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Tobacco Induced Diseases

Review Paper

Impact of tobacco-pack pictorial warnings on youth and

young adults: A systematic review of experimental studies
Diane B. Francis1, Nia Mason2, Jennifer Cornacchione Ross3, Seth M. Noar4,5

INTRODUCTION We conducted a systematic review of the experimental literature on
the impact of tobacco-pack pictorial warning labels (PWLs) on youth and young AFFILIATION
adults. 1 Department of
Communication, University of
METHODS We systematically searched computerized databases and the reference Kentucky, Lexington, United
lists of relevant articles. We included studies that used an experimental protocol States
2 Manship School of Mass
to assess PWLs. Studies had to report findings for youth or young adult samples Communication, Louisiana
(aged <30 years). Thirty-one studies met the inclusion criteria, with a total sample State University, Baton Rouge,
United States
size of 27506. Two coders independently coded all study characteristics and 3 Department of Social
outcomes. Sciences and Health Policy,
RESULTS Twenty-eight studies experimentally evaluated PWLs for cigarette packs Wake Forest School of
Medicine, Winston Salem,
while three studies evaluated PWLs for smokeless tobacco packs. Generally, PWLs United States
led to higher attention, stronger cognitive and affective reactions, more negative 4 School of Media &
Journalism, University of
pack attitudes and smoking attitudes, and increased intentions not to use tobacco North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
products compared to text warnings. PWLs were perceived to be more effective Chapel Hill, United States
5 Lineberger Comprehensive
than text warnings for both cigarette packs and smokeless tobacco packs. Cancer Center, University of
CONCLUSIONS The systematic review showed that PWLs on tobacco products are North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
effective across a wide range of tobacco-related outcomes among young people. Chapel Hill, United States

Gaps in the literature include a lack of research on tobacco initiation and cessation CORRESPONDENCE TO
and a dearth of literature on non-cigarette tobacco products. Diane B. Francis. Department
of Communication, University
of Kentucky, Lexington,
Kentucky, 40506, United
States. E-mail: diane.francis@

systematic review, youth,
tobacco control, pictorial
warning labels

Received: 27 December 2018

Revised: 17 April 2019
Accepted: 17 April 2019

Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(May):41

INTRODUCTION is estimated at 25 million1. The median smoking

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death prevalence among those aged 13–15 years across
globally1, accounting for more than 7 million deaths 61 countries is estimated at 10.7%3. Moreover, the
each year2. The majority of these deaths are caused by smoking prevalence among this age group exceeded
cigarette smoking2, which is the most common form of 20% in several countries, including Argentina, Italy,
tobacco use in most countries. Globally, the number of and Jordan3.
young people aged 13–15 years who smoke cigarettes Most cigarette smoking begins during adolescence

Published by European Publishing on behalf of the International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases (ISPTID).
© 2019 Francis D.B. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

