Microhabitat Selection and Niche Partitioning in Two Syntopic Geckos

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Austral Ecology (2020) , –

Microhabitat selection and niche partitioning in two

syntopic geckos
School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, P.O. Wits,
Johannesburg, 2050, South Africa (Email: Melissa.petford@outlook.com)

Abstract Syntopic species often exhibit evolutionary mechanisms that reduce competition. A common mecha-
nism facilitating coexistence is niche separation, which may manifest through spatial, temporal or trophic dimen-
sions. Species that are morphologically similar, such as congeners, are likely to compete directly and thus
separate their niche spatially. The microhabitat selection and partitioning of two endemic geckos of the Sout-
pansberg Mountains, Lygodactylus incognitus (Jacobsen, 1992; Squamata: Gekkonidae) and L. soutpansbergensis
(Jacobsen, 1994; Squamata: Gekkonidae), was investigated by recording fine- and broad-scale habitat variables.
Results reveal that L. incognitus is restricted to high elevations above 1100 m a.s.l. and is associated with moist
microclimates. Although primarily saxicolous, they also utilise tree trunks, branches and stems. Lygodactylus sout-
pansbergensis occurs above 800 m a.s.l and is restricted to rocky outcrops, open woodlands and rocky grasslands,
often found on loose rocks. Perch height for L. soutpansbergensis is close to ground level, and they are limited to
drier microclimates. Microhabitat partitioning does not appear to be due to interspecific exclusion as the smaller
L. soutpansbergensis occupies the same niche dimensions in areas where L. incognitus is not present. Sites where
L. incognitus occurs in the absence of L. soutpansbergensis are forested with high canopy cover, likely preventing
the colonisation of L. soutpansbergensis. This suggests that morphological and physiological constraints define
microhabitat limits, although this still requires testing. Anthropogenic activities are likely to threaten the persis-
tence of L. incognitus and L. soutpansbergensis on the Soutpansberg in the future. The results from this study may
aid the interpretation and understanding on the syntopy of morphologically similar species that inhabit the same
macrohabitats in other areas.

Key words: microhabitat, niche separation, syntopic, coexistence, conservation.

INTRODUCTION (Heller 1971; Myrberg & Thresher 1974; Toft 1985;

Robinson & Terborgh 1995; Bay et al. 2001; Langk-
Wherever a species exists, there is always likely to be ilde et al. 2005; Lisicic et al. 2012).
other species with overlapping ecological require- Lizards are ideal organisms to examine and identify
ments with which it must compete. Niche separation coexistence mechanisms as they are often locally
is one of the potential mechanisms which enables this abundant, and several species are commonly found
coexistence and enables high diversity and syntopy of inhabiting the same macrohabitats. As such, niche
species. Syntopy (Rivas 1964) and its underlying evo- separation has been well documented for several syn-
lutionary mechanisms have been studied in detail in topic lizard species (Huey et al. 1974; Hess & Losos
order to gain a better understanding of communities 1991; Akani et al. 2002; Noble et al. 2010; Lisicic
(Hamilton 1962; Adolph 1990; Kitchen et al. 1999; et al. 2012). Spatial niche separation is one of the
Luiselli 2008; Lisicic et al. 2012). Syntopic species most common methods of partitioning for syntopic
frequently come into contact with each other and lizards, particularly as most species are generalist,
thus exhibit behavioural, morphological or ecological opportunistic feeders and are thus unlikely to parti-
modes of separation in order to reduce interspecific tion food resources (Luiselli 2008; Noble et al. 2010;
competition (Pianka 1973; Snyder 1979; Melville Lisicic et al. 2012). Resource partitioning and micro-
2002; Steinberg et al. 2007; Luiselli 2008). This is habitat selection in lizards can be attributed to physi-
also known as resource partitioning (Pianka 1973). ological and morphological constraints (Snyder 1979;
Resource partitioning in syntopy may be due to inter- 
Steinberg et al. 2007; Zagar et al. 2015; Ferreira et al.
specific aggression, with a dominant species forcing 2017). Species which are morphologically similar,
others to occupy different niches, or due to ecologi- such as congeners, are likely to compete directly as
cal, physiological and morphological differences morphology, ecology and behaviour are linked, and
thus, these species are likely to have similar ecologi-
*Corresponding author. cal requirements (Huey et al. 1974; Huey & Pianka
Accepted for publication December 2019. 1977; Pianka 1986; Losos 1990).

