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The Chhattisgarh State is constituted by carving out Chhattisgarh

Region from Madhya Pradesh State as new State on 1st November 2000. It
is the 26th State on Indian-Republic. The State has 03 Revenue-Divisions
namely Raipur, Bilaspur and Bastar Divisions, 18 Districts, 146 Tahsils and
Development Blocks and 20308 villages as per census 2001. Out of 146
Development blocks, 85 blocks are tribal development blocks which
constitute 58.22 percent of total development blocks of the State.

l. Geographical Situation

Chhattisgarh State lies in !7°46' N to 24'D 5' N latitude and

80°D.15'E to 84°D.20' East longitude. It has a geographical area of 137989
sq. km. It constitute 4.11 percent of the total geographical area of all India.
Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand bind the State in North, in the East, it is
bounded by Orissa State. In the south, by Andra Pradesh and in the West by
Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Thus, Chhattisgarh State is surrounded
by 6 neighbouring States of India. It has a forest area of 63531 sq. km.
which constitutes 46.07 percent of the total geographical area of the State
while it is 23.38% in all India The average rainfall in Chhattisgarh State is
1206 mm. It deviates from average by+/- II mms.

2. Demographic features of Chhattisgarh State

The total population of Chhattisgarh is 2,07,95,956 (Two crores

Seven lacs Ninety five thousand Nine hundred fifty six per census 2001. It
constitutes 2.04 percent of the total population of India. Chhattisgarh is the
17th largest State of India on population basis. The male & female

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Table 3.1

Population ofChhattisgarh State during 1951 to 2001 periods

Census year Population Decadal Density of

Growth Rate Population
(per Sq.K.M.)
1951 74,56,706 - 55
1961 91 ,54,498, 22.77 68
1971 1,16,37,494 27.12 86
1981 1,40, 10,337 20.39 104
1991 1,76,14,928 25.73 130
2001 2,07,95,956 18.06 154
Source: Census ofIndia 2001, Chhattisgarh series-23

Population ofChhattisgarh: at a Glance in 2001

1991 2001
1 Total Population 1,76,14,928 2,07,95,956
2 Male Population 88,72,620 1,04,52,426
3 Female Population 87,42,308 10,343,530
4 Decadal Growth 25.73 18.06
5 Female Male Ratio 985 990

' 6 0-6 Age group Population 19.34 16.68

7 Literacy Rate in % 4291 65.18
Males 58.07 77.86
Females 27.52 52.40
Source: Census ofindia 200 I; Chhattisgarh series-23
population are I ,04,52,426 and I ,03,43,530 which constitute 50.26 and
49.74 percent of total population respectively in the year 2001. The male
female ratio is 1000:990 in the census 2001. The annual growth rate of
population is 1.67 percent during the period 1991 to 2001; whereas it is
1.93 percent annually for all India. The density of population is 154 person
per sq. km. whereas it is 324 per sq. km. for all India. It witnesses that the
density of population is low as compared to all India in the census 2001.

The State is rural dominated State because rural population

constitutes 79.91 percent of the total population of the State; and the urban
population is only 20.9 percent in the census 2001.

In Chhattisgarh State, there is wide variations in the population of

different districts. Raipur is the largest district in population and Durg is the
second populated district of Chhattisgarh State. On the contrary, Kawardha
or Kabirdham district is the lowest population district.

The annual growth rate of population of Chhattisgarh is low as

compared to all India; however Sarguja and Korba are two districts in
Chhattisgarh State whose growth rates of population are higher 24.58 &
22.55 percent in the year 2001. The population growth rate ofMahasamund
district is very low 8.72 percent annual in Chhattisgarh.

Through the density of population of C.G. is low 154 as compared to

all India 324 persons per sq. km. however Janjgir-Champa and Durg
Districts have higher density of population 342 & 328 as compared to all
India 324 respectively. Dantewada is the district in which density of
population is 41 persons the lowest in the State.

