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1. Read the text and decide which of the statements best summarizes the text (3 p): In a
negotiation, interested parties share an overall objective but disagree on some relating issues. A goal
of negotiation is to reach a compromise on these differences and arrive at an outcome that is
satisfactory to all parties.

a) Don't assume everybody knows how to negotiate.

b) A contract negotiation is a win-win deal.
c) Always learn how to negotiate contracts.
d) A contract is difficult to negotiate as somebody will always lose.

2. Select the term which best fits in the text (1 p): If you have a defined period of time during
which you want to have … , then either term or permanent insurance could be appropriate.

a) coverage
b) issue
c) time
d) problems

3. Choose the appropriate terms to complete the sentence (2 p): A leading lobby group has issued
a fresh, damning …, forecasting that the whole of the EU could face a “tipping point” if … quit London
as a result of the country’s split from the bloc.

a) Brexit managers; workers

b) Brexit warning; financial firms
c) Brexit suggestion; the unemployed
d) Brexit advice; all people

4. Read the following definition and decide which term best fits it (3 p): ‘a natural or legal person
to whom property is legally committed to be administered for the benefit of a beneficiary’
a) trust
b) trusted
c) trustworthy
d) trustee

5. Choose the best ending for the sentence (2 p): Determining how much electricity your
appliances and home electronics use can help you understand how much money you are spending to
use them. Use the information below to estimate …

a) how much money you buy.

b) how many appliances you have in your home.
c) how much electricity an appliance is using and how much the electricity costs.
d) how many customers are efficient for cost-cutting.

6. Fill in with the appropriate words (2 p): In December 2014, Apple won a long-running class
action that was brought against them in 2005. The company was accused of … the digital music
market and violating U.S. anti-trust statutes by preventing mp3 compatibility with competitors. After
10 years of no judgement a jury ... in Apple’s favour.

a) assembling; gone
b) monopolizing; ruled
c) criticizing; ruling
d) directing; will deciding

7. Choose the best terms to complete the following text (2 p): ... is what the customer gets by
purchasing and consuming a company’s … . So, although the offering is created by the …, the value is
determined by the … .

a) Work; question; management; discussion

b) Anticipation; company; trouble; ask
c) Value; offering; company; customer
d) Outcome; behaviour; customer; client

8. Which of the terms a-d best complies with the definition (2 p)? ‘A situation that has the
potential to undermine the impartiality of a person because of the possibility of a clash between the
person's self-interest and professional interest or public interest’

a) clash of interest
b) conflict of interesting
c) conflictual interest
d) conflict of interest

9. Choose the best sentence to complete the following text (3 p): Insurance such as workers'
compensation protects the company from lawsuits and provides… .

a) money for the company

b) supplements to the respective boss
c) financial compensation to an employee injured on the job
d) losses to the workers who signed the insurance contract

10. Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence (2 p): How a government
governs a country can affect the operations of a firm. A firm’s reputation can change if it operates in a
country controlled by … .

a) a corrupt, hostile, totalitarian, etc. type of government.

b) environmental damage.
c) unemployment rate in the country.
d) a good or a bad governmental official.

11. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence (2 p): Unethical behaviour or a lack of
corporate social responsibility may damage a firm's ... and make it less appealing to its … .

a) privacy; staff
b) incredibility; lawyers
c) statuses; CEO
d) reputation; stakeholders

12. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (2 p): To have work ethics is to possess a set of …
used in your job. It is considered as a source of …, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

a) affirmation; self-respect
b) equation; equality
c) action; claiming
d) moral principles; self-respect

13. Read the text and decide which of the statements is true (3 p): One of your most important
decisions is who should participate in the negotiation. Try to have no fewer than two but no more
than four people on your team. Select your team with an eye towards expertise, somebody who really
understands what the negotiating is about. In addition, it is important to have a person on the team
who has the authority to make any necessary financial commitments.

a) Be careful who you select in the negotiating team.

b) It is not so important who is in the negotiating team.
c) Everyone in the company can take part in the negotiation.
d) When making a deal everybody can do as they what.

14. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence (1 p): If I … that case, I would have a
better position now.

a) will be win
b) will win
c) wouldn’t have won
d) had won

15. Choose the option that best matches the meaning of the sentence (1 p): It's important to
enter a negotiation prepared to make concessions.

a) You must not want to make concessions in a negotiation.

b) You shouldn't enter a negotiation with concessions in mind.
c) You should enter a negotiation prepared to make concessions.
d) No concessions are important.

16. Choose the best option to complete the sentence (1 p): At least a bachelor's degree in law is
required for most legal consultant job positions …

a) and they prefer an economics.

b) and they admit they are wrong.
c) but sometimes it is better not to study engineering.
d) and some employers prefer applicants with a master's degree.

17. Select the term which best matches the verb in the following sentence (2 p): She was fired
from her previous job.

a) was cleared
b) was punished
c) was rewarded
d) was laid off

18. Read the following text and fill in with the correct answer (3 p): When two separate entities
(usually of comparable size) combine forces to create a new, joint organization in which both are
equal partners, this is called … .

a) a merger
b) buying
c) an acquisition
d) purchase

19. Read the following text and choose the correct answer for the question (3 p): The Working
Time Regulations determine the maximum weekly working time, patterns of work and holidays, plus
the daily and weekly rest periods. They also cover the health and working hours of night workers. The
Regulations apply to both part-time and full-time workers, including the majority of agency workers
and freelancers. What is the text about?

a) The holiday time for workers.

b) The balance between work and leisure.
c) The maximum amount of time a worker can be required to work.
d) The average time workers should not work.

20. Read the text and decide which summary best fits (3 p): BP has come under further pressure
after one of its partners said the oil giant should foot the entire bill for the damage caused by the Gulf
of Mexico spill, which also caused an explosion that killed 11 workers and led to the US's worst
environmental disaster.

a) While considered guilty for the Gulf of Mexico spill, BP was not asked to pay anything.
b) BP was guilty for refusing the blame of the explosion that killed 11 workers.
c) BP was considered innocent by their partners for the Gulf of Mexico spill.
d) BP was accused by one of their partners of the Gulf of Mexico spill and were summoned
to pay for the damages.

21. Complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms (3 p): If the website of the
company …, no one will be able … anything meaning the company … no money

a) goes down; to purchase; is making

b) have gone down; to have purchased; will make
c) will go down, to purchase; are have making
d) goes down; will purchasing; are making

22. Complete the text with the most appropriate terms (3 p): Insurance against perils is an
important aspect of international … transactions. In the event of loss or damage to cargo due to
hazards during voyage, an insured party will be able to recover losses from the … . The type of
insurance required depends on the mode of transport agreed between parties to transport the … .

a) commercial; insurer; cargo

b) country; insurer; food
c) trader; sender; people
d) trade; person; ship

23. Choose the appropriate terms to complete the sentence (2 p): Finding evidence that
Germany’s trade surplus … or results from unfair German trade policy is difficult, economists say.

a) causes lasting damage to the U.S. economy

b) will be gone forever
c) is constantly growing
d) is crucial

24. Choose the term which is closest in meaning to the expression (3 p): 'glossary of legal terms'

a) legal trial
b) legal terms antonym
c) word list of legal terms
d) legal value

25. Choose the best ending for the sentence (2 p): Data mining tools predict future trends and
behaviors, allowing businesses to make … .

a) mining outside the warehouse.

b) nothing
c) proactive, knowledge-driven decisions
d) clear-cut purchasings

26. Read the following text and decide which of the statements is true (3 p): In a purchase of
assets, one company acquires the assets of another company. The purchase of assets is typical during
bankruptcy proceedings, where other companies bid for various assets of the bankrupt company.

a) Purchasing is never done in case of bankruptcy.

b) In case of bankruptcy another company may purchase the assets of the bankrupt one.
c) Companies are never audited to make sure that they deserve to be purchased.
d) Critics say that acquisitions are bad for a company leading to its bankruptcy.

