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Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:445

Land-use/cover change in Coimbatore urban area (Tamil

Nadu, India)—a remote sensing and GIS-based study
P. Prabu & Mithas Ahmad Dar

Received: 17 March 2018 / Accepted: 17 June 2018

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract The purpose of the present study was to ex- growth cum rapid economic progress. (2) Vegetation
plain land-use/cover changes in Coimbatore City Cor- cover decreased 38.76% due to conversion into urban
poration using Landsat ETM+ and Landsat 8 Operation- features. (3) Water bodies in area increased to 15.78%
al Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor due to eradication of encroachment. (4) There is loss of
(TIRS) data for the period of 2003–2014. Two Landsat 1.89% of agricultural lands due to demand for construc-
images from years 2003 and 2014 were downloaded tion activities. (5) About 85.24% of barren lands were
from USGS Earth Explorer. Maximum likelihood meth- converted into other uses, particularly 57.33% to urban
od was used to classify the images into five classes: areas. (6) Urban growth has accelerated towards north-
urban fabric, vegetation, water bodies, agriculture lands, eastern, northern, and eastern parts, where national high-
and barren lands. Overall kappa accuracy measure is ways exist. The built-up areas were dropped from 85.32
about to 87.60 and 86.15% for the years 2003 and 2014, to 22.28%, within 5-km distance from the city center.
respectively. The change detection analysis has been
performed for years 2003 and 2014 postclassified im- Keywords Land use/cover . Landsat . Remote sensing .
ages. The results of the study have indicated that Coim- GIS . Coimbatore City
batore City has experienced rapid modifications in
LULC, particularly in terms of urban/built-up area. Over
the past 11 years, urban/built-up areas have increased by
94.5 km2, resulting in a significant drop in the area of
agricultural land and vegetation cover. It is found that
The growing density of population and changing eco-
(1) urban areas are increased 200% due to population
nomic activities are determining factors of urban land-
use change. The main key in the process of land-use
P. Prabu change in the urban areas is economic and infrastructur-
Department of Geography, Nirmala College for Women (Aut), al development. Coimbatore City Corporation, Tamil
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Nadu, is a fast growing city once noted for cotton textile
industry and known as “Manchester of South India.”
M. A. Dar (*)
Department for Management of Science and Technology The population from surrounding districts and southern
Development, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, districts migrated and settled in Coimbatore City area
Vietnam for employment. Population growth is considered as a
e-mail: principal driving force of urban land-use dynamics
M. A. Dar (Vitousek et al. 1997; Ma and Xu 2010; Rahman et al.
Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety, Ton Duc Thang 2012). Urban growth is interrelated with rapid economic
University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam development, progress in human population, and
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physical environment. The rural lands were transformed and area of the city increases more than two-fold from
into urban features (Mundia and Aniya 2005; Dewan 105.6 km2.
and Yamaguchi 2009; Yin et al. 2011). Proliferation of
human settlements and its activities in urban environ-
ment has fetched about profound changes in urban land- Materials and methods
use/cover pattern (Deng et al. 2009; Weng 2001).
The changing in structure of land-use/cover pattern Data collections
affects socio, economic, and environmental conditions
(Mundia and Aniya 2005). Chowdhury and Maithani The present study utilizes Landsat ETM+, image of 21
(2010) applied digital image processing techniques to February 2003, and Landsat 8—OLI and TRS images of
extract urban features. Wakode et al. (2014) analyzed 18 May 2014 were downloaded from Earth explorer
urban growth of Hyderabad City, using multi-temporal website of USGS. Landsat ETM+ consists of eight
Landsat data to detect changes in land use/cover. Infor- bands and is generally utilized for land-use studies.
mation on land-use/cover changes in recent past re- Spatial resolution is 30 m, from bands 1–7, except band
quired for the better planning and management of urban 8 (panchromatic), which is 15 m. Landsat 8 Operational
areas in a sustainable way (Ramachandra et al. 2013; Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)
Rawat et al. 2013). It can be very beneficial resource, for images include of nine (1–9) spectral bands with two
urban planners and policy makers, to solve the crisis (10–11) thermal bands. The characteristics of Landsat
evolved, from fast-growing urban areas. It is necessary ETM+ and Landsat 8 (OLI and TRS) sensor system are
to create a spatial database of land use/cover, under- presented in Table 1.
standing magnitude of change, and land conversion.
Remote sensing and GIS technologies are effectively Image processing
used in urban studies to monitor dynamics of its growth
and structure (Bolca et al. 2007; Tan et al. 2010; Yin The digital numbers (DNs) of individual bands of
et al. 2011; Billa 2013). Landsat ETM+ and Landsat (OLI and TRS) were con-
The main purpose of the present study is to investi- verted into numerical physical surface reflectance values
gate spatial and temporal patterns of urban land-use/ for further analysis. Many image-processing techniques
cover change, happened between 2003 and 2014 with have been implemented including, on the other hand,
following three objectives: (i) analyze the land-use/cov- band 6 of ETM+ that is not used and excluded from
er pattern in 2003 and 2014, (ii) the rate of change of calibration. Afterwards, separate bands were combined
land-use/cover transformation, and (iii) changing pat- into single image. These images were projected into
tern with respect to direction as well as distance from UTM projection, zone 43°N, WGS 1984 datum.
the city center.
Image enhancement