Female-Male Ratio

Chhattisgarh State is the second highest Female-Male Ratio State

after Kerala in India. It has 990 females against I 000 male population. But

Table 3.2

District wise Population and their distribution in C. G. State 2001

District Persons Growth Female- Density Literacy Rate
Rate Male p M F
I Koria 5,85,455 16.91 947 89 63.44 76.01 50.8

2 Surguja 19,70,661 24.58 972 125 55.37 68.19 42.17

3 Bilaspur 19,93,042 17.59 975 241 63.68 78.98 48.08

4 Korba 10,12,121 22.55 964 153 63.24 77.24 48.65

5 Janjgir- 13,16,140 18.55 999 342 66.26 82.21 50.41


6 Jashpur 7,39,780 12.71 998 127 65.37 76.70 54.09

7 Raigarh 12,65,084 18.68 995 179 70.50 83.10 57.90

8 Kawardha 5,84,667 13.86 1002 138 55.39 71.35 39.60

9 Rajnandgaon 12,81,811 17.70 1024 159 77.58 87.54 67.92

10 Durg 28,01,757 16.88 982 328 75.84 86.59 64.91

II Raipur 30,09,042 18.97 980 230 68.98 82.41 55.30

12 Mahasamund 8,60,176 8.72 1019 180 67.64 81.58 54.04

13 Dhamtari 7,03,569 19.72 1005 208 75.16 86.78 63.66

14 Kanker 6,51,338 18.84 1006 100 73.71 83.03 63.69

15 Bastar 13,02,253 18.28 1009 87 45.48 57.09 33.97

16 Dantewada 7,19,065 15.56 1017 41 30.01 39.59 20.59

Chhattisagarh 2,07,95,956 18.06 990 154 65.18 77.06 52.40

Source : Census of India 200 I: Chhattzsgarh Senes 23.

there is a wide variations in male/female ratio of various districts in the
census 2001. Rajnandgaon 1024, Mahasamund 1019, Dantewada 1017,
Bastar 1009, Kanker 1006, Dhamtari 1005, and Kawardha 1003 are seven
districts in which higher female-male ratio as compared to all other districts
of the State.

Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Caste People

In chhattisgarh nearly 31.76 percent people belong to scheduled

tribes and 11.61 percent population of the State belong to Scheduled
Castes, these two categories people are living in acute poverty.

Literary Rate

The literacy rate of Chhattisgarh is 65.18 percent in the yeawr 2001

which is too close to the literacy rate 65.38 percent of all India. It has
increased by 22.27 percent as compared to the literacy rate 42.91 percent in
1991. Chhattisgarh State has 23rd rank in the country, however, it has
higher literacy rate as compared to neighbouring States Madhya Pradesh,
Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Jharkhand. Only Maharashtra & Andhra
Pradesh are two States which have higher literacy rates among the
neighbouring State.

The literacy rate among male & female population are 77.86 and
52.40 percent respectively in the year 200 I. Among 18 districts of
Chhattisgarh State, Rajnandgaon has the highest literacy ratre 77.58 percent
in the year 200 I whereas Dantewada district has the lowest literacy rate of
30.01 percent. Bastar and Kawardha are two other districts which have
45.48 and 55.39 percent literacy rate respectively.

Working Population

The total working population of the Chhattisgarh State is shown in

table 3. As per 2001 census, 46.57 percent people come under working
population. Among them, male people constitute 52.97 persons & female
40.03 percent among their criterion. Among total working population 72.89
percent come under main workless 27.11 percent marginal workers and
53.43 percent come under non-working classes. It indicates that more than
half population do not contribute in production and any productive
activities. They belong to depend population.

Among working population 44.57 percent belong to cultivators,

33.88 percent Agricultural labourers, 2.08 percent in family industries and
other is 21.4 7 percent as per census 200 I in the State. The 0-6 year's
children constitute 16.68 percent of the total population of the State. In
Chhattisgarh State Dantewada & Sarguja are the two districts which have
higher percentage of0-6 year children.

On the basis of above characteristics, we can say that the quality of

the people is not good in the State.

Land Use Pattern & Agriculture Development

Chhattisgarh is a State in which around 80 percent people are

engaged in agriculture and agro-based industry. Agriculture is the main
source of livelihood of the people. Rice is the main crop of the Chhattisgarh
and cultivated in a large area. Therefore, Chhattisgarh is known as "Bowl
of Rice". The total cropped area in Chhattisgarh State is 57.47 lakh hectare
in the year 2007-08 which constitute 42.23 percent of the total cropped area
of the Chhattisgarh State. The net sown area is 47.27 lakh hectare which
constitutes 34.78 percent of the total geographical area ofthe State. Double
cropped area which constitutes 21.58 percent of the net sown area. Thus.

total cropped area is 57.47 lakh hectares in the State. It shows 121.58
percent cropping intensity in the State. The net irrigated area is 28.2 percent
of net sown area while the gross irrigated area is 24.27 percent of the Gross
sown area in the year 2007-08. The average size of holding is 1.60 hectare
in the State.