© 2020 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.12857

2 M . A . P E T F O R D ET AL.

Investigating the mechanisms behind niche separa- point and is situated within a rain shadow from the Drak-
tion in closely related species can provide knowledge ensberg escarpment. It therefore receives low annual rainfall
on fine-scale ecological interactions, particularly for (average of 618 mm at Louis Trichardt; Hahn 2006). In
restricted species whose basic ecology is poorly spite of the mountain range being relatively narrow, there
are still large differences in climate between the northern
known. Understanding a species requirements and
and southern sides. The northern side of the mountain is
interactions on a deeper level can strengthen conser-
much hotter and arid with areas on the northern slopes
vation planning (Filippi & Luiselli 2006; Triska et al. receiving an average annual rainfall of only 300–400 mm.
2017), particularly as habitat destruction through The higher elevations of southern and eastern facing slopes
both direct and indirect anthropogenic pressures is are classified as being in a mist-belt due to prevailing winds
increasingly an issue in conservation biology, where bringing moisture laden air from the Indian Ocean; this is
generalist species are likely to benefit from reduced also facilitated by the east–west axis of the mountain
competition from specialist species (Nordberg & Sch- (Kabanda 2003; Hahn 2006; Kirchhoff et al. 2010).
warzkopf 2019). Vegetation classifications follow Mucina and Rutherford
We measured the microhabitat parameters of the (2006), Mostert (2006) and Mostert et al. (2008). The
Cryptic Dwarf Gecko (Lygodactylus incognitus; Jacob- main vegetation type present in the western Soutpansberg
is Soutpansberg Mountain Bushveld, which is further sub-
sen, 1992; Squamata: Gekkonidae) and the Sout-
divided into the following: Subtropical Moist Thickets;
pansberg Dwarf Gecko (L. soutpansbergensis; Mist-belt Bush Clumps; Open Savanna Sandveld; and Arid
Jacobsen, 1994; Squamata: Gekkonidae), two syn- Mountain Bushveld (Mucina & Rutherford 2006; Mostert
topic geckos endemic to the Soutpansberg Mountains 2006; Mostert et al. 2008). Additional vegetation types in
in South Africa, in an attempt to understand their the Soutpansberg are Northern Mist-belt Forest and Sout-
microhabitat requirements, whether niche partition- pansberg Summit Sourveld. Disturbed areas in the western
ing occurs on a spatial scale and whether either spe- Soutpansberg include silviculture and previous agricultural
cies occurs in disturbed areas. We recorded fine- and areas.
broad-scale habitat variables for individual gecko
sightings along random transects. A comparison of
niche limits between areas where the species were Study species
and were not syntopic were used to assess whether
niche separation was facilitated by interspecific Lygodactylus incognitus and L. soutpansbergensis (Fig. 1) are
endemic to the Soutpansberg Mountain range and thus
have very restricted distributions with an area of occu-
pancy (AOO) of 675 and 1250 km2, respectively (Bates
et al. 2014). The known distribution for L. soutpansbergen-
MATERIALS AND METHODS sis extends from the far western region of the Soutpans-
berg to Thohoyandou and Thathe Vondo areas in the
Study area east. Lygodactylus incognitus has a smaller known distribu-
tion of only 10 locations from the far western Soutpans-
The study area is located in the western part of the Sout- berg to the Thathe Vondo area and falls completely
pansberg Mountain range, Limpopo Province, South within the distribution of L. soutpansbergensis. Lygodactylus
Africa. For the purpose of the study, the western Soutpans- incognitus has an average SVL of 33.9 mm  1.7, with
berg is defined as the 70 km stretch between Vivo in the adult males reaching 36 mm and adult females 37 mm
west and Louis Trichardt in the east. Most of the fieldwork (Jacobsen 1992). Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis is smaller
took place at the Lajuma Research Centre ( 23.04, 29.44) with an average SVL of 29.2 mm  1.8, with adult males
and Medike Mountain Reserve ( 23.00, 29.61) with reaching 31 mm and adult females 32.5 mm (Jacobsen
additional surveying taking place at Goro Game Reserve 1994).
( 22.97, 29.43) and Hanglip Forest Reserve ( 22.99, Both species have been defined as saxicolous, with previ-
29.89). The western Soutpansberg ranges in elevation from ous studies on the reptiles of the Soutpansberg concluding
800 to 1748 m a.s.l., is roughly 25 km wide at its widest that L. incognitus occurs on rocky outcrops in woodland,

