Over View: Back Ground

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Preceding Event : World War II ( 1939 - 1945 )

Cold War Era : ( 1945 - 1991 )

Over View: Back Ground :

After the end of World War II ( 1939-1945 ) , there started A Cold War to Politically , Socially and
Economically Dominate the entire Globe . it was not a physical war rather it was an Era (1945 -1991)
of non confrontational ideological war between the two emerging Super Powers the UNITED STATES

Each of the Doctrines of both the super powers divided the globe into 3 parts consisting of the alliance
states :

a) Global North West Included North American States , Western European Countries and Australia .
Global North West also known as 1st World Countries.

b) Global North East Included Eastern European Countries , USSR and Bordering states and China .
Global North East was also known as 2nd World Countries.

c) Global South which included Latin American States , Africa , South Asian and South East Asian
Countries . Global South came to known as 3rd World Countries.

Characteristics Of the Global North West :

i: Leader : Such Alliance Of States was Led By the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

ii: Ideology and Doctrine :The Ideology of such states was based on the principles of Capitalism which
includes more Privatization of institutions , industries so to earn capital in terms of taxation and tariffs .
To have a Democratic way of Politics and Decentralization Of Power . and to contain the ideological
expansion of communism .

iii:Industries : These States have much better Industrial Structure and Capacity as compared to the 2nd
and 3rd world Countries .

iv: Military Alliance : These States formed a military alliance known as U.S.A and NATO

v: Resources : Global North West despite having a good industrial structure lacked in Resources as
compared to the 2nd and 3rd world Countries .

Characteristics Of the Global North West :

i: Leader : Such Alliance Of States was Led By the UNION OF SOVEREIGN SOCIAL REPUBLIC .

ii: Ideology and Doctrine :the Ideology of such states was based on the Principles of Communism . To
have totalitarian way of political , economical and social expansions of the states . More State Owned
institutions , Centralization of Power and Control over the Community .
iii: Industries : These States have lesser Industrial Structure and Capacity as compared to the 2nd
World Countries

iv: Military Alliance : These States formed a military alliance known as WARSAW

v: Resources : Global North East Countries had more Resources then the 1st World Countries .

Characteristics Of the Global South :

i: Leader : No Such Leadership

ii: Ideology and Doctrine : No Self Ideology of such countries . They either pledge there alliances to
the 1st world or 2nd world powers .

iii:Industries : Global South States being developing nations have the least industrial Structure .

iv: Military Alliance : These States formed Non Alliance Movement (N.A.M)

v: Resources : Global South Countries were most resourceful as compared to the other .

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