Paddy is the mam crop of Chhattisgarh State. It covers 3902.9

thousand hectare in the year 2007-08. It constitutes 67.91 percent of the
gross sown area; hence, it is known as mono crop State. Wheat is the
second important crop which constitutes 1.65 percent of the gross sown
area. The Chhattisgarh Government has given importance to crop-
diversification, hence, the area under pulses, oil seeds, flowers, vegetables
and medicinal plants are increasing very rapidly in the State.

Production & Productively

The production of rice has increased from 5073.7 thousand metric

tones, in the year 2001-02 to 5635.0 thousand metric tones in the year
2004-08. It represents a growth rate of I. 77 percent annually during the
period. The yield of Rice per hectare 14.51 quintals in the year 2007-08
which is very low as compared to the productivity of Punjab, Haryana,
Tamilandu States. The basic cause is lack of assured irrigation facility in
the State. Due to this factor the farmers do not use fertilizer and pesticide in
adequate quantity. The Chhattisgarh Government has made an arrangement
to purchase the paddy of the farmers through cooperative societies in the
State. To increase the productively of rice, the State Government has
started the National Food Grains Security Mission and brought 10 districts
Dantewada, Janjgir-Champa, Jashpur, Kawardha, Koria, Raigarh, Raipur,
Rajnandgaon & Sarguja under the mission. Likewise 8 districts namely
Bilaspur. Durg, Jashpur, Kabirdham, Raigarh, Raipur, Sarguja &
Rajnandgaon are brought under productivity increase mission of Pulses.

Table 3.3

Land use Pattern of Chhattisgarh State in 2007-08.

I. Total Geographical Area I ,37,898 sq. km.

2. Forest Area 6303

3. Net Sown Area in thousand hectare 4727

4. Gross sown Area in thousand hectare 5747

5. Net Irrigated Area 1333

6. Gross Irrigated Area. 1421

Agricultural Production

I. Cereals 5897 thousand M-Tones

2. Food grains 6800 thousand M-Tones

3. Oilseeds 310 thousand M-Tones

4. Paddy 5635 thousand M-Tones

5. White 105 thousand M-Tones

6. Maize !57 thousand M-Tones


Chhattisgarh has one of the foremost industrial areas of the country

in Bhilai. Bhilai Steel Plant is one of the largest plant under public sector.
Bhilai Steel Plant has produced 5.26 million tones hot metal, 505 million
tone crude steel and 4.42 million tones. Saleable steel in the year 2007-08.
The are 12.4, 29.1 and 40.08 percent more than its standard capacity. The
Plant has produced more than its standard productive capacity. hence, it has
been awarded seven time "Excellence Award" in the field of industry.

Several ancillary industries are established near the Bhilai Steel Plant
because it provides than raw materials & equipments.

BALCO is another important industry established at Korba. Its

productive capacity is I lakh metric tone (Plant I) and 2.5 lakh metric tones
in Plant II. Thus, total production capacity has reached 3.45 lakh metric
tones Aluminum. The Balco has established its own power plant which all
produce 540 MW electricity.

BALCO Plant I produces its product with quality as per demand of

the market. It has produced 3,58,328 metric tone aluminum in the year
2007-08 as compared to 3,15,002 Metric ton in the year 2006-07.

The Chhattisgarh State has established "Chhattisgarh State Industrial

Development Corporation Limited" at Raipur to give speed up the
industrial development and growth in the State. The State has announced its
new industrial policy (2004-05). It's basic objective is to establish industries
in all the districts of State by using the natural resources of the State so that
more employment may be created.

Capital Investment in the Industries

Rs. 5793.31 crores is invested permanently in 106 large & medium

s1ze industries till December 2007 in the State. It has provided direct
employment to 18473 persons in the State. There are 332 small and cottage
industries are established in the State till October 2007. In which
Rs.8813.11 lakh invested and 3956 persons are given employment directly.

Execution of OMU

After constitution of State, there are 67 OMU executed with the

Government of which 24 are doing production and Rs.l5.000 crores
invested on it.

There are 272 ancillary industries established in the State as
complementary industries of Bhilai Steel Plant, South Eastern Coal Field,
Chhattsgarh State Electicity Board, Bharat Alumineum Company &
National Mineral Corporation.

