Biomechanics of The Acute Boutonniere Deformity: Purpose

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Biomechanics of the Acute Boutonniere

Luis Grau, MD,* Hasan Baydoun, MD,‡ Kevin Chen, MD,‡ Seth T. Sankary, BA,†
Farid Amirouche, PhD,‡ Mark H. Gonzalez, MD, PhD‡

Purpose To demonstrate which structures of the extensor mechanism create a boutonniere

deformity, when damaged, in a cadaver model. An analysis of how damage to these anatomical
structures affects the biomechanical performance of the extensor mechanism was also performed.
Methods We secured 18 fresh cadaveric hands onto an apparatus consisting of a computer-
controlled motor and tensiometer attached in series to the extensor communis tendon of the
ring and middle digits. The central slip, transverse, and oblique fibers of the interosseous hood
and the triangular ligament were sequentially divided. After each structure was divided, the
motors were activated to provide a constant tendon displacement force. The angular displace-
ment at the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and distal interphalangeal joints was recorded.
Results In all digits, detachment of the central slip from the middle phalanx produced a decrease
in extension of the PIP joint. When the transverse and oblique fibers of the interosseous hood
were also divided, extension at the PIP joint was further decreased. A boutonniere deformity
occurred only when all 3 structures were damaged.
Conclusions The boutonniere deformity requires subluxation of the lateral bands volar to the
axis of rotation of the PIP joint. This study demonstrates that damage to the central slip alone
does not cause the deformity. Combined injury of the central slip, triangular ligament, and
transverse and oblique fibers of the interosseous hood causes a boutonniere deformity.
Clinical relevance Division of the central slip leads to loss of extension at the PIP joint. A more
substantial loss of extension after injury or development of a boutonniere deformity should
alert clinicians that other structures of the extensor mechanism are also damaged. (J Hand
Surg Am. 2017;-(-):1.e1-e6. Copyright Ó 2017 by the American Society for Surgery of the
Hand. All rights reserved.)
Key words Boutonniere, biomechanics, hand, finger, acute.

flexion at the proximal interphalangeal (PIP)
From the *Department of Orthopaedics, †University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, joint with hyperextension at the distal inter-
Miami, FL; and the ‡Department of Orthopaedics, University of Illinois College of Medicine,
Chicago, IL. phalangeal (DIP) joint. This occurs as a result of lateral
Received for publication October 23, 2013; accepted in revised form July 12, 2017.
band (LB) subluxation below the axis of rotation of the
PIP joint, where the LBs function as paradoxical
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received related directly or
indirectly to the benefits of this article. flexors. The deformity may be caused by open or
Corresponding author: Mark H. Gonzalez, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopaedics, closed traumatic injuries of the central slip (CS),1e4
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, PO Box 016960 (D-27), Miami, FL 33101; rheumatoid arthritis,5 or a congenital abnormality.6
e-mail: The current study focused on traumatic injuries.
0363-5023/17/---0001$36.00/0 Using a cadaveric model, Grundberg and Reagan7
found that a surgically created central slip laceration

Ó 2017 ASSH r Published by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. r 1.e1


