Donaghey Scholars Booklet 2010 Revised

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2010 Whitbeck Award Winner Ashley Fejleh

Donaghey Scholars Program

Honors Program
Information and Application

Donaghey Scholars Program
The Donaghey Scholars Program is the university-
wide honors program for the University of Arkansas at
Little Rock. The Program is based on a comprehensive
interdisciplinary core curriculum that emphasizes
critical thinking and active learning. In addition to
specialized honors courses, Scholars receive the
university’s most generous financial package.
Scholars complete core courses
together, forming a unique, cohesive
and supportive community— a college
Rice, and Stanford. Scholars have won
within a college. Scholars enjoy small
prestigious national scholarships, winning
classes, personal interaction with faculty,
the Truman, Goldwater, National Science
and a comprehensive curriculum that
Foundation, Rotary, Fulbright, Mellon,
encourages critical thinking. Mitchell, and Rhodes scholarships. UALR’s
Financial Package top honor, the Whitbeck Award, has been
The total financial package for a won by a graduating Donaghey Scholar for
Donaghey Scholar can range from eighteen consecutive years.
$60,000-$80,000 including the following: After completing the Program, a Scholar is armed with
• Full tuition and fees for up to 18 hours per semester extensive analytical skills for reading, writing, and
for up to eight semesters discussion— skills that ensure success in almost any
• Stipend between $6,000 and $10,000 per year based field. Whether students plan to pursue professional work
upon credentials or move on towards
• Housing subsidy of $1,400 per year for students living graduate study, a Donaghey Scholars
on-campus Donaghey Scholars receive a generous
• Study abroad Program education,
financial package that
• Laptop computer combined with their
major field of study, is includes tuition, fees, a
• Non-resident fees may be covered if funds permit
excellent preparation stipend, and study abroad.
Donaghey Scholars Faculty for the future.
The Donaghey Scholars faculty includes many of
UALR’s outstanding teachers. They represent a broad Program
Requirements The first female in the
range of experience and demonstrate expertise in
their major areas of study. All the Program faculty are • Completion history of the Arkansas
strongly committed to teaching and the challenges of of Donaghey Rhodes Scholarship
interdisciplinary study. In most cases, faculty teams teach Scholars competition was a
the core courses, promoting active debate between interdisciplinary Donaghey Scholar.
disciplines and full exposure to those disciplines. core curriculum
• Fulfillment of
Student Profile the university requirements in mathematics and
A Donaghey Scholar does not fit any American history or American national government
single profile. The Program values • Completion of a laboratory science course
diversity. Students may enter the • Maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA in no less than 24
program as first-year college students, hours per academic year
transfer students, or existing UALR • Seminar or special topics course outside of the
ENRICHMENT students. Non-traditional, minority, and Scholar’s primary field of study
international students are encouraged
• Community service and shadowing projects
to apply. If your interests are broad and your abilities are
• Study of foreign language at least until an oral
strong, you just may be a Donaghey Scholar.
proficiency exam is passed
Distinguished • Study abroad
Donaghey Scholars have a reputation for excellence. • Final project completed under the direction of a
Graduates of the Program have gone on to graduate faculty committee
and professional schools such as UALR, Harvard, Yale, • Exit interview
Donaghey Scholars Distinctive
have a greater than 90% Curriculum
The Donaghey Schol-
acceptance rate into ars Program has a core
medical school. curriculum that fun-
damentally replaces
UALR’s general education core. Class enrollment is normally
limited to Donaghey Scholars, ensuring small class sizes and
faculty engagement.
These interdisciplinary core courses are intimate,
seminar-style classes that emphasize the close reading
of primary texts, vigorous discussion, extensive writing,
and independent study. Interdisciplinary in nature, the
curriculum for the Donaghey Scholars Program is at the
forefront of honors education nationally.
Core Courses
Scholars Colloquium I and II
An orientation to the program and to UALR, this
course features discussion of themes arising in other
courses, projects to increase students’ understanding
of themselves and the educational process, and
presentations by campus officials and guest lecturers.
Service and shadowing are among the requirements.
Rhetoric and Communication I and II
This course seeks to improve the student’s ability to
examine ideas and facts critically and communicate
effectively both orally and in writing.
Science and Society I and II
The focus of this course is the
impact of scientific thought and
technology on human culture,
examining science as a mode of
human life. Students are required
thought and a method of inquiry.
to attend and discuss a number of
History of Ideas I, II, and III concerts, plays, and exhibitions.
This three-semester course examines
Foreign Language and Study
the development of civilization and ENGAGEMENT
the progress of human ideas from
Scholars are required to study a
the earliest times to the present. The
foreign language until they are able to pass an oral
general approach is critical and historical with particular
proficiency exam. Students must pass the exam no later
attention to literature, philosophy, and religion. The
than the year before graduation. The oral proficiency
course emphasizes close reading of classic texts, shifting
exam, administered by UALR foreign language faculty, is
focus each semester from early Western thought, to later
developed by the American Council on the Teaching of
Western thought, then to Non-Western thought.
Foreign Languages. Further study of foreign language
The Individual and Society I and II after passing the exam is encouraged.
This course emphasizes cultural comparisons through
The Program has a strong international component,
an overview of the relationship between individuals and
enhanced by immersion in other cultures. In order to
their societies.
fully engage with the culture and language, Scholars
The Individual and the Creative Arts I and II utilize foreign language studies in a study abroad
Through art, architecture, music, dance, theatre, and program approved by UALR. The Program subsidizes
literature, students will examine how the arts enrich study abroad.
Program History
A panel of experts in
and Governance
The Program began in the fall of 1984 honors education deemed
as the University Scholars Program the Donaghey Scholars
when the first twenty students were Program “unique”.
admitted and began their studies with
an innovative and experimental curriculum. The goal was
to create the ideal honors program, something distinctive.
In 1988 the name was changed to the Donaghey Scholars
Program in honor of valuable support from the Donaghey
Currently, the Program is governed by a Policy Council
comprised of the Director, Associate Director, and Program
Administrator, as well as faculty, student, and alumni
representatives. Representatives from each Scholars class
are elected to serve on a Student Committee.
It is through the efforts of this dedicated group of students,
faculty, alumni, and staff that the Program received a
glowing review in 2008 from a panel of experts in the field
of honors education.
Each year approximately 25 students are admitted
into the Donaghey Scholars Program. The admissions
committee of the Program does not standardize minimum
requirements for admission. Instead, the committee selects
the strongest students in the applicant pool. High school
performance and activities, test scores, recommendations,
demonstrated ability in college courses (if applicable),
written essays, and personal interviews are all important
factors in the selection process.
The strength of incoming students is indicated by their
median ACT score of 29 and the median cumulative
GPA of 3.7. Students admitted to the program include
National Merit Finalists, National Achievement Finalists,
National Hispanic Finalists, and winners of the Governor’s
Scholarship, the Governor’s Distinguished Award, and
the Stephens Scholarship. Although all factors are
considered, the student’s academic record, as reflected
in GPA and coursework, carries the most weight.
To apply to the Donaghey Scholars Program, students
should complete the form enclosed in this brochure. All
items required for application are listed at the beginning of
the form. Applicants are encouraged to meet the February 1
priority deadline, but applications will be accepted through
March 1. Applications not completed or post-marked by
March 1 will not be considered. Well-qualified applicants
will be selected for interview.
First-year college students, transfer students, and current
UALR students may apply.

