steel with a
diameter of about 500 mm and spanning three floors (about 9 m height). It is supported at the
top floor on hydraulic bearing (resting on hydraulically pressured oil bearing) which is not
susceptible to wearing as compared to solid bearing systems that, carrying a similarly large
amount of load would undergo excessive wear.
Fig: The shaft with gauges at the floor level to detect any unsafe stresses and temperatures at
the shaft-floor interface.

Control room

From this room, all major equipment can be remotely monitored and operated with the help of an
on-screen monitoring system. Similarly, other powerhouse electrical appliances like lights and
air conditioners are connected to the control room and thus can be remotely controlled. This in
general simplifies the operational activities of the powerhouse and the safety conditions as any
malfunction or danger can be noticed immediately as it occurs and be taken care of either
remotely/automatically or manually.
Fig: The control room, showing the application of the on-screen monitoring

Water rushes through the penstock and into the scroll case, it turns the turbine blades fitted to
a TURBINE is a machine which converts potential energy of water into mechanical energy.

central shaft causing it to rotate and then drawn to the turbine axis to exit through the underneath
draft tube. The mechanical energy produced by the tremendous force that rushing water exerts
on the turbine is transmitted to the generator via the shaft.
The turbines used at the Pangani Falls Hydro Power plant are Francis turbines. Francis turbine
was developed by James B. Francis in Lowell. It is an inward flow reaction turbine that
combines radial and axial flow concepts. Francis turbines are the most common water turbines
in use today. The shaft rotates at a speed of 428 rpm.

A generator is a device which converts motive power (mechanical energy) into electrical power
for use in external circuit. The generator is connected to the turbine drive shaft. It has a moving
part the rotor and the fixed part the stator. The rotor’s outer surface is covered with
electromagnets. The stator’s inner surface, or cylinder wall is made up of copper windings.

When the rotor turns inside the strator, the electrons in the copper windings “vibrate”
their movement generates an electric current.

The switchyard is a junction connecting the transmission and distribution system to the power

Switchyard consists of the air insulated aluminium bus type and of high voltage SF6- insulated
dead tank circuit breakers arranged in a ring bus configuration.

Each circuit breaker is equipped with a no-load breaker, air insulated, disconnect switch on each

An isolating disconnect switch are installed in each generator transformer connection to the bus.

In switchyard, a power transformer is used to step up or step down the voltage.

Current and voltage transformers are located at points within the switchyard to provide for
metering and relaying.

Control, protection and monitoring for the switchyard will be located in the switchyard relay
room of the electrical building.

All protection and circuit breaker control will be powered from the station battery backed 220V
DC system.

A grounding grid are provided to control step and touch potentials.

Lightning protection are provided by shield wires for any overhead lines- lightning arrestors.

Interface with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system are provided. The
communication between the facility switchyard and the control building is facilitated.
Revenue metering are provided on the outgoing lines, recording net power to or from the

Fig: switchyard at Pangani


Equipment used in switchyard

Bus bar
 Used to interconnect the loads and sources of electrical power

 It connects incoming and outgoing transmission lines

 Also connect generator and main transformer in power plant

 Material used: copper or aluminium

 Size of bus bar to determine maximum amount of current passed

Types of Bus Bar

 Rigid bus bars: used for low, medium and high voltage

 Strain bus bars: used for high voltages

 Insulated phase bus bars: used for medium voltages


Supported the poles and towers in such a way that currents from conductors do not flow to earth
through these supports

Types of insulators

 Pin type

 Suspension type: design for 11 kv

Lightening arrestor

Used on power system to protect the system from damaging effect of lightning.

What exactly does a lightning Arrestor Do?

 It does not Absorb the lightning

 It does not stop the lightning

 It does Divert the lightning to ground

 It does clamp (limit) the voltage produced by the lightning

 It only protects equipment electrically in parallel with it.

Fig: Surge or lightning arrester at Pangani Switchyard

Earthing system

Earthing is to be provided in substations due to the following reasons:

 To provide a means to carry electric current into the earth under normal and fault
conditions, without exceeding any operating and equipment limits or adversely affecting
continuity of service.

 To assure that a person in the vicinity of grounded facilities is not exposed to the danger
of electric shock.