Study area The image enhancement technique is used to discrim-

inate different features in the area of interest. The
The Coimbatore City Corporation is an important in- principal aim of image enhancement technique is to
dustrial hub of state Tamil Nadu, India. The Coimbatore improve individually the satellite images for better
City is the headquarter of Coimbatore District. It was analysis. It includes manipulation of histogram, from
established as a municipality with a population of filtering to removing noise, and principal component
24,000 in 1866, cover spatial extent of 10.88 km2. The analysis.
study area extends between latitudes 10° 54′ 45″N to
11° 6′ 15″N and 76° 52′ 10″E to 77° 3′ 55″E. It covers Supervised classification
an area about 260.8 km2 including surface water bodies
of tanks (Fig. 1). The population of Coimbatore as per Supervised classification algorithm was executed to the
census 2011 is about 10.6 lakh. In 2012, the Corporation Landsat images based on the training samples and the
city boundary redrawn, nearby areas/villages were ag- reference resources. Maximum likelihood approach is
glomerated into Coimbatore City Corporation (CCMC), used to classify the different land-use/cover categories
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:445 Page 3 of 14 445

Fig. 1 Location and extent of Coimbatore City Corporation

in the study area. The data, for 2003 and 2014, were user’s accuracy, producer’s accuracy, and kappa coef-
classified into five categories such as (1) urban fabric— ficient. There are 250 stratified random sample points
buildings, roads, and other manmade features; (2) veg- that have been taken for the year 2003 and 260 for
etation; (3) water bodies; (4) agricultural land; and (5) 2014.Confusion matrices used to evaluate classifica-
barren land. tion accuracy are briefed for two periods in Table 2.
Then, the classified images were overlaid to decipher For the 2003 land-use/cover maps, the results shows
changes occurred in land-use/cover during the study that overall accuracy is about to 87.60%; overall mis-
period. Furthermore, the overlay, buffer, zonal statistics, classification rate is 12.40% and kappa coefficient is
and frequency analysis were done for the two images. In 0.83. All the categories show that producer’s accuracy
this study, two open-source software are involved to more than 89%, except water bodies, are only 52.08%.
achieve aim and specific objectives, which are QGIS This is mainly due to the confusion by vegetation that
(Quantum GIS v.2.4) and SAGA (System for Automat- covers surface water bodies. For the 2014 land-use/
ed Scientific Analysis). Further information on the topic cover maps, it is ascertained that overall accuracy is
of the classification results of Landsat images of 2003 about to 86.15%, overall misclassification rate is
and 2014 are discussed in the “Results and discussion” 13.84%, and kappa coefficient is 0.83. All the catego-
section. ries show that producer’s accuracy more than 82%,
except water bodies, are only 63.64%. According to
Accuracy assessment Landis and Koch (1977), kappa coefficient value >
0.80 denotes strong agreement or accuracy between
Next to image classification, the accuracy assessment the classified data and reference information
was carried out for categorized images. Four methods (Rosenfield and Fitzpatrick 1986; Congalton 1991;
of accuracy were computed in are overall accuracy, Sun et al. 2009).
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Table 1 Spectral characteristics of Landsat 7 and 8