Fig. 1. Lygodactylus incognitus (left) and Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis (right)

doi:10.1111/aec.12857 © 2020 Ecological Society of Australia


grassland and bush clumps between 1282 and 1748 m Table 1. Microhabitat variables recorded when L. incogni-
a.s.l., whilst L. soutpansbergensis occurs on rocky outcrops in tus and L. soutpansbergensis were observed
grassland and open woodland between 850 and 1550 m
a.s.l (Jacobsen 1992, 1994; Kirchhoff et al. 2010; Bates Variable Radius Description
et al. 2014).
Rock Type – For example, sandstone and
Methods Rock – Type of formation, for example
Structure scree slope, cliff and ridge
Sampling took place between January 2017 and November Micro-aspect – Aspect to which the gecko is
2017. Transects were randomly walked across study sites facing to the nearest ordinal
through all the vegetation types present in the study area, direction
including disturbed areas. A total of 250 transects were Macro-aspect – Aspect of the slope on which the
gecko is located to the nearest
selected using a simple random design, with start points
ordinal direction
randomly generated in each of the field locations, excluding
Height off – Height from the ground to where
inaccessible areas (e.g. steep cliff faces). Each transect was
Ground the gecko was first observed in
roughly 500 m long. The number of transects in each vege- metres (to the nearest cm)
tation type was size representative. Each transect was Substrate – Soil type where the gecko was
repeated in summer and winter. On each transect, active Type first observed (sandy soil,
searching techniques (turning rocks; looking in crevices) humus soil, clay soil)
were used to detect the geckos. If either species was not % Tree Cover 1 m2 % of tree cover when looking up
found in a particular habitat type, transects were repeated directly from where the gecko
and additional intensive surveys were conducted. As the was first observed to the
geckos are diurnal, sampling took place during daylight nearest 5%
hours between 7 am and 5 pm in winter and until 6pm in % Lichen 1 m2 % of lichen cover to the nearest
summer. Incidental records were also used from across the Cover 5%
study sites. % of Leaf 1 m2 % of leaf litter to the nearest 5%
When the geckos were observed, microhabitat data were Litter
collected using a personalised CyberTracker v3.386 appli- % of Grass 1 m2 % of grass to the nearest 5%
cation (Table 1). Macro-aspect, micro-aspect, substrate % of Loose 1 m2 % of loose rocks to the nearest
type and whether the gecko was in direct sunlight or shade Rocks 5%
were recorded. Preferred perch height was assessed by mea- % of Wood 1 m2 % of wood debris to the nearest
suring height off ground to the nearest cm with a measur- Debris 5%
Distance to 5 m2 Distance to the nearest tree taller
ing tape. Heights above 3 m were estimated. Percentage
Nearest than 2 m measured in m
canopy cover, lichen cover, leaf litter, grass, loose rocks
and wood debris were recorded within a 1 m2 radius to the
% Ground 5 m2 % of ground covered by woody
nearest 5% using a quadrat. Within 5 m2, the distance to Cover of vegetation to the nearest 5%
nearest tree >2 m (to the nearest 1 m), percentage ground Trees
cover of trees, exposed rock, grass and bare soil (to the % Exposed 5 m2 % of ground which is covered by
nearest 5%) were recorded by visual estimation as adapted Rock exposed rock to the nearest
from Quirt et al. (2006). If a gecko was observed within a 5%
refuge, the type of refuge was noted, for example under a % Grass 5 m2 % of ground which is covered by
rock or in a crevice. Records of each gecko were separated grass or non-woody vegetation
by season. As the study site is located in a subtropical area, (e.g. sedge) to the nearest 5%
autumn and spring are not prominent, and thus, the sea- % of Bare Soil 5 m2 % of ground which is bare soil to
sons were split into summer (October–March) and winter the nearest 5%
(April–September). Type of – If found in refuge: under a rock;
Refuge in a rock crevice; under bark

