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Nano and Gans

MaGrav Technology

Tested by KFPID – Vernie

Application of CO2 Gans Water on
Plants: Experiment 2: Cantaloupe
• Tests started on December 30, 2015 and
concluded January 26, 2016, in the Philippines
• A couple of Cantaloupe seedlings is picked for
comparison with other pairs of similar
seedlings, from the same fruit source, using
different water. All plants are using the same
mixed of potting soil placed on individual plastic
pots and all seedlings came from the same seed
box. This is to minimize the variables affecting
plant growth and development.
Application of CO2 Gans Water on
Plants: Experiment 2: Cantaloupe
(B) (C) (E) (F)
(A) Rain water Rain Water with
Rain Water
Tap Water
treated with N.C Tap Water
Rain Water treated with CO2 GANS exposed with
Copper, exposed
Nano-Coated water fields of CO2
with fields of
Copper GANS
Day 01

Day 7

Day 13
Application of CO2 Gans Water on
Plants: Experiment 2: Cantaloupe
(B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
(A) Rain water Rain Water Tap Water
Rain Water with Tap Water
Rain Water treated with treated with N.C exposed with
Nano-Coated Copper, exposed fields of CO2
Copper with fields of GANS
Day 16 CO2 GANS

Day 23

Day 27
Water Conditions
• Rain water - plain rain water, collected using a plastic container.
• Tap water - plain tap water passing through a regular filtration system (not reverse
osmosis) to make it drinkable by humans and animals.
• Rain water treated with nano coated copper- plain rain water, same batch as Rain
water above. The container of this rain water have nano coated copper wire
• Rain water treated with CO2 GANS water - Rain water with drops of CO2 GANS
water. CO2 GANS water is small amount of distilled water mixed with CO2 GANS
powder. We only take the water on top when the GANS settled at the bottom part of
the container and use it for mixing with rain water for plant use. CO2 GANS water is
only introduced one time at the base of the plant stem with the potting soil for the
entire testing period, succeeding water used is rain water.
• Tap water exposed with fields of CO2 GANS - This is same Tap water above but
subjected to the fields of CO2 GANS. CO2 GANS is inside a small closed container and
placed on the container of tap water ready for plants use. Exposure is at least 5
seconds. CO2 GANS have fields and water is affected by that fields.
• Rain water treated, with nano coated copper, exposed with the fields of CO2
GANS- Same treatment as the tap water with fields of CO2 GANS above.
Photographs were taken each day during the monitoring period. Camera settings are considered not to
vary much in exposure for everyday recording to have better accuracy on color rendition. Plants with CO2
GANS water and exposure to fields of it are separated more than a foot apart from the rest to isolate field
influence on nearby plants. From the photographs we can clearly see that water from CO2 GANS did
influenced the growth of the plants. Tap water also performed well. Plants with water exposed with
fields of CO2

Flowering on the

40th day
• GANS also shows favorable results. Rain water and that treated
with nano coated copper shows delay in development compared
to those with water treated with CO2 GANS water or fields.
Colors of the leaves also show consistency.
• It is good to note that on the later part of the experiment on Day
20, photo shown above is on the Day 23, we changed our testing
parameters and sprayed every plant with Tap Water treated with
fields of CO2 GANS for two days (Day 20 and 21) for the rest of
the plants to catch up. After that we noticed a change in color on
the leaves of the plants, those with no CO2 GANS water are
catching up in terms of color like that with CO2 GANS water. We
concluded the experiment on the Day 27, that is January 26, 2016
for the results are already clear for everyone to see.
Application of CO2 Gans Water on
Plants: Experiment 3: Rice
• On December 27, 2015 we conducted a free workshop for the people of Davao
City, Philippines. Davao City is the largest City in terms of land area and is located
in the southern part of Mindanao and is surrounded with agricultural lands. The
participants were able to learn nano coating, GANS production and applications
of these materials for health, energy and agriculture.
• The farmer also informed us about the black bugs problem they have. These
black bugs eat rice plants and is a major problem for them. It was suggested on
the workshop to interact with these animals like we do with other animals. We
do not need to apply pesticides anymore, all we need to do is talk to these
animals not to eat our plants. The farmer implemented our suggestion and for
that his rice plants were no longer eaten by the black bugs. This is an example of
people working in harmony with other beings, in this case the black bugs.

• 58 days old Rice, Water used for the past two weeks were treated with CO2 GANS
fields from CO2 GANS patch
Application of CO2 Gans Water on
Plants: Experiment 3: Rice
• 58 days old Rice, Water used for the past
two weeks were treated with CO2 GANS
fields from CO2 GANS patch

• On February 13, 2016 a farmer who

attended the workshop provided us a
report that his rice plants are growing
better after application of water treated
with CO2 GANS fields from a CO2 GANS
patch. The photograph on the left shows
the average height of 1.1 meter. The usual
average height of their rice plants from
their experience without CO2 GANS is only
1.0 meter. They only started the
application of CO2 GANS two weeks ago
and already see favorable results.
Photo by Boyet Montejo

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