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NBS-2P2Y Operations Strategy and Management

Coursework Assignment 2010/11

You are required to conduct a research into a named organisation that offers a
range of services or products (or a single service or product). Select an
operation (e.g. the fulfilment process as outlined in the third seminar exercise)
of your chosen organisation. The scope of the operation under study should
be reasonably wide enough, or you may not be able to provide sufficient
discussion for the following questions. This will require a substantial research
effort (e.g. field visit, interview, study of literature, etc.). Write an essay
addressing the following:

1. Briefly explain the operation you are studying, and its associated
processes. Boundary of the operation under study should be well
defined and justified. Also discuss the strategic implications of the
operation (i.e. why it is worth studying). You can make reference to the
competitive objectives as outlined in the lectures.
[15% marks]
2. Provide an annotated input-transformation-output diagram of the
operations system showing the primary, secondary and tertiary inputs
and outputs. Explain your analysis.
[15% marks]
3. Draw a process map to outline the process steps of the operation you
are studying. Discuss each process step of your diagram in detail (e.g.
times required at each step), and indicate clearly the flow from one
symbol to another symbol. Provide a definition of the symbols you used.
[25% marks]

4. Calculate the Design capacity, Effective Capacity and Actual Outputs of

the operation. By considering capacity constraints outline the main
bottlenecks effective the organisation. What appears to be the capacity
strategy adopted by the organisation and why do you think it has
chosen this approach?
[25% marks]
5. Suggest any improvement options based on the above. You may
redraw the process map to aid you in your discussion.
[10% marks]
6. The remaining 10% is awarded for structure and presentation (5%) and
research and references (5%). All references should be provided in
Harvard format.
[10% marks]
(i.) The maximum word length for the coursework is 2500 words (not including
appendices, diagrams and tables). It should be word processed and printed on A4
paper (including title page).
(ii.) Provide a little background information about the organisation you are studying
as an appendix to your essay.
(iii.) Important dates:
Date Submitted: 15:00pm on 14th December, 2010
Date Returned: after 20 working days

Grade Attainment Levels:

First Class:

• Exceptionally good work, which demonstrates extensive, accurate knowledge

and understanding of the academic principles applicable to the topic.
• Comprehensive field research presented which provides evidence of the
operational practices of the organization
• Additional academic input that demonstrates insight into theoretical issues
• A coherently structured essay with correct use of language and spelling.

Second Class:

• Good work which demonstrates a depth of knowledge and understanding of

the academic principles applicable to the topic.
• Evidence of field research
• Some analysis of the academic issues.
• A reasonably well written essay that contains appropriate language and

‘Weak’ Pass:

• Some evidence of academic knowledge and understanding of the academic

• Field research is presented but further analysis could have been developed
• Rather weak analysis of academic issues
• Indifferent structure to the essay with some spelling and language errors.


• Lacks evidence of academic knowledge and understanding

• Field research limited in scope and application
• Little or no analysis of academic issues
• Weak essay structure, language and spelling

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