Statistical analyses
The resulting factor scores were assessed using a multi-
As the dataset consisted of mixed variable types, an opti-
variable linear regression model in order to assess whether
mal scaling approach was used to reduce the dimension-
there were any significant differences between the micro-
ality of the 19 microhabitat selection variables.
habitat selection of L. incognitus and L. soutpansbergensis.
Categorical principal component analyses (CATPCA)
The regression scores were the dependent variables, with
were used to first monotonically transform the variables
season as a covariate and species as the fixed factor. Fol-
in order to maximise the variability explained. The corre-
low-up univariate regression tests with a Bonferroni correc-
lation matrix from the CATPCA output was inspected
tion were performed. With the Bonferroni correction, only
and any variables which did not have at least one corre-
P-values <0.0167 were considered statistically significant.
lation coefficient >0.3 were removed. The transformed
In addition to this, a further two multivariable linear regres-
variables were then used to perform factor analyses (FA)
sions were performed with factor scores as the dependent
(Starkweather 2010).
variable, season as a covariate and syntopy (yes/no) as a

© 2020 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.12857

4 M . A . P E T F O R D ET AL.

fixed factor to compare the habitat selection of each species L. incognitus was found in Mist-belt Bush Clumps
between areas where they were syntopic, and where they and Northern Mist-belt Forest, whilst L. soutpansber-
were not. Again, follow-up univariate regressions tests with gensis was also found in Arid Mountain Bushveld and
a Bonferroni correction were then performed; only P-values Open Savanna Sandveld. Neither species was located
<0.0167 were statistically significant. All statistics were con-
in silivicultural areas. Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis
ducted in IBM SPSS Statistics 20, and all relevant assump-
was absent from sites where rocks had been histori-
tions were assessed prior to analyses.
cally cleared for agriculture. Lygodactylus incognitus
was common on house walls, whereas no L. soutpans-
RESULTS bergensis were observed on buildings. Average perch
height of L. incognitus was 1.75 m (0–15 m [min-
Habitat measures were recorded for 167 individual max height]) and for L. soutpansbergensis 0.27 m (0–
L. incognitus: 83 of these were recorded in winter and 1.2 m [min–max height]). More detailed information
84 in summer. For L. soutpansbergensis, measures for regarding the habitat variables for each species is pre-
124 individuals were recorded with 58 in winter and sented in Tables 3 and 4, and images of typical
66 in summer. The elevation range for L. incognitus microhabitat of the two species are presented in Figs
was 1100–1748 m a.s.l. and for L. soutpansbergensis 2 and 3. During the surveys, it was observed that
800–1748 m a.s.l. Both species were found in Sout- L. incognitus may potentially be the dominant species,
pansberg Summit Sourveld and Soutpansberg Moun- chasing L. soutpansbergensis away from high quality
tain Bushveld (Table 2), in which they co-occurred areas and performing aggressive displays.
extensively above 1100 m a.s.l, these habitats are also Factor analyses on the microhabitat variables for
the most abundant at these elevations. In addition, both species of gecko retained three components
explaining 65.5% of the total variance and with a
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) of 0.76. To increase the
Table 2. Presence of Lygodactylus incognitus and Lygo- interpretability of the model, a varimax orthogonal
dactylus soutpansbergensis in the vegetation types located in rotation was used. Component loadings can be found
the western Soutpansberg. Vegetation types follow Mucina in Table 5. Component 1 showed high positive load-
and Rutherford (2006); Mostert (2006); and Mostert et al. ings on rock structure and exposed rock (within
(2008). In cases where both species occur in a particular
habitat, it is indicated whether these species occur in Table 3. Average values of each microhabitat variable for
syntopy Lygodactylus incognitus and Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis in
summer and winter
Lygodactylus Lygodactylus syntopy Lygodactylus Lygodactylus
Habitat Type incognitus soutpansbergensis occur? incognitus soutpansbergensis

