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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Can you believe we are already half way

through the month of January? The students
have been working so hard, and I have been A: Yes! We were invited back to SunnyView
pleased to see their progress! The first DIBELS Care Center, and the activity director has
testing took place in September, and though signed us up to come Monday, February 7th.
that was only a couple of months ago, the stu- We will leave from here around 9:45 a.m. and
dents’ progress is awesome! I look forward to will return no later than 11 a.m. We hope to do
their continued growth as readers! a little program like we did last time, but we
This week we began using the dime to count are also working on the possibility of “helping”
by tens, and we practiced addition families 1, 2, the residents decorate cookies. I’ll keep you
3, and 4 in math. In phonics, the students are updated, but in the mean time, if you think you
learning how to mark short vowel sounds with a might be able to drive, please let me know!
smile and long vowel sounds with a stick and a We’d appreciate your help! Thanks so much!
slash. They are doing a fabulous job, and they
are beginning to understand that the symbols
help us know which vowel sound the letter
makes in a particular word. We continue to A: Yes, our class will take ITBS tests during the
learn and discuss new sight words (the, a, to, week of February 7-11. It is very important for
do), and we have also taken time to focus on the students to be in school that week and for
basic mechanics of a sentence (i.e. capital let- them to get good nights of sleep and nutritional
ters and punctuation- periods, question marks, breakfasts. I usually give one or two of the
and exclamation marks). Finally, our focus in tests each morning at the start of the school
history has shifted to country studies, beginning day. Then, we proceed with the rest of the day
this week with Mexico, and our focus in sci- as usual. I try to do some more enjoyable activi-
ence has shifted to transportation! ties that week as well so the students aren’t
We are learning about self-control in primary overwhelmed. Stay tuned for more information.
chapel, and the topic correlates well with our
studies on Joseph in Bible class. There is so
much to teach the students, and I would covet A: Yes, our Valentine’s Day party has been
your prayers as we continue to press forward scheduled for Monday, February 14. If you are
during these long winter months! willing to help, please contact Amy Kolln via
May God warm your heart and bless you! email at We
Miss Hult look forward to celebrating God’s love!
2 Peter 1:3 A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week
“His divine power has granted to us all things
that pertain to life and godliness, through the Monday:Gen. 42:1 - 45:8) Joseph’s is placed in
knowledge of him who called us to his own charge of everything in Pharoah’s palace, and
glory and excellence....” when his starving brothers arrive in search of
food, they do not recognize their brother.
Joseph gives a dinner for his brothers, and he
tells them who he is after discovering their hearts
have changed and they had love for their brother
and father.
Tuesday: Review of previous lesson.
Wednesday: Chapel review and extension.
Thursday: (Gen. 45:9 - 50:22) Joseph’s entire family
moves to Egypt to live with him during the famine.
He rejoices in the truth that though his brothers
had intended to harm him “God meant it for good
in order to bring about this present result, to pre-
serve many people alive” (Gen. 50:20). Obedience
always brings blessing, though it may not be in our
own timing.
Friday: Review of previous lesson.

Spotlighting Students and Volunteers

We are so thankful for the Namanny family

and their willingness to provide snacks for us
this week! The students enjoyed the variety
of crackers, and the pudding cups melted
away our cold, snow-day blues! Thanks for
your generosity!
I also wanted to extend my thanks to those
who read with their child over break. I appre-
ciate your willingness to continue to work
with them each night on reading as well as
math and writing!

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Jan. 17 - Friday, Jan. 21 - Bible verse H; DIBELS testing

Wednesday, Jan. 19 - Chapel; show and tell
Friday, Jan. 21 - PTF ice cream sales (bring $1); early dismissal - 12:30 p.m.

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