did not cause subluxation of the LB and an acute and deep (100 g) flexor tendons as well as the radial
boutonniere deformity to occur. Another study by (400 g) and ulnar (400 g) interosseous tendons by
Mercer et al8 showed that contributions from the LB sutures through a low-friction pulley system.11 The
largely governed PIP extension. They reported that extensor communis tendon was then sutured to a
extensor mechanism repair with the LBs placed in a computer-controlled, winch-type servomotor and
dorsal position, without reattachment of the central slip, tension was varied to obtain multiple initial flexion
prevented the development of a boutonniere deformity. angles at the PIP joint. A constant tendon displacement
The purposes of our study were to create a force of 30 mm/min was then applied. Consistent
reproducible model for boutonniere deformity in a with physiological loads described in the literature,
cadaver and to analyze quantitatively how sequential the force never exceeded 20 N.12,13 Two separate
damage to key anatomical structures of the extensor investigators independently used goniometers to
mechanism affects the biomechanics of extension. measure the relative flexion-extension at the PIP and
We hypothesized that damage to the CS, triangular DIP joints after extensor tendon excursion.
ligament, and transverse and oblique fibers of the
interosseous hood running between the central slip Biomechanical study
and the LBs is necessary to create an acute bouton- Eight additional intact, fresh cadaveric hands were
niere deformity.9 We also hypothesized that damage thawed in normal saline, sectioned at the distal third of
to each of these structures decreases the biomechan- the forearm and fixed palmar side down on the test
ical efficiency of the extensor mechanism leading to apparatus. After randomly selecting either the ring or
decreased PIP extension. middle digit, we made a midline dorsal incision over
each digit beginning 1 cm distal to the DIP joint to 4
cm proximal to the metacarpal head. We dissected and
MATERIALS AND METHODS identified the CS, LB, transverse and oblique fibers of
Anatomic study the interosseous hood and the triangular ligament
We thawed 10 fresh cadaveric hands in normal saline, (Fig. 1C). We then sutured the extensor communis
sectioned them at the distal third of the forearm, and tendon to the same computer-controlled, winch-type
fixed them palmar side down on the test apparatus. We servomotor with a tensiometer connected in series,
randomly selected and used either the middle or ring 4 cm proximal to the metacarpal head. To measure
digit in each cadaveric hand and excluded digits with angular displacement of the PIP relative to the starting
poor passive range of motion. The ring and the middle position of 35 flexion, we used a potentiometer,
digits are more commonly injured than other digits, which acted as a rheostat (Fig. 2). The potentiometer
accounting for more than 50% of the cases in a large was secured to the soft tissues of the PIP joint by
case series.10 We elected against using the index and sutures (Fig. 2). As rotation at the PIP joint rotated the
little digits because of contributions of the extensor potentiometer, a precalibrated angular displacement
indicis and extensor digiti quinti, respectively. Skin was displayed and recorded.
and subcutaneous tissue were removed from the digits Four total configurations were tested for each digit.
tested. We then dissected and identified the CS, LB, In configuration 1, all structures remained intact. In
transverse and oblique fibers of the interosseous hood, configuration 2, the CS was detached from its inser-
and the triangular ligament (Fig. 1A). tion on the middle phalanx. In configuration 3, the CS
For all 10 digits we divided the CS at its insertion to was detached and the transverse and oblique fibers of
the base of the middle phalanx. In group A (5 digits in the interosseous hood were sectioned on either side of
total), we sequentially lacerated the triangular liga- the CS. In configuration 4, the triangular ligament
ment and the transverse and oblique fibers of the was sectioned longitudinally, the CS was detached,
interosseous hood running between the CS and LB. In and the transverse and oblique fibers of the inter-
group B (5 digits in total), we reversed the sequence, osseous hood were sectioned on both sides of the CS.
lacerating the transverse and oblique fibers of the Figure 1A is a schematic of the anatomy of the
interosseous hood before the triangular ligament. extensor mechanism; Figure 1C depicts the sequence
Figure 1A is a schematic of the anatomy of the of structures divided in each of the configurations.
extensor mechanism; Figure 1B depicts the sequence Using the same apparatus as before, a computer
of structures damaged in groups A and B. recorded data from the potentiometers and a
Based on previous descriptions in the literature, modified version of LabVIEW Software (National
we simulated the action of the flexors and intrinsic Instruments Corporation, Austin, TX) calculated
muscles by applying loads to the superficial (100 g) angular displacement at the PIP joint.13 The data

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. -, - 2017


FIGURE 1: A Schematic representation of the anatomy of the extensor mechanism. B Schematic representation of the sequence of
lesioned structures in each group for the anatomic portion of the experiment. C Schematic representation of the sequence of lesioned
structures in each group for the biomechanical portion of the experiment.