Arid No Yes N/A Habitat variables Winter Summer Winter Summer

Bushveld Macro-aspect N S N N
Open Savanna No Yes N/A Micro-aspect N N N N
Sandveld Leaf Litter 11.45% 7.86% 5.45% 5.11%
Mist-belt Yes No N/A (1-m2 radius)
Bush Grass/Sedge 15.18% 13.93% 17.95% 17.02%
Clumps (1-m2 radius)
Northern Yes No N/A Loose Rocks 1.33% 8.45% 28.3% 30.43%
Mist-belt (1-m2 radius)
Forest Wood Debris 6.20% 7.08% 3.41% 3.63%
Soutpansberg Yes Yes Yes (1-m2 radius)
Summit Lichen Cover 51.14% 50.12% 27.95% 21.95%
Sourveld (1-m2 radius)
Soutpansberg Yes Yes Yes Canopy Cover 24.34% 23.93% 5.23% 5.74%
Mountain (1-m2 radius)
Bushveld Distance to Nearest 2– 0–0.1 m >5 m >5 m
Subtropical No No N/A Tree 2.5 m
Moist Ground Cover of 29.64% 23.57% 17.27% 14.26%
Thickets Trees
Silviculture No No N/A (5-m2 radius)
Historical No No N/A Exposed Rock 48.31% 52.02% 52.04% 53.19%
Agricultural (5 m2 radius)
Land Grass (5-m2 radius) 18.07% 20.34% 27.27% 26.17%
(Rocks Bare Soil 5.06% 4.64% 3.40% 6.38%
Cleared) (5-m2 radius)

doi:10.1111/aec.12857 © 2020 Ecological Society of Australia


Table 4. Percentage of Lygodactylus incognitus and Lygo- differences between the two species with P-values of
dactylus soutpansbergensis found in the open, in a crevice or 0.006, ˂0.001 and ˂0.001, respectively. Indeed,
under a rock and out of all gecko observations the percent- L. incognitus was often found utilising areas with high
age of those found on trees. Standard deviation is shown in
tree cover and moist microclimates whereas L. sout-
pansbergensis was more likely to be found in areas
Lygodactylus Lygodactylus with more rock, less trees and in drier microclimates.
First observed incognitus soutpansbergensis A multivariable linear regression indicated that
there was a statistically significant difference between
Found in the open 80% (11.15) 57% (4.87) habitat selection where L. soutpansbergensis occurs
Found in a crevice 20% (4.27) 12% (1.70)
with or without L. incognitus after accounting for sea-
Found under a rock 0% (1.13) 31% (3.36)
Found on trees 25% (10.61) 1% (0.32) son, F123 = 94.0, P = ˂0.001, Wilks’ Λ = 0.02. Fol-
low-up univariate regression tests with a Bonferroni
correction indicated that Component 1 and 3 did not
5 m2) and a negative loading on ground cover of show significant differences of L. soutpansbergensis
trees (5 m2). Thus, this component is indicative of habitat selection between sites where they occurred
areas with high amount of rock and low ground tree with L. incognitus and where they occurred alone,
cover. Component 2 displayed high positive loadings with P-values of 0.316 and 0.051, respectively. Com-
on lichen cover (1 m2) and elevation, suggesting that ponent 2 did show a significant difference in habitat
component 2 is indicative of moist areas at high ele- selection between sites where L. soutpansbergensis
vations. Component 3 had high positive loadings on occurred with L. incognitus and those where they
canopy cover (1 m2), wood debris (1 m2) and leaf lit- were found alone (P < 0.001). This suggests that
ter (1 m2) and negatively on distance to nearest tree there may be niche displacement on Component 2;
(>2 m). Therefore, component 3 is associated with however, this Component is indicative of high eleva-
areas of high tree cover and thus small distances to tion areas with high lichen cover and it is only these
the nearest trees. areas where L. incognitus occurs, thus also the only
A multivariable linear regression model found a areas where the two geckos occur syntopically.
statistically significant difference between the two A multivariable linear regression comparing habitat
Lygodactylus species on the factor scores after selection of L. incognitus between sites where
accounting for season, F 290 = 36.4, P ˂ 0.001, L. incognitus occurred with L. soutpansbergensis to
Wilks’ Λ = 0.7. Follow-up univariate regression tests sites where they occurred alone also found a statisti-
with a Bonferroni correction indicated that Compo- cally significant difference, F166 = 82.3, P = <0.001,
nents 1, 2 and 3 showed statistically significant Wilks’ Λ = 0.39. Follow-up univariate regression tests