Donaghey Scholars Program Application
Priority deadline: February 1 • Final Deadline: March 1

To Apply:
1. Complete online application for UALR at
2. Mail the following items to the Donaghey Scholars Program. Those items marked with an asterisk (*) should
be mailed to BOTH the Donaghey Scholars Program AND Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at UALR.
• Donaghey Scholars Program application form
• Two essays (topics and guidelines indicated below)
• Two letters of recommendation
• Official test scores for SAT and/or ACT *
• Official transcripts for high school and, if applicable, college *

Mail to: Donaghey Scholars Program UALR

University of Arkansas at Little Rock Office of Admissions
2801 S. University Avenue 2801 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204 Little Rock, AR 72204

Name: _______________________________ Social Security#:

Last First

Address: ________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________

Street City State Zip

Daytime Phone: ___________________Evening Phone: ________________Mobile:

High School Ranking: ________out of ______Current or most recent GPA:  Male  Female

Race (optional):  American Indian or Alaska Native  Asian  Black or African American
 Native American or Other  Pacific Islander  White

Anticipated Major/Minor: ________________________________Date of Birth: _________________________

ACT and/or SAT score: _______________________________________________________________________

Name of School and/or College Location of School (City, State) Dates Attended
List all academic honors, awards, and scholarships and the date received. (Additional pages may be added
as needed.)