FIGURE 3: At initial PIP flexion angles of 35 and greater, the

LBs were observed to subluxate below the axis of rotation of the
PIP joint when the dorsal tethering structures were damaged and
paradoxical flexion occurred with excursion of the extensor

deformity and extension at the PIP and DIP joints

FIGURE 2: Cadaver hand affixed to the test apparatus. The was observed in all digits. Similarly, neither damage
extensor communis tendon was sutured to a computer-controlled, to the CS and triangular ligament in group A nor
winch-type servomotor and tensiometer in series. A constant damage to the CS and transverse and oblique fibers of
tendon displacement force of 30 mm/min was applied. A the interosseous hood in group B was sufficient to
potentiometer was sewn centered over the PIP joint to measure
create a boutonniere deformity. All 10 digits exhibi-
angular displacement.
ted extension at the PIP and DIP joints. Only after
damage to the CS, triangular ligament, and transverse
and oblique fibers of the interosseous hood was a
points were plotted against time at 1/1,000-second boutonniere deformity created. Excursion of the
intervals. extensor tendon led to PIP joint flexion and DIP joint
hyperextension in all digits. At initial PIP flexion
angles of 35 and greater, the LBs were observed to
RESULTS subluxate below the axis of rotation of the PIP joint
Anatomic Study when the dorsal tethering structures were damaged
Detaching the CS from its insertion on the middle and paradoxical flexion occurred with excursion of
phalanx was not sufficient to create a boutonniere the extensor tendon (Fig. 3).

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. -, - 2017


FIGURE 4: Diagram representing the degree of relative motion at the PIP in each configuration after excursion of the extensor tendon. In
configurations 2 and 3 there was decreased extension at the PIP joint compared with the intact digit. The negative values in configuration
4 represent how damage to the CS, the oblique and transverse fibers of the interosseous hood, and the triangular ligament led to relative
flexion of the PIP joint with excursion of the extensor tendon.

Biomechanical study extensor hood.9,14 When the triangular ligament is

The PIP joint behaved similarly in all digits after also damaged, the LB migrates below the axis of
damage to structures of the extensor mechanism rotation of the PIP joint.9,14 Flexion deformity of the
(Fig. 4). Extension at the PIP joint was greatest in the PIP joint is initiated by the imbalanced pull of the
intact digit 17.1  7.9 . Detachment of the CS from flexor digitorum superficialis tendon in the setting
the middle phalanx resulted in an additional exten- of an incompetent CS and volarly subluxated LBs.
sion lag at the PIP joint of 2.4  1.3 (0.14  0.08), Through the LBs in their volarly displaced position,
compared with the intact phalanx (Table 1). Division the pull of the intrinsics and the extensor digitorum
of the transverse and oblique fibers of the inteross- further augment the flexion force in the PIP joint.
eous hood and the CS caused extension at the PIP With the PIP joint in flexion, decreased tension in the
joint to decrease further by 4.1  1.5 (0.24  0.07). deep flexor tendon leads to DIP hyperextension
As demonstrated in our anatomic study, paradoxical owing to transmission of the intrinsic and extrinsic
flexion at the PIP joint was achieved only after disrup- muscle force through the LBs and onto their insertion
tion of the CS and triangular ligament, and of the on the dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx.
transverse and oblique fibers of the interosseous hood We expected change in angle over time at the PIP
with 12.1  4.1 of flexion relative to neutral position joint between the digits we tested. We used different-
(Fig. 5). Negative values in Figure 4 and Table 1 indi- sized, fresh-frozen cadaver hands with variable de-
cate flexion at the PIP joint relative to the initial starting grees of inherent stiffness and placed them under
position after excursion of the extensor tendon. similar loads. Despite this, our study demonstrated a
decrease in extension, because each structure was
sequentially damaged and exhibited paradoxical
DISCUSSION flexion at the PIP joint characteristic of boutonniere
Detachment of the CS eliminates the extension deformity when all structures were damaged. This
moment it exerts on the PIP joint.9 When intact, the was consistent across all digits.
triangular ligament functions to support the LB in a Results from the anatomic portion of the experi-
dorsal position relative to the PIP joint even when ment support the idea that even with loading of the
there is disruption to the LBs’ attachments to the intrinsic muscles, all 3 key structures consistently

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. -, - 2017


TABLE 1. Relative Loss of Extension at PIP Joint Compared With Intact Digit
Hand CS CS and Interosseous Fibers CS, Interosseous Fibers, and Triangular Ligament