Establishment of Special Industrial Parks

After constitution of the State several special industrial parks are

established in the State. They are as following -

I. Alumulium Metal Park at Rawa Bhatha.

2. Aparail Park (Integrated Tax Tiles Park) will be established at

Bhanpuri Area, 100 readymade garments unit will be established in
the area.

3. Herbal/Medicinal Park - It will be established at village Banjari and

Bagaud at Kurud Tahsil of Dhamtari District.

4. Food processing Park - It will be established at village Indavani of

Rajnandgaon districts.

5. Jams & Jewelry S.E.Z. - James & Jewelary Park will be established
at new capital Raipur under public private partnership with the cost
of 170 crores.

6. Engineering Park- It will be established at Bhilai.

Industrial Growth Centrers

In Chhattisgarh State 04 Industrial Growth Centres are established at

Siltara, Borai, Urala, Sirgitti. They are working & producing at present.

Minerals - Minerals play a very crucial role in the development &

establishment of industries. Chhattisgarh State is prosperous in minerals
production. It has produced minerals valued Rs.l0102.28 crores. The State
has third place in India for producing minerals excluding Petroleum &

Natural Gas. The Chhattisgarh State has received revenue of Rs.1 028.38
crores in the year 2007-08. Coal, Boxite, Dolomite, Lime stone & Iron ore
are produced in large scale. The State has monopoly in production of Tin
and second place in production of Quartzite & Dolomite and third place in
production of iron ore in the country.

Transportation Facilities

Road transportation occupies a special place under transportation in

Chhattisgarh State due to lack of railway transportation. After
establishment of New State, the transportation is brought under

Roads & Bridges

Public Works Department is giving special attention on construction

of Roads & Bridges. 6005 K.M. road was constructed in the year 2005-06.
In the year 2007-08, 7111 K.M. roads are constructed and up gradation
completed 128 Bridges were build and 227 are on progress. In 2008-09 the
PWD has constructed 2811.0 K,N, Roads & 68 Bridges; 315 bridges are on
progress in the State.

Under Railway Bridge two railway bridge Korba & Bhatapara are
completed and 11 railway bridges are on progress.

Education & Health

For all round development of Chhattisgarh State it is necessary to

expand & provide the people with basic facilities of Education, Health,
Fresh Drinking Water etc.

School Education - In the year 2007-8 there are 28783 Primary

Schools. 14626 Middle Schools. 1947 High Schools and 2038 Higher
Secondary Schools were established and running to proved education in the

State. The total registered number of students were 53,53,882 in which
28,56,024 boys and 24,97,858 girls.

The Govt. has established computer training centres in 15 districts in

the State. Under the scheme 1159 centres are working and I ,86,000 girls
are taking training from these centres.

The Chhattisgarh Government has provided by-cycles to scheduled

castes & scheduled tribes girls free of cost to give incentive for girls
education. The students belonging to SC/ST and BPL class are given school
dresses free of cost. Govt. has also started Mid-day meal at 32901 schools
of 146 Block Developments.

Technical Education- There are 39 Engineering & 15 Polytechnics

Colleges are established in the State. Out of these 39 Engineering Colleges,
03 Govt. Engineering College, 33 Private & 03 Engineering Colleges are
running under self-financed scheme. Govt. Engineering College, Raipur has
been transformed as National Institute of Technology in the State since

In the field of Higher Education, 154 Government & 195 Private & 6
Grants in Aid Colleges are established in the State. 12 Govt. Colleges are
declared Centre of Excellence in the State.

In the field of Health & Family Welfare Programme 4692 Sub

Centres, 518 Primary Health Centres, 1154 Doctors at PHCs, 540 Nurses/
Midwife are appointed by the Government so that the primary health
services should be provided to the people.

In the State 3 Medical Colleges, 16 District Hospitals, 8 Ayurvedic

Hospitals, 633 Ayurvedic Dispensaries, 0 I Unani Hospital, 06 Unani
Dispensaries, 03 Homeopathic Hospitals & 52 Homeopathic Dispensaries
are working in the State.

Thus, the Chhattisgarh Government is utilizing its natural resources
and manpower for the development of the people & State. There is huge
amount needed for the development, hence, proper financial management
of the fund & expenditure is essential. The Chhattisgarh Govt. should give
proper attention to this field.

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