Fig. 2. Images depicting typical microhabitat for Lygodactylus incognitus

© 2020 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.12857

6 M . A . P E T F O R D ET AL.

Fig. 3. Images depicting typical microhabitat for Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis

Table 5. Component loadings of a factor analyses on the DISCUSSION

microhabitat selection of Lygodactylus incognitus and Lygo-
dactylus soutpansbergensis after a varimax orthogonal rota- Lygodactylus incognitus and L. soutpansbergensis are syn-
tion. Loadings greater than 0.35 are in bold to highlight the
topic, but separate their niche by utilising different
variables that are the most significant for each component
microhabitats, as shown by the highly significant dif-
Rotated factor matrix† ferences in the FA loadings. Whilst both species can
be found in Soutpansberg Summit Sourveld and
Factor Soutpansberg Mountain Bushveld, only L. incognitus
was found in Mist-belt Bush Clumps and Northern
Habitat variables 1 2 3
Mist-belt Forest and only L. soutpansbergensis was
Rock structure 0.922 0.090 0.184 found in Arid Mountain Bushveld and Open Savanna
Ground cover of trees 0.884 0.021 0.332 Sandveld. Additionally, L. incognitus was only found
Exposed rock 0.806 0.002 0.290 above 1100 m a.s.l. whilst L. soutpansbergensis was
Location 0.058 0.970 0.070 found from the lowest to highest elevations of the west-
Elevation 0.007 0.944 0.033 ern Soutpansberg; the latter was also found on the hot
Lichen cover 0.200 0.386 0.302
and arid northern slopes. On a finer resolution,
Canopy cover 0.421 0.004 0.760
Distance to nearest tree 0.436 0.028 0.735 L. incognitus occurs in microhabitats with high lichen
Leaf litter 0.244 0.050 0.453 cover, often higher tree cover and is generally associ-
Wood debris 0.015 0.029 0.389 ated with moist microclimates whilst L. soutpansber-
gensis occurs in drier microclimates and sites with
Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood. Rotation more exposed rock. The two species also differ in their
Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalisation.
† perch height, with L. soutpansbergensis generally staying
Rotation converged in 4 iterations.
much closer to the ground than L. incognitus. Dis-
turbed areas appear to be unsuitable for both these
with Bonferroni correction found that all components species. In areas where loose rocks had been cleared
were statistically different with P < 0.001. This sug- for agricultural purposes, no L. soutpansbergensis was
gests that L. incognitus might exhibit niche displace- found, indicating that the availability of suitable rocky
ment on all Components. The areas where structures for L. soutpansbergensis appears to be an
L. incognitus occurs without the presence of L. sout- important determinant of whether this species will
pansbergensis were in Mist-belt Forest and Mist-belt occur in an area. Neither species was recorded in silivi-
Bush Clumps, habitat types with high canopy cover culture areas, despite them occurring in adjacent areas.
and high moisture levels which L. soutpansbergensis Although L. incognitus was found on buildings, these
does not occur in. structures were surrounded by natural habitat.
doi:10.1111/aec.12857 © 2020 Ecological Society of Australia

Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis was recorded on small present, this was not significantly influencing the
to medium loose rocks and boulders as well as rocky habitat selection of L. soutpansbergensis.
outcrops at low perch heights, whilst L. incognitus Lygodactylus incognitus showed differences in habitat
was often recorded utilising trees and tall rocky struc- selection on all components between sites where
tures at higher perch levels. The fact that L. incogni- L. soutpansbergensis occurred and sites where L. incog-
tus was found utilising trees is notable as prior to this nitus was found alone. This is unlikely to be due to
analysis, L. incognitus was considered exclusively saxi- interspecific aggression and is more likely to be due
colous (Jacobsen 1992; Kirchhoff et al. 2010). This to the differences in habitat selection of the two spe-
species was frequently observed utilising trees for cies. Only L. incognitus was found in Mist-belt Forest
shelter, basking and mating, including in areas with and Mist-belt Bush Clumps, habitats which have
sparse rock cover and high canopy cover such as high density of trees, high canopy cover and moist
Northern Mist-belt Forest. microclimates; features which L. soutpansbergensis
Although L. incognitus can be found in areas with appeared to avoid. As a result of this, it appears that
high canopy cover, they can also be found in more interspecific aggression is not driving the microhabi-
open areas such as in Soutpansberg Summit Sour- tat selection of these two Lygodactylus species. We
veld. Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis does not occur in hypothesise that it is rather their physiological and
areas with high canopy cover, even in areas with morphological constraints that are influencing their
exposed rocks, and this is most likely due to physio- microhabitat preferences.
logical constraints. Areas with high tree density and As L. incognitus is restricted to the cooler, high ele-
canopy cover reduce sunlight penetration, resulting vations and selects wetter microhabitats than L. sout-
in cooler environments, with high elevation forests pansbergensis, there are likely differences between the
being particularly cold (Chen et al. 1999; Pringle two species physiology, which currently remain
et al. 2003; Huang et al. 2014). As L. soutpansbergen- untested. For example, L. incognitus may select a
sis has shown an affinity for warmer areas, it is possi- lower body temperature (Tb) for physiological func-
ble that L. soutpansbergensis requires a higher Tb for tion or have a greater evaporative water loss than
efficient physiological process and consequently areas L. soutpansbergensis. Microhabitat selection is com-
with high canopy cover may be thermally unsuitable monly associated with thermoregulatory requirements
(Huang et al. 2014). in reptiles (Huey et al. 1989; Adolph 1990; Huey
Microhabitat separation between syntopic lizards 1991; Piantoni et al. 2019), and relationships between
has been shown to be influenced by interspecific evaporative water loss and habitat use have been iden-
aggression, or competition, for several different coex- tified in the past (Snyder 1979; Neilson 2002; Stein-
isting species (Hess & Losos 1991; Langkilde & berg et al. 2007). Of particular interest is that species
Shine 2004; Langkilde et al. 2005; Lisicic et al. living at high and moist elevations have been shown to
2012). There was evidence of interspecific aggression have higher evaporative water loss than their counter-
during the study with L. incognitus appearing to be parts occupying more arid areas (Snyder 1979; Stein-
the dominant species, chasing L. soutpansbergensis off berg et al. 2007). Thus, investigation of rates of
rocks and showing aggression through display. evaporative water loss and Tb of the two Lygodactylus
Despite this, L. soutpansbergensis was observed going species may provide some insightful results.
back to the same rock multiple times after having The fact that L. incognitus is restricted to high ele-
been chased away. vations and moist microclimates means that climate
If interspecific aggression was forcing L. soutpans- change could be a threat to this species. The moist
bergensis to occupy a different spatial niche, it would microclimates of the mountain are most likely sus-
be expected that L. soutpansbergensis would occupy a tained by the mist-belt, which occurs at high eleva-
different microhabitat in areas where they occur with tions. Current global climate change projections
L. incognitus. Analysis on habitat selection of L. sout- suggest that the frequency of the mist may be
pansbergensis in sites where they occur with L. incogni- reduced in the future, in addition to predicted rising
tus and alone showed that there was no significant temperatures (Still et al. 1999; Sanford et al. 2014).
difference on Components 1 and 3. Whilst there was This may negatively affect this species by reducing
a significant difference on Component 2, this Com- the number of suitable microhabitats, particularly if
ponent is indicative of high elevations and high lichen L. incognitus does have a high evaporative water loss
cover and as L. incognitus is restricted to high eleva- and low thermal tolerance as hypothesised.
tion areas, it is only in these locations that the two The two species displayed differences in their levels
species are frequently found together. Thus, L. sout- of arborealism; one potential explanation for this
pansbergensis used similar microhabitats and occupied could be due to the scansors and toe length (Russell
the same perch heights regardless of whether 1979). Although statistical verification of these differ-
L. incognitus was also recorded at the site. This indi- ences is still required, visual inspection indicates that
cates that although interspecific aggression was L. incognitus has longer toes than L. soutpansbergensis
© 2020 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.12857
8 M . A . P E T F O R D ET AL.