1 3.7 (0.30) 4.4 (0.36) e20.8 (1.72)

2 1.5 (0.10) 2.3 (0.16) e35.3 (2.37)
3 2.1 (0.14) 4.9 (0.34) e24.7 (1.71)
4 1.5 (0.14) 2.7 (0.24) e23.2 (2.13)
5 1.2 (0.07) 5.3 (0.30) e32.7 (1.83)
6 3.2 (0.09) 5.7 (0.17) e46.9 (1.39)
7 4.8 (0.21) 5.7 (0.25) e32.6 (1.43)
8 1.2 (0.12) 2.1 (0.21) e17.3 (1.79)
Average 2.4 (0.14) 4.1 (0.24) e29.2 (1.17)
SD 1.3 (0.08) 1.5 (0.07) 9.6 (0.33)

The table shows the absolute difference in degrees from intact and the relative difference from intact (intact e trial) / intact) in parentheses. The table
format represents the absolute and (fractional) loss of PIP joint extension compared with the intact configuration in all digits tested. Negative angles
and (values greater than 1) in parentheses indicate paradoxical flexion of the PIP joint with excursion of the extensor communis tendon.

inability to reach full extension in the intact digits. For

full extension of the PIP joint, a delicate balance is
required between intrinsic and extrinsic muscle force
and metacarpophalangeal joint position.9,14,15 The
absence of intrinsic function in our model may have
contributed to these findings.
Although damage to the CS is necessary, our
findings are consistent with other studies that sug-
gested that it is insufficient to create a boutonniere
deformity in an acute setting.7,15,16 Mercer et al8 re-
ported that failing to reinsert the CS does not
predispose to a boutonniere deformity. Our results
support their conclusion and show that even in the
setting of CS detachment, a boutonniere deformity
would not ensue if the triangular ligament or the at-
tachments between the LB and the CS were intact.
However, CS detachment may lead to increased
FIGURE 5: With excursion of the common extensor tendon, a tension on the dorsal tethering structures, which in
characteristic boutonniere deformity was observed in all digits turn may gradually predispose to failure of the
when the CS, triangular ligament, and transverse and oblique triangular ligament and oblique and interosseous
fibers of the interosseous hood were damaged.
fibers of the extensor hood.9 This finding is supported
by the clinical literature in which an early CS injury
needed to be divided to create the boutonniere defor- is associated with localized swelling and mild
mity. We elected against intrinsic muscle loading in extensor lag, and subsequently a boutonniere defor-
the biomechanic portion of our study to simplify the mity develops after 7 to 14 days or longer.17
number of variables in our model, and because of the Division of the CS created an extensor lag of 14%.
limitations of the experimental apparatus. Additional Division of the CS and the transverse and oblique
incisions and loading of the intrinsics through a pulley fibers created a marked increase in the extensor lag
system would have interfered with accurate angle (24%) but did not produce paradoxical flexion. Once
measurements by the potentiometer sewn onto the the triangular ligament was also released, paradoxical
skin. The volarly directed force of the intrinsics likely flexion was noted in all digits tested. Our study
contributed to subluxation of the LBs, but only confirms that division of the CS, the transverse and
when the dorsal tethering structures were damaged.9 oblique fibers of the interosseous hood, and the trian-
Another observation of the experiment was the gular ligament reproducibly creates a boutonniere

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. -, - 2017


deformity. Furthermore, it confirms that a combination reconstruction of the LBs in an anatomic position
of the CS and transverse and oblique fibers or the dorsal to the center of rotation of the PIP should be
central slip and the triangular ligament were not performed to avoid extensor lag and progression of
sufficient to create a boutonniere deformity, but it the deformity. Physicians can use the degree of
decreased the efficiency of the extensor mechanism. extensor lag and deformity found on physical ex-
Our model emphasizes that a closed injury to the amination in their surgical planning for repair or
extensor apparatus of the digit can show a variable reconstruction.
loss of extensor function based on the number of
structures affected. An isolated CS injury produced REFERENCES
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J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. -, - 2017

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