and continues into adulthood3. In the United States, a direct association between cigarette PWLs and
for example, almost 90% of cigarette smokers first increased cessation, reduced smoking initiation,
try smoking by the age of 18 years and 98% by the and prevalence8,11-15. PWLs also are associated with
age of 26 years4. Nearly one in three adults who increased attention to warnings, negative affective
have ever smoked cigarettes began smoking daily reactions, knowledge about health risks, quitting
between 18–26 years of age 4. Furthermore, two- behaviors, and reduced susceptibility to tobacco use7-9.
thirds of young people who try smoking become However, while many studies have been published
daily smokers5. Consequently, for young people, just on PWLs, the impact of such warnings on young
trying smoking is a significant risk factor for long- people remains under-studied16. For instance, the
term use. The increasing age of smoking initiation Noar et al. 9 meta-analysis of experimental PWL
and the high likelihood of conversion of ever smokers studies found that 11% focused only on adolescent
to daily smokers make young people a critically samples. In addition, adolescents comprised 12–
important population group for tobacco prevention 14% of the samples in two reviews of observational
and control4,5. PWL studies7,8. While many studies in those reviews
Use of non-cigarette tobacco products (NCTPs, e.g. included people in the 18–30 years age range, studies
smokeless tobacco) has also increased sharply in the rarely separated the effects among these younger age
past decade, especially among young people. Globally, groups. No previous systematic review has solely
13 million youth aged 13–15 years use NCTPs, examined youth populations, and very little is known
including smokeless tobacco1. Use of other NCTPs about PWLs for NCTPs such as smokeless tobacco16.
is exceptionally high in some low- to middle-income Similar to prior research with adult samples, we
countries. Nepal, for example, has a high prevalence reviewed experimental studies because these studies
of smokeless tobacco use among young people. In compare pictorial to text or control warnings. Thus,
2011, 19.7% of boys and 12.9% of girls aged 13–15 this systematic review aimed to investigate the extent
years used smokeless tobacco1. Nicotine addiction to which PWLs impact on extant outcomes among
is associated with a higher risk of lifetime tobacco young people. The study adds to understanding the
use4. As such, there remains a continued need for effects of PWLs on adolescents and young adults.
evidence on effective approaches to communicating  
the health risks of tobacco use among young people METHODS
and preventing tobacco use among this vulnerable Search strategy and study selection
population group4. We used a systematic search strategy to locate all peer-
Pictorial warning labels (PWLs) on tobacco reviewed studies on PWLs with youth and young adult
product packaging constitute an effective tobacco samples. We searched five computerized databases in
prevention and control policy. PWLs are effective in February 2017 and updated the search in January
communicating the health risks of tobacco use6-9. As 2018 1. The databases were: Medline, PsycINFO,
of 2018, 78 countries, representing 47% of the world’s Communication and Mass Media Complete, Web of
population, met best practices for PWLs, which Science, and Business Source Complete. We chose
includes printing the warnings in the local language these databases because they were used in previous
and covering an average of at least half of the front reviews to locate relevant PWL studies9,17. As the
and back of cigarette packs 10. Between 2014 and systematic review initially focused on PWLs for all
2016, 34 countries including India and Bangladesh, tobacco products, we used the following search string:
with a total of 2 billion people adopted large graphic (cigarette* OR tobacco OR smok* OR smokeless OR
PWLs1. India and Bangladesh both require warnings waterpipe OR hookah OR shisha OR cigar* OR snuff
on cigarette and smokeless tobacco packs. OR pipe OR e-cig OR vape OR little cigar OR snus
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have shown OR e-cigarette OR electronic cigarette OR electronic
that relative to text-only warnings, like those still in nicotine delivery system OR ENDS OR chewing
use in the USA, PWLs are significantly more effective tobacco OR chew OR loose leaf OR dip OR dissolvable
across a range of tobacco-related outcomes 6-9 . tobacco OR novel tobacco) AND (warning* OR label*
The evidence is clear and consistent, that there is OR packag* OR pictorial OR graphic) AND (youth*

Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(May):41

Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

OR adolescent* OR young OR teen* OR student* OR Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram showing the study
kid* OR children OR young adult*). screening process
We examined references of seven published PWL 9775 references identified through 644 references identified through
reviews and meta-analyses 6-9,16,18,19. We searched database searching and additional database searching and additional
records records
the first 100 results of our search terms in Google February–May 2017 January 2018
Scholar. Once we identified the final set of articles
for the review, we examined all references in those
8520 references after duplicates
articles to look for relevant studies to potentially be removed
To be included in the review, a study had to: be
8520 titles screened 8093 titles excluded
a within-subjects or between-subjects experimental
design; have a pictorial condition and a text or control
condition; report effects separately for youth/young 427 abstracts screened 161 abstracts excluded
adults (<30 years); and be available in English 9.
Although one study20 did not report ages for their
266 full-text articles 235 full-text articles
study samples, we included them in the review assessed for eligibility excluded, with reasons
because their study was of school-age samples. We • 71 Not about pictorial
excluded studies on PWLs tested solely in media pack warnings
31 studies included in • 62 No appropriate age
campaigns or on advertisements. We also excluded systematic review group analysis
(from 30 articles) • 52 Observational studies
quasi-experimental designs that showed participants • 9 Quasi-experimental
the warnings but did not have a control condition (e.g. design/no relevant
Adebiyi21, Hawari22, and Goodall23). We also excluded 37 independent samples • 32 Not quantitative
• 7 Not in English
observational studies that asked people to report on included in the analysis
• 2 No data
warnings they saw on their own before being exposed
during the study (e.g. Baskerville24). 33 independent 4 independent
Two coders independently applied the inclusion samples assessed samples assessed
cigarette non-cigarette
criteria described above throughout the screening warning labels products
warning labels
process. The coders first screened all titles and
abstracts and then reviewed full-text articles for
relevance. They tracked reasons for exclusion of full- prevention and control to posit the communication
text articles not included in the review. The combined process. The framework includes six major categories:
searches in 2017 and 2018 yielded 8520 references attention and recall; warning characteristics;
after removing duplicates. After screening titles and knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs; intentions; behavior;
abstracts, 266 full-text articles were reviewed. The and social interactions. Perceived effectiveness was
screening and review process resulted in 31 studies also examined. Each category includes a set of
and 37 independent samples for the systematic review constructs relevant to the mechanisms by which PWLs
(Supplementary file). Figure 1 shows the PRISMA exert their influence (see Noar et al.9 for detailed
flow diagram that demonstrates the study screening definitions of each construct). During the coding
process. process, discrepancies were resolved first between
the coders. If discrepancies remained unresolved,
Data extraction and article coding the coders consulted with other team members for
Two coders independently coded sampling, study clarification. Mean per cent agreement across all
design and warning characteristics for each study in coding categories was 94% and Cohen’s κ had a mean
the review. We categorized study outcomes according value of 0.92.
to the message impact framework (MIF), which
describes factors contributing to PWL effectiveness9,17. RESULTS
The framework draws on communication and Study characteristics
psychological theory and prior research on tobacco Table 1 shows a summary of study characteristics.

