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Literature Review

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein in 1980 (Otieno et

al., 2016). TRA presents the factors that influence human actions. The theory aims at explaining the

connection existing between attitudes and behaviors among individuals. Ellis and Helaire (2020)

state that most sectors within a country's economy use this theory to understand their customers'

attitudes and behaviors. The theory is mostly used to determine the behavior of customers based on

pre-existing beliefs. According to Mohanty (2019), the adoption of technology in the service

industries such as insurance and banking sectors dramatically depends on their behaviors and

attitudes. The idea is supported by Xiao (2019), who illustrates that e-sports viewership is also

influenced by the attitudes and behaviors of the viewers. Therefore, conferring to the theory of

reasoned action, the purpose of performing certain practices precedes the exact responses. Ellis and

Helaire (2020) further reiterate that the theory of reasoned action implies that more energetic goals

lead to improved efforts to illustrate behavior. Thus, increasing the likelihood of the behavior to

occur. Xiao (2019) states that aesthetic, drama, and escapism factors relate to the attitudes of

watching e-sports. The participants used to conduct the research indicated that watching e-sport

helps in managing time. Due to its time management phenomenon, the viewers can multitask with

other activities while watching sports. Positive attitudes of clients towards a specific insurance

company influence the rate at which customers purchase a given insurance product (Mohanty,

2019). Therefore, the insurance companies have the mandate of improving the information they

disseminate to their customers to ensure that they maintain a positive attitude. Moreover, Ellis and

Helaire (2020) point out that adolescents are majorly affected by the TRA due to the behaviors and

attitudes that children attain during the adolescent age. The various study research illustrates the

numerous applications of TRA. However, the articles do not indicate the benefits of theory of

reasoned action.

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

Theory of planned behaviour (TPB), is a psychological model that links the human belief

with the existing behaviors. The theory indicates that subject standards and attitudes shape an

individual’s behavior and intentions. Theory of planned behaviour is an improvement of the theory

of reasoned action. According to Liong and Cheng (2017), evaluations presented by people are

determined by their beliefs and behaviors. Phillips (2019) contends that the TPB accomplishments

relies on intentions and behavioral control. Most organizations and businesses apply this theory in

their daily operations to control the beliefs and behaviors that control the development of these

sectors. The theory of planned behaviour has been utilized to effectively expect and explain a

variety of health behaviors and intentions (Webb, 2017). Such factors in the healthcare system

undertaken using the theory of planned behaviour include smoking, substance abuse, and

breastfeeding. Webb (2017) also argues that TPB depends much on intentions and behavior control.

Theory of Planned Behaviour illustrates three types of beliefs that help in describing the entire

aspects of the argument. These beliefs include normative, power, and behavioral convictions.

Phillips (2019), indicates that this theory helps organizations to plan the processes and approaches

that take plans in their organizations. Luong and Cheng (2017) shows the effects associated with

sex chatting by the theory of planned behavior. The article indicates that sex chatting is an intended

behavior that occurs due to the agreement made between the two parties (Liong & Cheng, 2017).

The behaviors associated with this theory of planned behavior are likely to be addictive to the

parties involved. TPB is applicable in most organizations and sector to present the correlation

between attitude and behaviour. However, the articles on TPB omits the various challenges that

people and organizations might encounter while implementing it.


Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) refers to the evidence approach that illustrates how

operators receive and control the utilization of technology. Diop et al. (2019) state that when

operators are provided with innovative technologies, several influences impact the choice, and how

and when they will utilize the presented technique. These aspects include; perceived helpfulness

and comfort of use. Taherdoost (2018), illustrates that boldness significantly indicates the

impressions of technology offered by various users. The social factors are also important

determinants of mentality suggested by the new users. Drawing from Diop et al. (2019), perceived

usefulness denotes the degree to which technology operators trust that usage of the new models

would change and improve their perception of various technological measures. Like other models,

the TAM is commonly used by multiple companies and firms, especially the companies and firms

that need to improve their market share. Conferring to Portz et al. (2019), the Technology

Acceptance Model has been used among older patients to illustrate the qualitative aspects of User

Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). Technological use is essential in the healthcare systems

to improve the quality of healthcare services provided by patients. It also helps the medical

practitioners to reduce the contact time that they use to treat a single patient. Portz et al. (2019)

indicate that the implementation and usage of expertise in the healthcare systems have suggestively

reduced the number of deaths that occur due to human errors. Moreover, other researchers have

used the Technology Acceptance Model to determine the empirical studies existing among ease of
use, system use, and effectiveness. Technology is vital and applicable to numerous sectors. It is

because most of the sectors need to fit within the globalization standards that require companies to

develop technological aspects in their operation to increase the profitability margin. Therefore,

companies need to formulate strategies that will allow their organizations to accept the desired


Extension of TAM (ETAM)

Extension of Technology Acceptance Model (ETAM) is an extension of the Technology

Acceptance Model. The extension technology acceptance model has been used in various sectors to

determine the extent to which the organizations have adopted technological approaches. ETAM also

helps to determine the level at which the organizations have benefited from technology adoption.