List all significant school and community activities, leadership positions, extracurricular activities, etc. Also
include any interesting work experiences. (Additional pages may be added as needed.)__________________

Attach to your application two essays on the topics below. Each essay should be between 800 and 1,000
words. When applicable, essays should include proper documentation of resources, including but not limited
to websites, journals, books, and other publications.

1. How do you define a scholar? Why do you believe you are one? What do you think the UALR
Donaghey Scholars Program will do for you? How do you envision the contribution you will
one day make to society?

2. Choose a contemporary issue. Why do you feel that it is important? Take a position on the
issue and defend it.

I certify that all the information and statements provided by me on this application are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge. Donors or agencies outside UALR occasionally request information contained on this
application. I permit the release of educational and personal information to outside agencies as part of my
application for the Donaghey Scholars Program scholarship.

Signature:_____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

UALR Nondiscrimination Policy: The University of Arkansas at Little Rock complies with and enforces all rules and regulations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 concerning admission treatment of students and employment. As is required by Title IX, the University does not
discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities which it operates. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX shall be made to the Office
of Campus Life, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Donaghey Student Center 216 (569-3308). Other inquiries regarding discrimination based on race, sex, color,
age, religion, national origin, veteran’s status, or disabling condition shall be made to the Director of Human Relations (569-8675)
Get to know the 2009-2010 Graduates
These recent graduates of the program are as diverse as the university itself. Majors range from Biology
and English to French and Economics; and the Donaghey Scholars Program enriched the lives and college
experience for all of these outstanding graduates.
Cemeka Agugbuem Greg Clark Jack Stell Latham Hampo
Major: Biology and Spanish Major: English Major: French
Final Project: Analysis of Cohort Minor: French Minor: Film
Retention: Spit for the Cure Breast Final Project: “I Stuttered, then Final Project: Nous Sommes le
Cancer Cohort Silence” A book of Poetry Français
Alexandra Anghelescu Mirena Dimova Kim Collins Noesser
Major: Computer Science Major: General Finance Majors: Finance and Spanish
Minor: Math Final Project: Assessment of the Final Project: Un Nuevo Futuro:
Final Project: Modeling and Business Incubation Activity in How to Become Your Own Boss
Simulation of Scheduling Jobs in Bulgaria Rachel Norris
High Performance Computers Dustin Emanis Major: Biology
Christina Muniz Boyd Majors: Chemistry Minor: Anthropology
Major: Social Work and Spanish Minor: Biology Final Project: A Fighting Chance:
Final Project: Life After Lockup: Final Project: Novel Synthesis Educating and Enriching the Lives
Improving Reentry for Individuals Technique for Calcium of Ugandan Children with HIV
in Pulaski County Borohydride Positive Parents.
Melissa Ruth Carrion Ashley Nicole Fejleh Jose Montes de Oca
Major: English and Spanish (2010 Whitbeck Award Winner) Major: Economics and Finance
Final Project: Locke, Wordsworth, Major: Environmental Health Minor: Math
and the Association of Ideas Sciences Final Project: Cadavaric Organ
Minor: Biology Donation Discrepencies Between
Deborah Cavener
Final Project: Carbon Covered Required Consent and Presumed
Major: Early Childhood
Magnetic Nanomaterial: Their Consent in Latin America
Application for Nanothermolysis
Minor: Spanish
of Cancer Cells
Final Project: Exploring English
Language Learners’ Attitude

toward Reading and its Effects
on Reading Levels

Photo courtesy of Dr. Stephen Yanoviak, Biology Department, UALR

For more information on the Donaghey Scholars Program or to schedule a visit
Call: (501) 569-3569 or (501) 569-3389 Email: Log On:

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