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Every cloud has a silver lining

The bus had started to move. I was watching a terrified film on Netflix (my cellphone) when my
best friend called me. I, obviously, sighed deeply trying to not get angry. I answered her making my
worst face. Beforehand taking the bus, I had finished to sign all the documents my boss wanted to
with lot of patient and at that time, I needed to take a rest.
“Are you okay?” she asked me. I immediately realized her question had been inconsistent, on the
face of it, I hanged up the phone and continue with my film marathon.
The phone ringed again and stopped my film. I felt angry about everything that was happening, so I
decided to turn off my phone and go to sleep.
To my surprise, it was impossible. Even today I continue asking myself the reason. I saw her
concern and weird empathy on the WhatsApp messages she sent.
“OK. The best is to call her and apologize for avoiding her attempts of keeping in touch with me” I
repeated to myself.
I pressed the digits of Marianne´s phone number on the mobile display and expected.
As soon as the phone began to vibrate, the abrupt movements of the bus revealed the driver was
doing maneuvers trying to keep the vehicle in the lane. Somebody started to pray and scream, too.
I felt like my life was falling apart when the bus rolled over. Lots of windows broke into many
pieces. I listened cries for help when everything stopped finally.
Immediately I called Marianne so that she would call the police because to my disappointment I
hadn´t never memorize their number.
At the end of this experience: after knowing four people had passed. The sudden cellphone from
Marianne caused I kept an eye out and survived. My cloud (“the annoying Marianne) definitely had
a silver lining!
Thanks Marianne.

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