According to Agustina (2019), technology has improved the adoption of cryptocurrency, taking

place online. The extension technology acceptance model has favored individuals in the trading

sectors, as most of the customers can interact with their products online. Al-Azawei et al. (2017)

indicated that even though some industries have benefited from the extension of technology

acceptance model, others are counting the implications that occur due to the implementation of

these technologies. The article by Al-Azawei et al. (2017) illustrates the effects of education styles

blended in the e-learning platforms. Most of the students partaking their courses through e-learning

processes are likely to score poorly. Even though there are implications, extension technology

acceptance model has improved the flexibility of studying among scholars. Estriegana et al. (2019)
indicate the students' receipt of computer-generated workshop and applied work by use of the

Extension Technology Acceptance Model. The technology adoption has improved the level and

magnitude at which students carry out their actual work through the online channels. According to

Estriegana et al. (2019), extension technology acceptance model has a significant role in developing

various sectors by improving the performance margins. Technology acceptance model requires the

support of approaches and schemes implemented in the company to allow penetration of the model

into the company’s operations. The topic of extension technology acceptance model has limited

researchers that presents idea associated with this model. Thus, more researchers should consider

developing and venturing into the

ETAM topic.

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

Social cognitive theory (SCT) refers to a psychological aspect that illustrates the theoretical

perspectives of learning. The social cognitive theory indicates that learning takes through

conventional approaches that take place in society. Social cognitive theory involves goal realization,

self-observation, self-evaluation, and self-reactions as the primary processes used to facilitate the

learning system. Ahrens and Cloutier (2019) discuss that most people in the acting and comedy

sector trained from the social platform. Most of the homes are fitted with Televisions that allow the

students to learn and understand the actual aspects of learning. The children often imitate the
actions they view from the Televisions, and these actions eventually become their behavior. Ahrens

and Cloutier (2019), also incorporates the virtue of learning with the social cognitive theory and

finds out that social cognitive theory is much easier than virtual learning. Leyva (2018), indicates

that most of the habits are developed in society. The perpetual formation in civilizations is made

more comfortable with the actions of people and the surrounding environment. SCT enhances the

early brain development of infants. Leyva (2018), indicates that training the mind at an old age is

much easier than when the child is grown. According to Portugal (2018), Social cognitive theory

precedes the lesson and educational processes. The article indicates that the development of

experiences should incorporate social cognitive approaches to all developers to take place faster.

Most people in the educational sector, are well aware of the ways and factors that they would use to

enhance and improve social cognitive theory among their students. In this case, the brain gets the

chance to develop at the required pace with sensitivity to the surrounding environment. Social

cognitive theory is widely researched with most of the researcher determining the correlation

between the social cognitive theory and brain development of children. Thus, researchers in this

sector need to broaden the topic and include other sectors of the economy such as the business


Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DOI)

Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI) forms part of the old communal science philosophies.

The philosophy emanated from the communication sector to illustrate how a product gets into the

market and gains momentum over time (Şehbenderoğlu, 2019). Once the products gain momentum,
it can diffuse through the social systems. In the end, people who are part of the communal system

accept the innovative invention, behavior, or idea—taking means that people can purchase and use

the products to accomplish their desires. According to Moon (2016), science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has been adopted through the diffusion innovation

theory. Initially, the number of female genders in STEM education was limited, leaving the male

gender to dominate this subject. STEM education gained momentum when the society realized the

importance of STEM education in future careers. According to Moon (2016), STEM professionals

are more marketable in the job market than other students who do not take STEM on their career

journeys. Oweis and Alghaswyneh (2019) indicate that antecedents of electronic banking diffused

to the Saud Arabia people through the Diffusion of innovation theory. The Saudi Arabia banks

incorporate the diffusion innovation theory to ensure that more people registered to the electronic

banking systems. Currently, most of the population in Saudi Arabia are using electronic devices and

systems to connect to their banks to attain banking services. Şehbenderoğlu (2019), support the

diffusion of innovation theory by an illustration of wireless health-tracking strategies. The wireless

health-tracking plans have been used in the health sector to monitor the level of treatment among

people with chronic illness. The wearable tracking devices were adopted to minimize congestion in

hospitals and to provide quality healthcare services among practitioners. Diffusion of innovation

theory have the potential of penetrating into the business sector to illustrate the processes and

procedures that would help new products and services to be accepted in the market.

Technology, organization, and environment context

Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) framework describes the factors that

impact technology adoption within society. Technology, organization, and environment framework

helps explain the processes that a firm can adopt and implement to enhance technological

innovations based on environmental and organizational context (Mohammad et al. 2019). The

technical background illustrates the interior and exterior machineries that are essential to the

company. Such techniques may comprise the provision of gears that will facilitate the procedures.