Bands Wavelength (μm) Resolution (m)

Enhanced Thematic Mapper Band 1 0.45–0.52 30

Plus (ETM+) Band 2 0.52–0.60 30
Band 3 0.63–0.69 30
Band 4 0.77–0.90 30
Band 5 1.55–1.75 30
Band 6 10.40–12.50 60* (30)
Band 7 2.09–2.35 30
Band 8 0.52–0.90 15
Landsat 8 (OLI) and (TIRS) Band 1 0.43–0.45 30
Band 2 0.45–0.51 30
Band 3 0.53–0.59 30
Band 4 0.64–0.67 30
Band 5 0.85–0.88 30
Band 6 1.57–1.65 30
Band 7 2.11–2.29 30
Band 8 0.50–0.68 15
Band 9 1.36–1.38 30
Band 10—(TIRS) 1 10.60–11.19 100* (30)
Band 11—(TIRS) 2 11.50–12.51 100* (30)
TM Band 6 was acquired at 120-meter resolution, but products processed before February 25, 2010 are resampled to 60- meter pixels.
Products processed after February 25, 2010 are resampled to 30-meter pixels.

Change detection 24.81% (64.71 km2) under agricultural lands, and

31.52% (82.24 km2) of the area with barren land. The
Afterwards, for the years 2003 and 2014, change detec- same land-use/cover categories, in 2014; were found
tion algorithm was used to define change in land use/ 54.32% (141.74 km2) under urban fabric, 15.3%
cover. The postclassification method offers “from-to” (39.14 km2) under vegetation, 0.67% (1.76 km2) under
transformation facts, and the kind of land-use transfor- water bodies, 24.09% (62.86 km2) under agricultural
mations that have occurred can be easily considered. lands, and 5.59% (14.16 km2) of the area with barren
Then, cross tabulation investigation was performed to land.
analyze the spatial distribution of various land-use clas- Figure 3a–e and Table 3 show that, in Coimbatore City
ses and land-use changes. Corporation, urban fabric areal coverage changed from
18.07 to 54.32%, with an area of 36.25% (94.58 km2).
The vegetation cover decreased about 25.28% (9.60 km2),
Results and discussion which was 65.22 km2 in 2003 and 39.94 km2 in 2014. The
water bodies are increased from 1.52 km2 in 2003 to
Land-use/cover analysis has been carried for the years 1.76 km2 in 2014, with an increase of 0.24-km2 areas.
2003 and 2014 (Fig. 2a, b). The data were classified into The increase in surface water area is attributed to the
different land-use categories such as (1) urban fabric— efforts to eliminate the encroachments taken by the local
buildings, roads, and other manmade features; (2) veg- governing bodies and non-governmental organization.
etation; (3) water bodies; (4) agricultural land; and (5) Agricultural land areas are decreased from 64.75 km2 in
barren land. 2003 to 62.86 km2 in 2014, with an area of 1.89 km2.
In 2003, the Coimbatore City Corporation concealed Spatial change in barren land shows that 67.64-km2 area
by 18.07% (47.16 km2) of the area, 24.9% (65.22 km2) of barren land lost from 2003 (31.52%) to 2014 (5.59%),
under vegetation, 0.58% (1.52 km2) under water bodies, with an area of 67.64 km2 (25.93%).
Table 2 Confusion matrix of the land-use classification in 2003 and 2014

2003 Reference data

Urban fabric Vegetation Water bodies Agriculture Barren land Sum User’s accuracy (%) Error’s commission (%)
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:445