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Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

Table 1. Characteristics of studies in the systematic (55%) used a between-subjects design where
review (k=31) participants were randomized to the PWL or text/
control conditions; the other studies used a within-
Variable k %
subjects design. The majority of studies used
Age groups
convenience sampling (90%), with the remaining 10%
Adolescents only 14 45
using probability sampling. Participants were recruited
Young adults only 13 42
in a variety of ways, including: through the internet
Adolescents & young adults 4 13
(46%); community settings (29%); elementary, middle
Cigarette smoking status
and high schools (22%); and colleges and universities
Smokers 9 29
(17%). Twelve studies (39%) used theory to guide
Non-smokers 1 3
their research. Theories used included psychological
Smokers and non-smokers 21 68
reactance40,53, cognitive dissonance52, and the common-
Smokeless tobacco use
sense model53, among others.
Smokeless tobacco 6 19
Twenty-eight studies (90%) assessed PWLs for
NR 26 84
cigarette packages20,26-29,31-53, while three studies (10%)
Country assessed PWLs for smokeless tobacco25,30,54. Only three
USA 20 65 studies (10%) placed warnings on actual tobacco
Canada 4 13 packs, as most of the remaining studies presented the
Germany 2 6 warnings on a computer screen (i.e. digital). Almost
Other countries each studied once (Bangladesh, 10 32 all studies tested warnings already in use in the study
China, France, Greece, India, Lebanon, Mexico,
The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland)
country or other countries. Table 2 shows a summary
of PWL characteristics.
Probability 3 10
Convenience 28 90 Table 2. Characteristics of PWLs in studies in the
Many numbers add up to over k=31 or over 100% because some studies included systematic review
multiple options for each characteristic. Some studies were conducted in multiple
countries. NR: not reported. Variable k %
Product assessed
Thirty-one studies were included in the analysis for Cigarette 28 90
this review20,25-53. Studies were published between Smokeless tobacco products 3 10
2000 and 2017, with a median publication year of
Number of different warnings viewed
2015. The studies included samples from 13 countries:
1 8 26
20 studies were conducted in the USA20,25,27-29,31-34,36,40-
2–64 23 74
, four in Canada30,35,48,49, two in Germany50,52, and
one each in 10 other countries. Sample sizes ranged Number of times viewed each warning
from 19 to 9183; the total sample size across all 1 time 24 77
studies was 27506. 2–5 times 4 13
Fourteen studies (47%) sampled youth only (≤18 NR 3 10
years)20,27,29,32,33,35,37,38,42,45,46,48,51 and 13 (42%) examined Exposure channel
young adults only (18–30 years) 30,31,34,36,39,40,44,50,53. Digital 26 84
Males represented 47% of the samples across all Cigarette pack 3 10
studies. Among the 14 studies (45%) reporting race Printed or paper 2 6
and ethnicity—all from the USA—Whites represented
NR 1 3
59% of the samples, Black/African Americans were
Warning size
22%, Hispanics were 15%, Asians were 12%, American
30% of the pack 1 3
Indians were 2%, and other or mixed races were
13%20,25,28,29,31-34,36,40,41,43,45,46. 50% of the pack 7 23
Regarding methodological approach, 17 studies NR 22 71

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Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

