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Pith Instructions from Nyela Changchub Dorje:

According to oral traditions, he attained the small rainbow body or jalü

phochung ('ja' lus 'pho chung). He was Namkhai Norbu’s main teacher.
His Heart Advice:
A Concise Teaching on Seeing, Deepening, Responding and Arriving
according to Dzogpa Chenpo Kadak Trekcho


Dear children, listen closely!

What you call mind isn’t anything at all. Allow your own mind to look at
itself. Past thoughts are no longer here, and the future’s not yet here and
whatever arises now is beyond reckoning.
Let all thoughts of the past, present and future settle, right now, and in
this moment see how it is; if you see colors and shapes; this is a sign
you’ve wandered into the house of delusion.
If you think “it’s nothing, there’s nothing”, you’re trapped in the numb
empty state and the richness of your own nature will not emerge.
You know, you can investigate meditate for a hundred years and not be
moving towards freedom, great natural perfection is present awareness
right now.
No thoughts and conditions - clear and radiant, like the sky, this never
It is dharmakaya. The primordial clear and radiant awareness is unceasing
in its splendor.
It is sambhogakaya, the rapturous the arising of all possible things, an
ever-present vibration.
It is nirmanakaya, the magical whatever.
Whenever something happens, don’t do anything with it. Let it settle by
Thoughts are fuel flaring up and are toxic. Let them come and go. They will
dissolve into space; coming going - no difference.
When they come, look directly how they come. When they go, look
directly how they go. It is exactly the same. No favorites, no choosing.
Eating, sitting, walking, standing, sleeping, talking, whatever you do, when
you do it, look directly how you are. This is how ordinary beings become
Nothing is more direct than this more profound than this teaching. And for
those who rely on this teaching, causes and conditions are gone.
This is the space, just this. Directly know every experience is magical.
The wisdom eye is now open, clairvoyance now (functions). Here your
body is no longer solid. You can travel unrestrained.
Death time comes and your material and vital forces break down and your
elemental energies transmute into the blessings of rainbow remains,
never changing.
It’s now dissolved back into the primal state. Awareness settles back into
space, Dharmakaya, the primordial, and it activates all tangible
dimensions releasing enlightened activities, bringing benefit to all who
live, wide as space itself.
This is how it is. Now bountiful benefits will flow.”

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