Classified data Urban fabric 50 0 0 3 1 54 92.59 7.41

Vegetation 0 89 0 0 0 89 100.00 0.00
Water bodies 0 23 25 0 0 48 52.08 47.92
Agriculture 0 1 0 25 2 28 89.29 10.71
Barren land 0 0 0 1 30 31 96.77 3.23
Sum 50 113 25 29 33 250 Overall accuracy: 87.60%
User’s accuracy (%) 100.00 78.76 100.00 86.21 90.91 Overall misclassification rate: 12.40%
Error’s commission 0.00 21.24 0.00 13.79 9.09 Kappa coefficient: 0.83
2014 Reference data
Urban fabric Vegetation Water bodies Agriculture Barren land Sum User’s accuracy (%) Error’s commission (%)
Classified data Urban fabric 81 0 0 0 0 81 100.00 0.00
Vegetation 0 42 0 0 0 42 100.00 0.00
Water bodies 3 25 49 0 0 77 63.64 36.36
Agriculture 5 1 0 28 0 34 82.35 17.65
Barren land 2 0 0 0 24 26 92.31 7.69
Sum 91 68 49 28 24 260 Overall accuracy: 86.15%
User’s accuracy (%) 89.01 61.76 100.00 100.00 100.00 Overall misclassification rate: 13.84%
Error’s commission 10.99 38.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kappa coefficient: 0.82
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Fig. 2 Land-use/cover classification for a 2003 and b 2014

Land transformation during the period of 2003–2014 agricultural land accounts for about 14.18% (3.58 km2).
Due to appropriate action taken by the local authorities
Land transformation analysis was carried out in this and NGOs, the some patches of vegetation cover near
present study. The change detection matrix was pre- surface water areas are cleared to store maximum water.
pared to find out which land-use class was converted About 0.23-km2 areas of vegetation cover changed into
into other (Table 4). The process of urbanization is surface water area from 2003 to 2014.
always associated with economic development, transfer
of people from rural to urban, and increasing urban Land-use/cover change—from water bodies (2003
infrastructure to the outskirt of the urban area. In Coim- to 2014)
batore City Corporation, the city limit has changed, and
redrawn in the year 2010, due to urban growth. The city Surface water area increased in 2014 to 1.76 km2 from
corporation decided to enhance the urban facility to the 1.52 km2 in 2003, with a positive change of 0.24-km2
outer areas of the city. area (Fig. 4b). The changes in spatial distribution of
water bodies are contributed from urban fabric
Land-use/cover change—from vegetation (2003 (16.96% or 0.04 km2), vegetation cover (25.57% or
to 2014) 0.06 km2), and agricultural land (55.34% or 0.13 km2).

The vegetation cover, in the Coimbatore City limit, has Land-use/cover change—from agriculture (2003
converted into different land-use categories. In 2014, to 2014)
about 38.49% (9.73 km2) of the vegetation cover has
changed into urban fabric from 2003 (Fig. 4a). The Agricultural lands were primarily converted into urban
maximum of vegetation cover areas are devoted to fabric class followed by barren land, vegetation cover,
urban fabric. Next, conversion of vegetation cover into and water bodies. Spatial distribution of land converted
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:445 Page 7 of 14 445

Fig. 3 Land-use/cover changes from a urban fabrics, b vegetation, c water bodies, and d agriculture. Land-use/cover changes from e barren
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Fig. 3 continued.

from agriculture to urban fabric is about 43.12%, which to other land-use categories, urban and barren land, to be
accounts 0.81 km2of agriculture land in the year of 2003 exact, predominantly takes place in southeast, south,
(Fig. 4b). About 0.23-km2 area of agriculture lands was and southwest from the city center.
transformed into barren land, which accounts about
12.21% of the total area of agriculture land in 2003. Land-use/cover change—from barren land (2003
The main issue which controls the transformation of to 2014)
agricultural lands into other land-use classes, chiefly
urban fabric and barren lands, is increase of land values The barren land transformed mainly to urban fabric
in urban core which attracts the people of low-income areas with an account of 57.33% (3.81 km2) to the total
group into outskirt. In the long run, the pressure on land master plan area of Coimbatore City Corporation, in the
increases and forces the land transformation. Figure 6 year 2003. In sum, more than 50% of the land were
clearly exhibits that conversion of land from agriculture transformed into urban area; about 30.61% of the area
were transformed into agriculture land (Fig. 4b). The
Table 3 Land-use/cover change in 2003 and 2014 increase in agricultural land, from barren land, is about
2.03 km2, predominantly happened in the edges of west,
Land use/ Area in km2 Area in % north, northeast, and eastern directions. The colossal
2003 2014 Change 2003 2014 Change
development in real-estate business paved a way to the
expansion of urban features.
Urban fabric 47.16 141.74 94.58 18.07 54.32 36.25
Vegetation 65.22 39.94 − 25.28 24.9 15.3 − 9.69 Directional analysis of land-use/cover conversion
Water bodies 1.52 1.76 0.24 0.58 0.67 0.09
Agriculture 64.75 62.86 − 1.89 24.81 24.09 − 0.72 To decipher the direction of conversion, directional
Barren land 82.24 14.6 − 67.64 31.52 5.59 − 25.992 analysis has been carried out in this study. The master
plan area of the city was divided into eight principal
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Table 4 Transformation matrix of land-use/cover change in 2003 and 2014