Table 2. Continued Attention

Six studies assessed attention to the warnings on
Variable k %
cigarette packs26,29,37,39,45,52. Attention-attracting26,45
Type of pack
and attention duration29,39 were both assessed in two
Branded 13 42
studies each. Attention attraction is the extent to
Generic 8 26 which the warning attracted or grabbed participants’
Plain 2 6 attention. Attention duration is the amount of
NR 11 35 time participants spent viewing the warning label.
Label order PWLs elicited significantly higher attention across
Random 16 52 both studies. Moreover, the results held when
Non-random 6 19 analyses were stratified by gender and smoking
NR 1 3 status26. Response time is the amount of time it took
n/a (1 label or all shown at once) 8 26 participants to complete questions or click forward
Nature of graphic warnings after viewing the warning label. Response time was
Image only 3 10
not significantly different in the two studies that
Image with text 28 90
assessed this variable37,52.
During the initial search in 2017, we ran the search terms across several databases,
including Medline and PubMed. We decided to use Medline only for the final search Warning reactions
because the process did not reveal any differences between the two databases. NR: Seventeen studies assessed warning reactions20,26,27,29,
not reported.
. Overall, PWLs produced a
range of warning reactions, including cognitive
Impact of PWLs for cigarette packs elaboration and negative affective reactions. Three
We next summarize key findings, organizing them studies assessed cognitive elaboration (i.e. thinking
according to the message impact framework categories about the health risks of smoking). PWLs were
(Figure 2)9. With a few exceptions26,43, most studies significantly more effective in eliciting cognitive
reported findings for overall youth and/or young adult elaboration among young people compared to
samples. Where appropriate or when overall samples text or control warnings in those studies 27,40,51.
were not reported on, we report details for samples Fourteen studies assessed negative affective
stratified by various sociodemographic characteristics. reactions26,27,29,31,33,34,39,40,43-45,50,53. For the majority of

Figure 2. Effects of pictorial warnings on tobacco packs (summary of findings)

Tobacco pack warnings Attention & recall Warning reactions Attitudes & beliefs Intentions Behavior
+Attention attracting +Cognitive elaboration +Negative pack/brand +Intention to not start Smoking behavior
Pictorial vs Text Warnings (2 of 2 studies) (3 of 3) attitudes smoking (0)
+ Attention duration +Negative affective (2 of 3) (2 of 3)
+ Favors pictorial (2 of 2) reactions +Negative smoking +Intention to forgo
(majority of studies) -Response time (10 of 14) attitudes smoking
- Does not favor (0 of 2) +Credibility (2 of 2) (1 of 1)
pictorial (1 of 1) -Beliefs about harm -Intention to quit
-Psychological (2 of 7) smoking
reactance -Self-efficacy to quit (2 of 5)
(0 of 1) smoking +Intention to smoke
-Smoking cravings (0 of 2) (1 of 1)
(1 of 2) +Self-efficacy to not
-Aversiveness start smoking
(0 of 1) (2 of 2)

Social interactions
+Social interaction intentions
(1 of 1)
+Social interactions
(1 of 1)

Perceived effectiveness of warnings

+General effectiveness (3 of 3) +Motivation to not smoke (3 of 5) +Deter giving cigarettes as gift (1 of 1)
+Motivation to quit smoking (4 of 4) -Motivation to not start smoking (0 of 2)

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Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

