Polarity Reversal

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Polarity Reversal

Clumsy? Confused? Everything Going from Bad to Worse?


When our electromagnetic field is disrupted, which apparently it can easily be…
Energy Psychology treatments appear to not work, or they temporarily work but don't last.
--Drs. D. & R. Grudermeyer

Maybe Your Batteries are in Backwards!

If, for any reason, flow in the body's energy system is disorganized or reversed, we don't
function well and aren't likely to respond well to energy-work - or life! It's like having some
or all of the batteries in the energy system put in backwards or not making clear contact
with the next batteries in the sequence.

When we feel confused or unclear, fragile, clumsy and poorly coordinated, with
things not going the way they're "supposed to," we're probably in a state of
disorganized or reversed energy.

Chronic Battery Reversal: People whose body energy is chronically reversed or

"switched" are resistant to positive change and healing. They tend to self-sabotage
repeatedly in important life areas despite their stated good intentions. According to Dr.
Roger Callahan (1991), developer of Thought Field Therapy, subconscious negative and
self-defeating thoughts can cause and maintain a polarity reversal in the body's energy
If the energy polarity of your whole body is reversed, you may feel non-deserving or
unworthy of positive change at a deep level of your identity. You may have related
limiting beliefs, and make the same self-defeating mistakes over and over again. This
negative cycle can be hard to break.
Specific Battery Reversal: Persons whose body energies are reversed or "switched"
for only specific issues or problems probably won't achieve positive change and
healing in those specific areas. This is often the case with common issues such as trying
to lose weight or stop smoking.


Remedy: For confused or switched polarity, the "Belly Button Correction" (BBC) is the fast and effective
remedy. This exercise really turns things around, polarity-wise. It turns the body's energies toward healing and
positive functioning. Here is my own tidy version of the Belly Button Correction, as illustrated and further
discussed in my book Feeling Free!  

Fingers on navel - rub Fingers on navel - rub Fingers on navel - massage Fingers on navel - rub on
under nose. under lower lip. both collar-bone points tail-bone.
1. Press the fingers of one hand firmly on your navel and keep them there.
2. Rub under your nose with the index finger of the other hand for 6 to 8 seconds.
3. Rub under your lower lip for 6 to 8 seconds.
4. Extend fingers and thumb to massage both collarbone points for 6 to 8 seconds.
5. Massage your tailbone for 6 to 8 seconds.
6. Reverse hands and repeat the procedure (optional, but recommended!).

The Belly-Button Correction is a powerful self-care tool to have in your tool kit!

If reversed or switched polarity is chronic or frequent, do the BBC many times a day, every day, to retrain
your body's energy system. As you become aware of your typical symptoms of disorganized energy, the BBC
will help you get your batteries in right and get organized, energetically! Use the BBC for energy self-
management and a positive outlook on life.

Energy Testing techniques to identify Polarity Reversal and a quick and easy "Polarity Correction and Lock-in"
are taught in my dowsing manual, Divining Health: A Dowsing Approach to Emotional Freedom.

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