as well as different scansor arrangements and claw CONCLUSIONS

lengths. Claw and scansor morphology have been
shown to differ between arboreal and terrestrial This study suggests that interspecific aggression and
lizards (Russell & Bauer 1989; Tulli et al. 2009; competition is not driving the differences in spatial
Crandell et al. 2014; Russell & Delaugerre 2017). separation between L. incognitus and L. soutpansber-
Arboreal lizards generally have relatively larger toe gensis. Instead, it is hypothesised that their morpho-
pads and longer claws that are positioned higher on logical and physiological tolerances are influencing
the toe than their terrestrial counterparts (Elstrott & their microhabitat selection. The data gathered in
Irschick 2003; Macrini et al. 2003; Tulli et al. 2009; this study indicate that niche separation of organisms
Crandell et al. 2014). Differences in toe morphology is facilitated by complex interactions with the envi-
between the two species may also explain why ronment. Ultimately, it is likely the heterogeneous
L. soutpansbergensis is not found on the walls of build- nature of the Soutpansberg that allows these two spe-
ings as they may not possess the necessary foot struc- cies to coexist in syntopy. Identifying ecological
ture to hold on in this microhabitat. requirements for endemic and restricted animals is
One disadvantage to the analyses conducted here is extremely important to ensure that conservation
that differences in detectability between the different strategies in the area are effective for these species.
habitat types were not accounted for, potentially pro-
ducing sampling bias and affecting overall interpreta-
tion of results (Ruiz-Gutierrez & Zipkin 2011).
Nevertheless, survey methods were robust, intensive
We thank Jabu Linden from the Lajuma Research
and were repeated multiple times across all habitat and
Centre for his valuable suggestions on initial project
microhabitat types. In addition, habitats that did not
design and feedback on the first draft. We also would
produce one of the species was intensively targeted to
like to thank Ryan van Huyssteen for his expertise
ensure that the species was absent. Furthermore, as
and assistance with fieldwork and critical comments
the Lygodactylus are heliotherms, they are relatively
on the manuscript. We are grateful to all land owners
easy to locate, as they are often in sunny patches in the
across the Soutpansberg who allowed access onto
early morning and late afternoon. Because of this, we
their property and for their hospitality, particularly to
consider that differences in detectability would not
Ian Gaigher, Marietjie Underhay and Hannes Under-
have introduced a significant bias to the study.
hay. Finally, we thank the anonymous reviewers for
The Soutpansberg Mountains are extremely
their constructive and helpful comments, all of which
heterogeneous, with diverse habitat types (Hahn
greatly improved this manuscript.
2006), complex rocky areas and three main ridges
(Hahn 2011), all creating many unique microhabi-
tats. As heterogeneous landscapes create many AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
microhabitats, this allows reptiles with different phys-
iological and morphological requirements to occur in Conceptualization: MAP, GJA, Data curation, MAP,
an area, facilitating high diversity in reptile communi- Formal analysis, MAP, GJA, Investigation, MAP,
ties (Pianka 1967; Tews et al. 2004; Alexander 2009; Methodology, MAP, GJA; Supervision, GJA, Project
Price et al. 2010). This in turn also facilitates niche administration, MAP, Validation, MAP, GJA, Visual-
separation. The heterogeneous nature of the Sout- ization, MAP, GJA, Writing-original draft, MAP,
pansberg appears to be allowing the two Lygodactylus GJA, Writing-review & editing, MAP, GJA.
species to coexist, despite their seemingly different
The findings of this study suggest that anthro- REFERENCES
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