studies, exposure to PWLs resulted in more negative Social interactions

affective reactions than exposure to text or control One study assessed social interaction intentions26 and
warnings26,27,31,40,43-45,50,53. In one study, female youth another assessed actual social interactions45. Both
had significantly higher scores than male youth for studies found PWLs to be significantly more effective
negative affective reactions 43; Black and Hispanic compared to text or control warnings at persuading
youth also had significantly higher scores among young people to talk to others about the warning.
young adults on negative affective reactions 43.
Credibility was significantly higher for PWLs than Perceived effectiveness
the text control in one study20. A study examining Perceived effectiveness is concerned with participants’
psychological reactance found no statistically perceptions of the effectiveness of warning messages.
significant difference45; aversiveness was also not Sixteen studies assessed perceived effectiveness
statistically significant34. The findings were mixed of the warnings20,26,31,34,36,38,40,43-47,50,51,53. PWLs were
for smoking cravings; one study found significant rated higher in general effectiveness in three
differences after exposure to PWLs27 while another studies26,34,38. Four studies assessed the impact of
found no differences32. warnings on motivation to quit smoking; all found
PWLs to be significantly more effective for young
Attitudes and beliefs people compared to text or control warnings36,44,47,50.
Th i r t e e n s t u d i e s e va l u a t e d a t t i t u d e s a n d Of the five studies that assessed motivation not to
beliefs26,27,29,33,35,41,43,45,46,48-50,52. PWLs were significantly smoke31,45,46,53, PWLs were significantly more effective
more effective at eliciting negative pack/brand in three studies31,53. In two studies, PWLs were rated
attitudes27,49 and smoking attitudes35,41 among youth significantly less effective in motivation to not start
and young adults relative to text or control warnings. smoking compared to text warnings44,51. One study
However, one study found that negative pack/brand found significant effects that PWLs are perceived to
attitudes favored text warnings 48. PWLs did not be effective in deterring giving cigarettes as a gift47.
change beliefs about smoking harms across the seven
studies that assessed this outcome 26,29,33,43,45,46,50,52. Impact of PWLs for smokeless tobacco products
Two studies found females had higher beliefs about Three studies evaluated the effect of PWLs for
harms than males26,43 and one found young African smokeless tobacco products, resulting in four
Americans and Hispanics had higher beliefs about independent samples25,30,42. Perceived effectiveness
harms than Whites43. PWLs influenced self-efficacy was the main outcome assessed in those studies.
to quit or not start smoking26,50. Young people rated PWLs on smokeless tobacco as
significantly more generally effective 25,42 and less
Behavioral intentions appealing25,30 than text warnings or controls.
Seven studies assessed behavioral intentions or
the likelihood of quitting, not starting or forgoing DISCUSSION
smoking26,28,29,33-35,48. Three studies assessed intentions This study contributes to the growing evidence of
not to start smoking26,35,48, and PWLs were found more the effectiveness of PWLs across different population
effective at eliciting these intentions in two of three groups. After synthesizing the findings from 31
studies26,35. In one study examining intentions to forgo studies with almost 30000 young people, we found
cigarettes, PWLs were significantly more effective at that PWLs elicited greater attention, stronger
eliciting intentions compared to text warnings34. Five cognitive reactions (thinking about harms) and
studies assessed intentions to quit smoking, with negative affective reactions (e.g. fear, disgust), more
mixed results26,28,29,33,34. Two studies found significant negative pack attitudes and smoking attitudes, and
differences favoring PWLs28,34, two studies found no increased intentions to not use tobacco products.
significant differences26,29 between PWLs and text, and Findings are similar to previous systematic reviews
one study found significant differences favoring the with primarily adult populations7-9 and suggest that
text condition over PWL33. PWL reduced intentions PWLs are vital in communicating health risks of
to smoke in one study28. tobacco use and potentially moving young people

Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(May):41

Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

away from initiating tobacco use or towards quitting the studies in the review was conducted with samples
tobacco products. In summary, the studies examined from these countries. Two of the three studies on
in this review showed encouraging evidence of effects non-cigarette tobacco products were in countries
of PWLs on young people that discourage them from with high rates of non-cigarette tobacco use (India
using tobacco products. and Bangladesh). However, more studies are needed
Although the findings on most outcomes generally to determine the impact of PWLs on non-cigarette
support the greater effectiveness of PWLs, the tobacco products as a tobacco control strategy for
findings on behavioral intentions were mixed, young people.
and the findings on beliefs about smoking harms Tobacco use is often a social behavior. Young
were not significant. In our review, PWLs elicited people whose parents are smokers are at high risk
more cognitive elaboration and negative emotional for initiation. PWLs on parents’ packs are seen by
reactions. This is consistent with what appear to be children, which also may broaden their impact in
the active mechanisms of PWLs’ impact among adult various ways45,57. However, we need more work in this
smokers55. On the other hand, we found mixed results area as most studies have been focused at the level of
for intentions and no effect for beliefs about smoking the individual. Only one study in this review evaluated
harms, findings also consistent with prior review the impact of youth exposure to warnings on their
studies9. The results for intentions may be due to parents’ packs45. Similarly, studies are increasingly
inadequate measures17. Researchers have pointed out examining social interactions that take place around
the importance of including timeframes when asking warnings58-60, recognizing that warnings can spark
about intentions, arguing that intention to change in conversations with a variety of people that may play
the next month is different from intention to change a role in their impact. Future research could examine
in the next six months. The lone study reporting a a variety of dyadic and social processes that may
timeframe for intentions found a significant effect of influence PWL impact.
PWLs for intentions to quit smoking in the next week. Despite evidence to the contrary, young people
Given that this review examined studies of adolescents maintain an optimistic bias towards smoking61,62.
and young adults, asking about a more immediate Young tobacco users often do not connect tobacco
timeframe may be more relevant to them than asking use to long-term health problems61. In one study,
about long-term intentions to quit. Or, it may be that 60% of adolescents smokers believed they could
brief exposure to warnings is not always enough to smoke for a few more years and then quit with no
change intentions, but repeated exposures over time adverse health effects, compared to 48% of adult
will lead to intention change56. Regarding beliefs smokers62. Potentially due to its long-term, far-off
about smoking harms, evidence is beginning to amass consequences, young tobacco users do not see the
that risk beliefs — especially cognitively-oriented link between tobacco use and many chronic diseases.
beliefs such as perceived likelihood of harm — play That said, countries have a limited set of warnings,
little to no role in the impact of PWLs9,55. Instead, such despite having adolescent, young adult, and adult
warnings seem to have an impact by eliciting in-the- populations. To maximize the impact of warnings
moment affective arousal and cognitive elaboration, on youth and young adults, we should ensure that
as we have found in this review. Still, more careful we implement content that resonates with younger
studies on the effects of PWLs are required before we population groups, in addition to adult smokers.
can make stronger conclusions regarding extant risk While the main target of PWLs may be adult smokers
beliefs and intentions in warning effectiveness among (and cessation behavior), young people are a critical
adolescents and young adults. secondary audience for tobacco warnings.
In this review, countries with the highest prevalence In this review, we observed an increase in the
of overall tobacco use among young people were rarely number of studies focusing on youth and young
represented in the research. Nepal, for example, has adult populations throughout the study period: 24
some of the highest prevalence of smokeless tobacco of the 31 studies (77%) were published in 2010 or
use among adolescent boys and girls3. Argentina has later. However, the majority of studies in our review
high rates of cigarette smoking3. However, none of were about PWLs for cigarettes. So far, studies on

