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Based on Sara Anderson’s, please record a new file about your daily routine. Include at
least 15 different activities. Use the hours of the day, the days of the week, the months of
the year and the prepositions of time you studied in this learning activity.

Sara Anderson´s Daily Routine

Good morning. My name´s Sarah Anderson. I am a business manager. I think I have a
really busy schedule. I get up at half past four and make some coffee. At five, I take a
shower and get ready for work. I usually have a light breakfast and leave home. If I am in a
hurry, I prefer to take a taxi, but if I have time, I take the bus. I get to work at half past
seven and prepare my agenda for the day. On Mondays and Tuesdays, I write reports for
my supervisor. On Wednesdays, I make a lot of phone calls and schedule meetings. On
Thursdays and Fridays, I have to call about twenty clients before noon. At one o’clock, I
have lunch with my coworkers at the cafeteria. In the afternoon, I work on my projects and
assign responsibilities to the members of my team. At half past five, I go back home. I get
home at around seven o’clock. My husband and I make dinner and help our children with
their homework and put them to bed. After that, we watch the news. Before I go to bed, I go
on the computer and check my mail. This is basically my life from Monday to Friday.

My Daily Routine
Good afternoon, my name´s Jessica Gaviria. I am a house wife. I usually
have a lot of activities in the day because mothers days are very busy on
weekdays. This is my daily routine in jun 2020:
1. I always wake up at 5.30 am and I go to my son´s room to wake him
up, I sleep with him a short time to 6.00 am.
2. Then I go to make breakfast for my family then all family have
3. At 7.00 am. I take a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed,
sometimes brush my hair if I have time.
4. At 8.00 am I clean the apartment, then I frequently help my son
with his school activities because we do homeschool that activity we
do about three hours.
5. At 10.00 am I give a fruit to my children.
6. At 11.00 am I make lunch for my family.
7. At noon usually we lunch, sometimes I´m late.
8. After lunch I read a book while my little daughter falls asleep.
9. When my daughter sleeps my son and me study together.
10. At 3:30 pm I make some snaks for my children.
11. Before quarantine we used to go to the pool at 4.30 pm but now we
do different activities such as to study a lenguage.
12. At 6.00 pm I make dinner, sometimes my husband makes dinner.
13. At 7.30 pm we read together.
14. At 8.00 pm children go to bed.
15. At 10.00 pm my husband and me go to sleep, but before that each
one read or sometimes we watch to movie.
16. On Saturdays we get up late and enjoy different activities in
17.On Sundays we listen church preaching in the morning.

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