The administrative setting denotes to the resources and characteristics that a firm may use. The

funds may consist of both human and financial resources (Nurhadi & Purnomo, 2018).

Additionally, the environmental context consists of the factors within the firm's surroundings that

may hinder its operations. The ecological context includes competitors and macroeconomics.

Giampietri and Trestini (2020) illustrate that farmers use technology and an organization's

environmental framework to market their produce. The technological aspects enable farmers to

adopt web marketing that exposes their products to more customers. Mohammad et al. (2019),

illustrate the use of technology, organization, and environment in building information modeling

that uses in modeling information from one organization to the other. Moreover, Mohammad et al.

(2019) also discusses the adoption challenges that contractors in Malaysia have adopted through the

use of this business information model. The article indicates the importance of technology,

organization, and environment in producing approaches and strategies for organizations. Nurhadi

and Purnomo (2018), illustrates the predictions that would take place in the small hotel through the

adoption of technology, organization, and environment. The article indicates that small hotels are

likely benefited from the technological framework. The framework will illustrate the various ways

in which the small hotels will develop the business. Technology, organization and environment
framework and context are essential in improving the operations and profitability of the companies.

All these factors are

essential in an

organization to

attain its strategic plans.

The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)

The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) refers to a technology

receipt classical that expresses information technology through a unified view. The primary purpose

of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology is to clarify and expound on operator

purposes to use an information scheme. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

theory indicates that the theory has critical aspects such as communal inspiration, enabling

circumstances, exertion anticipation, and presentation anticipation. Koral (2017) suggests using

UTAUT theory to measure the level of technology acceptance among the teachers. Currently,

teachers need to adopt technological developments to transfer their students' technical knowledge.

Momani (2020) indicates the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology is essential for the

organization to realize its technological acceptance level. Technology allows organizations to

understand their growth and development levels. According to Rahi et al. (2019), this theory

facilitated the adoption rate of the internet in the banking sector. Through globalization, the banking
sector has required intensive internet users to connect the banking system with the customers. The

banks indicate that the internet connections they are using are capable of facilitating flexibility

among their customers. According to Koral (2017), UTAUT theory has managed to develop

strategies and approaches to the organizations that would help improve the growth and development

of the firms and companies. The companies and firms that have utilized UTAUT theory illustrate

that the use of this theory ensures that the organization adopts schemas and plans to improve their

technological adoption. Information and documents that illustrate about the UTAUT theory are very

limited. The few article available have shallow information that is not well developed to illustrate

about the topic. The theory is not well linked to real life scenarios to allow the researcher to

understand the various ways in

which the theory affects

the daily life activities.


Agustina, D. (2019). Extension of Technology Acceptance Model (E-tam): Adoption of

Cryptocurrency Online Trading Technology. Journal Economy, 24(2), 272.

Ahrens, A., & Cloutier, D. (2019). Acting for good reasons: Integrating virtue theory and social

cognitive theory. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 13(4), e12444.

Al-Azawei, A., Parslow, P., & Lundqvist, K. (2017). Investigating the effect of learning styles in a

blended e-learning system: An extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM).

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.

Diop, E., Zhao, S., & Duy, T. (2019). An extension of the technology acceptance model for

understanding travelers’ adoption of variable message signs. PLOS ONE, 14(4), e0216007.

Ellis, J., & Helaire, L. (2020). A Theory of Reasoned Action Approach to Examining Academic

Help-Seeking Behaviors among Adolescents in a College Readiness Program. The Urban


Estriegana, R., Medina-Merodio, J., & Barchino, R. (2019). Student acceptance of virtual laboratory

and practical work: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Computers &

Education, 135, 1-14.

Giampietri, E., & Trestini, S. (2020). Analyzing farmers' intention to adopt web marketing under a

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Koral Gümüşoğlu, E. (2017). Measuring Technology Acceptance Level of Teachers by Using

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Leyva, R. (2018). Towards a cognitive-sociological theory of subjectivity and habitus formation in

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Liong, M., & Cheng, G. (2017). Sext and gender: examining gender effects on sexting based on the

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Portz, J., Bayliss, E., Bull, S., Boxer, R., Benkelman, D., Gleason, K., & Czaja, S. (2019). Using the

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Rahi, S., Abd.Ghani, M., & Hafaz Ngah, A. (2019). Integration of unified theory of acceptance and

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Şehbenderoğlu, Z. (2019). Predicting the Adoption of Wearable Health Tracking Devices: An

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Taherdoost, H. (2018). Development of an adoption model to assess user acceptance of e-service

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Webb, K. (2017). Theory of planned behavior: general practitioners' prescribing and referral

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Xiao, M. (2019). Factors influencing e-Sports Viewership: An Approach Based on the Theory of

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