Land use/cover Urban fabric Vegetation Water bodies Agriculture Barren land

Area in %
Urban fabric 87.5632 2.5419 0.0802 8.7880 1.0267
Vegetation 38.4976 45.5265 0.9397 14.1862 0.8500
Water bodies 16.9522 25.5759 55.3455 2.1264
Agriculture 43.1280 7.0416 0.1585 37.4583 12.2136
Barren land 57.3347 4.9846 0.1992 30.6125 6.8690
Area in km2
Urban fabric 82.8173 2.4041 0.0759 8.3117 0.9711
Vegetation − 9.7322 − 11.5091 − 0.2376 − 3.5863 − 0.2149
Water bodies 0.0407 0.0614 0.1328 0.0051 0.0000
Agriculture − 0.8151 − 0.1331 − 0.0030 − 0.7080 − 0.2308
Barren land − 38.7812 − 3.3716 − 0.1347 − 20.7063 − 4.6462
No change

The bold values depict the landuse change.

cardinal directions from the origin point. The intensity Built-up (urban fabric)
of transformation of land-use/cover change with respect
to directions was analyzed and presented in Table 5 and In Fig. 6, the land transformation with respect to direc-
portrayed in Fig. 5. tions was analyzed. The degree of transformation is very

Fig. 4 Land-use/cover transformation from a vegetation and water bodies and b agriculture and barren land
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Table 5 Land-use/cover change with respect to direction from the city center in 2003 and 2014

Land use/cover Year Direction

North North-east East South-east South South-west West North-west

Urban fabric 2003 12.00 13.95 5.73 1.56 5.18 1.05 2.58 5.18
2014 27.59 43.03 19.13 6.18 14.33 5.41 7.51 20.15
Change 2003–2014 15.59 29.08 13.39 4.63 9.15 4.35 4.93 14.96
Vegetation 2003 8.91 10.11 13.15 6.60 2.83 7.13 7.25 9.19
2014 4.45 6.01 7.61 4.70 2.14 5.28 4.21 5.00
Change 2003–2014 − 4.46 − 4.10 − 5.54 − 1.89 − 0.69 − 1.85 − 3.04 − 4.19
Water bodies 2003 0.08 0.05 0.80 0.02 0.37 0.05 0.07 0.05
2014 0.05 0.05 0.53 0.01 0.40 0.38 0.27 0.05
Change 2003–2014 − 0.02 0.00 − 0.27 − 0.01 0.03 0.33 0.21 0.00
Agriculture 2003 10.00 17.76 5.58 3.19 12.74 8.20 2.84 3.59
2014 16.67 17.34 2.84 2.49 6.61 4.61 5.14 6.55
Change 2003–2014 6.67 − 0.42 − 2.74 − 0.70 − 6.14 − 3.59 2.30 2.96
Barren land 2003 18.61 27.58 6.54 2.64 4.52 2.71 5.06 15.06
2014 0.84 3.01 1.70 0.62 2.17 3.47 0.66 1.32
Change 2003–2014 − 17.77 − 24.57 − 4.85 − 2.02 − 2.35 0.75 − 4.40 − 13.74

Fig. 5 Land-use/cover with respect to direction for the year a 2003 and b 2014
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Fig. 6 Land-use/cover change with respect to direction for the years 2003 and 2014