27. Choose the most appropriate linking word to complete the following sentence (1 p): The
Department of Justice announced that the White House appointed a former lawyer … an attorney

a) off
b) out
c) to
d) as

28. Fill in with the appropriate word (1 p): The Trump administration has vowed to reduce the US
trade deficit, blaming it on abusive practices by America's … .

a) distrust with Russia

b) cold war issues
c) global warming
d) trading partners

29. Find the appropriate word for the following definition (1 p): 'A tax on imports (and sometimes
on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise state revenue.'

a) custom clearance
b) custom decision
c) indirect tax
d) customs duty

30. Read the text and decide which of the statements is false (3 p): In a merger, the boards of
directors of two companies approve the combination and seek shareholders' approval. After the
merger, the acquired company ceases to exist and becomes part of the acquiring company.

a) Mergers bring no benefits to the companies involved.

b) After the merger, the acquired company ceases to exist and becomes part of the
acquiring company.
c) In a merger, the boards of directors of two companies seek shareholders' approval.
d) In a merger, the boards of directors of two companies approve the combination.

31. Read the following text and decide which of the statements is true (3 p): Bankruptcy is a legal
status of a person or other entity that cannot repay the debts it owes to creditors. In most
jurisdictions, bankruptcy is imposed by a court order, often initiated by the debtor.

a) The most important idea of bankruptcy is never to pay back the money one owes.
b) Banks cannot declare bankruptcy when they owe money.
c) Bankruptcy is declared by the debtor.
d) When one is bankrupt it means they cannot pay their debts and a court order is initiated
to declare them bankrupt.

32. Insert the correct terms in the following text (3 p): The best way to get ready for an interview
is to take the time to review the most common … you will most likely be asked. Knowing what you're
going to say can eliminate a lot of … . You don't need to memorize an answer, but do take the time to
consider how you'll respond. The more you prepare, the more confident you'll feel during a … .

a) interview place; punctuality interview; interview deadlines

b) interview managements; interview time; work interview
c) interview questions; interview stress; job interview
d) interview decisions; interview connections; interview priorities

33. Fill in with the appropriate terms (2 p): Dissolution of a partnership firm involves a change in
the … ; whereas the dissolution of firm amounts to a complete … .

a) relation of partners; closure of the business

b) firm; beginning
c) trust; challenge
d) companionship; stopover

34. Which of the terms a-d best complies with the definition (2 p)? 'Property of all kinds, including
real and personal, tangible and intangible.'

a) guarantee
b) assets
c) connection
d) price

35. Read the text and choose the best possible title (3 p): Investor-state dispute settlements (ISDS)
were devised by industrialised nations in the 1960s as a way to protect their companies' overseas
investments against threats such as nationalisation by the country they invested in. Supporters of ISDS
say it offers a fair and impartial forum for the settlement of disputes between investors and states and
for deciding the amount of compensation an investor should get. Opponents say it is easier for foreign
investors to attack a government's policy using ISDS that it would be through even the most trusted,
well-established national court systems.

a) What ISDS are – pros and cons

b) Investors are invited to come
c) Why people should oppose ISDS
d) Why ISDS are bad for the economy

36. Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence (2 p): In a workplace dispute,
…, this can be recorded in a 'compromise agreement'.

a) if you knock down your opponent

b) as you start working
c) if you can reach an agreement with your employer without going to a tribunal
d) when you buy what you wish

37. Insert the right verb forms (3 p): Though it often … less public attention than human rights
litigation and policy initiatives, human rights education … a part of international human rights law
since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Subsequent human rights treaties
mandate and reinforce the importance of education … at strengthening respect for human rights,
tolerance, and peace.

a) had received; is; will have be aiming

b) receives; has been; aimed
c) will receive; will have been; aim
d) had been received; has been, aimed

38. Choose the most appropriate phrase to complete the graph description (2 p): Dietary
supplement … of 25 units in April.

a) went up
b) reached a peak
c) increased
d) climbed

39. Read the following text and decide what the text is about (3 p): The negotiation doesn't start
when you get the job offer, it starts much earlier, when you first bring up the salary topic during the
interviewing process. You've got to have a salary target in mind when you start a job search. That
means you've got to know what you're worth on the talent market.

a) How to discuss a contract.

b) How to negotiate a salary.
c) Clarifications on personal skills.
d) Clarifications on budget presentations.

40. Fill in with the appropriate verb forms (2 p): Business insurance … to protect the business,
business owner and in some cases employees. The protection may come in the form of financial aid …
a business following a disaster or to supplement income lost during the period of restoration.
a) serves; to repair
b) was served; will repair
c) will be served; to repaired
d) is serving; to have repairing

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