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Tobacco Induced Diseases
Review Paper

the effectiveness of PWLs for NCTPs have not kept PWLs on extant outcomes among young people is
pace with their rapid rise in use. Use of NCTPs has warranted.
surged in the USA and other western countries in
the past five years, especially among young people1,5. CONCLUSIONS
Increased use of NCTPs makes identifying evidence- Preventing tobacco use among young people is critical
based strategies to communicate the health risks of to ending the tobacco epidemic worldwide. Moreover,
non-cigarette tobacco products an urgent priority16,63. PWLs on tobacco products are a vital part of those
Thus, more studies are needed that focus on PWLs tobacco control efforts. As such, it is essential to
for NCTPs (e.g. little cigars, waterpipe tobacco) and evaluate the evidence for PWLs among young people.
not only smokeless tobacco products. The limited Much of what we know about the effectiveness of
evidence that we have suggests that PWLs seem to such warnings come from studies of adult populations.
operate similarly for cigarettes and non-cigarette Youth and young adults represent key target
tobacco products. Nevertheless, we need more studies population groups for PWLs. This systematic review
to identify specific warnings to implement because sought to expand our understanding of the impact
some NCTPs have different health effects, and specific of tobacco pack PWLs on tobacco-related outcomes
research is needed to guide both warning content and for young people. We showed that PWLs on tobacco
format. products are effective across a wide range of outcomes,
including attention, negative affective reactions, and
Limitations and future directions perceived effectiveness. More work is needed to
The study has several limitations. First, we were bolster the impact of warnings on young people and
unable to draw conclusions on the effects of PWLs to to estimate the effect of warnings to reduce tobacco
stem tobacco use initiation among young people. A initiation among young people. Continued research
previous review pointed out the limited research on will also further build the evidence base that PWLs
smoking initiation9, and this is still the case. Young communicate health risks of smoking and other forms
people in this review did perceive that warnings of tobacco use.
would motivate them not to start tobacco use, but
rigorous studies examining the impact on initiation REFERENCES
have not been undertaken. Perceived effectiveness 1. World Health Organization. WHO report on the global
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Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; 2014.
More research from these high-prevalence areas 5. US Department of Health and Human Services. National
would contribute to answering questions related to survey on drug use and health, 2014. Ann Arbor: MI:
how PWLs work and for whom they work. Finally, a Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social
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Review Paper

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doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2007.00360.x We would like to thank N. Brewer, K. Ribisl, and M. Hall for their
contributions to earlier systematic reviews that provided a foundation
for the current review study.

Authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure
of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none was reported.

There was no source of funding for this research.

DBF, NM, JCR, and SMN conceptualized the study and reviewed all data
collection instruments. DBF and NM coded and analyzed the data. DBF
wrote the manuscript, and NM, JCR, and SMN contributed to revisions
and reviewed the final draft of the manuscript.


Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019;17(May):41

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