high in north-eastern, northern, and eastern parts. In north- construction of individual and apartment buildings are
eastern part, the area of urban feature increased from act as catalyst for urban expansion.
13.95 km2 in 2003 to 43.03 km2, which accounts about
an area of 29.08 km2. The ratio of transformation of urban Agriculture
feature is decreasing from north to south and from north-
west to south. The factor influencing the city growth in Agricultural lands were mainly transformed into built-
aforementioned direction is primarily due to the existence up area during the period of investigation. In general, the
of National Highway 67, 209, and 47. As a consequence, agricultural areas were decreased from the year 2003 to
the town has been stretched from the city center towards 2014. On the other hand, north, north-west, and west
north-eastern, northern, and eastern directions. directions show positive change (Fig. 6). About 6.67-
km2 area was turned into agricultural lands, which was
10 km2 in 2003 and 16.67 in 2014. The agricultural
Vegetation lands were lost about 6.14 km2 (south), 2.74 km2 (east),
3.59 km2 (south-west), and 2.74 km2 (west). Slight
In the study area, vegetation cover is found in east, extent of area has been altered from agricultural land
south-east, south-west, and west and north-west direc- in north-east and south-east.
tions (Fig. 6). About 5.54-km2 area of vegetation was
lost in eastern direction. Next to eastern part, the degree Barren land
of transformation of vegetation was taken in north
(4.46 km2) and north-east (4.10) directions. Develop- The degree of transformation observed in barren land cate-
ment in real-estate business, private township, and gory is relatively high with other land-use/cover classes.
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Fig. 7 Concentric circle buffer zone map from the city center for a 2003 and b 2014

In the investigation period, this land-use category was most- the center. Its areal extent dropped from 85.32 to
ly affected by anthropogenic activities. Barren land was 22.28%, within 5-km buffer zone, and fell down to
primarily considered for the transformation into urban fea- 10.46% within 5–8.5-km buffer, afterwards almost
tures. Mainly, the shrinkage of barren land area is found in fixed with a lower percentage away from 8.5-km
north and north-east. Nearly, in all the directions, barren land buffer area. The area percentage of vegetation spread-
areas were declined, except south-west (Fig. 6). ing is about 4.76% within 0.5 km, increased to 45.7%
from 18.53, within 1–4.5-km buffer zone. Then, its
Land-use change with respect to distance from the city percentage decreases from 36.23 to 9.65% with in-
center creasing distance from 5- to 11-km buffer area. Water
body area percentage was very negligible and is found
Buffer analysis has been carried out to decipher the within 0.5- to 12-km buffer zone.
amount of land transformation to outwards from the city Less than 15.85% of agricultural land area percentage
center. From the city center, around 31 concentric circles were observed with 0.5–4.5-km buffer. Its areal coverage
with intervals of 500-m distance were created using percentage was gradually increased from 26.1 to 52.23%,
multiple ring buffer tools in GIS environment (Fig. 7). within 4.5–14-km segment. Beyond 6-km buffer area, the
These concentric zones were intersected with land-use barren land became the predominant type of land cover,
maps of 2003 and 2014. Afterwards, areal coverage, in with an average of 46.53% in each buffer region.
percentage, of each land-use/cover type in each zone is In 2014, the proportion of urban area increased prom-
computed and presented. inently, with an average of 50.97% against 20.70% in
Figure 8 reveals the differences in area percentages 2003. As a general rule, areal distribution of urban fea-
of urban fabric with distance. In 2003, the urban tures has decreases with increasing in distance. However,
features were highly distributed within 3.5 km from the degree of decreasing rate is much slower than in 2003.
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:445 Page 13 of 14 445

Fig. 8 Land-use/cover change with respect to distance from the city center for the years 2003 and 2014

Conclusion Remote sensing-based data and GIS technologies were

extensively applied in the study. The land-use/cover
This study implemented a combined approach of multi- transformation, in Coimbatore City Corporation, is ac-
temporal remote sensing image interpretation and GIS companied by economic growth and population growth.
spatial analysis to quantitatively portray the dynamics of The study concludes that urban fabrics increased from
urban growth and land-use/land cover change in Coim- 18.07% in 2003 to 54.32% in 2014 due to fast growing
batore City Corporation area, during 2003–2014.Spatial settlements. Mostly, barren lands were converted into
information on urban land-use/cover information are an urban area, about to 57.33 (38.78 km2). In last decade,
indispensible tool to better understand urban evolution, the construction of new settlements, such as individual
for sustainable management of urban land resources. houses and apartments, increased drastically. Agricul-
Information related to urban land-use/cover, rate of tural and barren lands to settlement conversion is com-
change, progress direction, and distance from the core mon everywhere. Agricultural lands and vegetation
are supporting urban planners to take better decision. covers cleared and dedicated to the economic activities.
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