Pak Geogrophy. 5 PDF

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Gather and Edited By

Yasir Shahzad( Gujrat)

Mcq OF Pak Geography

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Pakistan Geography Mcqs
Area of Pakistan is 796096 square km.
Landmass of Punjab is 25.8%
Landmass of Balochistan is 43.6%
Landmass of Sindh is 17.7%
Landmass of KPK is 9.4%
Landmass of FATA is 3.4%
Landmass of ICT is 0.1%
Western(Pakistani)rivers are Indus,Jehlum,chenab.
Sindh consist of 04 rivers.
Balochistan consist of 07 rivers.
Length of river Indus is 2896 km.
Length of river Chenab is 1242 km.
Length of river Ravi is 901 km.
Oldest barrage is Sukkur.
Warsak dam is situated in FATA,
Basha Dam is situated in Gilgit Baltistan.
Mirani dam is in Balochistan.
Mangla dam is located between Kashmir and Punjab.
Deepest place of Pakistan is Arabian sea.

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