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Name of the health center : ALKhor

Your name : JENNYLINE : 56765

Date : 16/4/20

Gibbs 1998 Reflective Model

Gibbs’s Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1998) helps you to understand and practice your reflective
skills. Use the template to reflect on a recent event in which you demonstrated a reflected ability
to improve or demonstrate the need for further learning or development

Reflective Title : HAND HYGIEN

Description : on 13/4/20. I attended on line lecture about hand hygiene( hand hygiene saving
lives )

I did the competency about the procedure on 16/4/20

Feelings : : I feel that this lecture helps me a lot to gain information about the hand
hygiene technique

5 moments of hand hygiene

Different terms of hand hygiene

Using materials like video makes me felt interested to learn

Workforce Training Department - PHCC Page 1

Evaluation : the good things is to updates the knowledge and to know why hand hygiene is
very important way in the standard precoussion also one of ROPs . all the topic was great and I
am really was happy to attend this -also great experience and to know how is the proper hand
washing technique .

what is makes me uncomfortable so fare nothing

Analysis : start to. Do plan.

Conclusion : by the end I understand and realized importance of hand hygiene as important
method to save life

Action Plan : Do plan to

Continue to practice hand hygiene in proper technique

Fallow 5 moment of hand hygiene

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Signature of the Employee: ______jenny _______________

Signature & Stamp of the Head Nurse: ______________________

Workforce Training Department - PHCC Page 3

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