Control panel

Control panel mostly consists of meters and protective relays. The meters include ammeter,
voltmeter, wattmeter, energy meter. The relays include fuse failure relay, auto reclose relay,
check synchronizing relay, auxiliary relay and transformer relays.

 It controls excess and low current

 It also helps in steping up or down the potential and measurements are taken in the
control room the ratings are based on ampere.

Circuit breaker

A circuit breaker is an automically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical

circuit damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its function is to interrupt continuity, to
immediately discontinue electrical flow

Arching horns

 Arcing horns are for the protection of the insulators in case of high voltage, which it
cannot stand

 They are two metal rods fitted at the top most and bottommost parts of the insulator

 During high voltage insulators can’t resist this and cracks may be developed. In order to
avoid these arcing horns are provided. They conduct the high voltage to the ground and
protect the insulator.

SCADA nodes

 SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition

 It basically stores data for current and give alarm to powerline communication carrier
(PLCC) which further is transmitted to National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC)

The old Pangani power station was constructed in 1932. Its main purpose was to provide
electricity which was to be used in the sisal plantations. As time went on, the use for the power
station changed from provision of electricity for only the sisal plantations to providing for the
whole country (domestic use). The power station had the capacity of 17MW of electricity with
five Pelton wheels water turbines (2 x 5Mw and 3 x 2.5MW). Following an increase in electricity
demand around the country, the amount produced by the old pangani was no longer sufficient.
This consequently led to serious electricity shortage in 1992. The early commissioning of the
new pangani (3 months earlier) in 1994 came to a great rescue of Tanzania. The new Pangani
power house produces 4 times more than the old Pangani.
Fig; Pelton wheel water turbine

In comparison to the new pangani fall hydro power station, the head-pond had a concrete
ogee spillway and a surface steel penstock which conveyed water to the power house unlike
the concrete underground penstock of the new pangani hydro power station.
Fig; 2 penstocks running from the head pond to the power house
Technology used in the construction of the old Pangani power house and the appurtenant
structures was of old times and it was operated manually hence the term “classical”. At the
head pond the spillway was built to a certain level but the water level rose and water could
overflow easily to the downstream side. The spillway was extended to a certain height above
the water level. The extension is evident.

In November 1994 the new Pangani falls power plant started commercial operation and the old
Pangani was closed and abandoned.


According to the National water policy of 2002, Tanzania is divided into nine hydrological zones
or river basins for purposes of water resources management, these basins are: Pangani,
Wami/Ruvu, Rufiji, Ruvuma and Southern Coast, all of which drain into the Indian Ocean, and
Lake Nyasa, Lake Rukwa, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, and the Internal drainage basins of
Lake Eyasi, Manyara and Bubu depression. Tanzania has committed itself to attain MDG
(Millennium Development Goals) in order to implement the poverty reduction strategy and plans
to transform itself into a middle-income country by 2025. Thus, many economic potential areas
for production like river basins are the most important areas to enable the country to achieve its
social, economic and environmental development vision and objectives, such as eradicating
poverty, attaining water and food security, sustaining biodiversity and sensitive ecosystems.

Thus, many economic potential areas for production like river basins are the most important
areas to enable the country to achieve its social, economic and environmental development
vision and objectives, such as eradicating poverty, attaining water and food security, sustaining
biodiversity and sensitive ecosystems.

In addition, the URT (2013) reported that, during the year 2012, gross domestic product (GDP)
grew by 6.9 % in real terms, which was higher than the target of 6.8% and growth of 6.4 %
recorded in 2011; the growth was due to favorable weather and timely supply of subsidized
agricultural inputs that boosted agriculture production; as well as increased reliability of power
generation which increased industrial production. Therefore, river basin being the sources of
water for hydro power generation, irrigation, domestic uses and other industrial uses as an input
resource, plays a big role to the Tanzania`s economy growth which in other hand it needs more
attention on utilizing them in a sustainable way

Lastly the trip has been very effective in bridging the gap between the knowledge and
imagination of the whole course of hydraulic structures mainly the dam and its components and
the reality that exists at the site. It has been a very valuable experience to participate and see all
the works that take place at the basin and power plant and also see most of the devices, their
arrangements, design, layouts and the like.

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