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Course summary

Unit 8 – Environment
• Grammar: Conditionals 0, 1st, 2nd, (pg. 78-79, 83)
• Vocabulary: Environment (pg. 80)

Warm-up activity
1. What can ordinary people do to protect the environment? What do you do
2. Who has the responsibility for protecting the environment? Individuals or big
3. Green groups are doing more harm to the environment than individuals.
4. I am a small piece in a big chain so I can’t really do anything against the environment.
5. I would ban all motor traffic from the city centers as they harm the environment in a
great way.

• Communication strategies: Talking about problems and solving them (pg. 84. ex. 8)

Task option 1.:

Think of a problem that you are facing with at work. It can be either with a colleague, or the
way things are organized at your company. Then talk about it using the following steps below:
1. A description of the problem
2. Some possible options and their consequences
3. The decision you’ve made and why you think it’s the best solution

Unit 9 – IT and communication

• Grammar: Active and passive forms (pg. 89, 90-91)
• Vocabulary: IT, communication at work – Telephoning phrasal verbs (pg. 92)

Warm-up activity
1. Communicating too much online ruins people’s personalities and makes them
exposed to technology.
2. Personally, I prefer communicating online as I can do a lot of other things at the same
time, while I am having a conference call.
3. I try to reduce the number of IT devices at my work as they make my life more
difficult than simple.
4. I think it is very difficult to follow the latest trends in IT, so it is very complicated for
me to learn how to use new software all the time.
5. I think communication by e-mail is less personal then in real-life.

• Communication strategies: Making requests (pg. 94. 5-6. – 95/9)

Unit 10 – Making decisions

• Grammar: Conditionals 3rd
• Vocabulary: money, blame, take, make, do phrases (pg. 102, 104,105)
• Communication strategies: Saying sorry (pg. 107. 9) Asking for advice (pg. 103.)
Task option 2.:
Choose one or to from the following cards and ask/answer for the interlocutor’s questions:
(Asking for advice (pg. 103.))

Task option 3.:

Choose one of these cards and act the situation out with the interlocutor! (Saying sorry (pg.
107. 9))

+ Unit 11 – Formal and Informal expressions (pg. 112-113/9)

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